Radiant Era

Chapter 421: The two agreed


The black desert is the area with the harshest natural conditions and the most central area in the territory of Wuxi. Www!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!com

This is a land of quicksand with a radius of nearly a hundred miles. There are countless palm-sized scorpions hidden in the fine black sand. These scorpions appear and disappear in the quicksand. They appear in all directions with the whirlpool of the quicksand. Even the most powerful holy warriors Being stung by them is life-threatening.

Because of this bottomless quicksand with terrifying suction, as well as the countless poisonous scorpions in the quicksand, Wuxi chose this place to build his lord city 'Black Desert City', and the vast black desert became The natural moat has swallowed up the flesh, blood and souls of many people who have done evil to Black Desert City.

Just like the impression given by the evil ghost race, the hazy Black Desert City is rough and majestic. The city that is twenty miles long and wide is entirely made of black metal ingots, and its defense is ridiculously strong. Crude and huge bed crossbows are placed on the city wall that is hundreds of feet high. These giant crossbows can only be pulled apart by the strange power of evil spirits. The giant bed crossbows made by black dwarves are enough to penetrate everything within five miles.

Black Desert City is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The inner city is the residence of evil spirits, while the outer city is the residence of slaves. There are about 50,000 evil ghosts stationed in the inner city on weekdays. These evil ghosts are either the direct lineage members of Hun Hengyi or his close generals. There are millions of slaves and slave soldiers in the outer city.

The outer city only accounts for 30% of the total area of the city that is twenty miles long and wide, but it is home to millions of slaves and slave soldiers. You can imagine how bad the conditions in the outer city are. There are tunnels and shacks everywhere. The tunnels dug by the hard-working gray dwarf slaves extend downward for dozens of levels, and are even enough to accommodate another million slaves.

Lin Qi was standing on the black tower in the middle of Black Desert City, overlooking the entire Black Desert City.

The inner city is full of neatly planned black towers. The evil spirits are particularly fond of towers with tall spires. At a glance, there are at least a thousand towers hundreds of meters high in the inner city, and the top of each tower is Standing there is a ferocious image of evil spirits, which strangely embraces almost all branches of evil spirits.

The outer city is a mess, with shacks everywhere and the exits of underground holes everywhere. The slaves who are crawling in and out like rats are enjoying themselves there, shouting and chasing each other, and they don't know where they are. How excited are you

Perhaps he was glad that he had escaped death? Lin Qi didn't know until he arrived in Black Desert City that among the millions of creatures that were used as blood sacrifices by Long Hengqian and others, 600,000 of them were randomly captured directly from the outer city of Black Desert City. Those slaves who are shouting with excitement right now must be celebrating that they are still alive, right? many words

Shaking his head, Lin Qi patted Yun, who was frowning and looking in the direction of the outer city, and strode down the tower.

Slowly walking down the steep circular steps, Yun, who was following Lin Qi, suddenly asked: "Lin Qi, can you always be my guard like you did in the Black Abyss Prison?"

Lin Qi was stunned for a moment. He stopped and looked back at Yun: "What did our agreement say at the beginning?"

Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Qi without blinking: "Sir, I will hire you to be my guard for a thousand gold coins a day. Then, you will learn everything I know from you. Yes, for several years." ? Quite a few words”

Lin Qi scratched his head and frowned in distress: "It should be five years. It's been six years since I was thrown into the dark abyss, but it's a little more than five years since I learned things from my husband. Logically speaking , my husband and I signed a hundred-year employment contract, but..."

Looking at the silent Yun, Lin Qi sighed helplessly: "But you know, I have to find someone to take revenge, and this will be a very long process. Because it's not just about killing them. Forget it, I want them to die slowly in despair!"…,

Yun laughed: "This does not conflict with you helping me, does it? I can use the power of my family to help you take revenge on them. In the same way, when I help you, you can also stay and help me. Isn't that right? Is it good?"

Scratching his nose, Lin Qi thought about Qiyun's proposal seriously. He has wisdom about young people and clouds. . . No, he is deeply aware of the treachery and insidiousness of Old Man Qing and Yun. Wasn't it just that Old Man Qing had tricked Gaya, and as a result, his father, who had worked so hard to escape from the seal, was trapped under the seal again, and he also received several... Thousands of children

If Old Man Qing and Yun help, it will be easier and more enjoyable to deal with Arthur and the others, right? many words

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi nodded and said, "So, what you need my help with is the intrigue within the family over the family property?"

This time it was Yun's turn to frown and think seriously. After a long time, he nodded seriously: "It's about the same nature, but it may be a little more complicated. Because as you can tell from my husband and I, my Family is very complicated, very troublesome, and very troublesome.”

Lin Qi asked the question he had suspected for several years: "Royal? Fighting for the throne?"

