Radiant Era

Chapter 264: A means of destroying corpses and eradicating traces


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Weighing the notebook in his hand, Lin Qi opened his mouth and spat out a small pillar of fire, burning the notebook into a ball of ashes. WWw. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. Com

It is recorded here that Gesha has successfully prepared the dragon power potion, and also records that he wants to use Lin Qi to experiment with the potion. If this notebook is obtained by others, Lin Qi will be in big trouble - why is Gesha dead and Lin Qi alive? Has Lin Qi absorbed all the power of the Dragon Power Potion

Thinking of the situation where he was being chased by some people with ulterior motives all over the world, Lin Qi began to sweat on his forehead.

After destroying the notebook, Lin Qi glanced at the dragon head that had all the essence sucked away but still exuded huge pressure, and couldn't help but sigh. How much is an ancient black dragon's head worth? But all the essence has been drained away, and the faucet is of no use.

Looking at Ge Lasha lying on the ground, Lin Qi felt full of luck.

Fortunately, in the past three years, he has become a habit of adulterating the medicinal materials he provided to Gesha. Otherwise, if Lin Qi had honestly provided Gesha with three thousand moonflower grass, then Gesha would Maybe he has successfully absorbed the dragon power potion. His success meant Lin Qi's death. He would definitely drain Lin Qi's blood and drain all the dragon power essence from his body as he said.

According to Lin Qi's feeling after drinking the Dragon Power Potion, the backlash of these two bottles of Dragon Power Potion was simply unbelievable. It was obviously because impurities were mixed into the moonflower grass, which increased the backlash of the Dragon Power Potion. double!

Lin Qi had divine protection and was lucky enough to survive. But Ge Lasha just tempered his body through secret medicine. This old monster, who was more than a hundred years old, finally died tragically under the medicine he prepared, and all the dragon power essence was cheaper for Lin Qi.

After rummaging through Gosha's body for a while, Lin Qi found nothing of value.

Frowning and walking around the laboratory, Lin Qi took in all the finished and semi-finished medicines on the medicine shelves in the laboratory, as well as the experiences and flashes of insight that Ge Cha had written about preparing medicines. Space ring. He put the ring on his other toe and put a drop of blood on it. He injected a burst of his spiritual power into the ring.

Endure the pain. Lin Qi silently controlled the ring to shrink gently, and gradually the ring turned into an extremely thin thread, hidden under the skin of his toes. Lin Qi breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what others thought, Lin Qi felt that it was safest to wear these spatial instruments on his feet. He would not wear the space ring openly on his hand like Enzo and Yu Lian.

This should be the caution Blackbeard inherited from Lin Qi, right

After hiding the ring, Lin Qi looked at the three thin and faint line marks on his ankle and toes, and thought about it for a while. He gritted his teeth, took out a bottle of slightly corrosive potion, and applied a thin layer on both of his feet.

This potion will make the skin of Lin Qi's feet darker than his skin color. Even if Lin Qi puts his left foot in front of him, he can't see the three very fine marks on his feet. He smiled with satisfaction and patted his feet vigorously.

These treasures are obviously shameful. Not to mention that Lin Qi's entire net worth is stored in them, but if the prescriptions and notes of Gesha are known to others, Lin Qi will be hunted down all over the world as a remnant of the gods. Think about your own life. Lin Qi must be careful and careful, cautious and cautious. …,

After sweeping away all the valuable things in the laboratory, Lin Qi also hid the dragon head in the space ring. He took off the gorgeous robes inspired by the gods from Ge Sha's body, carefully hid the robes in a small box and stuffed it into the corner of the space ring, and then he took a look The corpse of Gosha sighed deeply.

"Your soul...go to the devil and stay with the old guy in your notes. Never go to the legendary land of the gods. That's where I can go after I die."

Lin Qi closed his eyes. He quietly felt the active and burning breath around him. There seemed to be a ferocious and ferocious beast flashing past his eyes. His fingers pinched together and slowly formed a An odd gesture.

A low, inhuman roar came from the gaps between Lin Qi's teeth. Just three or five extremely simple syllables caused violent vibrations in the surrounding air. The active, hot breath happily penetrated Lin Qi's skin into his body. It quickly followed his meridians and then rushed into Lin Qi's heart. After vibrating violently three times in his heart, it re-condensed into an inexplicable energy and rushed along the meridians of his arms. out.

On the fingerprints formed by Lin Qi's ten fingers, a red fireball the size of a fist suddenly appeared.

The fireball floated quietly in front of Lin Qi, its faint red light shining on the entire laboratory, and the terrifying high temperature distorted the surrounding air. Lin Qi looked at this small fireball with great joy. This was the small fireball that Ge Hesha almost killed Lin Qi several times, but the one in front of him seemed to be more inexplicable than the fire balls that Ge Hesha had emitted. breath.

