Radiant Era

Chapter 252: Unanswerable doubts


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In the suburbs, by the river, there is a deserted path. www. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. cOm After walking a few miles along this trail covered by dark woods, you can see the soothing and quiet figure of the Lanxin River, a tributary of the Seine River. Under the starlight in the sky, the light blue water of Lanxin River glowed with a charming dim light.

Several ancient banyan trees by the river have countless aerial roots hanging down, and dense vines are wrapped around the aerial roots, creating a large space between these ancient and huge banyan trees. A well-hidden small wooden building stands between these banyan trees. The house and the banyan trees are almost integrated into one, making it difficult for even the most elite scouts to detect this small building.

This forest belongs to a certain viscount who is gaining power in the imperial capital. It is the private property of his family, so few people come close to it on weekdays. Occasionally, some nobles who were friends with the viscount would have picnics and outings in the woods, but no one would ever come to such a remote place.

So this place has always been very secluded, very private, and naturally very safe. Even the palace guards, who had many eyes and ears, did not notice this.

The wooden building, which was usually deserted, was now lit with lights. The furnishings in the wooden building are extremely simple, with a huge throne in the middle and dozens of neatly placed high-backed wooden chairs on both sides. The walls of the wooden building are decorated with specimens made of beast heads, which look like... A very ordinary place for picnics and gatherings.

But the person who appears here today is anything but ordinary. The one sitting high on the throne in the middle is the eldest prince of the Gallic Empire. He achieved great fame at the end of the Hundred Years of Continental and Island War and was known as the Iron Wall of the Empire. of Thuram.

He is tall, with a rough face covered with messy beard residue. Two strong chewing muscles protrude from the corners of his mouth to the back of his head, like two small snakes lurking under his skin. With his high nose bridge, The deep golden eyes, all of which give Thuram a breathtaking charm.

It's like a crouching lion, containing tyrannical power like a volcanic eruption.

With his right hand holding his chin, Thuram leaned on the armrest of the throne and looked coldly at the dozen men sitting in the wooden building who were wearing simple black cloth robes and whose manners were magnanimous and graceful, clearly showing great status.

"It's a mess, it's a complete mess!" After a long time, Thuram snorted deeply.

Glancing sideways at his son standing next to him, Thuram shouted in a low voice: "Maris!"

Maris lowered his head and turned to Thuram's side, carefully bending down. Then Thuram slapped Maris in the face unceremoniously, sending him flying far away and hitting his head against the wall of the wooden house.

"Trash, you did such a small thing like this! This is the last time I will tolerate you making mistakes. If you don't do it well again, I will replace you with your brother!" Thuram roared in a low voice: "I have several Son, I don’t have to worry about no one inheriting my bloodline and status! If you can’t do it well, then replace me! Do you understand?”

Maris stood up timidly and bowed deeply to Thuram.

Thuram glanced at Maris with disgust and shook his head gently. With a cold snort, Thuram looked at the men in black robes: "What do you think? Maris has lost to that little brat Latus twice in a row. What do you think of this?"...,

An old man with white hair and beard stood up. He smiled and nodded gently to Thuram: "A child's gambling is just a game, winning or losing is nothing. But there are two things Things are noteworthy and that’s what matters.”

Thuram nodded and raised his hand to the old man to signal him to continue.

The old man touched his beard, squinted and said: "The first thing is that His Highness Latus actually has a spokesperson at the Army Academy. Does the third prince want to put people in the army? That Enzo, and the people around him , and all the members of the Iron Fist Group this time, His Highness needs to find a way to clean them out as soon as possible."

With a pursed smile, the old man looked at Thuram: "I must admit that the reason why His Highness has the advantage is because you have the support of the army. As long as Your Majesty does not express his position, the army is your greatest support. No matter which royal family If a member wants to take action against the army, Your Highness must deal with it as soon as possible."

Thuram sneered, looked at the old man and asked: "What about the second point?"

The old man frowned and looked at Thuram with a little embarrassment: "The second bet between the two young highnesses, His Highness Latus's mother actually used her dowry to help His Highness Latus. We must be wary of the Haran Empire. Will you help the third prince? This is your greatest weakness, Your Highness. You are outside the empire and have no one to support you!"

Thuram's face turned ugly. He narrowed his eyes and snorted heavily: "I don't need any support from outside the empire. If the Haran Empire dares to interfere in our affairs, then they are asking for trouble. "

After laughing arrogantly, Thuram snorted coldly: "However, if the Haran Empire really intends to interfere in the internal affairs of the empire, it will be a trouble. Tell me, how can I make my restless third brother lose his Where is this assistance?”

