Radiant Era

Chapter 284: welcome


A little bit of fun begins!

By the way, I would like to appeal to the issue of recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. The tickets must be strong, and the pig head can write well!

Also, a reminder, there are some things in the public chapter, you can take a look and fool around to your heart’s content!

When the sky was just beginning to break, a man and a horse were slowly walking south along the avenue outside the north gate of the imperial capital, Borelli. wWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. cOM

The last traces of the terrible winter have disappeared without a trace, and greenery has enveloped the wilderness. In the fields on both sides of the road, farmers who got up early are tending to crops such as fruits and vegetables. A few wandering domestic dogs ran past the distant field ridge with their tails between their legs, looming in the mist like legendary imps.

The man rode forward slowly, and occasionally there were a few overwhelmed snorts.

The man wore a brocade tights and a purple satin cape that was very gorgeous. This man is extremely tall and strong. Under his thin clothes, you can see his bulging muscles like black bread, full of liliang. He wore a wide-brimmed cylindrical hat, with the brim covering most of his face. There was a cigar sticking out from under the brim, and occasionally sparks flickered on the cigar.

The thick smoke obscured the man's face. His face looked dark from a distance, and it was not clear what he looked like.

As for his mount, it was a poor little braying donkey. This man was two meters tall, with a thick body like a buffalo. The little donkey he was riding was more of a bigger dog than a donkey. The poor little donkey was awkwardly carrying the man who was like a mountain behind him, humming and moving forward step by step.

The weather was still very cold early in the morning. The little donkey's nose was covered with sweat, and water drops were dripping down. The poor donkey's backbone was almost broken. Panting and rolling its eyes, it finally carried the big man to the north gate of Berelli.

A vague light red halo enveloped the entire Imperial Capital. This was the Empire opening the Imperial Capital's sky-disturbing barrier. With this barrier, any long-distance teleportation magic array could not be used. Anyone who wanted to enter or exit the Imperial Capital must rely on it. Just walk.

A group of heavily armed soldiers stopped in front of Little Calling Donkey. An officer in heavy armor stretched out his hand: "Where are you from? What are you doing?"

The big man snorted and lifted his hat, revealing a full black beard. Putting the hat on the donkey's head, the big man took a heavy drag on the cigar and puffed out two plumes of smoke from his nose. His lung capacity was extremely large, and two plumes of thick smoke sprayed out three to four meters away, hitting the officer's face, choking him and causing him to cough violently.

With a 'clang' sound, several soldiers pulled out their swords.

Blackbeard laughed, stretched his legs off the poor little donkey's back, and walked slowly in front of the officer.

"Hahaha, Your Excellency, I'm sorry. I'm here to visit my son!" He slapped the officer on the shoulder hard, and Blackbeard laughed happily: "I have a son who is very obedient, very sensible, and never causes trouble. , I heard that he caused some trouble here in the past few days, so I was busy sowing seeds in several acres of wheat fields at home, so I came over to take a look."

Bending down and looking pitifully at the officer who was nearly two heads shorter than him, Blackbeard cried out in mourning: "We are all serious people and never cause trouble. I don't know what this little bastard is doing this time. What a big thing it has caused, I’m so worried!”

After howling a few times, Blackbeard puffed out a puff of thick smoke and squinted at the officer who was almost paralyzed by his slap. Zhi Le said, "Can I go in? Hey, let me tell you why, as a law-abiding and law-abiding officer, I Imperial citizens who pay taxes on time, why are you trying to stop me when I want to enter the imperial capital? Do I look like a bad guy?”…,

The officer took a few steps back in embarrassment and stared at Blackbeard with great annoyance. He had never seen such a troublesome person before.

A law-abiding Imperial citizen? Blackbeard doesn't look like a law-abiding person! And he looks as weird as he rides. What's going on with such a tall man riding a donkey that's not much bigger than a dog

In recent days, there has been a turmoil in the imperial capital. Envoys from various continental countries and special envoys from the church are having intense negotiations with the empire's top officials. Therefore, the imperial capital has restricted the entry and exit of people in the past few days. Guys like Blackbeard who are full of evil spirits are absolutely not allowed to enter the city.

"Sir, you can't go in!" Several soldiers rushed up, and everyone stared at Blackbeard: "According to the order of the military department, the imperial capital has strictly prohibited all suspicious people from entering or exiting in recent days. You..."

Blackbeard's angry roar broke the tranquility of the morning. He beat his chest with his fist angrily, making a loud 'dong-dong' sound like a drum. He roared loudly: "Fart! It smells bad! I feel like Are you a suspicious person? You bastards, do your eyes grow in your buttholes? Do I, a handsome and upright man like me, look suspicious? "

Putting his big black-haired face in front of the stunned officer, Blackbeard roared loudly: "Why am I suspicious? Say, how am I suspicious? How do I look like a bad person? If you can't tell me, If you find anything suspicious, I'll beat you to death, you bastard!"

