Radiant Era

Chapter 297: Graham's testimony


"Children, do you want to blaspheme the just laws and sacred legal justice?"

Enzo rushed out from the auditorium and stabbed Gram's throat with a sword. These movements were so fast that some nobles just blinked their eyelids. Enzo had already jumped out from the auditorium with red eyes. The tip of his sword was already at Gram's throat. WwW,QunabEN,coM

But Alpha, the Archbishop of the Temple, just smiled softly. He slowly extended a palm to Enzo, and then said these words lightly. He spoke very slowly and leisurely, as if there was a long time between each word. And Enzo's sword has already reached Gram's throat, and with just one stab, all of Gram's next words can be sealed into his mouth.

But in such an insignificant moment, Alpha finished speaking a long sentence, and then Enzo could no longer move.

From Alpha's extended palm, every palm line is emitting a faint white light, a white light that is soft but full of divine majesty. The white light that makes people want to kneel down in front of him and confess all their sins. Enzo's body froze in mid-air under the illumination of the white light. His feet were three inches off the ground, and his body shot forward like a sharp arrow. The tip of the sword was already pressed against Gram's throat, but he was just like that. He was frozen there, as if the space where his body was was suddenly frozen, and as if time near his body was suddenly frozen.

"His Majesty St. Louis XIII, on behalf of the Church, I file a complaint against your country! In such a sacred and solemn court, on this holy day when the imperial power and theocratic power jointly judge, why would there be such a bold person who wants to kill people and silence them? "

Alpha raised his head and looked at the box where the emperor was sitting calmly: "This young man is wearing the uniform of the empire. He is a soldier of the empire! Does his action represent the attitude of the empire? The Gallic Empire is prepared to protect someone at any cost. .A blasphemer?”

The emperor stood up slowly. A male servant opened the gauze curtain in front of him, so everyone could see the emperor's face clearly.

Looking at Alpha condescendingly, the emperor frowned. He clapped his hands gently and ordered in a low voice: "Take Enzo and his companions to the Army Academy and put them in confinement for a month! It's outrageous, it's really too shameless. That’s true!”

A large group of heavily armored warriors roared in. They held down Enzo, Long Gen and a group of others and forcibly took them away from the court. Among Lin Qi's group of brothers. Only Enzo has broken through to the level of status strength, and the others are only at the level of human knights. However, these heavily armored warriors are all the elite of the palace guards, and their strength is beyond what Enzo and others can contend with.

The emperor bowed slightly to Alpha and smiled gently: "Now, you can start again. I look forward to your evidence!"

Alpha smiled slightly and accepted the emperor's salute.

In the church, the highest authority is the papal chamber. Among them, the Holy Crown Pope is in charge of the priesthood. He is the person closest to the gods and has the greatest power. The Holy Seal Pontiff holds the authority and is responsible for the daily administration and personnel arrangements of the church. The Holy Rod Pope holds the military post and controls all the armed forces of the church.

Under the three popes, nominally equivalent to the power of the Apostolic Office is the presbytery composed of 360 archbishops of the church. These church archbishops are also the actual leaders of the major temples. They have a high status and great power in the church. Except for a very small number of lucky people who have climbed to this level from ordinary people, these archbishops of the temple are basically from divine families.

Archbishop Alpha is one of the Archbishops of the Temple and the top figure in the church.

Under the Archbishop of the Holy Cathedral is the Cardinal Red-Crown Archbishop who is responsible for the power of dioceses in various countries. The status of these cardinals and red-robed archbishops is equivalent to that of emperors of various countries, so in the Western Continent, the status of the archbishops of the Holy Temple is higher than that of emperors of various countries! In the early days of the Restoration Calendar, emperors of various countries needed to be blessed and canonized by the Archbishop of the Templar before they could finally take over the throne. …,

Nowadays, although the royal families of various countries no longer rely on church canonization, the status of the Archbishop of the Holy Church still remains. Still above the royal family. Therefore, he was as proud as St. Louis XIII. He could only bow in front of Alpha - even if he stood in a high-altitude box and Alpha stood in front of the lowest cage, the emperor bowed to him after all.

A temple archbishop is enough to shock the entire audience. Even if the church's strength is not as strong as before due to the century-old continental and island war, an archbishop of the Holy Temple can still intimidate the emperor of a country. The Archbishop of the Holy Temple is a symbol of wisdom, a representative of strength, a condensed body of power, and a member of the most terrifying type of existence in the Western Continent and even the world.

Especially Archbishop Alpha, he is one of the five presiding saints of the Temple of Punishment today. His biological brother is the leader of the Punishment Knights. Legend has it that he broke through the terrifying existence of the heaven as early as the middle of the Hundred Years Continental and Island War.

