Radiant Era

Chapter 291: Prisoner robbery plan


The prisoners in Thunder Tooth Castle are treated very well, so when Lin Qi was yelling just now, he was puffing away at a cigar. www!QUanbEn-xIAoShUo!coM

Suddenly, he heard the voice of the jailer delivering food, and Lin Qi almost opened his mouth and swallowed the cigar. He turned his head sharply and looked at the door of the tower. When the door opened, the light in the room suddenly dimmed, and a huge body slowly walked in carrying a huge tray.

On the tray were three roasted lamb legs, two roasted chickens, a large plate of duck stewed with chickpeas, and a small basket of grapes that were obviously grown in a greenhouse. The green grapes looked really beautiful. Beside the grape basket, there are even two peaches with a little fluff. Although the peaches are green and obviously not yet ripe, it is like an emperor to have peaches to eat in this cold winter season. enjoy.

In addition to these delicacies, there are two bottles of rum placed on the huge tray. It's not the red wine stored in Leroy Castle, but the favorite rum of the sailors hanging out in the port. Look at the red stickers on the bottles. These two bottles are Lin Qi's favorite double-distilled spirits, the kind of high-strength rum that can be used as kerosene. One sip feels like someone is being sucked into his stomach. Punch that hard drink.

"Dinner is here!" The jailer carrying the big tray slowly walked to the small square table and carefully placed the tray on the square table. The tray was too big, and the square table was only half the size of the tray, so he had to be very careful not to tip the tray.

Lin Qi couldn't help but roll his eyes when he looked at the black beard on the jailer's face and the strong smell of cigar tobacco on his body. I don’t know which unlucky jailer was tricked by Blackbeard. He is probably lying in a gutter somewhere and sleeping soundly right now, right? Many words were written about the leather armor he was wearing. It was such a pitiful piece of leather armor. It's exactly like a mountain gorilla wearing a child's vest.

With a slight cough, Lin Qi dropped the cigar on the ground and stamped out the cigarette.

Sitting at the square table, Lin Qi looked at the black beard standing beside him with his hands down, and said slowly: "It's very rich. It would be great if every meal was so rich. What day is it today? Why are there so many good things?" food?"

While asking, Lin Qi couldn't wait to open a bottle of wine and fill herself up with a glass of strong liquor. Then he picked up the glass and drank it all in one gulp. Lin Qi took a breath of alcohol and patted her belly with satisfaction. Then he looked coldly at the Punishment Knight and Dragoon standing next to Blackbeard.

Blackbeard put on an honest and honest expression, and said in a loud voice: "There is a cocktail party today, so there are a lot of things prepared in the kitchen. Sir, you have a big appetite, so I brought you a little more! Hey, sir, tonight Do you want a woman to accompany you? A cute and well-behaved little girl, one gold coin per night!"

Blackbeard smiled strangely and rubbed his hands vigorously. Try your best to play a successful pimp. But he really wasn't that material. He tried his best to make himself laugh more obscenely and weirdly, but no matter how you looked at him, he was more of a butcher than a pimp.

Lin Qi almost stuffed a mouthful of meat into her windpipe. He coughed violently a few times, rolled his eyes at Blackbeard, and snorted coldly: "No need, my family has fighting spirit. You can't mess around with women until you succeed in practicing fighting spirit!"

Blackbeard licked his lips, bent down and said with a smile: "Hey, you can't do that. It would be nice to have a little maid to warm the bed and beat your back. She is a very gentle and beautiful little girl. She is as tender as an onion. , water can come out with just a pinch! If you just do chores and don’t need to sleep with me, ten silver coins a day is enough!”

Lin Qi quickly glanced at Blackbeard. He wanted to get a woman for himself. What was he doing? …,

Thinking about the black shadow that suddenly appeared in the Shenghui Cathedral, Lin Qi couldn't help but clicked her lips. Could it be that his father had more weird girls? Looking thoughtfully at Blackbeard with a lustful face, Lin Qi couldn't help but be a little surprised. Where did Blackbeard recruit so many weird people? That Heiyi is clearly a member of the succubus clan, but the succubus does not have the kind of elusive power she has. She must have the blood of other demon races in her body.

Now he is selling himself a little maid, what does he want to do

Just as he was about to agree to Blackbeard's request, footsteps sounded, and Lu had already walked in slowly.

After looking at Blackbeard coldly for a while, Lu scolded in a deep tone: "Aren't there two people delivering food every time? Why are you alone this time? Well, I haven't seen you in the past few days. Are you the jailer of Thunder Fang Castle? ?What’s your name? Whose jurisdiction does it belong to?”

Blackbeard shook his arms and turned around, arrogantly pushing the Punishment Knight standing beside him out. Blackbeard used so much force that the Punishment Knight was caught off guard and hit his head on the wall, almost fainting from the impact. He drew out his sword angrily and wanted to teach Blackbeard a lesson.

