Radiant Era

Chapter 286: Underground murder


.Boleli City has the most complete underground drainage system in the capitals of the Western continent. WWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.CoM

Because the Gallic Empire was the main battlefield of the Hundred Years' War, Boreli was destroyed many times during the Hundred Years' War. Thirty years after the war, the Gallic Empire used aid funds from continental countries to rebuild almost the entire Bereli, so even the underground drainage system was extremely well planned.

In the usually dark underground drainage channel, Barr and Aunt Lily were taking a rest in a drainage pipe with a group of family elites in a mess. This drainage pipe with a diameter of more than two meters is responsible for the discharge of rainwater on Shenghui Street and several nearby side roads on rainy days. It has not rained in the Imperial City in recent days, so the inside of this pipe is very dry, except for some moldy leaves. There is no other filth or smell.

A small group of lights illuminated a section of pipe more than ten meters long, and also illuminated the dejected faces of Barr and Aunt Lily.

Both of them were sitting cross-legged on the ground, silently working on their fighting energy. The unstoppable Barr opened his mouth and coughed out a fist-sized lump of blood, and his face suddenly turned rosy. He took a deep breath, took out a bottle of medicine and poured it into his mouth, then slowly stood up.

Aunt Lily is like a big stove, constantly releasing intense heat. There are three clearly visible fist marks on her back that are three inches deep. These three punch marks are several times larger than an ordinary person's fist, which shows that the person who punched is much larger than a normal person.

There is a faint golden divine light attached to these three fist seals. Aunt Lily is constantly using her own fighting spirit to impact this thin layer of divine light, gradually wearing away the fist energy that has penetrated into her internal organs. A full half hour passed. The fist mark on Aunt Lily's back slowly dissipated. She also spit out a mouthful of blood, took out a bottle of wound medicine and drank it.

Just after the injury was taken care of, Aunt Lily burst into tears and cried softly: "Poor young master, why is he so stupid? Wow, he went to replace Enzo's boys. This is a good thing. But he himself He was caught by those damn gangsters. How much suffering will he have to endure!"

Barr silently wiped the huge scythe with a white silk scarf. He mumbled with a sullen face: "This is our young master! If you watch your brother being burned to death on the stake without saving him, If the young master cannot hold his head high and behave like a good person in the future, the brothers in the family will not be convinced by the young master."

After punching the drain pipe hard, Barr gritted his teeth and said, "What a shame. On that island, this bastard Arthur should be chopped to death with one knife!"

Aunt Lily rolled her eyes strangely, jumped up suddenly, grabbed Barr and threw him to the ground. She slapped Barr across the face, and yelled: "You useless piece of trash, what's the use of not seeing you since I was a kid! Ah? Why didn't you chop Arthur with a knife? Why didn't you? Kill him early?"

Barr was beaten severely by Aunt Lily, and soon his face became colorful and his eyeballs were swollen. He resisted Aunt Lily's violent beating in embarrassment and yelled: "Arthur ran too far." Come on, he has a teleportation array on him. How can I kill him? Hey, don’t hit, don’t think that you can hit anyone casually because you are my biological sister, the master has sent someone else to be with the young master!”

Aunt Lily suddenly stopped her fists like a storm. She looked down at Barr, widened her eyes and asked, "The master sent someone else to accompany the young master? Is it...that group of shadows?"

Barr nodded heavily, squinting his eyes to recall what happened on the isolated island battlefield. He said softly: "If they hadn't intentionally leaked a little bit of their breath, I wouldn't have been able to detect them. Apart from Hu Ying, I really don't know anyone who can do this."…,

Aunt Lily clapped her hands and laughed: "That's good. With Hu Ying's people watching, the young master will not be in danger!"

He let out a heavy breath. Aunt Lily sneered: "Let's solve our troubles now! Hey, the people who have been attacking us in the past few days must have been sent by Arthur's unfed wolf! Want to kill us and silence us? Humph, could it be that he Do you think the master will be deceived by him? Do you think the master doesn’t know that he colluded with the church to frame the young master?”

Leo, who was sitting next to him with a big ax in his arms, raised his head and took a deep breath: "I will not be deceived by Arthur, but the people Arthur sent are really strong! Uncle Barr and Aunt Lily are not Our opponents don’t know if we can support them until the master arrives!”

Just as Leo finished speaking, the sound of footsteps could be heard in the distance.

Although there is no accumulated water in this pipeline, in the main pipeline with a diameter of more than ten meters on the side, domestic wastewater from many houses and shops in the imperial capital is constantly pouring in, forming a river several meters wide in the main pipeline. . In order to facilitate maintenance personnel to maintain sewer pipes, two sidewalks were laid on both sides of the river, each sidewalk is two meters wide.

Because the pipe is extremely empty, even the slightest sound can be heard far away. Listening to the footsteps, someone should be walking this way three hundred meters away. Their steps are extremely brisk, and their goals are obviously extremely clear.

