Radiant Era

Chapter 275: The blood lion's anger attacks!


In the middle of Shenghui Street, on Shenghui Mountain, the Shenghui Cathedral is like a giant dragon entrenched on the mountain, overlooking most of the imperial capital. WWw, QuANbEn-XiAoShUo, cOm Holy Temple This white rock mountain is said to have been pulled out of the ground by the gods. Most of the areas near the imperial capital are plains and hills, but Shenghui Mountain is so tall that it really looks like a miracle.

Shenghui Cathedral is located on Shenghui Mountain. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, layers of halls are piled up one after another. Countless corridors and walkways connect the upper and lower halls. The Holy Glory Cathedral at the highest point of the hill is even more magnificent. It is a magnificent building that can accommodate up to 10,000 people to pray to the gods at the same time.

The square main body of the church has twelve towering spiers standing on it. Because it is blessed with a permanent magic circle, the pale golden Holy Glory Cathedral releases a circle of gleaming gold at all times. Colorful light, this circle of light envelopes the entire Shenghui Mountain. This is also the first barrier of the Shenghui Cathedral - the Shenghui Barrier.

This barrier wraps the sky and the ground near Shenghui Mountain, and even the underground is wrapped by the barrier. Unless they are recognized clergy, anyone who steps into the Holy Brilliance Barrier will be mercilessly hit by powerful attacking magic.

On weekdays, the entrance of Shenghui Cathedral at the foot of the mountain is crowded with people, and it is really lively with many believers and clergy coming in and out.

But today the atmosphere here was extremely tense. Tens of thousands of heavily armored soldiers blocked the entrance to the Holy Glory Cathedral. Powerful crossbows were even set up on several nearby mansions of wealthy families. There are even thousands of warriors armed with sniper crossbows hiding in the bushes and corners of houses. Their eyes are fixed on a group of clergy standing in the Holy Brilliance Barrier -:.

It was already dark, but the place was densely covered with lanterns and torches, and dozens of magical light clusters were suspended high in the sky, illuminating the area as brightly as day. Thousands of clergy stood near the entrance, headed by a red archbishop wearing red clothes and holding a scepter.

The presiding church of the Holy Glory Cathedral is Cardinal Cardinal Tulu. Under him, there are three red archbishops assisting him in managing the entire Holy Glory Cathedral. In the structure of the church, red archbishops are the administrators of provincial-level dioceses in various countries. Not only do they have a high status, but they are also extremely powerful personally.

The cardinal archbishop in front of him is Bishop Hattu of the Scepter, one of the three cardinal archbishops of Tulu. The Bishop of Scepter is responsible for the daily work of the entire Holy Glory Cathedral, such as administration, logistics, official correspondence, and communication with Gaul. Official contacts with the empire, etc., are all handled by Hatu, the scepter bishop. 3∴35686688

A sudden strong wind blew from a distance, and Bishop Hatu, who was holding a scepter, had his long white hair fluttering in the wind. He squinted his eyes and looked coldly at Stein, who was standing outside the holy radiance barrier, and suddenly A smile appeared: "Your Excellency Stein, this is a place shrouded in the glory of the gods. Please take your men and leave. Is the Gallic Empire going to war with the believers of the gods?"

Wearing a set of blood-colored heavy armor, holding a heavy horse-killing sword in both hands, with the sword pointed down on the ground, Stan stared at Bishop Hattu with a sullen face, and suddenly spit heavily on the ground.

"Stop talking nonsense, you know what I'm here to do. Get Enzo and the others out, otherwise..."

With a random wave of his right hand, the heavy horse-killing sword roared through the air and struck out. A sword energy shot out, splitting a sword mark on the ground that was one inch wide, several feet deep and more than ten meters long. The ground here is paved with extremely hard granite. Stain can cause such damage with a casual blow, which shows how powerful he is. …,

Hatu smiled easily and shook his head gently.

"This is the place where the glory of the gods shrouds. Mr. Stein, are you demonstrating against us? You are using weapons on the territory of the gods. Do you want to declare war on the Church on behalf of the Gallic Empire? But do you have the qualifications? ?”

Hatu's words are very arrogant, arrogant to the core - Other book friends are reading:. Even though there were only more than a thousand clergy standing behind him, even though Stan brought tens of thousands of heavy infantry, and there were a large number of soldiers lurking in the darkness behind him, Hattu did not take Stan seriously at all. church

If Stein dares to attack the Holy Glory Cathedral, then this will mean that the Gallic Empire declares war on the Church. There is no doubt that the Church will mobilize all its power to launch a religious war against the Gallic Empire. But Hattu looked down upon Stain at all. He was just a general and a hereditary marquis of the Gallic Empire. Do you have the qualifications to represent the Gallic Empire

Yun Danfeng smiled softly, and Hatu squinted his eyes and shook his head: "Sir Stan, please take the soldiers back to the camp. You are not qualified to express any personal opinions in the place where the glory of the gods shrouds! This is where everyone God’s territory, if you want to do something, ask His Majesty Emperor Saint Louis XIII to come in person!”

Stan's eyes were red with anger, and a vein suddenly popped out between his eyebrows.

