Radiant Era

Chapter 425: arrival


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Lin Qi rubbed his temples with his thumbs as he felt a little headache. For so many years in the Black Abyss Divine Prison, he had never spent a single copper. Of course, this was also related to the fact that the Black Abyss Divine Prison had no place to spend money. www. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. cOm has not spent a copper coin for several years in a row, which makes him more conservative in his attitude towards money.

With a slight cough, Lin Qi sat next to Hualihuali and took the taxation instructions from the chubby tax official.

A very detailed tax list listing hundreds of situations that require taxation. Lin Qi frowned and turned over the taxation instructions, then threw it on the ground and looked at the tax officer with some hesitation: "Under what circumstances can it be exempted from tax?"

The tax collector was stunned. He took a few steps back and looked at the four centaurs that were staring at him with hot breath. The magic armor on the abyss centaurs was very exquisite. They stopped to rest. At the same time, their breastplates automatically slid to both sides, exposing their sweaty chests and rapidly beating muscles.

Obviously, the tax collector wisely judged the combat power gap between himself and the four centaurs. With just one punch, he would be smashed into pieces, so he simply took a few steps back.

The commander of the Harlan Empire at this level, a middle-aged knight with low-level strength, walked up slowly and stood vigilantly beside the tax collector.

"Your Excellency, the nobles of our Haran Empire are exempt from taxation: the nobles of the allied countries of the Haran Empire, such as the nobles of the Gallic Empire and the Vias Commercial Federation with hereditary titles of nobility and above, are exempted from tax, while the nobles of hereditary barons and below are exempted. Half the tax!”

After coughing lightly, the middle-aged knight said solemnly: "If you are a noble from these countries, please show your identity certificate.

Lin Qi looked at this Heavenly Knight with some annoyance. Identity certificate? Everyone on and off this carriage is a gangster. Where is the proof of identity? Tilting his head and looking at this middle-aged knight with a lower rank, Lin Qi suddenly had some not-so-kind thoughts in his heart.

How weak!

At the border checkpoint of the dignified Haran Empire, there was actually only one heavenly knight and ten status knights, Lou Zhen. Less than half of the other soldiers were of human level, and the remaining more than a thousand soldiers were all just ordinary sergeants. There is no way to compare with the Black Abyss Divine Prison. The weakest shop owners in the Black Abyss Market, those gray goblins all have the combat power of mid-level or above!

Lin Qi suddenly discovered that he had been raised in the Black Abyss Divine Prison to have too high a vision and too demanding an appetite. It is worthy of being a place where heretics gather. A place like the Black Abyss Divine Prison can indeed make people mentally unbalanced.

With a slight cough, Lin Qi carefully calculated whether these two levels should be completely destroyed for some gold coins. Just as Lin Qi was thinking about these bad thoughts, the young man walked out of the carriage tremblingly, and slowly handed an identity certificate made of parchment and a gold medal to the middle-aged knight.

"Yun Qing, the hereditary Earl of the Vias Commercial Federation, the owner of the Mazo City State, this is my identity certificate!" The old man Qing narrowed his eyes, and a thin voice floated into Lin Qi's ears: " I am a real noble of the Vias Commercial Federation, so don’t have those cruel ideas. Lin Qi, Lin Qi, this is not the Black Abyss Prison, don’t always think about using violence to solve problems!”…,

Lin Qi tilted his head and looked at the young man with squinted eyes: "What is my condition called? Psychological reaction indication?"

The old man Qing nodded and patted Lin Qi gently: "This situation often happens to soldiers who go through life and death on the battlefield. If you enjoy it in a normal environment for a few years, this situation will improve. Be careful, don't It's easy to hurt people. There's a difference between here and there!"

The Heavenly Knight carefully checked the old man's identity certificate and token, then respectfully performed a knight's salute to the old man, and handed these things back to the old man. With an order, the checkpoints on the border between the two countries opened their gates at the same time. They winked at the fat tax official and smiled a few times. Then they waved their whips and drove the centaurs forward at lightning speed.

"Are you still the hereditary earl of the Vias Commercial Federation?" Lin Qi looked at the young man in surprise. He sat next to Hualihuali, opened his clothes, and let the oncoming strong wind blow on his strong chest. The strong wind roared, filling Lin Qi's mouth with water, giving Lin Qi the pleasure of drinking strong alcohol.

The old man laughed. He casually took out a dozen parchment rolls and a dozen gold medals from the ring and showed them to Lin Qi one by one. From the lowliest honorary knight to the high-status hereditary marquis, the young man actually holds more than a dozen noble titles in the Vias Commercial Federation.

