Radiant Era

Chapter 277: Take the initiative to deliver it to your door


I have to continue coding after dinner, oh!


With a 'chi la' sound, the emperor took off his outer robe and pulled it left and right with his hands like iron hooks. The upper body of the clothes had been divided into two halves. WWw. QuanBen-XiaoShuo. Com exposed his strong muscles, and his physique did not look like that of an old man in his sixties. Instead, he looked like a strong man in his twenties. The emperor strode to the lake and grabbed the Archbishop of Tulu who was struggling desperately in the lake. Caught.

There was a "crackling" sound, and the emperor gritted his teeth and slapped Tulu. The heavy slap made a loud sound, and Tulu opened his mouth, and all his big teeth came out. The emperor refused to give up. He pinched Bishop Tulu's neck with both hands, lifted his body high, and then slammed him to the ground.

Just like children fighting, the emperor sat on Tulu and punched him like raindrops.

When he beat Tulu, the emperor's expression was unusually calm, as calm as a lady embroidering a handkerchief, without any change in expression on her face. He just beat Tulu with punch after punch, and even the frequency of his punches didn't change at all. He sullenly beat Tulu indiscriminately, beating him until he fainted and woke up again, until Tulu vomited blood, and beat him until several of his ribs were broken.

"You impose a 10% religious tax on the Gallic Empire, and I will tolerate it!"

"You have immunity and are not bound by the laws of the empire. I will tolerate it!"

"You instigate my children and grandchildren to fight for power, and I won't tolerate it!"

"You sell atonement charms and steal hundreds of millions of gold coins from the people of the empire every year. I can't bear it!"

"You collude with local powerful people. You wantonly embezzle the land of ordinary people, and I can't bear it!"

"You colluded with local nobles, embezzled the empire's minerals, and exploited various rare resources privately, but I still tolerate it!"

"You wantonly opened seminaries, selected smart young men and women from all over the country to serve as priests, and even forced the people of the empire to join the seminaries directly from the schools opened by the empire. I still tolerate it!"

"But you can't go too far! Don't go too far!"

"You have secretly arrested, tried, and executed seven imperial ministers from the Imperial Master Tower last year! You wantonly destroyed the most outstanding professors in the empire. What do you want to do? You want to make all the people of the empire stupid. You ignorant believers, believe whatever you say?"

"Today you go to the Fifth University to arrest Lin Qi. Okay, you said that Master Kecha is a remnant of the Gods' Enlightenment. I can accept your statement! For the sake of Lin Qi, I will not fall out with you. Because Lin Qi is worse than Not for the interests of the empire!”

"But when I promised to send someone to hunt down Lin Qi for you, you actually went to the Army Academy to arrest Enzo and seven of his classmates! What on earth do you damn gangsters want to do? Do you want to subvert the empire? Yours The forces have penetrated into all aspects of the empire’s culture, education, and economy, do you still want to insert your hands into the empire’s army?”

"You bunch of immature wolf cubs, if you want to subvert the empire, then I will risk my life with you!"

"Don't you often threaten the countries in our continent with religious wars? Then, if you really want a religious war, let's have one! As your God said, whoever desires it. It will definitely come true! Then if you desire a religious war, I will give you a religious war!"

The emperor, who was in a state of rage, grabbed Tulu's neck. In the shocked eyes of many civil and military ministers, the emperor twisted Tulu's head and twisted Tulu's head 360 degrees with a 'click'! …,

There was a loud clang, and several imperial generals drew their swords. It stabbed cleanly into the bodies of the two cardinals. The emperor killed the cardinal red-robed archbishop, so as the emperor's most loyal fighting dogs, they naturally wanted to kill these two damn cardinals!

The emperor stood up, took a deep breath, and issued another decree in a low voice.

"Send letters of credence to the Caesar Empire and the Haran Empire, and ask their emperors a question. I will lead the army to fight with these magicians, and ask them if they have the courage to follow me and fight for a big deal! Just fight with them He said, as long as they dare to take action, I can't guarantee anything else. But the church's religious tax must be abolished!"

"Send a letter of credence to those bastards in Wudalian Island, saying that I want to fight with the church. If they are interested in playing with the church, I can open the border and let in a legion of no more than 100,000 people. The heart of the continent! As long as they don’t harass the people of the empire, they can rob as many churches as they like and kill as many clergy as they like!”

With a sneer, the emperor looked sideways at several stunned civil servants: "Tell those orcs that the female priests of the church are very tender and very refreshing to fuck! They can suppress the female servants who are the enemies of the gods they believe in. In ****, these orcs must be very interested! Tell them, if they don’t come to grab a vote, I will bear it alone!”

