Radiant Era

Chapter 342: King of the Black Abyss


Zhutou had to go out very early on Friday because he had something to do, so he had to go to bed very early, so this chapter was automatically updated!

Picking up the thrown stones and javelins, cleaning all the tied enemies, tying them tightly and throwing them into the animal pens, rearranging the city defenses and reinforcing the city gates, these piecemeal things kept Lin busy. It took Qi three full hours to finish. www、qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo、coM(《》7*

Originally, these things had nothing to do with Lin Qi, but when Lin Qi saw Shuai Xiong and his group of orcs messing around, he really couldn't stand their work efficiency, so he simply took the initiative to ask Ying to take over these messy things.

Fat Bear's eyes turned green when he saw how well and quickly Lin Qi arranged everything in an orderly manner.

In Black Abyss, those mages and scholars are not popular, and no force will raise a mage or scholar in vain. The leaders of these forces are all barbarians like Fat Bear who have strong personal strength but never have enough brains. Now Lin Qi turned out to be a comprehensive talent with well-developed muscles and a lot of brain matter. Fat Bear felt that he had found a treasure!

On weekdays, Fat Bear often recruits newcomers from all over the Black Abyss Market - the mortality rate for newcomers to the hunting team has always been high, and very few people can grow into experienced hunters through ten newcomer hunts. When he picked up Lin Qi, Fat Bear just thought that Lin Qi would be a good thug, but he never dreamed that he would actually pick up a top quality one!

With strong personal strength, useful brain melon seeds, and a sense of passionate loyalty, without the disgusting coquettishness of those old men and old ladies, this is a treasure in Black Abyss!

After Lin Qi ordered a protective wall to be built behind the city wall and six more support columns to be added behind the city gate, Fat Bear enthusiastically pulled Lin Qi to sit in his stone building. Of course, it was impossible for Fat Bear to drag Linqi alone. Naturally, the leaders of the three hunting teams, Lion Man Poshan, Tiger Man Xiao and Shuai Xiong, also came to Fat Bear's small building together. "".

Fat Bear's stone building has three floors. The first floor is the meeting hall, the second floor is Fat Bear's dining room, and the third floor is Fat Bear's bedroom. The conditions in the Black Abyss are like this. As the boss of the hunting team, the dining room used by Fat Bear to entertain guests is extremely simple. The only thing that is better than other caves is that there is an oil lamp here - filled with the fat boiled from the prey. An oil lamp made from a large stone basin.

A flame more than a foot high shot up from the wick as thick as a toe, illuminating the entire dining room very brightly. Lin Qi looked at this fire and felt brighter in his heart. Sniffling, Fat Bear invited everyone to sit down around the stone table in the middle, and then he solemnly moved a one-meter-high wooden barrel from the corner of the room.

"Hey, do you still remember that good thing four months ago? A young abyss dragon! Its magic core is so valuable that it bought us ten barrels of good wine! This is the last barrel. , today we have to celebrate that we defeated Zari and Youyao!"

Wiping his nose vigorously, Fat Bear grabbed several large stone bowls from somewhere and distributed them to everyone. The three handsome bears, who had already been drooling with greed, hurriedly and carefully poured a bowl of wine, squinted their eyes and drank the slightly turbid wine with great enjoyment.

Lin Qi was also curious and poured half a bowl of wine to taste. Then he put the stone bowl on the table and laughed dryly: "This wine is too strong, I can't stand it!"

The four Fat Bears looked at Lin Qi with great contempt. Handsome Bear shook his head and sighed: "Men have to drink strong alcohol. This is what my father said when he was alive! However, Lin Qi, you are still young. It’s also right not to drink!”…,

While talking, Fat Bear grabbed Lin Qi's stone bowl and drank half of the bowl of wine.

Lin Qi grinned and said nothing. Not only was the rum in the barrel extremely turbid, but the sugar cane residue inside was not filtered out. As for the taste of the wine, Lin Qi had never tasted such a top-quality 'fine wine'. Anyway, he felt that this was not rum, but probably over-fermented vinegar!

But the four Fat Bears were extremely happy. Just like that, you and I drank the wine in the barrel one bowl at a time. ("".) The four of them were all stubborn. After the alcohol hit their heads, they started shouting with open mouths. Lin Qi sat beside him and listened quietly, and finally heard something.

The Black Abyss Divine Prison is originally a place with no rules!

This is the abyss of despair used by the church to punish heretics, and there are no rules to meet the church's definition of this place. At that time, there was a bloody and bloody situation in the Black Abyss Divine Prison, where prisoners were tortured to death every day. Even those Holy Realm mages, when their magic power is exhausted and their mental power and body are gradually eroded and weakened by the strange power here, they will be trampled on and killed. The experience of some Holy Realm mages is even worse than that of slaves.

But three hundred years ago, an unknown heretic mage was thrown into the Black Abyss Prison, and then strange changes gradually occurred here.

