Radiant Era

Chapter 39: Lin Qi's wet nurse


With his mind full of messy thoughts, Enzo followed Lin Qi to the main castle while calculating the terrifying strength shown by the Lin Qi family. WWw!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!cOM

Based on the professional knowledge learned at the Imperial Army Academy, Enzo accurately judged the strength of the Linqi family. With these defensive measures alone, without powerful mages and high-level knights participating in the battle, this ancestral home is enough to cope with the attack of an ordinary legion of more than 10,000 people.

But this is only based on these defenses, these dead things. If we add in the unfathomable masters of hammers and butcher knives, plus the servants with a strong air that we saw along the way, and the fierce servants who carried milk buckets weighing more than 100 kilograms without changing their expressions, Coupled with the geographical advantage of this house being located almost on the top of a mountain, this house can handle the siege of tens of thousands of people.

If there are some other goodies in this ancestral house, such as military-style armor, crossbows, strong bows, and other contraband, then God knows how many people will be needed to attack this house.

But are there really no prohibited military supplies here? Thinking about the things that Lin Qi and he did in Borelli, and the standard ordnance that Lin Qi secretly sold to the cripples over the years, how could the Lin Qi family's ancestral home lack those contraband items

"What a strong family!" Enzo looked at the surrounding scenery curiously. There was not a single big tree in this house. Obviously there is a reason for this. Without big trees, foreign assassins and thieves would not be able to find a place to hide. There are no big trees, so if the enemy attacks with fire, the damage in the house will not be great.

This is no longer the ancestral home where good people live and work in peace and contentment. It is clearly the Longtan Tiger's Den, a military fortress that truly aims at large-scale war.

"What a powerful family, but I have never heard of such a powerful family in the empire?" Enzo couldn't help but touch his nose. The great nobles and powerful families in the empire are famous far and wide, and their fame is well known throughout the Western Continent. But just from the Lin Qi family's ancestral home, it can be seen that the Lin Qi family's heritage is not inferior to those of the wealthy families, and it even exceeds them in terms of military force. However, Enzo has never been to such a big family. I've heard people talk about it.

How many magical beings are hidden in this vast continent? Enzo couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Suddenly, a shrill roar of a cow came from a spacious stone house next to the main castle, and then a fat bull with black hair as shiny as satin ran out of the stone house in panic.

As soon as the bull ran less than ten meters away, a mountain of meat rushed out of the stone house angrily: "Damn little calf, where are you running? My dear young master Lin Qi is about to go home, he loves you the most Eat the beef blood sausage I made, and you will become a sweet and delicious blood sausage!"

She was a middle-aged aunt who was as tall as a hammer, but her waist was thicker than a hammer. The aunt, whose face was full of flesh and whose flesh undulated like waves when she walked, held up a large kitchen knife more than one meter long and chased her out of the stone house with a big smile.

In Enzo's shocked eyes, the aunt caught up with the running giant bull in just two or three steps. She gently wrapped her thick left hand around the bull's neck, and with a twist, a loud "click" was heard. , the bull's neck was broken by her alive. The sharp kitchen knife stabbed the bull's neck accurately, and a bloody arrow suddenly spurted out far away.

Several servants carrying a huge wooden basin rushed over. They happened to be in front of the blood arrow and poured all the cow's blood into the wooden basin without missing a drop. The bull twitched feebly, and blood drained from its body rapidly. The middle-aged lady laughed and threw the bull, which weighed at least more than two thousand kilograms, to the ground.

The faces of the hammer and the butcher knife twitched at the same time.

The aunt turned around and happened to see Lin Qi. The terrifying face covered with flesh suddenly revealed a trace of gentleness and kindness like an angel. Tears instantly rolled down from the aunt's eyes. The aunt rushed to Lin Qi like a strong wind and hugged Lin Qi. Qi, pressed his head firmly on her plump chest.

"Oh, my young master Lin Qi went home! Oh, Master Lin Qi, who hasn't seen me in three years, really want to die Lily! God, how much bitter do you eat outside? How do you become? Are you so thin?" Lin Qi was tightly held in Aunt Lily's arms. With Lin Qi's brute strength and his tenfold increase in overall strength after taking the magic tiger potion, he was just like a little chicken. Being hugged tightly by Aunt Lily, she didn't even have the strength to struggle. …,

That is a terrifying force that is enough to break the neck of a bull weighing two thousand kilograms! Aunt Lily hugged Lin Qi and cried while crying. Enzo felt a chill in his heart and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Very good, Enzo once again intuitively understood the toughness of the Lin Qi family!

Such a female cook, even the Duke of the Empire wouldn't have such a strong female cook, right

When Lin Qi was about to be suffocated and his hands and feet began to twitch, Iron Hammer finally couldn't stand it anymore. He forcefully opened Aunt Lily's powerful arms, and finally pulled Lin Qi, who was so suffocated that his face was purple. Rescued. The hammer hit Aunt Lily hard on the shoulder, and shouted angrily: "Dear Lily, okay, okay, the young master you nursed since childhood is back. The young master who fed you since he was born and drank your milk until he was seven years old is back. ! But now go and prepare the beef blood sausage, the young master likes it the most!"

Aunt Lily let go of Lin Qi, looked at Lin Qi with great kindness, and kneaded his face that could not be associated with being thin. After sniffing hard, Aunt Lily nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, okay, Master, you go and see the Master first! In a short while, the fragrant beef blood sausage will be ready! Oh, you must be at home. Stay a few more days and eat more beef blood sausage to replenish your body!”

After finally catching her breath, Lin Qi warmly hugged Aunt Lily and enthusiastically praised Aunt Lily's cooking skills. Aunt Lily was so excited that she almost shed tears. She walked back to the poor bull, easily grabbed the huge bull, and carried it staggeringly into the huge kitchen.

Looking at Aunt Lily's huge and strong body, and then looking at Lin Qi's tall and strong body, Enzo seemed to suddenly understand why Lin Qi was so tall and strong. After all, I grew up on Aunt Lily's milk. She is really a respectable and admirable wet nurse!

If such a wet nurse wears heavy plate armor and wields her huge kitchen knife, she should be able to easily sweep a thousand-man army on the battlefield, right? At least from what Enzo saw, a team of thousands of students from the Army Academy could never withstand the impact of such a humanoid monster.


Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Enzo was extremely curious, what kind of person was Lin Qi's father