Radiant Era

Chapter 274: Lin Qi’s decision


The silver table knife slowly cut across a piece of deliciously cut veal steak, and a trace of bright red blood slowly seeped out. WWw. QuAnBen-XIaoShuo. Com Lin Qi forked a piece of veal and put it into his mouth. The rich aroma of beef made Lin Qi so comfortable that the pores all over his body expanded.

This is a secret basement. The place is not very big, but it is enough to accommodate two or three people. The surrounding walls are covered with oak wainscoting, and the baseboard made of teak is so clean that it can almost be used as a mirror. There is a bed, a table and matching chairs in the room, as well as two rows of bookshelves with dozens of market novels and romantic poems for entertainment.

Aunt Lily sat across the table, smiling as she watched Lin Qi eat a piece of veal steak that weighed three kilograms. Lily laughed so hard that her eyelashes exploded. This is the appetite that Master Lin Qi should have. A man must be able to eat and drink. Only with a good appetite can he have a good body. Otherwise, how can he have the strength to lift up? Kill someone with a machete

"Master, hurry up and eat! Aunt Lily has made a lot of delicious things for you! There is still something left after eating, so hurry up and eat!" Aunt Lily happily picked up a bucket of beer and slapped the lid of the beer bucket off. He lifted it up and poured a full glass of wine into the large wine glass the size of a human head in front of Lin Qi.

Lin Qi's mouth was filled with the fragrant veal. He hummed a few times vaguely, then picked up the wine glass and took a big sip, washing the beef into his stomach with the refreshing beer. He touched his belly vigorously. The bone marrow transformation potion was very powerful. The beef Lin Qi had just eaten was almost digested. There was a warmth in his spine. He could feel some wonderful changes taking place.

"How's it going outside?" Lin Qi cut a piece of beef. I asked as I ate and drank.

Aunt Lily curled her lips disapprovingly, folded her hands in front of her chest nonchalantly and sneered: "Baal just went out for a circle. The barrier that blocked the entire imperial capital has not retreated, and the church's followers are getting more and more. There are more, and there are more and more court mages. Those local rats in the imperial capital have all been dispatched, and both the Thieves Guild and the Assassin Guild have sent a large number of people to look for the young master."

Tilting her head, Aunt Lily snorted: "But there's nothing to worry about. Didn't we just kill a few people? When this news passes, young master, you will leave the imperial capital and go to the sea to live happily for a few years. The man of the Black Tiger family . Where can I not go to sea to experience?"

Stretching out her hands to knead Lin Qi's plump face, Aunt Lily said heartbrokenly: "What a cute young master! You are still young at your age. Your body bones haven't grown yet! After a few years, young master, you will grow As you get older, your appearance will also change a little. In addition, the wind and waves on the sea will make your skin darker, young master. If you are a little thinner, young master, you can come back with a different name. Who knows that the young master at that time will be Xiao Lin today? Where is Qi?"

Lin Qi nodded vigorously and started eating and drinking more and more happily.

As long as he is not caught red-handed by the Punishment Knight. Lin Qi has nothing to fear. Using the methods of the Black Tiger Family. As long as Lin Qi leaves the imperial capital, he does not need to return to Dunerqi at all. He can take the family's sea ship to sea at any port on the northern coastline. Go to the sea and become a carefree pirate leader!

After leading the brothers to laugh proudly at sea for three to five years, when I was almost tempered, just like Aunt Lily said, my appearance and body shape had changed, and I would just change my name and come back. There are many members of the Black Tiger Family with wanted warrants on their heads. Aunt Lily's wife, Uncle Hammer, the top thug of the Black Tiger Family, is not wanted by the Imperial City Police Department

But seeing how Uncle Hammer eats, drinks and has fun every day in Dunerq, what can the Imperial City Police Department do to him? …,

As my mood relaxed, my appetite became more intense. Coupled with the effect of the medicine, Lin Qi finished thirty kilograms of veal steak and drank three barrels of beer. Only then did he put down his knife and fork with satisfaction and let out a sigh of relief.

Aunt Lily handed another cigar to Lin Qi, then struck a match and lit the cigar for Lin Qi. Lin Qi took a long puff of cigar comfortably, blew out a big smoke ring, and lay back on the chair very comfortably. After humming a few tunes, Lin Qi suddenly remembered something. He took off his boots and socks, took out a large number of gold coins from the ring and gave them to Aunt Lily.

"Enzo and Vic secretly distributed these gold coins to their brothers. Recently, they were told to stay at home and act like good citizens and never come out to cause trouble again. They killed so many disciplinary knights, each of them lost 20,000 gold coins. I mean what I say! This money is enough for them to live comfortably for a long time. Tell them that they are not allowed to come out and move around unless they receive my order!"

