Radiant Era

Chapter 282: The black shadow appears


After Arthur left the stone house, no one talked to Lin Qi again. WWw. QuanBen-XiaoShuo. Com

Lin Qi sat quietly on the stool and breathed deeply. The huge amount of essence in the three acupoints between the eyebrows, chest, and Dantian slowly poured out, slowly repairing his injuries. All injured areas will heal slowly under the nourishment of essence. And any part that heals after being injured becomes stronger than before.

For example, the left kneecap that Biggerdas shattered is now more than twice as strong as the right kneecap. Lin Qi's mental power slowly swept across his legs and knees, and he suddenly had the urge to smash all the bones in his body into pieces.

The transformation of the spine continued, but Lin Qi did not take in enough food from the outside world - Arthur did not send anyone to bring Lin Qi anything to eat or drink, so Lin Qi became very hungry. After being hungry for who knows how long, Lin Qi suddenly found that his bloated figure had become much slimmer.

The potency of the bone marrow transformation drug is extraordinary. When Lin Qi does not get enough nutrients from the outside world, it begins to actively break down the fat on Lin Qi's body and provide it to the spine. Lin Qi's body slowly lost weight, and the transformation of his spine continued.

Lin Qi was a little worried. What would he do after the dozens of pounds of fat on his body were completely digested? Starve to death here

One hour, two hours, Lin Qi, whose stomach was rumbling with hunger, counted his heartbeat and roughly estimated the time. One day passed quickly, and then the next day, plus the time that had just passed when he was captured into the Shenghui Cathedral, Lin Qi had been trapped here for nearly four days.

Arthur probably tortured Lin Qi intentionally and did not send anyone to bring him water and food.

Lin Qi was already dizzy from hunger, which would have been fine on normal days, but now Lin Qi had taken the bone marrow transformation potion. That's when it's time to eat and drink. It was really fatal to cut off Lin Qi's water and food at this critical moment. Lin Qi was so hungry that his throat was making strange noises, as if a small hand was about to stretch out from his throat and eat whatever he caught.

"Arthur, if one day I catch you, I will lock you up like this and let you slowly eat your own flesh!"

Lin Qi was so hungry that hallucinations appeared before his eyes, and he was so hungry that his whole body twitched. At this time, Lin Qi didn't even have any fat left on her body, leaving only a body that could be considered strong.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly emerged from the ground in front of Lin Qi. The hazy shadow looked like a slim girl, but she had a pair of huge fleshy wings on her back, and a long tail that swiped left and right behind her butt. Especially the end of her long tail. It's actually a sharp triangular pyramid!

"I'm so hungry that I'm hallucinating!" Lin Qi muttered blankly: "Is this a female demon? I don't know what kind of female demon it is! Is it a lava demon, a shadow demon, or... Hehe, It would be interesting if it was a succubus. It is said that succubi are all beauties who are more beautiful than gods?"

"Hehe, does the young master also know how beautiful we are?"

A soft and sweet voice came faintly, and a faint sweet fragrance floated into Lin Qi's nose. This sweet fragrance is refreshing and refreshing. With a refreshing fresh smell. Lin Qi suddenly became energetic when he smelled the smell. He opened his eyes and looked over carefully.

It was not an illusion, but a real succubus standing in front of Lin Qi.

Succubi are the only strange demons whose age cannot be determined by their appearance. Whether they are teenagers or hundreds of years old, they always look young and beautiful. The succubus in front of me looks about fourteen or fifteen years old. She has long blue hair that hangs down to her buttocks, skin that is more delicate and smooth than goat's milk, a pair of beautiful red eyes on her fair face, a bright red mouth and a straight bridge of nose, plus that With her slim and tall figure, she is indeed a beautiful little beauty. …,

Of course, this succubus's appearance cannot be faulted at all. Her charm is a blend of youthfulness and maturity. It is completely incomparable to ordinary women. It's like a painting, a song, or a jar of fragrant old wine placed in front of your eyes. It has a long and fragrant charm, making people have an urge to taste and appreciate it.

The two girls, Ya and Ling, are certainly beautiful. But their iceberg attributes are completely incomparable to the succubus in front of them.

This succubus is a scourge, a scourge that can burn a man to ashes at any time by the fire of his own body!

It's a pity that Lin Qi is so hungry that he is about to faint. He is completely immune to the amazing beauty of this succubus.

"Who are you?" Lin Qi stared blankly at the succubus. Did she call herself Young Master? A string in Lin Qi's heart twitched. Although there were orcs, barbarians, and various weird race members in the Black Tiger family, he didn't remember that there were demons in the Black Tiger family.

Demons, this is the enemy of all races on the ground, whether orcs, barbarians or other races, all regard demons as their biggest enemies. There is no way the Black Tiger family would accept a demon as a family member, right

The succubus' long tail stretched out, and the long tail, as sharp as a spear, gently rubbed against Lin Qi's face.

