Radiant Era

Chapter 267: Captured by the army


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Returning to the Fifth University from the headquarters of the Hermits in the Mountain in a daze, Lin Qi stuffed all the valuables in the space ring on his hand into the ring with the largest space on his foot. wwW!QuANbEn-XiAoShUo!coMHe took some scattered belongings and some swords and other things and put them into the space ring on his hand, and even his big ax was put in.

This will make it much easier for him to draw a knife and kill someone in the future. He doesn't need to put his hand into his sock to take out an ax every time.

Then he fell into a deep sleep!

Mr. Mo's words had a huge impact on Lin Qi. He was just destroying the corpse to eliminate traces and clear the suspicion. He didn't even think about attracting the great god Mr. Mo. He didn't know what kind of turmoil would be caused by the over-reaction of the Hermitage Society in Laishan, and he couldn't control that much.

Anyway, sooner or later they will find out that Master Kecha has disappeared and that the matter has nothing to do with the Lishan Hermit Society. The storm will naturally subside by then.

Because Mr. Mo's identity caused great irritation to Lin Qi, Lin Qi could not even think about who sent the falcon to monitor whom. Stretching comfortably on the bed, Lin Qi quickly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Qi got up and moved around, then drank a bottle of secret medicine that transformed bone marrow. A warm current gushes out from his belly and turns into a trickle, following the guidance of Lin Qi's fighting spirit and seeping into his spine. This is the most important bone in the body. After the transformation of the bone marrow in the spine is completed, it will have a great effect on Lin Qi's whole body.

According to the records on the prescription, after the bone marrow transformation of the spine is completed, the reaction speed of the meridians connected to the spine will be greatly improved, and Lin Qi's agility and reaction speed will be at least doubled. However, the bone marrow absorbs drugs very slowly. After all, bone marrow is such a fragile thing. Drugs that are too strong will not transform the bone marrow, but directly destroy it.

The transformation of the spine will probably be completed within a month, and within this month, Lin Qi needs to replenish a lot of energy.

Lin Qi happily carried a large bag of gold coins and slipped out of the Fifth University and skipped to Nancheng Business District. He recruited the small boss in the core area of Nancheng's business district. Lucky Wood, who had chopped off the cripple's head with a knife that day, threw him a large number of gold coins and asked him to help him collect what he needed.

Not long after, cart after cart of ham, cart after cart of geese, cart after cart of smoked fish, and a large amount of cheese and other nutritious food were delivered to Lin Qi. Lin Qi packed all these foods. into the anklets on his feet and the two storage spaces.

Forgetting the anklet and the space ring on Elham's hand, the combined capacity is the capacity of a dozen extended four-wheeled carriages. But the storage ring left by Master Kecha has a terrifyingly large capacity. Although it already contains a lot of things, Lin Qi still stuffed eighty extended trucks of food into it before completely stuffing the ring. Full.

Because of Lin Qi's crazy acquisitions, all the taverns and small hotels in the Nancheng business district of the imperial capital were closed today because all their food was out of stock. Countless dining guests were cursing this unethical bastard behind their backs, but who knew that this was Lin Qi's big deal

After some calculation, nearly a hundred carts of nutritious meat and cheese could be consumed by Lin Qi for more than a year even if Lin Qi took the titanic potion one after another. Lin Qi walked out of Nancheng District with satisfaction and returned to the first place. Five universities. …,

The power of the bone marrow medicine started to take effect halfway through. Lin Qi felt itchy in his spine, and he felt a strong hunger. So Lin Qi was walking to the Fifth University, carrying a piece of dried ham, and while walking, he cut off the ham slices with a dagger and stuffed them into his mouth.

Made from the hind legs of black pork grown exclusively on acorns, and cured and air-dried for three years, the raw ham has a rich and fragrant flavor, making every bite a great pleasure. It was only a short journey. By the time he reached the gate of Fifth University, Lin Qi had already eaten half of the raw ham weighing dozens of kilograms. He could also feel that the passion in his bone marrow was getting stronger and stronger, and all the ham he had eaten had been completely digested and turned into nutrients needed for bone marrow transformation.

Lin Qi recalled the scene when he first met Long Cheng. Long Cheng could eat dozens of kilograms of raw fish in one breath. Could it be related to his current situation? But Lin Qi relied on secret medicine to do this, but Long Cheng didn't take the medicine, but took it directly!

"Perhaps the magic techniques practiced in Longcheng have special effects on transforming the body?" Lin Qi nodded noncommittally, then cut off a small piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

Because he was feeling the changes in his spine, Lin Qi didn't notice that there wasn't even a shadow of a ghost in front of the Fifth University. When he reached the entrance of Fifth University, the sound of rapid horse hooves suddenly came from all around. Then a powerful binding formation descended from the sky. The binding formation in the shape of a five-pointed star trapped Lin Qi in the middle, and huge pressure continued to pour in from all directions.