But the black-bearded monster glared, and pointed at the disciplinary knight and shouted loudly: "Give me the courage to stab me in the heart! If you don't dare to poke me, you will be my grandson's dog! Lend me the courage to stab me!" ! Let me tell you, my sister is the lover of the Chief Clerk of the Imperial Minister of Justice, do you dare to lay a finger on me?"

Lin Qi almost spit out a mouthful of wine. In all these years, he had never seen Blackbeard with such a lazy side. He crossed his legs with a smile, eating meat and drinking wine, watching Blackbeard's performance with great ease.

Based on Lin Qi's understanding of his father, Blackbeard's appearance here proved that he had arranged all backup methods. If the church is not careful, they may suffer a huge loss at the hands of Blackbeard! So Lin Qi felt very relaxed, hoping that Blackbeard and Lu would create a spark of passion.

The disciplinary knight hesitated to take action, but Blackbeard put his heart on the tip of his sword. He loudly promoted the affair between his elder sister and the chief clerk of the Imperial Minister of Justice. He was spitting heavily, almost drowning the unlucky Punishment Knight.

Lu couldn't stand it any longer. He gave a light drink and ordered the disciplinary knight to sheathe his long sword. Then he stopped in front of the unreasonable Blackbeard and repeated his question again.

Blackbeard folded his hands on his chest and looked at Lu lazily: "Uncle, I just came to Thunder Tooth Castle today. My brother-in-law arranged for me to come in. Do you have any objections? There is a cocktail party in Thunder Tooth Castle today and there are not enough people. I will come Am I wrong to deliver food to this unfortunate guy who is being held in solitary confinement?"

He stretched out his thick fingers and stabbed Lu's chest hard. Blackbeard smiled strangely and said: "Young man, don't think that you are some kind of sect of the church and think that you are great! We, the Gallic Empire, have not brought you down." Take it seriously!”

Lu's face darkened. He glanced at Blackbeard and scolded sternly: "Your mission has been completed. Leave here now, otherwise..." The Holy Cross emblem suddenly burst out from Lu's eyes. Under the dazzling glare, two Holy Cross emblems were clearly visible in the depths of his pupils, revealing a suffocating killing intent.

Blackbeard's body suddenly trembled. He lowered his head, turned back and smiled at Lin Qi: "Sir, do you really not want a bed warmer and a backbeater?"

Just as Lin Qi was about to agree, Lu had already looked over: "Lin Qi, don't forget our agreement. You can't leak any word to the outside world... Before the trial, you'd better not contact anyone, otherwise your family will be affected. The church’s most severe punishment!”…,

Lin Qi spread his hands and smiled helplessly at Blackbeard.

Blackbeard's face twitched, he laughed a few times, said a few irrelevant remarks, and then walked down the tower with curses step by step.

Lu frowned, glanced at Blackbeard's back with disgust, then walked out of the tower, stepped on the mana flywheel and flew back to the VIP building opposite. A jailer like this who relies on nepotism to dominate and act recklessly is an ant among ants, the most despicable existence among mortals. Ritsu simply doesn't bother to look at Blackbeard.

Even just now, Ritsu didn't notice what Blackbeard looked like. Even if he let his eyes come into contact with Blackbeard's face, Ritsu felt that it was the greatest blasphemy and defilement to himself, so Ritsu didn't even notice Blackbeard's appearance. What a look! Anyway, he has driven Blackbeard out of the tower. As long as Lin Qi has no contact with outsiders, his mission will be completed.

The light of the God of Punishment envelopes everything, and no one can shake God's will.

Lin Qi watched Blackbeard remove the door and grabbed a green peach.

Under Tao Zi's thin fluff, some seemingly random patterns were drawn with even smaller handwriting. No one except the core members of the Black Tiger family could understand what these patterns represented. This is the Black Tiger family's own secret language, and it is the most confidential secret language. The seemingly messy strokes can convey very rich information.

-The empire and the church have reached a new agreement. The empire's top officials will make every effort to clear Lin Qi's charges in order to maintain a complete victory in this operation against the church.

- Stay at Thunderfang Keep with peace of mind and don't act rashly.

—All the family power has been mobilized, and Dunerke's family foundation has been transferred underground. Once Lin Qi is found guilty, the Black Tiger family will use all its power to kidnap Lin Qi.

—The family will no longer contact Lin Qi before the sentencing.

- Hu Ying is searching for traces of Arthur with all his strength. Once found, he will kill him with all his strength!

Lin Qi stuffed the peach into his mouth and took a big bite.

Then he was so sore that his teeth almost fell out. He cursed angrily, threw the green peach to the ground, and stomped it into pieces.

The disciplinary knights guarding Lin Qi looked in, and when they saw Lin Qi venting his anger on peaches, they retracted their heads.

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