Radiant Era

Chapter 255: Arthur's sorrow


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There is a narrow alley between two bank buildings in Golden Lily Plaza. The dark alley is filled with a darkness as rich as paint. WWw,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,comThe evil, gloomy, cold, but full of alluring darkness completely fits the description of a series of evil negative existences such as demons, hell, corruption, original sin, etc. in all the scriptures of the church.

A three-foot-long big black cat was suspended in the air, its limbs stretched straight out in all directions, and a slender little hand was gently stroking its neck. With every stroke, a large piece of black hair was pulled off the big black cat's neck. The small hands gently pulled the cat's hair. The big black cat was twitching in pain, but could not move.

"What a cute kitten!" A soft, sweet and alluring voice came from the darkness: "Especially these two eyes, they are so beautiful and cute! I really want to dig out these two eyes and make them into A pair of earrings should be very beautiful, right?”

With a chuckle, the big black cat's tail suddenly broke off at the root. The black cat howled in pain, but its scream was blocked in its throat and it couldn't make any sound at all. The delicate, white, flawless little hand slowly stroked the big black cat's body, and slowly tore off a long strip of fur from its body.

Blood seeped out from the big black cat's body and slowly turned into blood beads floating around. The black hair was shaking all over in pain, but it couldn't make any sound and couldn't pass out. It could only let this happen. A small hand uses the cruelest means to deal with it.

"What a cute kitten, so cute! But why is there a soul inside your body that doesn't belong to you?"

The soft voice smiled sweetly: "Let me see who you are, okay? Oh, the pain of sex is too much for you to bear? But do you dare to escape? If you dare to escape, you will Fall into my hands! Although it is not a complete soul, if a small piece of soul fragment is swallowed by me, you will also be seriously injured, right?"

Along with the sweet and gentle laughter, the delicate little hand suddenly grew long nails. One foot long, the top is as sharp as a thin needle, and the whole body is covered with scarlet light, like the nails of a poisonous scorpion's tail hook! The sharp nails slowly stroked the big black cat's body, slowly cutting its body into pieces of meat.

The big black cat's eyes widened in pain, and two lines of blood dripped from the corners of its cracked eyes.

A vicious voice came from the mouth of the big black cat: "Evil witch, if you dare to hurt the noble servant of God, you will be punished..."

A nail pierced the big black cat's eyebrow, and the sweet voice cried out in surprise: "I caught you, idiot, you really shouldn't have said anything! Hehe, I caught you, I caught you I’ve got you, I’ve found your true form! So, you’re so close to us?”

A small piece of golden soul fragment was forcefully clawed out of the big black cat's body by the nails, and a twisted and graceful voice with a pair of huge fleshy wings gradually emerged from the darkness. She opened her small mouth, swallowed the golden soul fragment in one gulp, and then clicked her lips with great enjoyment.

"It has a very mellow taste, and the energy contained in it is so abundant! Oh, my soul is about to burn, it is so beautiful that it is indescribable! This guy is a first-generation god, damn gods, this is a half The soul of God! But damn, those first-generation gods were wiped out long ago during the Dark Calendar. Their souls should have been dispersed long ago. Why did the souls of the first-generation gods appear?"...,

"Could it be that some old immortal god woke up from his eternal sleep and left descendants in the world? That's really shameless. They are so old that they can still attack those cute little human girls. , It’s really… so shameless!”

"The first generation of gods? The soul of a demigod?" A cold voice suddenly came from the darkness, and a faint blue figure was so dazzling in the darkness. Even the deepest darkness cannot conceal this figure that is as sharp as a sword and colder than black ice.

"Dear Sir, you must not doubt the memories inherited from our bloodline. It is absolutely unmistakable. They are the souls of those first-generation descendants of gods, those demigod heroes!" The sweet voice became colder and less PS: "In the history of destruction, Era, in the Dark Calendar Era, when the Western Continent was still in the primitive tribal period, and in the long years that later developed into the city-state era, tens of thousands of large-scale wars broke out between our ancestors and these damn demigods."

He sneered a few times, and the cold and biting voice became sweet again: "Hurry up and hunt them down. I can sense that this demigod's power is very weak. It seems that he is not strong enough to exert all his power now." come out!"

"Then, very good!" The blue figure said calmly: "You stay to protect the young master, and I will go and have a talk with that so-called demigod! Where is he, please pass me his coordinates!"

The slender figure stretched out its sharp nails and tapped the brow of the blue figure gently, cautiously, cautiously, with great fear and vigilance. Then, as if she had touched some extremely terrifying poisonous snake, she retracted her hand as quickly as possible, then turned into a black smoke and disappeared into the darkness.

