Radiant Era

Chapter 278: OK, here I come


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A low roar rolled in the air, and magic waves collided with each other in the air, splashing large sparks. wwW!QuANbEn-XiAoShUo!coM

Before Lin Qi rushed to the Holy Glory Cathedral, the Beast Blood Legion commanded by Stann had already launched an attack formation.

Thirty-six magic flywheels were suspended in the sky above the beast-blood army. A huge positive twelve-pointed star magic barrier shrouded the heads of thirteen thousand soldiers. The magic flywheels sprayed out powerful magic waves visible to the naked eye, turning into A huge dome sheltered all the Imperial soldiers.

This is an imperial battle-level magic barrier. It has thirty-six specially-made flywheels with a huge amount of magic gems embedded inside as the core. It is controlled by one hundred and eight court magicians. The barrier laid out can effectively resist Enemy magical and physical attacks. In large battles, as long as the magic barrier is not broken, it is basically impossible for the enemy to harm the soldiers of the Beast Blood Legion. The Holy Glory Cathedral was illuminated by a powerful magical barrier. The magic barrier and the divine barrier of the Beast Blood Legion rubbed and collided with each other, creating this magnificent scene in front of them. The magical barrier is like a mountain pressing down on the top, but the magical barrier is like the legendary giant that carries the entire sky, firmly blocking the terrifying suppression of the divine barrier.

Magic fluctuations spread out, and the impact of divine power and magic made a low buzzing sound. Lin Qi stood outside the charging formation of the Beast Blood Legion, looking at the helpless clergy who were retreating.

The magical barrier of the Holy Glory Cathedral has not yet been fully opened, but the magic barrier of the Beast Blood Legion is activated extremely quickly: the Beast Blood Legion currently has a huge advantage, as long as these thirteen thousand ferocious When the killing machines rush into the Cathedral of the Holy Glory, they will be able to destroy the magical hub of the Cathedral of the Holy Glory. The huge church is like a girl who has been stripped of her clothes, and can be fucked by random people: every minute and every second It is extremely important. When the Holy Glory Cathedral comes back to its senses, the advantage of the Beast Blood Legion will be gone:

Stan rushed to Lin Qi in panic. He grabbed Lin Qi's hair and dragged Lin Qi in front of him: "What are you doing?"

Tezi squinted and looked at Stan's bloodshot eyes. He opened Stan's hand with a sullen face: "These bastards captured my brothers. They are innocent. I must replace them!"

Stein opened his mouth and sighed. Lin Qi did the right thing. It was his incident that caused Enzo and others to suffer, so Lin Qi stood up and asked Shenghui Cathedral to release Enzo and others. No one can say that Lin Qi did something wrong. If Lin Qi really ignored Enzo and others and allowed them to be burned at the stake by the Holy Glory Cathedral, even Stan would despise Lin Qi.

But even though he said that, seeing Lin Qi really come here, Stan's heart suddenly twitched.

This Xiaohu is the only direct blood descendant of the Black Tiger family. What Stann is even more troubled about is that he knows the oath Lin Hu made in front of his lost wife. Lin Hu will never have a child again, and Lin Qi is his only one. The son collapsed. The friendship between Lin Hu and Stan was a life-and-death friendship that was truly forged on the battlefield. If something happened to Lin Qi, how could Stan be so embarrassed

"I can rescue them! So, don't do anything nonsense!" Stann pushed Lin Qi back hard, and he laughed continuously: "No one can kidnap the soldiers of the empire at will on the territory of the empire, even the gods. ,Will not work!"…,

After swiping for a long time, Stan shouted sternly: "Attack! Attack! Let this group of magicians know that they can't do these special things!"

A sharp sound broke through the air, and countless crossbow arrows showered the clergy who were retreating in a hurry: the arrows were like wind, like rain, like the scythe of the god of death, splashing countless rains of blood wherever they passed. Hundreds of clergymen fell under the hail of arrows, and countless shrill wails and angry roars suddenly sounded from all over the Holy Glory Cathedral.

Several of Stein's soldiers tightly grabbed Lin Qi. These soldiers accurately grabbed several important acupuncture points and meridians on Lin Qi's body. He couldn't use any strength in his body and could only watch helplessly. Watching Stan command the army to attack the Holy Glory Cathedral.

Twenty trebuchets were slowly moved in. With the dull sound of the machines, twenty huge magic bullets roared out and landed heavily on an exquisite palace halfway up the mountain in the distance.

On the top of this hall stands a tall golden statue. Look at the statue holding a spindle and branching out countless golden threads from its hands. This is the statue of the goddess of destiny.

A large ball of fire rose into the sky from the temple, and the golden light enveloped everything. Each hall of the Holy Glory Cathedral was protected by an independent magic circle. A golden halo shrouded the temple of the Goddess of Destiny. Twenty powerful magic bullets only made the halo tremble violently for a long time, but failed to break through its defense.

The soldiers of the Beast Blood Legion broke into the Holy Glory Cathedral under the protection of the magic barrier. They climbed up the Holy Glory Mountain along the spacious steps with heavy and neat steps. Wherever they passed, only clergymen who dared to Attack, they will kill without mercy.