After staring at this little fireball for a long time, Lin Qi finally understood that this inexplicable breath is called life!

The fireball shot by Ge Lasha was a dead object, but the fireball condensed by Lin Qi had the breath of life.

"This is why you tried every possible means to absorb the dragon power essence!" Lin Qi nodded with satisfaction: "Being able to die under this fireball is more or less your dream come true! I'm serious, your soul will go to you Go to hell with the devil, and don't compete with me for territory, otherwise I'll be embarrassed to see you in the future? I fooled your gold coins and indirectly killed you, I'm really sorry!"

Rubbing her nose, Lin Qi sighed with emotion: "But you don't have any good intentions towards me either! Just when you met me the first time, you gave me a bottle of secret medicine, which was to increase the intensity of sexual intercourse. Right? You almost tortured me to death the next few times! And with that magic tiger potion, you basically treated me as an experimental plant to cultivate, so I killed you, and I don’t feel guilty at all!"

With a flick of his finger, the small fireball slowly flew out and landed lightly on Gesha's body.

The fire burned fiercely, and Gosha's body burned rapidly like firewood soaked in kerosene, and was burned to ashes in the blink of an eye. The fireball sent by Lin Qi was extremely hot, and Gesha's body and accumulated blood were burned cleanly, leaving no trace at all.

Lin Qi stared blankly at the place where Ge Ersha just disappeared, and was lost in thought for a while, and then he sighed resentfully.

"Look, look, why are you thinking of harming me? It's okay now, it's okay now, I'm in big trouble! One of the imperial tributes in the Master Tower suddenly disappeared, how do you want me to explain? How do you want me to Explain?"

After being stunned for a while with a grimace on his face, Lin Qi suddenly laughed.

"Explain what? No explanation is the best explanation! You masters all have secretive tempers. Who knows when you were unwilling to cooperate with the empire and ran away? Well, it's not like this kind of thing has never happened before! If you leave on your own, what does it have to do with me?”…,

Lin Qi sneered a few times and took a look at the laboratory. He plundered everything he could take away, not even a small piece of paper was left behind. Two hours later, the laboratory was as clean as if it had been licked by a dog. Lin Qi even put a dozen buckets of water from the water pipe and wiped the floor and all the furniture in the laboratory.

While working, Lin Qi discovered that his body seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes.

His heartbeat seemed stronger, his lung capacity was greater, his eyes sharper, and his reflexes quicker. This change was not quite the same as the divine transformation of his body. Lin Qi always felt that his heart seemed to be filled with a greedy predatory instinct? !

"Hell!" Lin Qi himself was shocked by this change. He didn't want to turn into a humanoid dragon. But the Dragon Power Potion has integrated with his body, and his body is gradually absorbing the huge energy contained in the Dragon Power Potion. This change is irreversible, and there is nothing he can do!

After cleaning the laboratory with a sad face, Lin Qi stood at the door of the laboratory in a daze for a while. Then he took off his shoes and socks, took out a huge tablecloth, and took out dozens of bottles of healing, detoxifying, and enhancing drugs. The high-level potion for physical fitness was packed into a package, and then he thought for a moment, took out two hundred gold coins that he took out from Gosha's desk and stuffed them into a money bag.

These gold coins are ancient and stained, and they are clearly not the style of the Gallic Empire. They should be gold coins minted by some small countries on the mainland that were destroyed in the Hundred Years of Land and Island War. These gold coins are even mixed with a certain proportion of red copper, so these gold coins are The value is not very high, but because they are treasures in the eyes of collectors, the price will be very high!

"These are the bonuses that Master Kecha suddenly gave me. Does this make sense?"

Lin Qi smiled triumphantly, and then he walked out of the laboratory and locked the door of the laboratory with the coat of arms given to him by Master Kecha.

Half an hour later, Lin Qi walked out of the logistics office of Fifth University happily.

He just ran to the logistics office and exchanged the healing potions and detoxifying potions in the dozens of bottles of high-level potions for two hundred thousand gold coins. So the news that Master Kecha rewarded Lin Qi with a batch of high-end potions and two hundred ancient gold coins soon spread throughout the Fifth University.

Well-informed people even knew that Master Kecha also rewarded Lin Qi with ten bottles of high-end potions that can enhance the strength of the body and meridians, but Lin Qi was not stupid enough to exchange these potions for gold coins. This was a potion refined by the master of secret medicine. Countless people suddenly felt envious and jealous of Lin Qi.

But there are also many smart people who are beginning to figure out the implications.

"It's so good, why did Lin Qi get the reward from Master Kecha?" )