The big black cat disintegrated silently, turning into a piece of decaying dust that fell to the ground.

The blue figure suddenly flew up, turning into a hair-thin blue light and flying through the sky outside the city. This cold light was extremely thin, extremely dim, and flew extremely fast. No one in the entire imperial capital noticed his whereabouts. Flying in the air is something that can only be done reluctantly and in a short period of time when one has reached the peak of his strength, but he can easily control the air and fly dozens of miles in an instant.

Outside the city, in the small building where Rijie had appeared, a beautiful girl with long hair was tightly hugging a baby whose seven orifices were constantly spurting out light golden blood. Arthur stood in front of them blankly, terrified and not knowing what to do.

The baby, who was white and tender and seemed to be made of tofu, quickly shriveled up and shriveled up. He kept vomiting blood, and a large amount of blood continued to flow out of his seven orifices. The blood flowing out of his body soon exceeded the amount of blood that ten adult men should have, but the pale golden blood was still spurting out of his body. I really didn't know how much blood was in his body.

Vomiting blood, spitting blood, and coughing violently, the baby was extremely uncomfortable and clutched the sleeves of the pale girl, making strange noises in his throat. He seemed to want to say something, but his small mouth kept spurting out large clumps of blood, and he couldn't speak at all.

"Oh my god!" Arthur finally spoke: "What happened? Yin, what's wrong with the child? Do I need to call a doctor?"

Arthur was heartbroken and frightened. The failure of the actual combat drill made Arthur completely understand the powerful force around Lin Qi, and even more so, he understood the terrifying potential power possessed by the Black Tiger family. After he escaped back to the Imperial Capital, he first returned to his secret lair to sort out his thoughts and give himself a good boost. Then he mobilized the power of the Punishment Knights of the Holy Glory Cathedral and ordered them to prepare for the next action. …,

Then he came to this absolutely secret building to visit his most beloved little beauty and his only bloodline.

This woman named Yin was accidentally met by Arthur in Dunerq. At that time, Yin was just a poor dancer in a wandering dance troupe. Arthur was attracted by her peerless beauty at a glance and fell in love with her uncontrollably. Got her.

After some lingering, Arthur and she soon had their own love affair. For safety, for absolute safety, Arthur made great efforts to send Yin to live in seclusion near the imperial capital. It is quiet and safe here, surrounded by gentlemen from the upper class of the imperial capital, far away from the sphere of influence of the Black Tiger family.

Not long after, Arthur and Yin had this lovely child—a lovely child with the same gorgeous purple eyes as Arthur.

This child filled Arthur with a sense of responsibility. He worked harder and worked harder outside. That's why he took the initiative to surrender when Jie came to him for the first time, and then followed Jie's orders to deliberately approach Elham and others. In the end, he followed the command of the monks and joined the bhikkhu army. He even took part in the actual combat drills of the Army Academy with the knowledge left by his father in his hometown.

For Yinhe, this child, Arthur fights outside at all costs!

He wants to establish his own power, he wants to become a master, he wants to take over everything in the Black Tiger family, he wants to make Yin, the only woman he loves and loves the most, the happiest and noblest woman in the world, and he wants to make this woman the happiest and noblest woman in the world. The child with a pair of beautiful purple eyes like him became the most noble prince in the world.

But just when Arthur was defeated and came to this comfort zone to find spiritual comfort, he just walked into the door of the living room and saw his only child suddenly spurting blood from all his orifices, and it was like a fountain. Blood spurted out continuously, and gradually a large pool of pale golden blood accumulated on the ground.

Arthur had killed people before, and he knew clearly that the blood spurted out by this child had exceeded the total blood volume of ten adults, but he kept spitting out blood! Especially his blood was light golden, Arthur had never seen such blood before.

But the woman he loved most, that beautiful, gentle and considerate voice, was sitting there like a statue, just frowning slightly and holding the bleeding child, and didn't even say a word to his question. Word.

"Yin! What happened? What happened to the child?" Arthur screamed in horror.

Yin, who had always been extremely gentle and considerate to Arthur, finally slowly raised her head. She frowned, and with an indifferent wave of her hand, Arthur stood stiffly in place, unable to make any more noise.

"Foolish, fallen mortal, shut your mouth."

Arthur's heart suddenly sank into the infinite abyss. He looked at Yin's cold, aloof and beautiful face in horror, as if he had met her for the first time in his life. The appearance remains unchanged, but the inside of Yin has completely changed. . )