Radiant Era

Chapter 268: A roar that turned the tide of the battle


"Get out of my way!"

Lin Qi frantically mobilized Xuanhu Jin, exploding all his strength to the limit in an attempt to break free. www. QuanBen-XiaoShuo. cOm**But the Divine Imprisonment Formation was shining brightly, and the terrifying pressure came all at once, giving him no chance to struggle at all. Accompanied by a low roar, five thick golden columns burning with blazing flames suddenly emerged from the ground near the entrance of the Fifth University. The power of the Divine Imprisonment Formation suddenly increased a hundred times.

There was a "click" sound, and Lin Qi's knees sank deeply into the bluestone paved on the street.

The Divine Pillar of Imprisonment is the most powerful means of confinement in the Church Punishment Institute, claiming to have the power to imprison everything. For Lin Qi, the church actually dispatched rootless columns of imprisonment to form a divine formation of imprisonment. When Lin Qi saw these five columns several meters high rising from the ground, he actually felt very smug - Uncle Lin Qi, I can be considered the same. You are such a big shot, you actually used the Imprisonment Pillar to catch me!

There were two muffled sounds of "dong dong", and two lances stabbed Lin Qi hard on the shoulders. The clothes on Lin Qi's back were shattered by the disciplinary power, revealing the magic soft armor he was wearing next to his body. The two lances were bounced back, and two white marks the size of a baby's fist were blasted out on Lin Qi's soft armor. A stream of magic light could be faintly seen flickering in the marks.

A series of sounds of "Ka Ka Ka Ka" came, and the dragon claws on the thirty-six chains were tightly clasped on Lin Qi's body. What Lin Qi was most worried about didn't happen. None of the dragon claws hit his face. All the dragon claws were clasped on Lin Qi's joints and important acupoints. The disciplinary knights holding chains burst out with fighting spirit at the same time. The dragon claws suddenly locked, and the sharp breath immediately penetrated into Lin Qi's body.

It was this magical soft armor obtained from the family secret treasury that saved Lin Qi. No matter how hard these dragon claws were, they could not really grasp Lin Qi's body. Some dragon claws even scratched the soft armor until faint sparks popped out, but they could not catch a trace of Lin Qi's flesh.

Lin Qi felt relieved. He had chosen the right piece of soft armor. This treasure really saved his life.

Before he could take a breath, two disciplinary knights holding warhammers had already ridden out. They swung their sledgehammers and smashed Lin Qi's back hard. Lin Qi was not allowed to dodge, and he could not dodge under the heavy pressure of the Imprisonment Formation. Two war hammers weighing at least two hundred kilograms hit Lin Qi's back heavily with a dazzling golden light.

With a muffled groan, Lin Qi took a breath when he heard the heavy sound of the heavy weapon breaking through the air. He pushed the tip of his tongue to the top of his mouth, and Xuan Hu Jin started to work like crazy. His whole body was tense, and his body was filled with fighting energy, making his body look like a balloon.

A human-sized black tiger-headed shadow flashed behind Lin Qi, and two war hammers hit the black tiger's head squarely.

With two loud noises, the two disciplinary knights only felt that their war hammers hit a spring with extremely strong rebound force. Their wrists were directly shattered by the powerful anti-shock force, and the two heavy hammers flew dozens of meters away. , fatally hit a referee priest who was flying towards him at a rapid speed, beating the priest so hard that his front ribs touched the spine of his back. The weak referee priest vomited blood and flew back, looking like he was no longer alive.

Lin Qi felt his heart heat up, and two terrifying huge forces blasted into his body. He snorted deeply, and his body quickly shook down. Two huge forces blasted into the ground along his knees. A large hole measuring a mile in diameter opened in the street. Half of Lin Qi's body sank into the ground. He suddenly shouted angrily and let out a low, continuous tiger roar.

With the roar of the tiger, black air waves visible to the naked eye spread rapidly in all directions. Dust rose up on the street. A dozen disciplinary knights who rushed to Lin Qi groaned and were swept away by the air waves at the same time. The Divine Imprisonment Formation could only imprison Lin Qi's body, but there was nothing that could be done about the roar of the tiger he spewed out. If you wanted to seal all Lin Qi's sonic attacks, this was not something that the Divine Imprisonment Formation could do. …,

This was when Lin Qi became anxious. He opened his mouth and roared wildly, almost exploding all the Xuanhu energy in his body. His throat was so shaken that he coughed up blood, and when he opened his mouth, a small stream of blood spurted out. However, the lethality of his roar was also extremely powerful. A dozen disciplinary knights who were most eager to perform meritorious service rushed in front of him, their chests collapsed and their ears were shattered. They also vomited blood and fell to the ground unable to move.

"O fallen sinner, God will strip you of the power of evil!"

A ruling priest holding a staff shouted angrily. He pointed the staff towards Lin Qi, and a stream of light wrapped in a strange divine inscription was printed on Lin Qi's eyebrows. Lin Qi watched helplessly as the stream of light shot down. His body suddenly trembled, his heart heated up, and he opened his mouth and spit out a small flame.

