Radiant Era

Chapter 263: The tragedy of Gosha


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The notebook is quite old, but very new. WwW、QuanBen-XiaoShuo、cOm

It's very old, which means its shell is very old and the leather cover is a little greasy to the touch. It's at least hundreds of years old. But it is said to be very new because the papers inside are much newer than the outer shell. The first few papers are probably only a few decades old.

These papers are not pieces of paper in the ordinary sense, but are made of lambskin soaked in a secret potion. They are extremely thin and extremely tough at the same time. But two palm-thick notebooks contain at least a thousand sheets of thin and tough parchment.

Opening the first page of the notebook, there were words written in bright red fonts that made Lin Qi shudder.

Today, I killed that old guy! Although he adopted me, he killed three of my brothers and killed my sister. Damn the old guy, may his soul be tortured by the demons of hell forever and never be able to escape. From today on, I, Ge Lasha, am the only descendant of the lineage of Master Charkin, the Enlightenment of the Gods.

From the second page to the following pages, there are records of what Master Kecha ate today, who he killed today, and so on. At first, he would record one record a day, but later, it would often take him several months to write down a record casually, such as "Today's ham slices are moldy and I need to find some fresh food tomorrow."

Obviously, Master Kecha at that time should probably be called his real name, Master Gesha. He was already a complete secret medicine maniac at that time. He was already very poor in taking care of himself in personal life. It is difficult to imagine what he lived at that time. What kind of day is it.

Go through some journals. Finally, a more important record appeared.

Today I changed my residence and left the Black Mist Mountains. I moved to a small branch of the Abyss Mountains on the border of the Caesar Empire to live in seclusion. Some men in black robes appeared near the Black Mist Mountains. Although they were not wearing badges, I could smell the blood of the Church Inquisition on them from a hundred miles away. Ge Lasha, remember one thing, you are a person inspired by the gods!

A few more records with little nutrition passed by. The following records suddenly lifted Lin Qi's spirits.

May all the damn gods go to hell. All the medicinal materials left by the old guy have been used up. Where can I find enough experimental medicinal materials in this damn place? Gold coins, gold coins, I need gold coins to buy medicinal materials. But where are the gold coins

There are no medicinal materials. My experiments came to a standstill. I have to go out and find enough raw materials. Or buy it with gold coins, or I can consider robbing? A bottle of black plague potion can kill everyone in ten cities within three days, but there is a problem. How do I know if there is anything I need in these cities

Surprise, what did I discover today? The corpse of an ancient dragon! And it is the body of the most powerful black dragon among the ancient dragons. It's a pity that its body has decayed, and only its dragon head remains intact because it is entangled in the resentment of death. . . And it’s still very fresh, very fresh, just like it was just chopped!

That's right, I found it, the divine prescription created by the great Master Chalkin of the Gods - Dragon Power Potion! Extract the life essence of the dragon. By using the secret medicine to merge with me, I can have the power and power as powerful as an ancient dragon!

Okay, I'll do it! The ancient dragon not only has great power, but also has a long life. Maybe I can truly create gods? Give me the ancient giant dragon a long life, and I will definitely be able to do it, because I am Gesha! He was an experimental subject whose talent was so good that the old guy was reluctant to kill him! …,

Lin Qi took a deep breath. There is actually the corpse of an ancient dragon in the branches of the Abyss Mountains? What a lucky Master Goramsha.

After turning back a dozen pages, the handwriting here suddenly became extremely messy.

Not making enough raw materials, not having enough raw materials, damn it! There isn't enough to eat. Not enough to drink! This faucet is tempting me crazily, but I can't make it into a potion! Master Chalkin's prescription was placed in front of me. But I can't do it, I can't do it! I'm dying of hunger, I'm dying of thirst, and I smell the stink of the offal from the Church Inquisition again!

Fortunately, today I rescued a prince who fell from his mad horse. I rescued him and he gave me a generous reward. He promised to worship me and provide me with all the raw materials and gold coins I need! Well, after wandering around for so many years, I should settle down and do some research! I haven’t even read through the notes left by the old guy!

Then, the record suddenly turned scarlet, obviously how angry Gosha was when he wrote these records.

I'm betrayed! The potion I used to save that prince was a half-finished rebirth potion refined by the old guy! He actually recognized this bottle of potion, and he betrayed me to the church! Damn it, I was betrayed! A total of three hundred and sixty disciplinary knights are chasing me!

Today I killed twenty-four disciplinary knights. I also went to the capital where the prince was and poured black plague potion into their well water!

