Radiant Era

Chapter 287: Tiger Shadow Kills


As night fell, Blackbeard pulled the little barking donkey to a branch road of Shenghui Street, when the little barking donkey suddenly snorted a few times in a low voice. WWw.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.COm Two copper hats walked side by side from the opposite side. They stared at Blackbeard and pulled out the batons tied to their belts with great vigilance: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

It must be said that the secret police brass hats of the imperial capital are an extremely responsible group of people, and they have an outstanding sense of smell. Blackbeard is not a serious person at first glance, and although he is dressed the same as a wealthy man, which wealthy man would lead a donkey walking on the street

Although Blackbeard's wide-brimmed cylindrical hat made of silk is worth dozens of gold coins, and although the clothes on his body are all expensive silk products, and his demeanor and demeanor are like a real aristocrat, there will be no The nobleman walked around Shenghui Street with a donkey!

But before the two copper hats caught Blackbeard and tortured him about his identity, a twisted black shadow suddenly flashed out from behind the two men. A large paw covered with thick black hair gently patted the back of the two people's heads. With a muffled sound, the helmets of the two copper hats were dented, and both of them groaned. Without making a sound, he fell to the ground foaming at the mouth.

Blackbeard glanced at the copper hat that fell on the ground, and with a slight tip of his toe, a large round manhole cover flew into the air. Blackbeard grabbed the donkey and rushed into the sewer with a cracking sound. The half-foot-thick iron cover fell back to its original place without making any sound.

There were strange sounds all around, and countless bright stars in the sky cast hazy starlight over Bureleli in the night. The flowers, trees and buildings near the manhole cover began to shake at the same time. Hazy shadows kept pouring into the cellar shaft that led directly to the sewer. These shadows flashed away, and various strange and strange figures could be vaguely seen inside.

In the large sewer, Blackbeard carried the little donkey and ran forward quickly. The sewer system of Borelli is very well designed. A stream of running water is introduced at the source of the sewer to flush the entire sewer at all times, so the smell here is not very bad. Blackbeard took a deep breath and rushed forward more than ten meters with each step. Keep running forward in the direction pointed by the donkey.

Less than twenty meters behind Blackbeard. A thick shadow rolled forward rapidly. Wherever this shadow passed, everything seemed to be swallowed up by them, leaving only the deepest and most evil darkness behind. In this shadow, you can vaguely see a body as strong as an ox, with sharp scales and claws. And huge wings.

In just a dozen breaths, Blackbeard had already ran forward for three miles. He suddenly stopped running and listened for a while to the nearby movements. Suddenly there was a low roar, and his back hit a wall behind him heavily.

The two-meter-thick separation wall made of large stone bricks shattered silently. Blackbeard leaned down and rushed to the main waterway next door like a hungry tiger that had just woken up from its grass nest. His figure flew through the air, bringing up a large amount of dust, like a dark cloud that rushed forward.

Aunt Lily has been wounded in twenty-seven places. Those white-armored swordsmen are not afraid of death. They are always blessed by the divine power of life. Ordinary injuries have no effect on them. They struck fast and hard. Even though Aunt Lily was wearing heavy armor, she was still hit hard by them several times.

The panting Aunt Lily was being forced to stagger back. Leo and the others had already fired all the crossbow arrows in their hands. Their arrows only killed three unlucky people who were accidentally shot in the face. Other than that, everyone else Use the divine power of life to disperse the poison. Leo was holding a big ax and guarding behind Aunt Lily, gritting his teeth and waiting for the most suitable opportunity for him to rush out. …,

In the middle of this place is a river formed by wastewater. There are sidewalks on both sides that are no more than two meters wide. Aunt Lily blocked the passage tightly by herself. Even if Leo wanted to rush forward, there was no room for him to do so.

When Blackbeard rushed to the main pipe, he happened to see Aunt Lily being stabbed through the left shoulder with a sword. Aunt Lily yelled and punched her wound. The high-temperature flame burned the wound, turning the wound into a bloody mess. But it just stopped the bleeding. There was a smell of burnt meat in the air, and there were more than twenty wounds like this on Aunt Lily's body.

"Hmph!" Blackbeard didn't say a word. He quietly rushed up from behind the group of white-armored swordsmen. His fists seemed to hit the backs of the two white-armored swordsmen lightly, and his potential force exploded like a torrent. The two white-armored swordsmen shuddered and suddenly froze in place.

A large amount of blood flowed from the gaps in their armor, and along with the blood spurted out a large amount of minced meat sauce. Blackbeard's punch was so domineering that it completely shook the upper bodies of the two men into meat paste, which was several times finer than meat paste made with a meat grinder.

Not to mention the divine blessing of the Temple of Life, unless the Goddess of Life personally takes action, no one can save these two unlucky guys.