There was a loud noise, and the flames were shattered by the magic spell cast by the Judgment Priest, but the magic spell also perished. Rolling air waves rushed around, and the hot breath turned the air red. It was like a huge magic bomb exploded at the gate of the Fifth University, and dozens of bluestone slabs on the ground were lifted. Get up and fight in all directions.

The Punishment Knights who were riding wildly were in chaos. They all took action to smash the bluestones that were shot in front of them. However, their charge was also messed up. The arrogance they had accumulated while running wildly was weakened a lot.

At this moment, a clear and powerful voice came from afar: "Zanshe! Kill the priest first!"

Lin Qi's heart relaxed. Enzo arrived. Since he arrived, the hundreds of the most elite thugs deployed near the Army Academy should also have gathered. These thugs are all armed with military crossbows. When they are shooting intensively, even the heavenly knights do not dare to look down upon them.

Moreover, the disciplinary knights were covered in heavy armor, while the priests wore thin robes. They did not have time to use any magic to protect their bodies. It was the most appropriate choice for Enzo to shoot these priests first.

More than a thousand Judgment Priests and Punishment Priests are suspended in the air, and they are the best targets.

The sound of "bang bang bang bang" steel crossbow strings was heard continuously, and hundreds of pure steel crossbow arrows roared into the air. In addition to ordinary steel crossbow arrows, there are even more than a dozen powerful arrows shot by sniper crossbows.

The magic sniper crossbow, a sniper crossbow specially designed to snipe powerful people from a thousand steps away, was now only a few dozen meters away. Enzo used the magic sniper crossbow brazenly, and even a city wall was shot through. Got it!

Ordinary steel crossbow arrows were shot at the priests flying in the air. Immediately, nearly a hundred priests who were caught off guard were shot like hedgehogs and fell down from the air nearly a hundred meters above the ground, howling miserably. But those dozen sniper crossbows were fired flatly, and the sniper crossbow bolts with amazing penetrating power whizzed past the dense formation of disciplinary knights on the street.

The street in front of Fifth University is very spacious, but it can only accommodate four or five carriages walking side by side. More than two thousand Punishment Knights lined up on the left and right to rush over. At a glance, the streets were full of golden and silver Punishment Knights that looked like cans.

These dozen sniper crossbow bolts that were fired flatly penetrated one Punishment Knight after another, opening huge wounds on their bodies. A dozen arrows produced a far more brilliant record than hundreds of crossbows fired at the same time. More than two hundred disciplinary knights who were densely packed together were hit by sniper crossbows. They were either pierced in the chest or shot through. Their lower abdomens were injured, or their shoulders and arms were seriously injured. More than a hundred of them fell off their mounts in embarrassment, and were trampled to death by the jumping mounts of their companions.

The leader of the Punishment Knights of the Holy Glory Cathedral of the Gallic Empire, who directed this arrest operation, Gao Shang, the famous Holy Punishment Knight in the Gallic Empire, roared angrily. He raised his dazzling sword and gave a sharp order. : "Any sinner who dares to go against God, you will all be reduced to nothing under the light of God! Kill all these damned people!"…,

With the long swords swung down, the disciplinary knights jumped off their mounts one after another, and in groups of twelve, they attacked the heroes in the nearby alleys.

Punishment knights wear heavy armor, heroes don't.

Punishment knights carry rune swords, heroes do not.

The disciplinary knights are trained to fight in formations, and the heroes never know what it means to cooperate.

Although they were armed with powerful crossbows and sharp knives, these heroes in the market were just a group of hooligans after all. Following Enzo's order, they fired the first wave of crossbow arrows and severely damaged the priests and knights. But when these heroes came back to their senses, When they came and found out who they were fighting, their legs went weak with fear.

They actually, shockingly, attacked people in the church!

Oh my God, how can these good men in the city have the courage to fight against the church people

After being pushed to the extreme, these people in the market are full of blood, and naturally they dare to draw out their swords and fight with others. A white knife goes in and a red knife comes out, but this also needs to be divided into targets. They can bully the weak bravely and fearlessly, they can rape weak women with great arrogance, and they can beat the old people with great righteousness, but if they are required to fight passionately with the terrifying behemoth of the church, how can they have the courage

After all, they are just a group of ordinary citizens!

After all, if they dared to fire the first wave of crossbows just now, they were just habitually obeying Enzo's orders!

But now, when they saw clearly the enemy in front of them, when they realized who they were fighting, their courage suddenly disappeared without a trace. After all, it had only been a few days since Lin Qi became their leader? Lin Qi did not establish absolute authority in their hearts!

With just one charge, the disciplinary knights beat these rabble to pieces. Crossbows and swords were scattered all over the floor. The heroes turned around and ran away crying, not daring to fight these disciplinary knights.

At this moment, Lin Qi suddenly looked up to the sky and roared: "I'm offering a reward of 60 million gold coins. Kill these bastards for me! Twenty thousand gold coins per head!"

The roaring sound spread throughout the university town, and all the city heroes who were turning around and fleeing stopped at the same time.