The heretic mage was finally thrown here after being hunted by the church for decades because he had an affair with the abyss demon. But the church made a huge mistake with this person - this mage is an extremely rare celestial mage with the triple attributes of darkness, fire and thunder, but he has always shown only the thunder attribute in front of people.

After the church threw him into the deepest layer of the black abyss, no one paid attention to this unknown mage anymore.

The Black Abyss Divine Prison is filled with extremely powerful dark power and flame power. The darkness and flame power are even a hundred times more powerful than any place on the ground, which helped this unknown mage break through to the holy realm in just ten years! Especially deep underground here, there is also the divine array arranged by the legendary gods to suppress it. This unknown mage has achieved the holy realm without having to withstand the most terrifying baptism of thunder.

A holy mage who can unleash all his power unscrupulously in the Black Abyss Divine Prison!

When the church discovered his existence, he had grown to an extremely terrifying level - so terrifying that although the church could activate the divine formation to obliterate him, before erasing him, he had enough power to destroy all the heretics in the Black Abyss Divine Prison. Kill!

These heretics. . . The heretics imprisoned in the Black Abyss Divine Prison are like people like Alfalan. Although they are declared as heretics by the church, as long as these people are willing to kneel at the feet of the church and become the lackeys driven by the church, the church will also arrest them. Let them get out of here. Interests, there are huge interests in these people!

The unknown mage. . . No, the King of the Black Abyss used the lives of all the heretics in the Black Abyss as bargaining chips to make the church succumb to the rules he set.

Two hundred years ago, the Black Abyss Divine Prison began to have rules. The Black Abyss Market was established, a team was formed to hunt monsters to provide meat, a planting team specializing in growing various mushrooms and fluorescent grass was formed, a team responsible for maintaining daily order was also formed, and even a thousand-person team was formed. The army is specially used to strangle the abyss demons transmitted by the divine formation.

Those heretics who were willing to follow the rules remained in Blackdeep Bazaar and several nearby settlements, calling themselves the Orderers.

Those chaotic people who were unwilling to obey the rule of the King of the Black Abyss fled to the caves far away - the King of the Black Abyss did not dare to leave the Black Abyss Market, nor did they dare to leave the old men and women who were dying. If he strays too far from these heresies of great value, the church will dare to activate the divine array to obliterate him. …,

Therefore, the Black Abyss Divine Prison has rules. Prisoners in the Black Abyss are not allowed to kill each other. This rule was also formulated by the King of the Black Abyss.

The newcomers who were thrown into the Black Abyss were not allowed to be maliciously exploited by anyone. This rule was set by the King of the Black Abyss and could not be violated—he even threatened the lives of all heretics and demanded that the church must retain all newly cast members. Prisoner's personal property.

If the King of the Black Abyss hadn't died suddenly and inexplicably a few months ago, Lin Qi's magical soft armor would not have been looted by fanatic believers, and even his space ring that was taken away by Lu, and the contents of the space ring. Everything can be taken back by the King of the Black Abyss through negotiation with the church.

After the death of the King of the Black Abyss, the church has been testing something in the past few months.

For example, some of the newly abandoned prisoners before Lin Qi were more or less missing something. By the time Lin Qi's magic soft armor was looted, the church must have confirmed the death of the King of the Black Abyss.

There is no doubt that the Black Abyss Divine Prison will be restored to what it was three hundred years ago, and the church will work hard to promote this.

At least three hundred years ago, one or two heretics would succumb to the church every few years. But during the two hundred years that the King of the Black Abyss ruled the Black Abyss, no one had surrendered to the church except Alfalan and the Arch Druid elder whom Lin Qi saw today.

The chaotic Black Abyss Divine Prison can accelerate the destruction of the persistence in the hearts of heretics, but can the orderly Black Abyss Divine Prison? . . It has almost been run by the King of Black Abyss into a very good retirement place! Now that the King of Black Abyss is dead, Black Abyss is bound to be in chaos. The first to start the chaos are the five major forces under him.

"Today, Zari and Youyao wasted several hours just to get us to agree to let them monopolize the supply of meat!"

The red-faced Fat Bear smiled coldly: "Who do they think they are? Do they think they are kings? I will not agree to them!"

Lin Qi flicked the table with his fingers. Lin Qi was so impressed with the unknown King of the Black Abyss. However, he still has a question: "Boss, did you witness the death of the King of the Black Abyss with your own eyes?"

Fat Bear stared at Lin Qi with wide eyes: "Dead, the body is in the king's house, he must be dead. Alas, I don't know what happened. But no matter what, my father left the hunting team Yes, I won’t let them take away the hunting team!”

Waving his fist, Fat Bear sneered again and again: "The king is dead, and Gu Yan and Yi Feng are restless. But no matter what they do, the hunting team belongs to me, and no one can take advantage of me. Want benefits. Okay, they have to get benefits in exchange!"

While he was talking, a rough voice came from outside the door.

"Boss, Zari's envoys are here, and they demand the ransom of the prisoners captured by us."

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