Radiant Era

Chapter 393: In full swing


Lin Qi accelerated the raids on various settlements. Www,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,com

The astrologer who could awaken the giant bloodline in the dwarf king became Lin Qi's first key target.

The poor holy astrologer, who claims to be able to guide people astray, is unable to clear away the fog of his own destiny. His first failure caused him to be thrown into the Black Abyss Divine Prison by the church; his second failure allowed Lin Qi to take control of his soul.

Although he was warned in advance every time, what could he do in the face of a tyrannical force that he could not resist

During the subsequent sweep, Lin Qi simply brought Xuan Lan and the Dwarf King with him. With the help of these two tall and powerful guys, as long as Lin Qi conquers the holy realms trapped in the settlements, no one will dare to resist Lin Qi's conquest.

One and a half months later, Lin Qi successfully took all the major and minor forces in the Black Abyss Prison into his hands. The elite combat power in his hands has expanded to a point where his own scalp is numb. Now the powerful combat power that he can command at his command is as follows:

The frost giant Xuan Lan is not an adult, but his terrifying strength and huge body make him the number one general under Lin Qi's command. Of course, because Xuan Lan's body is too huge, he cannot get involved in ordinary battles and can only exist as a strategic deterrent.

A dwarf king with the peak fighting spirit of heaven, the dwarf king has physical power that is not weaker than Lin Qi. When Xuan Lan does not take action, he is undoubtedly the number one person in close combat under Lin Qi.

Alda is a dandy playboy who is deeply addicted to women's lust. Lin Qi also had his own ideas about this lustful and lustful guy. As long as Alda puts away his horns and wings, he will be a handsome pretty boy, a pretty boy who is more attractive to women than Yu Lian. Keeping this kind of pretty boy by your side is always a good idea. If Lin Qi encounters something that requires her to betray her appearance in the future, what a good candidate Alda is!

The name is Bilibili, this little devil. . . Well, I must admit that his loyalty to Lin Qi is still reliable, and his magic level is so-so. The broth he makes is delicious, and the smoked meat is delicious. He has been learning from the gray goblins for the past two years. How to cook food, and he also has this talent, so Lin Qi intends to train him to become a full-time chef.

There are four centaurs in the abyss. For these four guys, Lin Qi does not treat them as intelligent creatures. As mentioned in the introduction, the abyss centaurs are the stupidest and most brutal type among the centaur race. They are closer to Warcraft. So Lin Qi used them as mounts and occasionally as human shields, but he didn't take them seriously anyway.

In addition to the above people, Lin Qi now also has:

There are four thousand five hundred and seventy powerful heavenly warriors!

Five hundred and forty-nine mages with heavenly power!

There are more than 17,000 warriors and mages with intermediate status and above!

There are one hundred and ninety-seven people in the Holy Realm who have lost all their power. As long as these people return to the ground world, use medicine and food to recuperate their bodies, allowing them to freely absorb elemental energy to replenish their magic power, they will immediately regain their terrifying fighting power. -These people were obtained by Lin Qi in exchange for the meat of a hundred monsters with Xuan Lan. With only a hundred monsters, Xuan Lan sold the old men and women who were originally protected by him to Lin Qi, including their bones and flesh. .

There are nearly three thousand heretics who are full of all kinds of fantastic ideas. Some of these people have low combat effectiveness, but they are top blacksmiths, top spell carvers, top magicians, top pharmacists, top scholars or The existence of other professions, placed in the outside world, each of them is a master-level figure for whom the emperor is eager to seek talents.

But here, in this Black Abyss Divine Prison, Lin Qi just provided a piece of food to these waning old people, and they obediently submitted to Lin Qi—they even took the initiative to hand over their souls and let Lin Qi become his own. owner. …,

These heretics struggled to protect their last bit of dignity under the power of the church, but when Lin Qi put food in front of them, he secretly told them that he might bring them freedom!

Therefore, in the name of freedom, these heretics sold their last bit of dignity without hesitation and obediently obeyed Lin Qi's dominance. Many times, many things seem unbelievable, but they are actually that simple. The church wants to subdue these people, but they would rather die than surrender because they are dignified people.

But Lin Qi just gave them a piece of food and a promise of 'freedom', and they gave their souls to Lin Qi!

for freedom!

Lin Qi likes this slogan, he thinks. . . Well, these masters whose brain structures are different from normal people, give them whatever they like! As long as their souls are in their own hands, it doesn't matter whether they want freedom or something else! Anyway, their life and death are in their own hands. If they feel that they are free, then they are free!

In addition to these worthless beings, Lin Qi also controlled 360 imprisoned holy realm powers in the divine prison!

If these holy realms were in a normal state, they could crush Lin Qi to death with just one finger. But in the divine prison, where their power is constantly being drained away by the suppressive divine formation every day, facing the soul attack scroll created by Artut, the soul master, facing Lin Qi, who has a strong grasp of all kinds of magic. Freaks with extremely high immunity, three hundred and sixty noble and powerful saints obediently offered their souls!

