Radiant Era

Chapter 424: on the way


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On the smooth road, an extremely arrogant carriage was running at a dizzying speed. www. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. Everywhere cOm passed, there was a lot of excitement, and other carriages on the road hurriedly dodged to both sides, fearing that they would be slightly bumped by this carriage.

This huge carriage was not pulled by common horses or other magical beasts, but by four abyssal centaurs with black skin and red eyes. Forget about just the abyssal centaurs. This kind of powerful creature is classified as a monster and is not recognized as an intelligent life. Although they have a strength close to that of the celestial knights, they are not something extraordinary.

But these four centaurs are actually wearing a complete set of armor - magic armor specially made for centaurs!

Countless magic patterns were flying on the pitch-black armor. There was no gap between the heavy armor and the centaur's strong body. Each piece of armor perfectly conformed to the outline of their muscles. Not a single bit of flesh on their bodies was exposed, and even their hooves were covered by Houhou's armor. They were running on the road, and occasionally some scattered stones were stepped on by them, and the stones immediately turned into pieces when the sparks flew everywhere.

Magic armor is extremely rare to begin with, but to be able to forge a set of magic armor specifically for a four-headed centaur pulling a cart is simply the behavior of a prodigal. But in the same way, this also proves how terrible the wealth of the people on the carriage is. Centaurs are tall and strong, and their physiology is very different from humans. A set of armor is forged for them, which is enough to forge seven or eight sets of human magic armor. Here and there are four beasts pulling carts, which are clearly four moving mountains of gold.

As for that huge black carriage, it has no wheels! In other words, it completely relies on the magic circle to float in mid-air. The huge carriage, which is eight meters long, four meters wide and more than three meters high, glides lightly in the air, occasionally making a whistling sound due to the operation of the magic circle.

Moreover, the carriage is covered with heavy armor, with countless complex celestial star diagrams and runic arrays carved on it. Occasionally, a magic pattern lights up, and the magic patterns on the entire carriage immediately shine one by one, and powerful magic waves are everywhere. A gust of wind arose wherever it passed, forcing pedestrians and drivers on the road to give way. They could not get close to this extremely arrogant carriage.

Hua Li Hua Li held a long whip, danced and sat on the coachman's seat, and screamed triumphantly.

According to Lin Qi's instructions, if you encounter those plainly dressed people and carriages on the road, Hua Li Hua Li will slow down slightly. But once he encountered those well-dressed people and drivers, or those convoys surrounded by guards, Hualihuali immediately drove the centaur to rush past at the fastest speed, even if he knocked over two or three carriages. No matter what.

Huali Huali will even viciously whip those unlucky ones with gorgeous clothes. Using a horse whip made of the dragon tendons of the abyss dragon and dozens of alloy wires to whip it out, the person being whipped will faint from the pain. .

Along the way, dozens of people had been harmed by Hua Li Hua Li's evil hands, but those people dared not speak out in anger, and just looked angrily at the carriage that was speeding past.

Those people with gorgeous clothes are either big businessmen or nobles. They deeply understand that such a carriage full of magical atmosphere is not something they can offend. People who can be so arrogant and domineering on the official road from the Haran Empire to the Vyas Commercial Federation are not something they can provoke.

Even the prince of the Harlan Empire wouldn't dare to be so domineering. Who knows what kind of powerful person was sitting in the carriage? …,

In this way, Lin Qi and his party were able to run more than a thousand miles every day at the fastest speed. In just two or three days, they could reach the central city of Vias Commercial Federation - Vias. Port city.

Leaning lazily in the carriage, the magic carriage did not have any bumps and was as smooth as sitting at home. Lin Qi rubbed her body comfortably on the heavy and soft fur mattress and sighed heavily.

This carriage and four sets of magic armors were all good things that Lin Qi plundered from the warehouse of the great lord Wu Xingkai. Just four sets of magic armor, this carriage is really a good thing. The ancestor of the once great lord Wuxi was a powerful Heavenly Ghost King with mutated bloodline. He once unified the entire Fifth Abyss.

This carriage was specially built by the powerful Celestial Ghost King for the purpose of patrolling his territory. Unfortunately, before the magic carriage, which took hundreds of years of hard work, was put into use, the Celestial Ghost King fell during the invasion of the church. The fallen ancestor's family fortune plummeted, so this magic carriage has been kept in the warehouse without being exposed.

It uses the secret gold of the abyss as the main body, blends 300 kinds of rare metals from the abyss, adds dozens of rare materials extracted from meteorites, and uses more than 100 magic makers, magic blacksmiths and rune carvers from the Holy Realm. They joined forces and spent hundreds of years of hard work to forge this carriage, which is the pinnacle of the ancient alchemical civilization.