Baal blew out the lamp with a gloomy face, and murmured in a low voice: "It's strange, no matter how far we run these days, they can always find us quickly. It's a pity that even the underground drainage pipes are covered by barriers, We can't follow the water pipes out of the imperial capital, otherwise we can easily get rid of them!"

Aunt Lily took a breath and held her mace firmly.

"Stop talking nonsense. Now that we have found them, let's fight them again. Leo, you take the children to cover the injured brother and retreat first. Just leave twenty people here to use crossbows to cooperate with us!"

Leo glanced at Aunt Lily, he breathed heavily and quickly issued orders one after another.

In just a few days, facing the pursuit of the unknown enemy, nearly half of the three hundred elite families led by Leo had suffered injuries ranging from minor to severe. If they hadn't carried excellent wound medicine with them, some would have been killed. Even so, there were still more than a dozen people with injured legs and feet. Without the secret medicine refined by the masters of secret medicine that could lift the dead from the flesh and bones, they would be destined to be disabled in this life.

Leo, who was feeling heavy in his heart, asked his companions to retreat along the water pipe. He personally led twenty strong crossbowmen to sit in the rear.

Barr and Aunt Lily didn't say much. They tightened their weapons, slipped out of the level with their men, and set up a simple defense line in the main pipe outside. The enemies are always chasing behind them. If they don't kill them all, it seems there is no way to avoid their pursuit.

There was a faint purple light ahead. Every time the enemy caught up, Barr and the others would always see this purple light. Barr tightened his grip on the scythe. He glanced in the direction of Aunt Lily, then he closed his breath and turned into a black smoke and escaped into the sewage of the main water pipe.

Aunt Lily took a breath, and her whole body suddenly burst into flames, like a huge lighthouse emitting a large amount of light and heat. The entire pipe was instantly filled with light and heat, and everyone could only see her strong breasts for a moment. Body and the perverted mace in her hand.

"Hey, church chicks, Aunt Lily is here! Hahaha, come on, let Aunt Lily turn you into cute little capons. I guarantee that you will all become fragrant and tender in the future!" Aunt Lily shouted loudly. Laughing, laughter spread through the water pipes like thunder. …,

The light footsteps suddenly became heavy, and hundreds of swordsmen wearing white armor slowly walked over here following a few huge bats. Those bats were extremely weird. Their pupils emitted a mysterious dark purple light, and they were staring at Aunt Lily.

Aunt Lily raised her mace, lowered her head, and hit the opponent like a mad bull. She wore a heavy horned helmet on her head, and the two huge horns stretched straight forward, tearing the air like two sharp spears.

The white-armored swordsman at the front shouted in a low voice, "The law is with me," and then he slashed at Aunt Lily with his sword.

Aunt Lily's mace roared and turned the air into a ball of flames. She hit the white-armored swordsman's abdomen with a fierce blow. The heavy blow knocked the white-armored swordsman backwards and flew away, and the armor on his body also flew away. Countless traces were broken.

But Aunt Lily also groaned. A shallow sword mark suddenly appeared on her face, and blood was seeping out from the sword mark. Although the white-armored swordsman's slash just now did not touch her, the sword energy had already damaged her body.

The white-armored swordsman who was knocked away flew back more than ten meters before being stopped by his companions. He knelt down on the ground, held the sword in both hands and recited a few spells in a low voice. A circle of green divine light descended from his head. The white-armored swordsman who had just vomited blood immediately regained his vitality and swung his sword forward again. Come.

Aunt Lily cursed angrily. This is the most difficult thing for the church's elite warriors - they can borrow the power of the goddess of life to recover from injuries anytime and anywhere. Unless their heads are chopped off with a sword, these people will be more difficult to deal with than Brown Candy.

Suddenly there was a low sound of breaking through the air. Twenty strong crossbows fired pure steel arrows at the same time. The nine white-armored swordsmen who rushed at the front groaned. They were hit by arrows in vital parts of their chests and abdomens, and their thin armor intercepted them. Most of the power of the arrow was lost, and only a small section of the arrow penetrated their bodies.

But the arrows were quenched with poison, and the faces of these white-armored swordsmen turned black and they took a few steps back.

Aunt Lily also rushed up and smashed the head of a white-armored swordsman into mincemeat with a single blow of her mace. The sword light shot into the air, and the three long swords quickly pierced Aunt Lily's body, bringing out three hot blood arrows from her body.

Just on Shenghui Street, Blackbeard was walking leisurely with the little donkey.

"Sniff carefully, sniff, didn't you say that there is no dog on the continent with a sharper nose than yours? Hurry up and find where Barr and the others are!"

The donkey raised its head with a grin and cursed silently at Blackbeard.

"I'll fuck you! I'm not a dog!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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