"Master, I am Hei Yi. I am the person specially arranged by the master to protect the young master!" Hei Yi approached Lin Qi with a smile: "Hei Yi has been following the young master for more than three years, and the young master has never noticed that Hei Yi Does Yi exist?"

Lin Qi stared blankly at the black shadow, how could it be possible? If she had been following him for three years, how could he not feel anything at all

"Hehe!" Heiyi's little hand slowly touched the forbidden spirit lock around Lin Qi's neck: "This time, in order to save his friend, the young master foolishly threw himself into a trap, which really embarrassed Heiyi. Fortunately, the young master threw himself into a trap to save his friend. Those muscle knots destroyed more than half of the magic barrier of Shenghui Cathedral, and Heiyi finally took the opportunity to sneak in, and it took him several days to find the young master."

Youyou sighed, and Heiyi shook his head and said: "The protection here is too tight, and so is Heiyi... Damn it, which bastard made this thing? I hope all his male relatives will be drained of the last bit of energy. Even the soul has been sucked clean!"

As soon as Heiyi's hand touched the forbidden spirit lock, a ball of golden sparks suddenly burst out from the seemingly ordinary iron ring. The five fingers of Heiyi's right hand were touched by the golden flames, and three of them were immediately burned to ashes.

Heiyi, who was so painful that tears flowed down, took a few steps back. She glanced at the forbidden spirit chains that bound Lin Qi's body in fear, and sighed helplessly: "We are in big trouble, Master. Heiyi can't untie this ghost thing. I can only inform the master, but you must hold on!"

With a wave of his hand, the fingers that were burned off by Hei Ying grew back. Lin Qi couldn't help but feel horrified. It was said that members of the demon clan had very terrifying regeneration abilities, and it was indeed the case today.

Staring blankly at Heiyi's regrown fingers for a few seconds, Lin Qi tilted her mouth and said, "We'll talk about reporting the news later. Feed me something to eat first! There is food and drink in the ring on my hand. Yes, cut me two hams first!"

Hei Yi was stunned, and then she heard the "gurgling" sound coming from Lin Qi's stomach. She smiled charmingly, carefully glanced at the forbidden spirit lock around Lin Qi's neck, carefully avoided the chains and iron rings on Lin Qi's body, and took off Lin Qi's space ring.

Putting the ring between Lin Qi's eyebrows, Lin Qi's heart moved, and two hams and a barrel of beer fell down.

Heiyi quickly took the ham and beer in his hand, put the ring back on Lin Qi's finger, took out a dagger, cut the ham piece by piece, and fed it to Lin Qi. Lin Qi, who had been hungry for a long time, gulped down hurriedly. In a short time, he had completely eaten a piece of raw ham and a barrel of beer. …,

A piece of raw ham was only slightly battered, and Lin Qi could feel that his strong intestines were rapidly digesting the ham meat he had eaten.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi did not let Hei Yi continue feeding, but asked: "Are you really a member of the family?"

Hei Yi looked at Lin Qi pitifully, and kept rubbing his long tail on Lin Qi's face: "Young Master, I have served you for more than three years. Hei Yi is the number one secret guard of the family's Huying Hall! If the young master hadn't ventured in here this time and Mr. Bing, who was responsible for protecting the young master, suddenly disappeared, Hei Yi would not have appeared in front of the young master."

Lin Qi was stunned. Besides this black shadow, was there another person protecting him secretly

He looked at Hei Yi and listened to Hei Yi tell her everything about the past few days when she and Mr. Bing followed Lin Qi. Including what Lin Qi did on the isolated island battlefield, and the strange black cat in the Golden Lily Square that night, etc., Hei Yi finally made Lin Qi reluctantly believe that she was a member of the family.

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi said in a deep voice: "Ignore me. Since you can't get me out of here, go out and deliver a message for me."

"Tell dad that I will be fine for the time being and ask dad to bring someone to pick me up!"

"Tell Uncle Barr and Aunt Lily not to move around. The Holy Glory Cathedral is heavily guarded. They just need to protect themselves."

"Let's inquire and see what the situation is between the empire and the church now. Uncle Lion led people to attack the Holy Glory Cathedral. This incident will definitely affect the relationship between the church and the empire. See what the emperor means! If If the empire really goes to war with the church, let dad lead people to attack this place and rescue me."

Lin Qi squinted his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"Tell dad that Arthur asked me about the family prayer. Let dad find out who leaked this matter."

Lin Qi's face was ugly: "Those who know about this matter are only those few people inside and outside, but they are either the powerful generals of the family or the elders of the family. No matter who leaked this matter, I suggest that Dad seal the the mouth of a man and of all his kin.”

Hei Yi agreed, and she fed Lin Qi two more raw hams, and then submerged the scattered garbage into the ground.

Lin Qi looked at the direction where the black shadow disappeared and let out a heavy breath.