Before the two bodies landed, Blackbeard jumped forward again. He stretched out his big hands and grabbed the heads of the two white-armored swordsmen. He gently pushed his palms forward. The two big heads and their helmets were like iron hooves. The watermelon that was dropped exploded into pieces with a 'pop'.

Originally, Blackbeard could kill at least a dozen white-armored swordsmen with this sneak attack, but when he took action just now, he threw the donkey out. The evil donkey turned over lightly in the air, and then deftly Standing on the ground.

Baring his teeth and smiling with two rows of big white teeth, the donkey roared at the top of his lungs: "Hey, you bastards, I'll fuck you! Hey, are there any busty ladies among you?" I don’t care what race or whatever, are there any busty pussies among you?”

The thirty white-armored swordsmen at the rear turned around and swung their swords at the same time. Blackbeard's hand that just stretched out was almost hit by two long swords. Blackbeard retracted his hand and roared angrily: "You damn donkey! Tiger Shadow belongs to me, kill them all!"

Because of Blackbeard's surprise attack, the attack of the white-armored swordsmen suddenly slowed down. From the sewage river on the side, a black smoke rushed up quickly, and a sharp arc-shaped sword light roared and was involved in the array of the white-armored swordsmen. In the blink of an eye, arc-shaped sword light appeared thirty-six times, accompanied by shrill howls, twelve white-armored swordsmen were decapitated, and twenty-four had their arms chopped off.

One blow weakened the enemy's combat effectiveness by 30%, and Barr's assassination was successful again.

But the white-armored swordsmen were worthy of being the elite among the elite. Facing Baal's surprise attack, three of them still reacted. They recited prayers to the gods, and a strong golden divine light glowed around them, and they struck continuously at Baal, whose body was twisted and unstable. Dozens of swords. Barr's body was trembling like leaves in a storm. His body was thrust in and out by the sword again and again. At that moment, he was stabbed by at least seventeen swords.

When he landed, Barr stumbled and fell directly at the feet of Aunt Lily. But he still had the strength to raise his head and twitched the corner of his mouth towards the black bearded man with a smile: "Master, you are finally here! If you don't come, we will all be ruined!"

Blackbeard just smiled lowly. In the big hole where the separation wall was knocked open behind him, just like the legendary passage connecting the world and hell, a large black shadow suddenly poured out. The speed of these shadows was so fast that they instantly surrounded the remaining nearly eighty white-armored swordsmen. …,

There was a loud "Pfft" sound, and a dark, non-reflective stabbing sword pierced the chest of a white-armored swordsman hundreds of times, directly turning his chest into a sieve. A black shadow appeared next to the white-armored swordsman. An extremely handsome young man with a pair of black wings sprouted from his back greedily took a sip on the dying white-armored swordsman's face. A twisted figure emerged from the swordsman's seven orifices. It was sucked out and quickly fell into the young man's mouth.

'Jiejie' laughed a few times, and the young man with black wings bowed slightly to Blackbeard, and then disappeared into the darkness again.

A twisted shadow quickly emerged from the ground under the feet of the two white-armored swordsmen. With a low roar, a strong man whose lower body was a giant spider flashed out of the black shadow. This man had four thick arms. He swung the huge machete with sharp teeth and slashed down crazily like Aunt Lily chopping green peppers in the kitchen. The two white-armored swordsmen howled and were chopped into pieces. .

The spider man chuckled a few times, and the plump tail of his lower body lifted up, and a thread of spider silk as thick as a thumb shot out, and stuck to the face of an unlucky white-armored swordsman with a snap. A shadow flashed behind the swordsman, and a strange girl with a translucent body, and a green heart that was constantly beating on her heart could be clearly seen flashed out of the shadow.

The beautiful girl opened her small mouth, and her two white little tiger teeth kissed the neck of the swordsman whose face was sealed.

With a gentle suction, like a peerless concubine gently sucking the delicious juice from fresh lychees, the girl used the most elegant manners to suck all the blood from the swordsman's body. The girl showed a cute smile with satisfaction and a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth. She waved gratefully to the spider man and then suddenly disappeared into the darkness.

In another place, a stout man stepped on the seven or eight decapitated swordsmen like a general on the battlefield drinking wine. He raised the severed heads and drank the blood, laughing loudly with great joy. There were two pairs of huge bat wings swinging lightly behind him, and the dark wings were densely covered with strange blood-colored lines.

Blackbeard stood not far away with his hands clasped in his hands, narrowing his eyes and giving orders coldly.

"Eat it thoroughly and wipe it clean. Don't leave a hair on it. If you don't eat it clean, take it back and smoke it dry for a midnight snack. Don't make it bloody and leave a clue to others!"

He looked up at the top of the sewer and sighed deeply.

"How can a law-abiding citizen of the empire like me know you... Uh, where are the public enemies of mankind?"


Zhutou is adjusting his work and rest time, adjusting the reverse time of day and night.

I went to bed a little early last night, so there was no update in the early morning.

Let’s update two chapters at noon!

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