A full two hundred meters square space was folded inside the carriage, enough for ten people to ride comfortably. Its defensive restriction is an automatically triggered magic circle that can withstand saint-level magic attacks twenty times when no one is in charge. If someone presides over the magic circle and there are enough high-level magic crystals to provide energy consumption, this carriage can withstand hundreds of attacks from Saint Master-level masters.

Moreover, dozens of magic circles with extremely powerful attack power are engraved on the carriage, which can release group attack magic at the peak level of saints and perform all-round magic attacks without blind spots. This is the reason why Lin Qi asked Huali Huali to act so arrogantly. Such a carriage is equivalent to two legions of 100,000 people. Is it necessary to keep a low profile when carrying two elite legions with him

Playing with a few letters and a pale golden seal in his hand, Lin Qi suddenly showed a strange smile.

After concluding the Abyss Covenant, Lin Qi tortured Jiagu Yitong to his heart's content, and finally made the last doubt in his heart clear. The saint who suddenly died in the abyss and the sea of ink was indeed the hand of Gaw's ambush.

In Gaya's original plan, he had only a 50% chance of rescuing his father. He didn't know which abyss his father was imprisoned in, nor did he know the entrances to those abyss worlds, and he couldn't possibly ask for this information all over the world.

So he was deliberately thrown into the Black Abyss Divine Prison by the church, and then when the time came, he asked his father to slightly interfere with the operation of the suppression array, forcibly opened a small transmission channel, and got Gaya. Own seal edge. After carefully observing his father's seal, Gaya wanted to return to the Black Abyss Prison to carry out the following plan.

To ensure success, he brought with him more than a hundred elite ghost warriors from the Fifth Abyss. But in order to save his father's power, and also to measure certain energy nodes of the suppression of the divine formation - that is, how much trouble the death of the saints in the divine prison would bring to the suppression of the divine formation, Gaya launched himself in hundreds of The insider who was ambushed years ago poisoned the specially provided food and killed a saint.

After the death of the saint, the suppression array shook. Sure enough, Gaya's father spent very little power to teleport Gaya and more than a hundred evil ghosts back to the Black Abyss Divine Prison. These more than a hundred evil ghost warriors are what Gaya prepares to use to conquer the Black Abyss Divine Prison and find enough cannon fodder for himself to protect his own men when he breaks the formation. …,

In Gaya's original plan, he was only 50% sure of breaking through the suppression array. But his father retained extremely strong power at that time. Although he was only 50% sure of breaking the formation, with the help of his father's own strength, his father was also 50% sure of breaking out of the seal.

As a result, he met Lin Qi and Old Man Qing. With the help of Old Man Qing's knowledge of formations, he was 100% sure of cracking the divine suppression formation, which meant that his father was 100% sure of breaking away from the seal - but at the cost of his father. All power must be expended to open a transmission channel to allow Lin Qi and others to go to the abyss world.

After weighing the pros and cons, Gaya chose to cooperate with Lin Qi.

But everyone has seen the consequences. Both Gaya and his father were deceived by Lin Qi, and they were deceived so miserably that they would never be able to stand up again.

But it was precisely because of his encounter with Lin Qi and Old Man Qing that Jiawu did not continue to use the secrets he had hidden in the Black Abyss Prison for hundreds of years. To be able to lurk in the Black Abyss Divine Prison for so many years, how much effort did Gaya spend on that Anzi!

However, under Lin Qi's torture, Gaya reluctantly revealed his hidden secret, and handed over the letters between himself and the other party as well as the magic seal used to communicate with the other party. With these things, all the little power that Gaya had in the church belonged to Lin Qi!

"A little, little cardinal!" Lin Qi shrugged and stuffed the letters and seals into the World Ring. He rubbed his hands vigorously and smiled calmly: "It is better to keep things like Anzi than to use him. Now that we know his identity, we will support him intentionally or unintentionally in the future, so that he can continue to be promoted and make a fortune. It’s the last word!”

A believer who believes in evil gods and ghosts can actually start from the lowest level apprentice in a strict church, and now he is sitting in the high position of a cardinal. This guy is a talent!

Lin Qi likes talents the most! Especially those talented people within the church who have such dirty things!

The centaur was running extremely fast, and while Lin Qi was lost in thought, the carriage suddenly stopped, and then came the sound of angry roars and Alda's lazy yawn.

Lin Qi frowned and walked out of the carriage to look out.

This is the border between the Harlan Empire and the Vyas Commercial Federation. Both countries have set up checkpoints and tax cards here.

Everyone passing through here must show identification and pay various taxes.

A fat tax official was cautiously approaching the carriage, shivering and showing a tax instruction sheet to Hualihuali.

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