The whole hall was silent. As Enzo and others were forcibly taken away by the guards, all the nobles present stood up and bowed to Archbishop Alpha. Even though these nobles had just joined forces to cut off a large piece of flesh from the church, they still instinctively expressed their awe when faced with someone like Alpha.

The struggle between imperial power and divine power has always been one of the themes of the political turmoil in the Western continent. Although the imperial power is now at its peak and seems to be suppressing the divine power, who knows whether the divine power will suddenly become strong one day in the future and suppress the imperial power in one fell swoop

Therefore, it is absolutely right to show one's humility and piety in front of a church archbishop.

Alpha nodded reservedly. He was happy with the pressure that his status brought to all nobles. He smiled softly, and then looked at Lin Qi with disgust: "This young man who seems to be simple, seems to be honest, seems to be innocent, seems to be innocent, he is a complete villain, a scoundrel, and a destroyer of the law. and blasphemers!”

Lin Qi, whose face was pale, did not refute Alpha's words. He just stared at Gram and stared at him.

Gram didn't dare to look at Lin Qi. He lowered his head timidly and hid his body behind Alpha's tall body. Alpha smiled faintly and patted Gram's shoulder gently with his palm: "Gram, the lost child who has returned, explain Lin Qi's sin to the nobles present, the most noble people on the continent! Let's explain Lin Qi's sin! If a true sinner is punished, your sins will be cleansed!"

Pressing Gram's shoulder hard, Alpha said solemnly: "Your family's sins will be cleansed!"

Graham's body trembled violently, and the fat on his body swayed with the trembling.

Lin Qi heard some implications in Alpha's words. He stared at Gram and shouted sternly: "Gram, what happened to your family? You haven't returned to school for so long. Is it because of your family's problems?" The reason? Huh? Graham, don’t let me hate you, even if I want to die, you must let me die clearly!”

Lin Qi smashed his fist on the unusually strong cage and roared: "We are friends and brothers! Even if you want to betray me, give me a reason to forgive you!"

Alpha narrowed his eyes and smiled. He shook his head slightly and muttered vaguely: "Innocent young man, you are so... so stupid!"

Standing on the high platform, Lu looked down at Lin Qi, who was roaring loudly. He closed his eyes and said in a low voice: "Those who betray their friends, those who betray their brothers, this is a sin! Fallen sinners, There is one more sin on you. Only the sacred flame can completely eliminate the sin on you. Before God’s legal principles and justice, you must confess your sins!”…,

Graham glanced at Lin Qi timidly. He did not say a word, but turned his head and pulled out a ledger from under his loose robe.

With a wave of Alpha's hand, the account book in Graham's hand flew to the front of Judge Roman. Graham bowed to the high platform where the judges were sitting, and said respectfully: "Your Excellencies, distinguished judges, everyone Distinguished Cardinal, this is the record of all Lin Qi's violations of laws and disciplines in the past three years. He sold weapons, smuggled silk, illegally brewed spirits, seized homes, seized the property of imperial citizens, raped innocent women, and seduced. Holy clergy, having fornications with female priests, and even making peace in the holy church!”

Lin Qi looked at Graham indifferently. Is this fat man who is putting some unfounded charges on his head really the Graham he knows

"The most unforgivable thing is that Lin Qi blasphemed the majesty of the gods. He secretly printed the atonement charms and sold the atonement charms in the name of the gods, causing the citizens of the empire who could have been cleansed of their sins to be deceived in the most shameless way! He bribed the church The clergy, forcing the clergy to provide him with templates for the atonement, forcing the clergy to seduce the female priests of the church for him. He is a complete scum and blasphemer!"

"The even more unforgivable crime is that he is the direct apprentice of the God of God. He prepared evil potions in an attempt to resurrect the evil demon god. This is an unforgivable felony. Even the Divine Grace Order stipulates that any relationship with the ancient No guilt related to the devil can be forgiven.”

Graham sat down on the ground panting, his clothes already soaked with cold sweat.

Alpha looked at Father Balin, and he said calmly: "This Father Balin, an orthodox priest with twelve years of experience, is a sinner who was tempted and fell by Lin Qi. Everyone, the evidence is conclusive, and Lin Qi's guilt is irrefutable. "

Lin Qi took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "I protest, these are all your one-sided words. These sins can be washed away with divine grace. My only unforgivable felony is my attempt to resurrect the devil, but I didn’t! I’m not a person inspired by the gods!”

Graham looked up at Lin Qi in embarrassment, and then he lowered his head heavily.

Alpha took out a bottle of light cyan potion from his sleeve. He looked at Lin Qi and sighed quietly: "Then, the most conclusive evidence is here."

Alpha looked at Lin Qi coldly, with a gloomy tone in his tone.

"I will make you plead guilty with conviction!" (To be continued.)