Radiant Era

Chapter 295: Plea of not guilty


Lin Qi smiled. He stood up from the seat of the cage, took a few steps forward, and stretched out his hand from the bars of the cage. wWw、QuANbEn-XiAoShUo、COm

"Your Excellency Cardinal, the ring is all my personal belongings. Do you think it is necessary to take it out in such a public place?"

Lu looked at Lin Qi calmly: "Maybe there will be evidence of your blasphemy in it?"

Lin Qi's left toes moved instinctively. He shrugged his shoulders and nodded disapprovingly: "Then, whatever you want!"

Lu looked at Lin Qi and smiled, and then a strong golden flame suddenly burst out from his palm. Lin Qi groaned and shook his body. The spiritual connection between him and his space ring was forcibly broken. The small box in Lu's hand was burned into green smoke and drifted away. A simple space ring was suspended in the golden flame and was constantly emitting a faint light.

With a flick of the finger, the space ring made a crisp sound, and twenty dozen raw hams and two barrels of light beer fell from the ring. These raw hams hit the ground heavily, and there was first a deathly silence in the courtroom, and then everyone including the sanctimonious emperors, princes, grand dukes, etc. all burst into laughter holding their bellies.

Amidst the laughter, Lin Qi's innocent voice was so clear: "I like to eat ham. Is this sinful? Don't the gods still allow us to eat ham? If so, please ask the church to issue a ban on farmers in the mainland. It’s time to produce ham!”

The corners of Lu's mouth twitched. You bastard. He has seen all kinds of unreliable gadgets installed in space rings. Danshi, there are not many people as unreliable as Lin Qi. More than twenty pieces of ham and two barrels of light beer. Is this the legendary greedy wild boar from hell

With a cold snort, Lu tapped his finger again, and a large amount of gold coins dripped down.

The court suddenly became quiet. The number of gold coins in this pile was not large, probably only three to five million gold coins. The nobles and dandy present all have this kind of net worth, and most of them carry various gold tickets. There are really not many people who carry so much cash with them.

Three to five million gold coins were scattered on the ground, a large area of golden gold, which was really visually impactful.

Lin Qi sighed: "If gold coins are a sin, then I would rather commit a heinous crime!"

The low laughter swept through the court like an undercurrent. Yes, if gold coins were a sin, 99.99% of the people present would think that they were guilty. Officer Luo Men couldn't help but show a playful smile and nodded to Lu with a smile: "Gold coins should not be evidence of guilt!"

Lu snorted coldly. He activated the space ring again, and a pile of clothes spilled out. Inside were several sets of silk underwear, several tight-fitting outfits, two pairs of bearskin coats, and several pairs of boots. None of these things have anything to do with blasphemy. Unless the gods stipulate that humans must walk in the world alone, then clothing has nothing to do with blasphemy.

Lu's face became even more ugly. He glared at Lin Qi and sighed with his fingers again. This time something else finally appeared.

A large axe, which was a magic weapon. The axe, weighing nearly a thousand kilograms, hung heavily on the ground. Half of the ax blade struck heavily into the ground of the courtroom. This scene made everyone present gasp. Lin Qi was so big and had such a big magic weapon. If he was swinging a big ax and rampaging through the battle formation, everyone could imagine what a terrifying sight it would be.

"This little guy is actually a very powerful warrior. It's great! What a pity that he provoked these bastards from the Church?"

In a certain box, an envoy from a certain great empire let out a low groan. …,

Along with the ax fell, there were also two bed crossbows produced by Hell Hammer, ten strong crossbows, three strong bows and matching arrows, as well as some scattered swords and weapons. The noise in the court gradually became louder. The weapons Lin Qi carried were enough to arm a squad of a hundred people, especially the two bed crossbows, which were so powerful that any law-abiding young man would carry them with him. So many weapons

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out: "Lin Qi once participated in this year's actual combat exercise of the Gallic Empire Army Academy as a foreign aid team. I testify in the name of the Emperor of the Gallic Empire that these weapons were used by them in the actual combat exercise." War gear!"

The voice of St. Louis XIII came from the largest box in the middle of the highest place. His words undoubtedly provided the best explanation for the origin of these weapons. If Lu grabs these weapons and stalks them, then there is no doubt that he is questioning the emperor's imperial power.

The current situation in the church and various countries in the mainland is extremely delicate. No matter how confident Lu is, he would not dare to do such a stupid thing.

Nodding heavily, Ritsu flicked the ring with her finger again.

'Crash!' Thousands of atonement charms and five bottles of potions were sprinkled from the ring. Lu quickly caught the five bottles of potions, and let the atonement charms fall to the ground. The courtroom became noisy again, with several voices shouting: "Atonement Talisman, according to the church's regulations, doesn't buying the Atonement Talisman not wash away Lin Qi's sins?"