Aunt Lily stuffed the gold coin into the ring on her hand. She patted Lin Qi's shoulder vigorously and looked at Lin Qi with great approval: "As expected, he is the young master of the Black Tiger family. A man must keep his word. Words! Of course, 20,000 gold coins per head is a bit expensive, but Master, you have already spoken, and you must do it!"

Aunt Lily puffed up her chest and said triumphantly: "A man can do anything like murder, arson, etc., but there is only one thing he cannot do, and that is to break his word! This kind of thing cannot be done without keeping one's word. Yes! If you break your trust with your brothers, how will your brothers trust you in the future?"

Lin Qi raised two thumbs up: "Aunt Lily, that's absolutely right! So hurry up and give the gold coins to Enzo and the others! But don't go out in person. Your figure is too eye-catching. You must be on the wanted list now." share!"

Aunt Lily snorted, she muttered for a while, and then she moved her huge body out of the basement.

Lin Qi crossed her legs, smoking a cigar comfortably, and suddenly sighed heavily.

It seemed that he was unable to accept Professor Cohen's kindness. The future finance minister of the empire, of course, this position has certain attractions. But now that such a big thing has happened, it is impossible for Lin Qi to stay in the imperial capital. He can only escape from the imperial capital far away and go to the sea to live happily for a few years.

Lin Qi felt a little sad when he thought about the people he had met and the things he had seen in the past few days. He always felt that if he continued to hang out with Professor Cohen, a very wonderful picture would open in front of him. But once the matter of punishing the Knights came up, I had no choice but to live up to Professor Cohen's kindness.

But this is fine, let the position of the finance minister go to hell. Uncle Lin Qi is going to be the biggest pirate leader at sea. In the future, he will return to the imperial capital with dignity. When he comes back, I will give him a hard time today. Everyone will be punished!

No one can escape! Especially Arthur!

Taking out a copper coin and playing with it on his finger, Lin Qi sighed faintly: "If you go to the Assassin's Guild to offer a reward of one million gold coins for Arthur's life, I wonder if someone can do it?"

The fingers moved dexterously, causing the copper to dance in a circle of pale yellow halo under the light. Lin Qi squinted his eyes and thought about what happened today - what ability does Arthur have to make the Punishment Knights send so many people to catch him? Even if Arthur defected to the church, how could he mobilize two thousand disciplinary knights at once with his status? There are even thousands of Judgment Priests and Punishment Priests. How can he have such great power? …,

Who is he behind the church

What's even more suspicious is that Fat Bird Kirk once appeared in Titian's villa. He is actually the head of the Silver Crescent Chamber of Commerce? Fat bird Kirk and Arthur have an affair. Fat bird Kirk is obviously going to be detrimental to Ya and Ling. Arthur has hooked up with people from the church. Could it be said that fat bird Kirk and Arthur are both in collusion with the church? And are they all relying on the same person

"I have to remind dad that if that damn fat man really gets the support of the church, his ambitions are not just in his old business."

Lin Qi blew out a puff of thick smoke, and the smoke gradually wrapped around his entire body. He frowned and looked at the oil lamp on the table, and slowly tapped his fingers on the table. He had a guess in his mind, but he still lacked some information to connect these guesses together.

Arthur is making trouble in the imperial capital. What does he want to do? If he just wanted to become a big pirate leader and wanted to kill Lin Qi and take over the power of the Black Tiger family, then there was no need for him to cause so many troubles. He had taken refuge in the church and was hanging out with Fat Bird Kirk. But Fat Bird Kirk was also the head of the Silver Crescent Chamber of Commerce. So speaking of it, they actually had some kind of involvement with the imperial royal family.

"You Arthur still want to become a noble, right?" Lin Qi laughed sarcastically: "That would be so interesting. One-eyed dragon noble? Ha!"

Just as Lin Qi was thinking about these things, there was a sound on the stairs, and Aunt Lily and Barr walked down with serious faces.

Lin Qi dropped his cigar, narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's going on? Did something happen?"

Aunt Lily looked at Barr and spread her hands helplessly: "Master, those damn gangsters couldn't find the master, so they took away several of his friends. The young man who went to Dunerque Enzo, and that little guy named Vic, they were all taken away!”

Barr sneered with a gloomy face: "They posted official documents all over the imperial capital, saying that Enzo and Vic are heretics and sinners, and they will be burned on the scaffold tomorrow!"

Lin Qi jumped up suddenly and slapped the table, breaking it into countless pieces.

"Asshole, do they want to force me to play big with them?"

Lin Qi was extremely serious and uncompromisingly angry.

Arthur, you can use all kinds of tricks against me, and I can use all kinds of tricks against you, but because of your affairs with me, you have involved my friends and my brothers, so don’t blame me for being too aggressive. ruthless!

Lin Qi's face turned so dark that a layer of frost could be scraped off it, and he walked out of the basement without saying a word.

The sky was already dark, and there were still countless mages and priests floating in the sky. Lin Qi walked straight towards the Shenghui Cathedral. (To be continued.)