The poor officer was so angry that he was trembling all over. Just your words prove that you are not a good person!

Who among the truly good citizens would dare to clamor at the gate of the imperial capital to beat to death the officer responsible for guarding the city gate

More soldiers rushed up, and they drew their swords and spears and pointed them at Blackbeard.

The black-bearded monster narrowed his eyes, and punched the poor little donkey on the head with all his strength. He laughed mysteriously: "Wow, you want to fight me? You want to beat up a compliance person?" A law-abiding citizen of the empire? I have the right to resist, right? Hahaha, you can’t close the door here and let the dogs out, can I let the donkeys out?”

The panting little donkey walked forward slowly. It raised its upper lip and smiled at the soldiers in an unusually evil way. This donkey has a row of unusually white and bright teeth. Its teeth are so white and bright that they can even reflect the faces of these soldiers. Between the teeth of this row of big teeth, you can still faintly see a black muscle.

It's not a fragment of grass blades, but a muscle tendon. The muscle muscle is half a finger thick. This muscle tendon should come from a large animal.

Just when Blackbeard was clamoring to let the donkey go, heavy footsteps came, and a group of heavy infantry surrounded Stan and came to the door. Many soldiers guarding the city gate straightened their backs at the same time and saluted Stann repeatedly.

"What's going on? If you're not doing serious business, why are you stopping people from entering the city?" Stan walked over quickly, glanced at Blackbeard with squinted eyes, and then scolded the unfortunate officer majestically. stand up.

A layer of cold sweat immediately broke out on the officer's forehead. Stann was responsible for the defense of the entire imperial capital and surrounding provinces. He happened to be the immediate boss of the city gate army. Danshi Stann was the imperial general. This officer and Stann There is at least a few dozen levels of difference between them. Faced with Stein's accusations, he couldn't even speak.

After muttering for a long time, the officer pointed to the black beard who was puffing away and stammered: "General... General, he is very suspicious!"

Blackbeard spread his hands in grievance, his eyes widened, and he looked at Stein with a very innocent, naive, and kind-hearted look: "Your Excellency, your distinguished general, do I seem like a bad person? What's suspicious about me? Is there anything suspicious about me? Can I complain to the military department about the abuse of power by the soldiers under your command?"...,

Stan scratched the back of his head with a slight headache. He looked at Blackbeard, looked him up and down for a long time, then stared at the little gray barking donkey next to Blackbeard with a sullen face for a long, long time, and then nodded with a sad face. Nodding: "You, there should be no suspicion. You can go into the city and danshi your donkey..."

Blackbeard picked up the poor little braying donkey. He stared at Stein with great seriousness: "This is an heirloom of my family. No one can touch a hair on it! The few acres of land in our family are all Use it to plow the fields!”

The corner of Stan's mouth twitched violently for a few times. He stared at the little braying donkey. After a long time, he breathed out: "Take care of your donkey. Don't let it run around and bray in the city. , Bite people indiscriminately!”

Blackbeard smiled extremely brightly: "How is that possible? It's a donkey, not a dog!"

With a bright smile, Blackbeard strode into the city gate with his arms around the little donkey. He passed by Stan. The little braying donkey stared at Stan with a sinister look. When it passed by Stan, it suddenly muttered in a low voice: "Fuck you, uncle, I'm biting randomly." A mad dog?"

The donkey spoke very softly, and only Blackbeard and Stane heard the words.

Blackbeard's smile grew brighter, Stan's face twitched violently, and he exhaled heavily.

About two hours after Blackbeard entered the city, when the sun completely evaporated the morning fog, three huge boxes were unloaded from a cargo ship in the dock area of the North City of Berelli. These three boxes were filled with salted fish. A group of porters randomly stuffed these three boxes into a warehouse in the dock area.

No one saw that in those three boxes, under the layers of salted fish, were three extremely gorgeous and huge coffins!

A strong evil aura came out of the three coffins, and the salted fish were rapidly drying up, withering, and turning into ashes.

Blackbeard rode the little donkey to the Old Rooster Shop. He took out a passport issued by a small principality to the east of the Caesar Empire. It indicated that Blackbeard was a small principality under that small principality. Hereditary Viscount.

In the name of this hereditary viscount, Blackbeard obtained a guest room in the Old Rooster Inn. Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of his guest room, he could just see the Golden Palace where envoys from various countries and church envoys discussed matters with the empire's top officials.

The donkey lay on his back on the only bed in the guest room, panting heavily and humming.

"You need to lose weight, kid! I'm exhausted. Call me two girls with big breasts! I don't really care about race, as long as the breasts are big enough!"

The gloomy-looking black beard picked up the candlestick and hit the little barking donkey hard on the head.