Lin Qi froze on the spot, the terrible magic power made him unable to move, and the luster of this binding array shocked Lin Qi - the binding arrays used by other magicians were generally based on wind arrays. Lord, so the light in the magic circle is all cyan or white. But what the magic circle in front of me releases is pure, sacred light gold. This is the God of Confinement Formation that can only be used by the Church’s Judgment Priest!

Punishment Knight! Lin Qi thought of the Punishment Knight summoned by Arthur on the isolated island battlefield!

Lin Qi showed a sinister smile. Before she could find Arthur, he had already found her! Hey, if you kill him in this situation, those nosy guys in Yemeng will have nothing to say, right? The ungrateful adopted son colluded with the church to frame his adoptive father's only legitimate son for the family property. As long as this matter was publicized, who would be able to say anything nonsense

"You're here, don't leave!"

Lin Qi moved his fingers, and he already had a big ax in his hand! Fighting energy poured into the axe, and a cold light flashed. The golden divine light approaching Lin Qi was split into a large piece. Lin Qi flicked his fingers and "bang", a black fireball the size of a fist rose into the sky, and then left. A huge fire burst out hundreds of meters above the ground, followed by a deep tiger roar.

This is the magic letter used by the Black Tiger family to urgently summon reinforcements, and it is also the summons for those heroes in the dark world of the entire imperial capital!

As soon as the order letter came out, Lin Qi's increasingly perverted ears had already heard the sudden and dense footsteps on the street hundreds of meters away. The Iron Fist Brotherhood arranged thousands of heroes who dared to fight in the university town. They They are all ruthless and cruel, and now they are even more well-equipped.

In a frontal war, these ordinary men may not be opponents of the regular army, but in street battles, in complex and narrow environments, these thousands of heroes are enough to rival the same number of elite soldiers! Especially the standard crossbows that Lin Qi purchased last time have been allocated to them. Lin Qi wanted to see if those disciplinary knights were really protected by the gods, even if they were shot by hundreds of military crossbows.

As long as Lin Qi persists for a while, Barr and Aunt Lily will come quickly. The three hundred masters of the Black Tiger family are top-notch elites, no weaker than the church's disciplinary knights. Especially the crossbows and trebuchets used by Lin Qi in actual combat exercises have been given to Barr. They will definitely carry these powerful weapons with them. War gear appears! …,

Once Barr and Aunt Lily arrive, even two to three thousand disciplinary knights will be just a side dish!

As long as the magic bullet from the trebuchet makes enough noise, the Imperial Guards and Royal Guards will take action. This is the most elite army in the entire Gallic Empire except for the Norman battle fort. The person commanding this army is Blood Lion General Stann, Lin Qi’s dearest uncle lion!

"Arthur, you are looking for death!"

Letting himself be imprisoned by the huge restraining force of the Imprisonment Formation, Lin Qi stood at the school gate with a sneer, waiting coldly for Arthur's next steps.

"In the name of the gods!" The sound of horse hooves sounded like thunder, and a large number of disciplinary knights wearing gold and silver armor poured out from both sides of the street in front of the Fifth University! In a group of twelve people, thousands of disciplinary knights roared in holding huge iron cross flaming disciplinary flags. Behind them, thousands of adjudication priests and disciplinary priests wearing scarlet robes flew towards this direction. come over.

The Judgment Priest held a staff, and the Punishment Priest held a warhammer. These religious lunatics, who were a hundred times crazier than the Punishment Knights, recited the scriptures of instruction from the gods and charged towards Lin Qi with a fierce look on their eyes.

There was still a long way from Lin Qi, and thirty-six disciplinary knights had already taken action at the same time. As soon as they raised their hands, thirty-six golden chains as thick as their thumbs tore through the air and wrapped around Lin Qi. The tops of these chains are sharp iron hooks, cast into extremely sharp iron hooks that look like dragon claws. It is conceivable that Lin Qi will be caught by these iron hooks. As long as their hands tighten, Lin Qi will have countless more... Blood holes.

Lin Qi was also frightened at this moment. These disciplinary knights were too cruel. He was protected by personal magic soft armor, but there was no protection on his face. Even if his body is not injured, if his face is torn, it will be disfigured!

According to Blackbeard, if Lin Qi is disfigured, no lady in the East can look down upon such an ugly creature!

Lin Qi instinctively shrank her head and twisted her body to escape.

However, the surrounding Divine Formation of Confinement suddenly glowed brightly, and the huge pressure pressed down on his head. Lin Qi groaned and was forced to kneel by the huge pressure. His knees hit the ground hard with a loud snap.

The thick bluestone paved at the school gate was crushed by Lin Qi's knees, and Lin Qi hit the ground with his head in embarrassment.

A solemn voice resounded through the sky: "Fallen sinner, lower your head before God and repent!"

The two fastest disciplinary knights had already ridden in front of Lin Qi. They raised their sharp lances and stabbed Lin Qi hard on the shoulders. Thirty-six chains quickly wrapped around Lin Qi's body, and thirty-six dragon claws grabbed him all over.

For a time, Lin Qi was in despair. . ) Bring a girl to look familiar: Dance of the Moon Spirit