In just a few breaths

Dozens of clergy died tragically under the spears of the ten soldiers of the Beast Blood Legion.

Archbishop Meulu was beaten to death by the emperor in the palace. Two cardinals under him were hacked to death. The only cardinal who stayed at the Holy Glory Cathedral, Hattu, was seriously injured by Stein's sword and fell into a coma. Hamu has been escorted to the rear by his priests, and there is no one in charge of the entire Shenghui Cathedral!

The most terrible thing is that the ultimate defensive formation of Shenghui Cathedral requires Archbishop Mu Lu or any cardinal to activate it personally. Archbishop Mu Lu is not known whether he is alive or dead, and two of the three cardinals are dead." Jiang Shang was in a coma. , the entire Holy Glory Cathedral fell into a chaotic situation without a leader, let alone opening the ultimate defensive formation.

▲The armor is clanging, the steps are rumbling, and the spear is piercing the human body, and the sound is even more numb. That night, the Holy Glory Cathedral felt as if the city had been conquered by orcs.

Those fat-headed clergy, those servants of God with their pockets stuffed with gold tickets, rushed out of the halls crying and screaming, and fled in embarrassment along the winding mountain road to the highest cathedral. Some fat priests and bishops occasionally stepped on the air, and they rolled down the steep corridor like rubber balls, and then were beaten half to death by the soldiers of the Beast Blood Legion with spears:

The main force that usually defends the Holy Glory Cathedral is the two thousand disciplinary knights. The Gallic Empire cannot allow the Holy Glory Cathedral to deploy too many armed forces in its capital. Now two thousand disciplinary knights have been beaten to pieces, and most of the thousand powerful adjudication priests and disciplinary priests have also been killed or injured. The strength of the Holy Glory Cathedral has been weakened to the extreme.

Of course, there are still some hidden forces in the cathedral, but these forces are shady. Without the order of Archbishop Caimulu, who would dare to mobilize those forces? For top-secret forces such as the Night Knights of the Temple of Dawn, where do the priests, bishops and the like have the power to mobilize? They didn't even know that such a person existed in the Holy Glory Cathedral. …,

The beast-blood army poured into the Holy Glory Cathedral. They invaded various temples with overwhelming force and destroyed the magic hubs in these temples.

The magical barrier that shrouded the Holy Glory Cathedral suddenly collapsed, losing the support point of the outer palace. This huge barrier was finally overwhelmed. Only the magical core in the Holy Glory Cathedral was no longer able to drive the huge Enchantment.

Shenghui Dali Church was so nakedly exposed in front of Stan's army. As long as Stan waved his hand, heads fell to the ground. Tens of thousands of clergymen in Shenghui Cathedral would have their heads rolling and they would be killed. Blood flows in the garrison river. Fortunately, at this moment, the soldiers of the Beast Blood Legion who were rushing at the front had already rushed to the winding mountain corridor just two corners away from the Holy Glory Cathedral. Nine flames were suddenly erected on the edge of the square in front of the Holy Glory Cathedral. shelf.

Enzo, the blood-clothed Qikeke, and Vic, who was dressed in black and looked thief-minded. The nine of them were fastened to the iron frame by light golden chains, with thick firewood piled at their feet. Countless prayers were transcribed in red writing on these pieces of firewood, which were the legendary prayers taught to humans by the gods to eliminate sins and purify souls. Every time the church wanted to burn a heretic, it would take several days just to chop wood. Firewood is easy to find, but it is a arduous task to write a square prayer on each piece of wood. At present, nine torture racks were set up at the same time, and it would take at least three days for hundreds of church apprentices to prepare enough firewood for Enzo and the others to chop.

A priest in a white robe poked his head out from the side of the square and shouted sternly at Stan down the mountain: "If you don't stop your sinful behavior, we will have to execute these nine damn heretics." punish!"

Stan was stunned, he frowned angrily, and suddenly roared at the top of his voice. The soldiers of the Beast Blood Legion who were attacking the top of the mountain stopped one after another. They re-arranged themselves, panting and waiting for Stan's next order.

Zhan Ma Ke stabbed the ground heavily, and Stan shouted angrily: "You actually threatened the Imperial Army with hostages, you guys.

. :

Stan wanted to curse, but he didn't know what to say. He had always known that these church sects were shameless, but he never thought they could be so shameless. Even the orcs and barbarians, alien races, would never do anything like kidnapping hostages! But these bastards, they did just that!

The godfather laughed a few times, glanced at Stan with a proud look, and then turned to Lin Qi.

"Lin Qi, you evil heretic, if you don't take the initiative to accept the divine judgment, several of your friends will be burned to death!"

The corners of Stan's mouth twitched. He wanted to say something, but he didn't speak.

Lin Qi broke away from the soldier holding him and strode upwards along the mountain road.

He looked at the godfather and smiled calmly: "Okay, I'll take the ride!". ) Provided by Shanshen Xiaomi