Stuffing these things back into the ring, the young man said calmly: "Lin Qi, you have plundered so much private property in the Holy Realm, and you have also prosecuted the evil ghosts in the Fifth Abyss until they can only eat porridge. Your net worth is less than I am hundreds of times richer!"

With a gentle smile, the young man turned around and opened the car.

Complaints: "Do you remember what I told you? The Vyas Commercial Federation is a place where money can buy everything. As long as you have money, they dare to sell the titles of hereditary duke and hereditary prince, and even status. If you can afford the highest co-consul position, you can become the supreme consul of the Vyas Commercial Federation!"

"Nobles are worthless, but having the status of a noble will make things easier for you!" Old Man Qing gave Lin Qi a hard kick on the butt: "When you have time, go to the House of Nobles of the Vias Commercial Federation and buy some nobles. Clan title, preferably an ancient noble title with severed bloodline, buy the most expensive ones, you have money anyway! Unlike me, I don’t have that many gold coins, the highest I can afford is the title of hereditary marquis, and that’s A false title!"

Lin Qi was stunned. He bared his teeth and looked at the old man: "But the earl title you just showed, and the Mazuo city-state in your name?"

The young man spread his hands: "If you can afford the corresponding territory, you are a real noble with real title. If you cannot afford the corresponding territory, you are an empty noble with only a false title. The city-state of Mazo is Vias The lowest level city-state in the Commercial Federation, known as a city-state, is actually a large town and a dozen small villages. When I bought it, the total population there was less than 20,000. Fifteen years ago, the total population was just over 100,000! "

Helplessly shrugging his shoulders, the young man said calmly: "At that time, the Vias Commercial Federation was in financial crisis, so the land was sold at a very low price.

I originally just wanted to buy a short hereditary earl title, but land was so cheap at that time, so I bought all the land within a fifty-mile radius of Mazuo City. I even had a private army of 500 people there! "

With a smile, the young man walked into the carriage.

Lin Qi looked at Alda, and then at Hualihuali. The eyes of the two guys with demon blood were shining.

Alda took out his interspatial ring and counted all his net worth. His eyes were red, and he kept muttering about such bastard topics as personal rights and personal rights. Obviously, he also wants to buy a territory and then vigorously implement the political power system in his territory. …,

And drooling saliva flowed down, and he remembered many, many things, but no matter what he remembered, he could only think about it. Lin Qi has not paid him a salary in these years. This little devil is a poor guy with no money.

After glancing at Alda and Huali Huali who were lost in fantasy, Lin Qi twisted his mouth.

"Vias Commercial Federation? I like this place! I like this place so much!"

After being stunned for a while, Lin Qi suddenly rushed into the carriage, pulled the young man who was holding a book and studying it carefully and shouted: "Does the supreme governor of the Vias Commercial Federation have the right to declare war? Hey, if I have become the supreme governor of the Vyas Commercial Federation, can I declare war at will?"

The old man Qing dropped his book and glanced at Lin Qi helplessly.

"The Vyas Commercial Federation does not have a standing army belonging to the federation. All armies are private armies of major families and city-states. As the supreme governor, you can expand your private armed forces at will. You can support 100,000 people. You have an army of 100,000 people: if you can afford one million, then it is one million. If you want to declare a war order to a certain force, you have to see if people from other families support you, otherwise..."

Old Man Qing spread his hands: "You can choose to go it alone! If you can arm three to five million regular troops, you can attack anyone you want, but those big families may sell you out immediately! Lin Qi, you have to study hard Learn about the Vyas Commercial Federation!"

Lin Qi just smiled weirdly and returned to the carriage where he was sitting with satisfaction.

As long as you have money, can you expand your armed forces at will? Uncle Lin Qi is not short of money now. Lin Qi, who has plundered the entire Fifth Abyss and more than 300 holy realms, is not short of money the most now! How many people are there in Vyas Commercial Federation? ? How large an army can it support

Lin Qi seemed to see some extremely wonderful prospects. He chuckled and laughed continuously.

Yun Tan turned his head to look at Lin Qi, and then shook his head vigorously: "Sir, you shouldn't tell him this. I feel that the Vias Commercial Federation is going to be unlucky, and this will cause the family to suffer losses along with it! You You know, Lin Qi now has enough gold coins to destroy the entire Vyas Commercial Federation."

The young man smiled slightly and murmured softly: "Isn't that good enough? Destroy this loose federation and then establish a centralized empire. Isn't that good enough?"

Yun narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and nodded slightly.

Three days later, the racing carriage stopped on a small hill. Looking from here, a majestic harbor city was in sight.

Port Vias City has arrived. . )