Yun curled his lips disdainfully, spread out his hands and sighed heavily: "Royal? Well, they are just ruined nobles!"

Lin Qi was made to vomit blood by Yun's answer. Can a dilapidated noble have a bodyguard in the holy realm? Can a ruined noble order three shiploads of rare medicinal materials from the Black Tiger Family? Can a ruined aristocrat give birth to a clansman as evil as you? Staring at Yun angrily, Lin Qi snorted: "It really has nothing to do with the fight for the throne?"

Yun nodded desperately, clasped his hands on his chest, and looked at Lin Qi almost flatteringly: "It really has nothing to do with fighting for the throne! At most, it's just fighting for a little bit of power in the family. By the way, I may have to recruit from some people. I’ll take back the inheritance my mother left me, that’s it!”

Seeing Yun's little appearance, Lin Qi couldn't help but laugh. He gestured at Yun's height. After more than five years, and having been fed with food and wine every day, Yun still looked almost the same as when Lin Qi first met him. In more than five years, Yun has grown up to one inch taller, which is the height of Lin Qi's waist and ribs. Compared with Lin Qi, who is already over 1.9 meters tall, Yun is simply a little baby!

He grabbed Yun's head hard, rubbed his messy short hair, and then pulled his face to both sides. Lin Qi smiled strangely and said: "Then, okay, I'll help you get rid of your Help your uncles and uncles who dare to fight for power with you. If necessary, it will not be a problem to help you kill your father and grandfather. As for you, help me kill my enemies! Hahaha, our brothers can work together to make a fortune. !”

Yun's face was hurt by Lin Qi's pulling. He was furious and kicked Lin Qi's chest hard, but Lin Qi's body was too strong. Yun kicked Lin Qi's chest and almost sprained his foot. He screamed angrily and punched Lin Qi in the eye socket.

Lin Qi let go of his hand with a groan, and tugged at Yun's hair angrily: "Okay, then it's settled. You help me, and I'll help you. After all, we have been friends for so many years. Just However, your illness still needs to be treated carefully, with a small body like yours now... Sigh!"

Sighing and shaking his head vigorously, Lin Qi puffed up his chest, hammered his well-developed muscles, laughed and jumped off the tower after a few ups and downs.

Yun raised his right fist fiercely, slapped his right elbow hard with his left hand, and gritted his teeth and sent a punch at Lin Qi's back.

After muttering a few times angrily, Yun rubbed his face vigorously, and then gestured helplessly on the top of his head with his hand. Tilting his head, Yun sighed, helplessly put his hands on his back, and walked down the steps step by step. …,

"Grow taller? I want to, too! But this disease is not so easy to get rid of! This is a disease I was born with, so it's good to be alive!"

"I can't help it. Who said I'm too smart? Sometimes being too smart is a burden. Just like me now, I'm so smart that I'm almost dead!"

Lin Qi left the cloud behind and strode into the meeting hall of Lord Lun Heng's Mansion.

More than three hundred evil spirits, whose scales were a little pale and exuding a tyrannical aura, were already standing in the meeting hall, confronting Artut and others with narrowed eyes. The big figures of the evil ghost clan, such as Wu Xingyi, stood in the middle of the two sides in panic, whispering without knowing what they were saying.

Lin Qi strode into the meeting hall, and the more than 300 slightly old-looking evil spirits looked at Lin Qi at the same time.

An evil ghost with four horns on his head and a string of bone spurs on his spine shouted sternly: "You are Lin Qi!"

Lin Qi looked at the evil ghost and slowly sat on the hazy throne.

"Yes, I am Lin Qi!" Lin Qi sneered and said calmly: "You all moved very quickly. I just controlled the souls of all your direct blood descendants, and you are here?"

More than three hundred evil spirits took a step forward at the same time, and Lin Qi laughed loudly.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive! If we really fight, it will not be good for anyone. Killing you will be a loss to my strength. If you kill me, it will be really unfortunate. My life and death It is related to the safety of all of your descendants, and you don’t want to cut off your descendants, right? In other words, do you have confidence that you can regenerate the next prosperous family by relying entirely on yourself? "

These ancestors of the Fifth Abyss were all dumbfounded. They looked helplessly at Lin Qi, who was sitting lazily on the lord's throne and smiling playfully at them. They suddenly understood - the young man with a playful smile sitting in front of them. He is just a scoundrel, and there is no way to discuss it with him using normal principles.

The evil ghost who just spoke lowered his tone a few times and looked helplessly at his companions behind him.

The low sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, and a stream of newly arrived evil spirits rushed into the meeting hall.

Lin Qi just looked at these evil ghosts in the holy realm with a smile, not worrying at all that they would make any irrational impulses.

Having mastered the blood of these people's descendants, what else does Lin Qi have to fear


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