Lu's face became extremely ugly. Damn Lin Qi, why did he buy so many atonement charms

People who buy the atonement charm can clear their sins. This is the church's own propaganda. In front of so many mainland nobles, thousands of atonement charms emerged from Lin Qi's ring. If Lu still insisted on pursuing Lin Qi's crimes, wouldn't he be slapping himself in the face

Lu gritted his teeth and pretended that he didn't hear the shouts of those people. He flicked the ring again.

This time nothing happened in the ring and everything was taken out.

On the ground between the prison cage and the high platform where the judge sits, a large pile of gold coins is dazzling, and large expiation charms are sprinkled on the gold coins. The gold coins and the atonement charms are matched together, so harmonious, so perfect, Such a tacit understanding, the golden coins and the colorful atonement charms, when they are gathered together, it is really a feast for the eyes, it is really a moving scenery.

Lin Qi puffed up his chest and turned to look at the many spectators in the court: "In the past three years of studying at the Fifth University, I would buy several atonement charms every day. Even if I have some minor sins, such as I drink alcohol and I smoke, which are all sins preached by the church. Danshi, even if I have these small sins, my sins have been washed away."

Titian immediately began to applaud. As soon as he moved his hand, many dandies from the imperial capital around him applauded at the same time. Gradually, the applause sounded like a landslide and tsunami, quickly sweeping through the entire court. With more than a thousand atonement charms placed here, who can say that Lin Qi is guilty? Who else

Unless the people of the church are shameless and insist on deposing the atonement talisman, a treasure that makes money, to trap Lin Qi, there is no way for the law to convict Lin Qi! Lin Qi may be guilty, but with so many atonement symbols, he has cleared all his charges!

Lin Qi turned around, grabbed the bars of the cage with both hands, and said loudly: "If Mr. Lu still thinks that I am guilty, I am willing to donate all the gold coins on the ground to the church! According to the divine grace decree issued by the church ten years ago , as long as any guilty person is willing to donate his family wealth, he can wash away all his crimes, isn't it?"

A slow and somewhat obscene voice came from the auditorium: "If the 385,700 gold coins on the ground cannot cleanse Lin Qi of his sins, I am willing to donate one million gold coins to the church! According to Article 7 and 5 of the Supplementary Articles of the Divine Grace Order issued by the church three years ago, donating one million gold coins can wash away all major sins except blasphemy in person!”…,

Professor Kouen stood up from the auditorium with a smile. When Lin Qi saw him, he immediately shook his head. Are there about 385,700 gold coins on the ground? Lin Qi could probably judge that there were about 350,000 gold coins on the ground, but he could not accurately judge the remaining 5,700 gold coins. Only a veteran accountant like Professor Cohen could accurately judge the number of gold coins on the ground.

Professor Cohen took out a golden ticket and shook it. He smiled slowly at Lu Zhi: "Lin Qi has never entered the legendary holy mountain where the gods sleep, so it is impossible for him to commit blasphemy in person. Pardon for serious crimes, so one million gold coins is enough to wash away all his charges!"

Lu stared at Kouen, "Article 7 and 5 of the Supplementary Terms of the Divine Grace Order?" What the hell is that? He had never heard of this stuff.

Turning his head in annoyance, Ritsu asked in a low voice to the other cardinal beside him.

The cardinal looked mournful and whispered something into Lu's ear. Lu's face suddenly became dark enough to compare with the thunderstorm sky.

Damn divine decrees, damn supplementary clauses, this is a decree introduced by the Holy Seal of the Apostolic Hall ten years ago in order to increase the income of the church. In short, it is the church’s request to the nobility and wealthy people on the mainland. To collect protection fees, if you pay the money, then the church can pretend it didn’t see some of your behaviors that may be sent to the stake!

For example, raising succubi in private as playthings is a common hobby of mainland nobles. Danshi is one of the grave crimes of the church. Once discovered, they will be burned on the stake by the disciplinary office. But with the Divine Order, if a great nobleman is discovered to have secretly possessed a succubus, you only need to pay a sum of money to the local cathedral, and the crime will be cleared.

The fifth supplementary clause is for some nobles to accidentally give birth to children with succubi or other foreign beauties! This kind of crime is a serious crime that requires the whole family to be completely purified. Danshi, as long as you pay a mere one million gold coins, you can have fun with the beauties of the foreign race as you like, without having to worry about having children with them.

The divine grace order is an order to make money, and it is to collect protection fees!

Lu was so angry that his vision turned black. As the most devout believer in the God of Punishment, how had he ever heard of such a thing as a Divine Order? Who dares to mention this matter in front of him

Sitting on the chair shivering, Lu's throat felt sweet, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.