That country was in ruins, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief! There are still more than a hundred disciplinary knights chasing me, but there are also a group of tribunal priests, which is really a headache! But I'm used to chasing them, it's so fun, it's so fun to watch them wail and die miserably under my magical potion!

For ten years, I have been on the run from being hunted for ten years. I have traveled almost all over the Western Continent, but the people sent by the church are getting stronger and stronger! In order to prepare the dragon power potion, I still lack a lot of things. I am going to the Black Spirit Continent, where the power of the church is very weak, and where various magical medicines with attributes consistent with the ancient black dragon are produced!

I'm screwed, it's the legendary Holy Realm that's actually hunting me down! The Divine Flame of Punishment has completely destroyed my body, and I'm going to be finished! I’m really unwilling! Really unwilling! With my dragon power potion, I could have become the creator of gods! But don’t even think about feeling comfortable with that guy. The Ten Thousand Curses Potion prepared by the old guy will make even a demigod fall!

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Qi's forehead. The church actually sent a holy realm to hunt down Gelancha, but he was not killed on the spot. This guy's vitality was really comparable to the most annoying cockroach in the dormitory. .

The subsequent records are very fragmentary. Generally speaking, the extremely tenacious Gesha drifted in the sea along the current for three months, and then drifted to the Black Spirit Continent. There he was rescued by a kind-hearted black spirit woman. Relying on the secret medicine left by the old guy, he finally saved his body that was about to turn into ashes from the edge of collapse.

After wandering around the Black Spirit Continent for more than ten years and collecting some precious medicinal materials, Gesha took the Black Spirit woman back to the Western Continent.

However, the church's fatwa against him has always existed. As soon as he showed up, he was surrounded by a group of wolf-like disciplinary knights and adjudication priests. After a fierce battle, the black spirit woman who had married Gesha and their children were captured. Sent to the stake, the severely wounded Gesha fled in panic again.

In the end, Gosha destroyed his appearance and reappeared as an ordinary pharmacist. He gradually became famous in another identity. After decades of wandering, he finally became famous because he used a bottle of powerful medicine he refined himself. The potion of life revived a king whose internal organs were shattered by monsters, and was appreciated by the current emperor of the Gallic Empire, who was invited to be worshiped in the Master's Tower. …,

The Master Tower of the Gallic Empire should be able to accommodate me for a while! Borrowing the power of the strongest empire in the mainland, I will definitely be able to prepare the dragon power potion! When I have the power of the ancient dragon, I will definitely be able to break through to the holy realm! My love, my children, I will bring you back to life! Because I could even create gods at that time, why can’t I resurrect you

Lin Qi found his name in the later records.

The first few waiters are really useless, they can't even withstand a bottle of potion to strengthen their bodies! If you die, just die!

This Lin Qi is good, he has a bit of fighting spirit, and his body has been tempered to a certain extent. I forced him to drink several bottles of secret elixir for tempering sex, and he carried them all! It seems that he is qualified to be my drug tester!

Today, I made him take the most important magic tiger potion to strengthen his body! As long as his body's comprehensive strength increases tenfold, he can definitely withstand the powerful power of Dragon Power Potion! As long as I can get three thousand moonflowers to stabilize the backlash of the dragon power potion, I should be able to succeed!

He is back, Xiao Linqi is back! His a** seems to be getting stronger, which is a good thing! This way I can confirm whether the Dragon Power Potion is really successful! This faucet can only be used to prepare two bottles of dragon power potion, so be careful! He sent three thousand moonflower grasses, moonflower grasses of the highest quality! After nearly a hundred years of hard work, I was finally able to prepare the dragon power potion! As long as he is okay after taking it, I will definitely succeed, because my body is so much stronger than his!

The potion was successful, two bottles of dragon power potion!

The effect of moonflower grass is very good. Three thousand moonflower grass can reduce the probability of backlash of Dragon Power Potion by three times. As long as Lin Qi can succeed, I can succeed! Today is a good day. I want to eat and drink well and refresh myself before calling him over!

There will be no problem with everything, all the raw materials have been carefully inspected by me, and there are no impurities at all! This little guy Lin Qi is actually pretty good. He didn't make any mistakes with the three thousand moonflower grasses! You know, if there is a little impurity, the performance of Longli Potion will not be stable, but will double the probability of backlash! But he did a great job and there was nothing wrong with those moonflowers!

Seeing this, Lin Qi slowly closed his notebook. He looked at Gesha's body with pity and sighed happily.

Yes, he did really well. Fortunately, he mixed in thirty moonlight grasses!

Poor Gesha, in fact, you are only thirty moonlight grasses away from success! . )