Radiant Era

Chapter 308: Food and shelter issues


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Lin Qi, who was sleeping, was woken up by a severe headache. WwW, QunabEN, coM The severe pain started from the center of the eyebrows and quickly spread to the area near the two temples. The severe pain in the mouth caused Lin Qi, who was lying on the ground, to twitch violently and curl up into a ball in embarrassment. His vision went dark, and the pain prevented him from seeing anything clearly. The blood vessels on his forehead burst out, and the originally thin blood vessels became as thick as earthworms.

Xuan Lan, the frost giant sitting more than a hundred meters away, saw Lin Qi's headache." He shook his head and curled his lips disapprovingly: "Do you still need to use such methods on such a little kid? These damn bastards are getting more and more outrageous! "

Xuan Lan suddenly raised his voice: "Boy, hold it back," "Your soul has been damaged by the prison of punishment. As long as you survive for a few days, you will be fine. Of course, you will not be able to practice magic in the future, poor baby." Who? Why do I have so much hatred for you? "

Lin Qi's body twitched and squirmed, and his body rubbed against the rough ground. His skin was bruised and bloody in many places. He raised his head with difficulty, squeezed out a forced smile at Xuan Lan, and then deeply took a breath.

Although the Xuanhu Jin has been destroyed, Lin Qi's "inhalation effort" still forcibly controls his blood to run according to the route of the Xuanhu Jin. After all, he has been practicing for more than ten years, although Lin Qi is not very serious. "Cultivation" but the movement of his Qi and blood has become instinctive. A faint breath was running along the meridians." Then the three major acupoints in Lin Qi's body simultaneously surged out a small amount of but extremely strong heat flow.

Lin Qi also discovered what Xuan Lan meant by saying that he would not be able to practice magic in the future. "His mental power could once spread dozens of meters outside his body." But since the old man in red robe imposed the so-called prison sentence on himself, "his mental power has... The power of thought completely disappeared.

Xuan Lan said that his soul was damaged. "It seems that the old man in red robe forcibly destroyed the mental power that Lin Qi had just cultivated."

"Damn old thing" I will come back to you..."

Lin Qi, who was sweating all over from the pain, took deep breaths again and again. There was a faint flow of heat gushing out from the three secret acupoints between the eyebrows, chest, and Dantian. Wherever the heat flow passed, Lin Qi's twitching body became comfortable for a long time, and the blood vessels on both sides of his temples also calmed down. He breathed heavily, feeling that his body that was riddled with holes had some strength.

efficient! Lin Qi took a deep breath, and the divine vitality was effective on his injuries!

Lin Qi showed a weird smile and subconsciously touched the kneecap that was crushed by Gerdas! After his kneecap was damaged by Gerdas, when Lin Qi used his divine vitality to repair the wound, his new bone was more than ten times stronger than the kneecap of the other leg!

The old man in red robe severely injured all of Lin Qi's meridians, bones, and almost all body parts. In other words, if Lin Qi can repair this tattered body as before, his physical strength will be "About ten times the original" is roughly equivalent to a hundred times the physical strength of an ordinary knight!

One hundred times the physical strength, Lin Qi couldn't help but be speechless when he thought of this terrifying number. "If this is the case, his power may be comparable to Aunt Lily, right? Even if it is not as good as Aunt Lily, the average high-level knight in heaven I can only be embarrassed by Lin Qi's terrible **.…,

After coughing violently for a few times, Lin Qi's throat felt itchy. He coughed up a few dark clots of blood. This was the blood left in Lin Qi's body after the old man in red robe injured him. Now he is Lin Qi's body actively expelled it from the body, proving that Lin Qi's body was gradually rejuvenating.

"Haha" As long as you can't kill me, I'll wait for you! Lin Qi stood up unsteadily and staggered towards the pool. All the sweat on his body was sticky and smelly sweat, and he wanted to get some water to wash his body.

Xuan Lan was sitting by the pool. When he saw Lin Qi walking towards this side, he couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Hey, hey, little guy, aren't you afraid of me at all? I'm a frost giant!" A frost giant that wants to eat a hundred people in one meal! Hey, aren't you afraid of me?"

Lin Qi glanced at Xuan Lan. He looked at Xuan Lan's pair of simple and honest eyes. "Doesn't this look like the legendary frost giant who does all kinds of evil?" He shook his head and smiled at Xuan Lan: "What are you doing again?" You are not a bad person, what am I afraid of you doing? "

"Bullying?" Xuan Lan scratched the back of his head in confusion: "Am I not a bad person? Do I eat people?"

Lin Qi walked to the pool. "The temperature in the pool is just right now, which is similar to the water pattern that Lin Qi usually uses to shower. It seems that this pool has a lot of weirdness. The water temperature can change at any time. After seeing Xuanlan "One glance" Lin Qi walked into the pool, picked up the water and wiped her body vigorously. He stayed in the water for a while, shook his hair clean in the water, and then stood up with water all over his face.

"It's not your fault that you cannibalize people! You are not a human being." So you are right to eat people! It's like I'm not a pig or a dog, so it's natural for me to eat pigs and dogs! Lin Qi looked up at Xuan Lan and said with a smile, "Do you think so?" Bugs eat sand, birds eat bugs, and we eat birds "one by one" as a matter of course. There is nothing bad or bad about it!"