"Hatu, I won't talk nonsense with you. I'll bring you Enzo and the young people you kidnapped just now! By doing this, you have violated the laws of our empire! Who gave you the right to stay on the territory of our empire? The power to arrest people indiscriminately?"

Hatu still smiled easily. He shook his head gently and sighed softly.

"The gods have given us the power to judge heretics and evil. Those young people have fallen. They are guilty of original sin. They are sinners, so they will be sent to the stake!" He squinted at the angry Stan. Well, Hatu smiled lightly: "As for the laws of the Gallic Empire? Mr. Stein, divine power is higher than imperial power. This is the supreme law recognized by all countries in the continent!"

The scepter in his hand hit the ground heavily, and Hatu shouted sternly: "Catch heretics and judge sinners. This is the power given to us by the gods! What power does your Gallic Empire have to prevent us from exercising the sacred authority given by the gods? Could it be that? Your Gallic Empire is already a fallen heretic country, do you want to blaspheme the glory of the gods?"

Stan was so angry that his whole body was spitting out fiery breath - other book friends were reading:.

The Punishment Knights suddenly went out in large numbers to arrest Lin Qi. As a result, half of the imperial capital was in a mess, and the university town was even more destroyed! The church attacked Lin Qi for no reason, which was unacceptable to Stan!

What's even more outrageous is that Lin Qi escaped, and Cardinal Tulu actually threatened His Majesty the Emperor face to face, using that condescending 'command' language to order the Emperor to help the church arrest Lin Qi! A magician who dares to threaten the emperor of the empire! Stein, who was loyal to St. Louis XIII, was really furious!

However, Lin Qi escaped without a trace, and nearly a thousand members of the Punishment Knights were killed. When Stan heard the news, he was as happy as if he had eaten a big bowl of rock sugar water in the summer. But here he was still perfunctorily leading the streets full of people to "arrest Lin Qi". The Inquisition of the Holy Glory Cathedral actually sent people to the Army Academy and captured Enzo and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood back to the Holy Land. Hui Cathedral.

At that time, Vic happened to be informing Enzo, and Vic was also taken away!

Not to mention that Enzo and Vic are Lin Qi's best friends, but these people from the church violently broke into the Army Academy to arrest people without even saying hello to the empire! Where do you put the dignity of the imperial family, where do you put the dignity of the imperial family? …,

Enzo and the others are still reservists of the Empire. Even if your church wants to arrest someone, you can only apply to the Imperial Ministry, and the military will ask Enzo and others to cooperate in the investigation. In Stain's view, the church's arresting people openly was a provocation to the imperial government.

Stain was so angry that he raised his sword.

"Archbishop Hattu, surrender our soldiers from the Gallic Empire! This is an ultimatum!"

Stain's eyes glowed with ferocious blood! He, Blood Lion General Stain, is a soldier, not a politician! So he has no fear of the power of the church! Isn't it a religious war? The Gallic Empire has survived hundreds of years of land and island wars. Now the Gallic Empire is stronger and richer than it was thirty years ago. What's the point of another religious war

"Release the soldiers of our empire! Otherwise!"

Stein raised his left hand and clenched his fist hard.

With a loud bang, the 13,000 heavy infantrymen of the Beast Blood Legion, who formed a charge formation, simultaneously raised their three-meter-long spears. They were breathing deeply, and gradually everyone followed Stein's breathing frequency. More than 10,000 people were breathing at the same frequency. It was like an ancient giant beast suddenly descended on the world, and a breath that made people's scalp numb. The evil spirit gradually enveloped the Holy Glory Cathedral.

Bishop Hattu was sitting on the wax, and he looked at Stein helplessly. Those scarlet eyes exuded a murderous aura, and he could see that if he didn't rescue anyone, Stan would definitely have the guts to attack the Holy Glory Cathedral.

But if it's a joke, how is that possible? The order to arrest people was conveyed directly from the upper echelons of the church. Although Bishop Hattu seemed to be in a high position, he was not a big shot in the church.

Taking a deep breath, Bishop Hattu raised the scepter in his hand: "Your Excellency Stein, please bring your soldiers back."

Before he finished speaking, Stan had already stepped into the Holy Brilliance Barrier. He struck Bishop Hatu with a sword in the head, and yelled "cào your mother"!

Bishop Hattu was stunned by a foul word. When had he ever been so insulted? He wanted to say something to refute Stan, but Stan's sword had already struck his head. Bishop Hatu instinctively shrank down and rolled back in embarrassment.

With a 'chirp' sound, the tip of Stein's sword tore Bishop Hatu's back open, leaving a long and deep bloody gash on his back, which almost chopped Bishop Hatu into two pieces.

As soon as Stan made his move, the soldiers behind him immediately dispatched at the same time. Thirteen thousand heavy armored infantry rumbled into the Holy Brilliance Barrier. Dozens of crossbows roared and fired huge crossbow arrows. The sniper crossbows even locked up the clergy, waiting for someone to show up. An arrow shot out.

Since the establishment of the Holy Glory Cathedral, this is the first time that non-Church soldiers have set foot on this place of refuge for the gods.