Radiant Era

Chapter 288: transfer


In the secret room beneath the Holy Glory Cathedral, Lin Qi was so hungry that water poured out of the corners of his mouth again. Www,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,com(.ca_){网..} That damn disciplinary knight hasn’t come to give Lin Qi food for two days. He is really hungry. The spine was aching for a while. If there was no food supplement, Lin Qi's bottle of bone marrow transformation potion would be in vain. This is a lot of money!

Lin Qi greeted Arthur's son and Gerdas' father at the top of his lungs. Anyway, he cursed the 'father and son' over and over again.

I don’t know how long I have been howling, but the door of the secret room suddenly opened, and a young man wearing a golden robe, with blond hair and golden eyes, and even his skin was faintly golden, walked in with a large number of people. Lin Qi shut his mouth in surprise, because he found that behind the young man, in addition to the church clergy, there were even a group of imperial officials wearing black robes.

"Are you Lin Qi?" The handsome young man with blond hair and golden eyes looked at Lin Qi coldly. He waved his hand gently, and the forbidden spirit lock that had imprisoned Lin Qi for nearly half a month suddenly popped open, and the stool was quickly submerged. underground. Lin Qi stood firm with his legs. He was too lazy to pay attention to the young man. He immediately took out a piece of raw ham from the ring and started to eat it in big mouthfuls.

"Lin Qi! I am Cardinal Law of the Church Punishment Center!" The blond and golden-eyed Law saw Lin Qi greedily devouring raw ham and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes mockingly, with a hint of disdain in his tone. -This is the filthy and depraved sinners. When they escape from the prison of sin, the evil still dominates their souls.

Lin Qi swallowed a large piece of ham in two mouthfuls. He raised his head and glared at Lu impatiently, humming vaguely: "Stop talking nonsense. I'm starving to death! You haven't given me anything for several days. Give me food and drink, you stingy bastards!"

One was wearing a black robe. The old man wearing a wig strode up to Lin Qi. He looked up and down Lin Qi, who was smelling like a smell because he hadn't taken a shower for half a month. He turned around angrily and loudly accused: "I didn't confirm Lin Qi's Before you can be held responsible, you illegally imprisoned and abused citizens of the Gallic Empire, which is a crime!”

Lu and all the clergy remained silent.

What is crime? What sin is there in the face of the supreme divine power? If this matter hadn't been made a big deal by the Gallic Empire, and other empires on the mainland took advantage of it and wanted to take advantage of the church, Lin Qi would have been thrown into a secret prison of a certain church and squatted there. Where is the chance for him to meet outsiders

crime? Hey. It was just a few hungry meals for him, instead of being in the divine prison controlled by the punishment. Lin Qibao is not sure what he is like now!

Lin Qi gnawed the ham clean in a few strokes, then took out another ham from the ring and continued to hold it and gnaw it wildly. However, after just eating a piece of raw ham, Lin Qi was no longer so hungry. While eating the ham meat, he looked at the old man wearing a wig and asked: "Who are you? Sorry, I'm really I’m so hungry, these bastards won’t give me anything to eat!”

The old man glared at Lu angrily and held Lin Qi's shoulders with his hands. He said majestically: "I am Luo Men, the highest official in the empire. Lin Qi, you don't need to say anything now. You will be handed over to the joint custody of the empire and the church. No one can do anything until your guilt is determined." I’ll hurt a hair on your head!”

Lin Qi was stunned. The empire and the church jointly guarded him? It seemed that during the days when he was imprisoned, a lot of things had happened between the empire and the church, otherwise there would not have been such strange changes. After pondering for a while, Lin Qi obediently shut his mouth and never said a word. He just held the ham and gnawed it all the way, allowing everyone to escort him out of the secret room. …,

Walking all the way up, Lin Qi was taken out of the Holy Glory Cathedral. The stars were shining brightly outside, and Lin Qi was put into an iron prison car. Escorted by a team of disciplinary knights and a team of dragoons, the prison car quickly drove out of the city.

Lin Qi just ate and drank in the prison car. The ring on his hand contained a large amount of food and water, enough for him to eat and drink for a while. The prison car swayed all the way out, and soon left Boreli and headed southwest of the imperial capital.

I don’t know when, Lu rode a tall horse to the window of the prison car. He looked at Lin Qi who was sitting in the prison car eating and drinking, and lowered his voice and threatened Lin Qi in a low voice: "About Geer. Regarding Lord Gerdas, if you dare to leak a word, the Temple of Punishment will use all its power to completely destroy the Black Tiger Family! As long as you do not leak anything about Lord Gerdas, the Black Tiger Family can be safe and sound. Although you will It’s a bit miserable, but at least you won’t die!”

Lin Qi looked at Lu coldly. He leaned towards the car window and laughed softly: "I knew that a little baby who is only a few months old and can run around can still hurt people and speak. Tell me, this is definitely not a human being. Is it a monster raised by the Temple of Punishment?"