After kicking Tulu, the emperor narrowed his eyes: "I placed an order with the underground black dwarves. I asked them to send three main legions to assist in the battle. I told their black dwarf king that if they are willing to send troops, I can cancel it. The troops are stationed in the Urlan Mountains, so that their territory is bordered by the dwarves' territory, and they can plunder the 'beautiful dwarf beauties' to their heart's content!"

Grinning, the emperor seemed to be disgusted by his own adjectives. He spat and was about to continue giving orders when a circle of magnificent golden light suddenly appeared on Tulu's body. The emperor waved his hand and punched Tulu's body, but the golden light shrouded Tulu and disappeared without a trace. The emperor's fist flew into the air, and a purple-gold fighting energy blasted out, blasting a huge hole out of the lake. of holes.

Seeing Tulu being taken away, the emperor shook his head: "It seems that he was not completely killed just now! Has this guy received the protection of divine power?"

After sneering a few times, the emperor continued to issue one order after another that was bound to plunge the entire continent into turmoil. Following the issuance of his order, the entire Gallic Empire quickly took action. Thirty years ago, Saint Louis XIII led the Gallic Empire to victory in the Hundred Years' War on the Islands. The emperor had supreme authority over the entire Gallic Empire. When he was angry, even if the enemy he faced was extremely powerful. The church and the empire still acted quickly.

The emperor put his hands behind his back and looked at the sky gloomily.

"If it wasn't the Viper mobilized by Thuram, then who else could it be? Since you all secretly started to meddle in the empire's most elite army, you actually dared to go to the Army Academy to arrest people today! If you want war, I will give it to you Let’s fight!”

"The main legion of the Punishment Knights? Can you scare me? Although they are elites left over from the century-old continental and island war, they are the most powerful legion of our Gallic Empire and they have not retired!"

"As long as the empire does not lose in this battle, as long as the church is forced to cancel the special religious tax, the empire's annual fiscal revenue can at least increase by hundreds of millions of gold coins! This is a lot of money, and the empire will become stronger and stronger! In this battle, the empire will definitely Won’t lose!”

Clenching his fists, the emperor let out a deep roar and strode out of the Old Rooster Shop with many civil and military officials.

The alarm bells rang, and the dull bells made the entire imperial capital buzz. Tens of thousands of soldiers poured into the streets. Under the leadership of their officers, they quickly approached the Holy Glory Cathedral. Countless bronze hats and dragoons shuttled through the streets and alleys. They received the latest order. They gave up the search for Lin Qi and instead rushed into some mansions in the imperial capital that looked like ordinary houses. , and arrested everyone inside. …,

In some mansions, the Brass Hats and Dragoons encountered fierce resistance, but as soon as the siren sounded, the regular army of the Empire would arrive immediately. Those who dared to resist were all killed, leaving only the smart people who obediently raised their hands and surrendered.

In just one hour, the one hundred and seventy-two espionage outposts installed by the Church in the capital of the Gallic Empire were swept away. More than a thousand spies, ears and eyes of the Church were either killed or captured, and no one was arrested.

Countless iron-winged falcons flew to various parts of the empire carrying secret messages, and the magic circles that conveyed the messages kept lighting up.

With the rapid flight of the falcon and the transmission of information from the magic circle, the lights of the military camps across the empire lit up one after another, and the large groups of soldiers rushed out of the military camps.

The empire's most elite field corps, the garrison corps responsible for guarding local areas, as well as militia teams and security joint defense teams composed of ordinary people, all armed forces were mobilized to launch a comprehensive attack on churches across the empire. attack.

The life safety of the trapped clergy was guaranteed, and all those who dared to resist were killed on the spot.

Blood dyed the night sky red, and the smell of blood began to spread to all parts of the continent.

Just half an hour before the emperor beat Tulu, Lin Qi had already traveled across most of the imperial capital wearing a large cloak and arrived in front of the Holy Glory Cathedral. Seeing that Stan was leading his troops to attack the Holy Glory Cathedral, Lin Qi immediately took off his cloak, strode to the front of the Holy Glory Cathedral and roared loudly.

"Hey, you bastards, don't you want to arrest me? I'm right here, I can let you arrest me. But, release my brothers! Release Enzo and Long Gen, otherwise I will use the power of the gods you believe in to I swear on my name, I will let you all die here!"

Lin Qi strode into the Holy Glory Cathedral. The soldiers of the Beast Blood Legion who were forming an attack were stunned. They looked at Lin Qi who came resolutely and couldn't help but raise their thumbs at the same time. A truly good man is able to rush over when his brother is in trouble.

Some people may say that Lin Qi is too impulsive, too ignorant, and too loyal, but here he is!

Even if he was facing a behemoth like the Church, he was here. He stood in front of the Holy Glory Cathedral and cursed at the clergy.

Stan was so angry that he cursed. He was about to lead his troops to attack the Holy Glory Cathedral. Why did Lin Qi come to join in the fun? (To be continued)