Xuan Lan stayed for a long time." Then he slapped his chest hard: "Okay, I won't eat your body after you die." I will throw your body into the sea of fire and burn it to ashes. They said that this will make The soul is liberated, right? I will liberate you." Don't worry! "

Lin Qi curled his lips. "This Frost Giant seems to be a bit brain-challenged. He always speaks with surprise.

Just when Lin Qi pouted, Xuan Lan slowly stood up, then strode to a stone pillar not far away, and jumped up to a height of more than two hundred meters. Lin Qi was stunned when he saw "a giant one hundred and fifty meters tall" suddenly jumped two hundred meters high. What a shocking sight was this

Along with the sound of "chilachila", Xuan Lan pulled something off the stone pillar and walked back happily holding the big black thing. When they got closer, Lin Qi discovered that it was a long black grass, which looked similar to kelp. The grass blades were wide and large, at least more than two meters wide and more than ten meters long.

Xuan Lan threw the long grass, which was at least more than a thousand kilograms, at the edge of the pool, and then sat back where he had just been sitting: "You can use this grass to knit a short skirt and wear it! You said you are a big man, and you are just a man." What are you doing running around on your butt?"

Lin Qi looked helplessly at the pile of grass. Xuanlan's grass skirt is made of this grass. But Lin Qi didn't expect that these grasses grew on those tall stone pillars. But since it is a piece of Xuanlan With good intentions, Lin Qi walked to the long grass and forcefully pulled off a blade of grass.

The wide blades of grass were too luxurious for Lin Qi. "He just tore off a section of grass blades and wrapped himself tightly from beginning to end. This blade of grass is not bad." The surface is quite smooth. It's also thick and soft, so it's just fine for wrapping around your body.

Wrapping up his body tightly, Lin Qi sat at Xuan Lan's feet. He didn't say anything for a long time. He was thinking about where to go. If you are trapped in the Black Abyss Divine Prison, you will not be able to leave here in the short term. I don’t know if my father is worried about whether he will do something too impulsive. I don’t know what happened to his brothers. …,

"Don't do stupid things." I'm not dead yet, so don't do stupid things! "

Lin Qi let out a faint sigh. Suddenly there was a growling sound in Lin Qi's stomach, "He is hungry!" That bottle of bone marrow potion is still working. Lin Qi's bone marrow has not been transformed yet, and he needs a lot of food to supplement it.

Lin Qi brought enough food with him for several years, but now that he has no ability to protect himself at all, he dare not take out those things! What happened to him yesterday is still vivid in his mind. "Even his socks were ripped off cleanly." If he had taken out a lot of food and thought about the sheep-headed devil yesterday, Lin Qi would have been divided up by them until not even a scrap was left. Next point. Xuan Lan looked at Lin Qi and then lowered his head and said mysteriously: "You said I'm not a bad person," so I'll get you something to eat later. It's almost time. "Those bastards are going to throw away their food. Hey..."

Lin Qi's eyes blinked. He turned to look at Xuan Lan: "Those magicians can throw away food and drink?" "

Xuan Lan nodded vigorously: "There aren't many things." It's not enough for me to eat, but at least it can prevent some unlucky people down here who can't feed themselves from starving to death. Alas, "I just hope they starve to death. If they starve to death, I can have a good meal..."

Lin Qi couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart. "Why is this guy Xuan Lan always thinking about eating people? But considering his identity, this is not surprising. Frost giants don't eat people, what do you tell them to eat? According to legend, in the terrible During the Destruction Calendar, there was a Frost Giant who became the king of the mortal kingdom and specialized in raising humans for food!

Just as Lin Qi was thinking about this problem, a large number of black shadows were gradually gathering here. They walked to the edge of the pool silently and stood there quietly. Lin Qi glanced at these black shadows and gathered. The people who came here were all old people who were as skinny as if they would be blown over by the wind. There were old men and old ladies, and Lin Qi always felt that they all had a mysterious aura about them. There are huge secrets hidden underneath.

Especially when several of the old men squinted and looked at Lin Qi, Lin Qi seemed to be stared at by a poisonous snake. His body suddenly shivered. The eyes of those old men were all strange and miserable green, with a hint of fear. Breath of death." Lin Qi subconsciously moved closer to Xuan Lan.

Xuan Lan said to himself again: "You are a big boy." From now on, you have to find food and drink by yourself. "Hmm, you don't have a place to live yet, do you? There is a small, safe cave half a mile away from here. "These old guys live in it, you can find a cave by yourself."

Tilting his head, Xuan Lan pointed in another direction: "If you still have some strength, you can go over there. About ten miles away from here is the Black Abyss Market, the largest settlement here." The conditions there are smaller than that. The cave is much nicer, but it’s not easy to live there! "

Lin Qi was stunned, then nodded, remembering Xuan Lan's words in his heart.

When I first arrived in this place, the food and housing issues must be solved.

At this moment, the sound of water sounded. A long rope hung a large hanging basket slowly on the water. [This text is provided by].)