The two Holy Cross badges suddenly flashed in Lu's eyes. He stared at Lin Qi with a ferocious smile on his face: "Stupid mortal, while your life is still in our hands, , it’s best not to talk nonsense. We know the Black Tiger Family very well. As long as a small team of the Sword of Punishment is dispatched, the entire Black Tiger Family can be completely wiped out. Do you want to try it? "

Lin Qi's heart suddenly sank, and he took a deep breath: "Even if I don't speak, Arthur can't take over the Black Tiger Family!"

Lu shook his head and said calmly: "Whether he can take over the Black Tiger Family is his business. I don't care. What I care about is the safety of Lord Gerdas. You cannot leak any information about him. Otherwise you and your family will be completely razed to the ground, you know? Mortal?"

Lin Qi looked at the vision deep in Lu's eyes and nodded vigorously. Being able to condense such a Holy Cross badge in his pupils is a powerful being whose bones are soaked in divine power. Lin Qi dare not speculate on how strong this law is, but he is at least an upper-level person in the heavenly realm, right

As far as Lin Qi knew, the most powerful warrior in the Black Tiger family was his father Blackbeard, but Blackbeard's father was also a mid-level warrior in the heavenly realm! Just Lu alone could bring down the Black Tiger family, and Lin Qi couldn't let his family take any risks.

Knowing that Gerdas's identity was extremely strange, Lin Qi could never let his family take risks. He knew that he could only keep his mouth shut and never mention anything related to Gerdas.

Lu looked at Lin Qi with satisfaction. He suddenly rode forward and quickly caught up with the carriage in front of which Luo Men was riding.

"Sir Luo Men, there is actually a space ring on Lin Qi. I think it is inappropriate to let a prisoner whose guilt has not been determined have a space ring. This ring must be handed over to us for safekeeping. There may be some evidence of guilt in it, what do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Soon Luo Men's voice came back: "No, this ring can only be jointly supervised by us. The ethics of the church clergy, haha, everyone on the mainland is well aware of it. I can't take risks. Maybe it will Someone stuffed some incriminating evidence into Lin Qi’s ring? Therefore, it can only be jointly supervised by us!"

Not long after, Luo Men rushed over with Lu and asked Lin Qi to take off the space ring on his finger. Lin Qi reluctantly took out a few hams and placed them in the prison van, then handed the space ring to Luo Men.

Luo Men and Lu looked at Lin Qi with strange eyes as he took out pieces of raw ham one after another from the ring. They looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time. Then they put the ring in a small box and attached two pieces of it respectively. A seal signed by a person's hand. …,

After walking towards the southwest of the imperial capital for a long time, when it was getting brighter, a small hill appeared in front of them. The place is surrounded by a man-made moat. Some blue-grey shadows are faintly visible in the twenty-meter-wide river. Apparently, there are some things that are not easy to deal with and have a strong appetite for human flesh.

After walking across the moat along a suspension bridge, Lin Qi was released from the prison car. After climbing up a steep and narrow path to the hill for a while, a gray fortress-like building on the top of the mountain stood out.

This is Thunder Fang Castle, a serious prison near the imperial capital. The most ferocious, violent, and those who love to commit crimes will be imprisoned here once they are caught. At the same time, this is also a famous prison for nobles. Those nobles who suddenly lost the favor of the emperor, were deprived of their power and were convicted will also be imprisoned here.

The thugs are imprisoned in underground prisons, and the nobles are imprisoned in buildings above ground. This is Thunderfang Keep.

Lin Qi had been hanging out in the imperial capital for more than three years and had countless interactions with the heroes in the market. He naturally knew the reputation of Thunder Tooth Castle. He sighed heavily, looked back in the direction of the imperial capital, and reluctantly walked into Thunder Fang Castle surrounded by a large group of warriors.

There were iron gates one after another, narrow corridors one after another, and he didn't know how long he had been walking in the dark corridors. Lin Qi's eyes suddenly lit up, and a piece of green grass surrounded by high walls appeared in front of him.

A group of men and women wearing gray robes are sitting on the grass and basking in the sun. They are either playing chess, reading books, or communicating with each other in low voices. Everyone behaves gracefully and calmly, and they all have a sense of nobility in their bones. .

In the strange eyes of these people, Lin Qi was escorted to a gray tall building across the grassland and imprisoned in the tower at the highest point of the tall building. From the first floor of the high-rise building to the tower, there were densely packed layers of dragoons and disciplinary knights monitoring each other.

Lin Qi leaned in the narrow window, waved to the frightened convicted nobles on the grass, and then lay down confidently on the only thin wooden bed in the tower.

Now that the Empire is getting involved, maybe things will get better

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Qi was too lazy to think about things. He closed his eyes and fell asleep comfortably. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)