Maris raised his head suddenly: "Isn't that easy? Send Latus's mother to meet the gods!"

Thuram slapped him with his backhand and knocked Maris away. He yelled angrily: "Idiot, kill his mother, he will still be the grandson of the Emperor of the Haran Empire. As long as you have the intention to intervene, what can you do to stop it by killing a woman?"

Staring at Maris angrily, Thuram said coldly: "That's enough, don't get involved here anymore, get out and ask that soft-ass loser Bichus who the person he sent to help you is." What kind of trash did you run away halfway? Bichus will give you an explanation. Check out his words to see what’s going on."

Maris didn't dare to say anything nonsense, and hurriedly ran towards the door of the small building with his face covered.

Thuram stopped him again. He pondered for a moment, called Maris back to his side, and gave him a few more careful instructions.

"No matter what, your two losses to Latus are too ugly. Your grandfather will not ignore this matter! If you still want to be qualified to take over the throne, find a way to defeat Latus! This For once, I won’t help you. It all depends on what you do! However, I can give you a suggestion. If you can’t touch Latus directly, then start with his henchmen! Kill all the people he has recently recruited. !”

After a few cruel laughs, Thuram said in a dark voice: "If he can't even protect his own subordinates, what qualifications does he have to fight you?"

Maris hurriedly saluted Thuram and then ran out of the wooden building in large strides.

Thuram snorted coldly, glanced sideways at Maris's back, and slowly leaned his body against the throne.

"This trash, I have always suspected that he is not my son!" Thuram spread his hands and smiled helplessly at everyone in the wooden building: "Ever since I found out that his mother was having an affair with an outsider, I killed that bitch. Woman. What a pity. If not for this, would I be able to get the support of the Caesar Empire now?”…,

After laughing secretly for a few times, Thuram waved his hand vigorously: "Fuck Caesar's Empire! A bitch, and a stupid son who is probably not of my blood! Anyway, I have many children, and I don't owe him one. , let him run around and be embarrassed outside! The uglier he behaves, the less wary some people will be of me, which is a good thing, Haosen, what do you think? "

The contemporary member of the Pavel family, Imperial Viscount and Imperial Major General Haosen stood up with a smile: "What His Highness said is extremely reasonable. However, in this actual combat exercise, my useless child is really embarrassed. Please be careful, Your Highness!" "

Thuram sighed heavily, narrowed his eyes and waved his hands vigorously.

After a long time, Thuram spoke again: "Haolin is very good, House is a little lacking, but if he polishes it well, he will be a good player. Let them study hard at the Army Academy for a year, and then Send them to the Southern Army Corps to train for a few years.”

Haosen smiled and nodded.

Thuram looked at the white-haired old man who had just stood up. After a long time, he smiled weakly.

"You should have noticed that Maris challenged Latus one after another, but lost to Latus one after another, and even lost several mineral veins under my name. This is what I did intentionally. Take this For this actual combat exercise, I originally wanted them to lose!"

Glancing at Hausen who was suddenly startled, Thuram nodded slowly: "Yes, Hausen, I intentionally let Maris lose. So in my plan, the team formed by your son is impossible. Win the final victory! But I am ready to compensate House, and I have arranged everything for him in the Southern Army."

Howson bowed deeply to Thuram, and then he looked at Thuram in confusion.

The white-haired old man also frowned: "Your Highness, then things are very strange. Since you intend to let them lose, why..."

Thuram's expression was strange, and he laughed gloomily: "Now everyone suspects that I mobilized the Viper to help Maris? However, I did not mobilize the Viper, and I did not order the Viper to send people. Practice battlefield!”

The expressions of everyone in the wooden building became extremely strange for a moment, and they all looked at Thuram in horror.

With a bitter smile, Thuram slapped his forehead heavily: "Count Bird is my right-hand man. With him sitting in the military headquarters, I can safely control the army outside. But this time because of the Viper incident, Bird was The guards arrested me, and I guess there won’t be any good consequences... One of my arms was chopped off, but I still don’t know who did it?”

Thuram's voice became extremely eerie and eerie.

"What scares me even more is, who bypassed me and mobilized the Viper? Who did it?"

"Sixty Viper elites went to kill a few young people, but they were all wiped out by those little rookies. Do you believe it?"

"Who is it?" )