If Lin Qi can bring all these people safely to the surface world, what a terrifying power he will have in his hands!

When Lin Qi subdued the last great master of the Holy Realm, he even had the illusion that as long as he took these people out of the Black Abyss, as long as he returned to the surface world, as long as he was willing, he could conquer the Holy Mountain and conquer the Holy Mountain. The church is completely destroyed!

Of course, the premise is that those damn gods do not wake up from their eternal sleep, otherwise these holy realms will be cannon fodder in the face of the gods. At least Lin Qi learned from Old Man Qing that during the ancient era of destruction, the so-called holy realms were just sacrifices casually massacred by the church. The terrifying existences that truly fought against the church were those ancient giants, giant dragons, and those evil entities from the ancient times.

The so-called holy realm of humans was really not a very powerful existence in those days.

But destroying today’s church should be a sure thing! Lin Qi is still very confident about this! Unless the church hides some power unknown to outsiders, Lin Qi feels that once the three hundred and sixty saints who have been imprisoned for so many years regain their full strength, they should be confident in destroying the church!

Of course, Lin Qi wants to take revenge on certain people before destroying the church!

Church is a meal, and for some, it is dessert before the meal. Lin Qi wanted to make them despair, let them struggle and cry in infinite despair, and finally destroy the church in front of them, completely making them lose their last hope.

Thinking of the scene of those people crying and begging for mercy in front of him, Lin Qi's whole body trembled and trembled, as if his body had been struck by lightning, and all his hair and fine hairs stood up one by one.

In the days that followed, Lin Qi also joined in the analysis and cracking of the suppression array.

Old Man Qing and Jiawu have already done a lot of work. They have analyzed the operating mechanism of the divine array over and over again, and calculated the changes that may occur to the divine array during a solar eclipse. At the same time, Gaya also told the young man that during the solar eclipse, the great lord of the Obscurity waiting in the Fifth Abyss will slaughter one million little lemures, cavemen and other low-level creatures, and use their flesh, blood and souls to carry out the largest scale in the history of the abyss world. The biggest blood sacrifice.

Taking advantage of the evil power gathered by the blood sacrifice, and taking advantage of the opportunity when the remaining power of the gods in the world is greatly weakened during the solar eclipse, the magic array arranged by Qinglao Lao and Jiagu to specifically destroy and suppress the divine array will operate at full capacity to offset the power of the divine array. . …,

In Gaya's plan, once the suppressive power of the divine formation is weakened, the 360 holy beings in the divine prison will take the opportunity to escape and lose their power replenishment. Even if the greatly weakened divine formation cannot Collapse will also temporarily lose all effectiveness.

That was the best chance for Gaya's father to break the seal and return to the world!

According to the agreement between Jiawu and Lin Qi, Jiawu will draw his father's power to open a transmission channel between the Black Abyss Prison and the Fifth Abyss, allowing Lin Qi and his people to leave the Black Abyss!

There are countless connecting passages between the Fifth Abyss and the surface world. Lin Qi can lead his people to find a passage back to the surface. Jiawu couldn't guarantee where Lin Qi would return to the ground, or whether Lin Qi would be intercepted by the church when he returned to the ground. But that had nothing to do with him, because he had fulfilled all his promises, and Lin Qi's life and death would be determined by that time. It has nothing to do with him anymore.

After Lin Qi joined in the cracking and calculation of the divine formation, the work efficiency accelerated a lot.

Because Lin Qi was not fighting alone, behind him there were 360 saintly beings with strong cultivation and profound experience. Except for those Holy Realm warriors who specialize in practicing fighting spirit, which of the other Holy Realm mages is not a sage-level scholar

Lin Qi handed them the formation diagram for suppressing the divine formations and asked them to concentrate all their energy on calculating the various changes in these divine formations. After the wisdom of these holy realms joined in, the young man and Jiagu happily found that their work progress suddenly accelerated dozens of times!

Gaya's mood became extremely good. The more thorough the analysis and calculation of the divine formation, the greater the possibility of success. When destroying the divine formation, the less power his father consumed. Isn't this enough to make him happy?

The entire deepest layer of the Black Abyss was mobilized by Lin Qi. Under the threat of powerful force, everyone was frantically collecting valuable things from the deepest layer of the Black Abyss. The magic core of Warcraft, rare herbs, various strange ores, various gems and crystals, the idle space in Lin Qi's World Ring is shrinking rapidly, and his collection is getting richer and richer.

The last group of dwarves even helped Lin Qi find two extremely precious blue gold veins!

Hundreds of thousands of little lemures and cavemen were thrown into the mines by Lin Qi, working hard for Lin Qi's wealth.

Lin Qi is scraping the land like crazy, and any bit of wealth collected here will become a tool for Lin Qi's revenge.

Huge force, huge financial resources! As the day of the solar eclipse got closer and closer, Lin Qi saw Arthur's face that made him very unhappy more and more frequently.

"Wait, I'll be back soon!"
