Radiant Era

Chapter 427: Cloud's proposal


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This is a city where every brick and tile is shining with the light of gold coins. As you can imagine, the consumption level here is very high. wWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.CoM

Sitting on the terrace, sipping a glass of ice-cold premium red wine, with her chest exposed and only wearing a loose cotton robe, Lin Qi sighed in comfort. Raising the wine glass and gently swaying the red wine, Lin Qi sighed to Hua Hua Hua, who was sitting in the corner of the terrace and tearing apart a large piece of roasted beef ribs like a hunting dog: "You don't have to spend your own money. It’s great to have such enjoyment!”

He raised his head with a bang, and the corners of his mouth were covered with oil stains: "But the great and terrifying master, we never spend money in that damn place!"

Huali Huali, who had just come out of the Black Abyss Divine Prison and had lived in the Abyss World before, had no strong concept of money. In the Abyss World, the strongest person would win. If he saw any good things, he would kill and rob them. Why spend money? As for the Black Abyss Divine Prison, Lin Qi took him shopping. No matter what he saw, a piece of animal meat was enough. The sellers were still crying, and Huali Huali had no idea about money.

Lin Qi clicked her lips and said deeply: "But from now on, we will have to spend money. Well, I'm really not used to it! The cute ooohs, the cute chirps, poor coppers, you have to take another one after another. One of them flew out! This store is really dark, even darker than dad’s dark store!"

Lin Qi thought of what happened after they entered the city.

Alda disappeared just after entering the city. He jumped into the carriage of the rich lady he met on the way and followed the beauty without a trace. Lin Qi didn't bother to care about this guy. Artut's only son, a demon hybrid at the peak of heaven, if he would still be in danger, then Alda would just die, there was nothing to regret.

Then the old man Qing, like an old horse who knows the way, led them to the Coral Flower, a luxury hotel near the port of Vias Port City. Lin Qi saw the gold coins in the old man Qing's hand spilling out like a gurgling stream. The servant who opened the carriage door for them got ten gold coins. The servant who carried their suitcases got ten gold coins. When they walked into the hotel door, did the maid who knelt on the ground wipe the dust off their boots get it? The young man and the old man generously rewarded each other with twenty gold coins.

When registering for a room in the hotel lobby, the young man asked for three suites on the highest floor that cost two thousand gold coins per day. Then he also deposited a gold ticket of 500,000 gold coins in the lobby. If Lin Qi and others had any consumption in the room, such as the red wine Lin Qi was drinking now, the beef ribs that Hua Li Hua Li was whistling. , you can transfer the account directly.

Since the young man was so generous, Lin Qi would not save money for him, so as soon as he entered the room, he took a comfortable bath, then called the waiter and asked for three bottles of red wine worth 50,000 gold coins each. , asked for a lot of delicacies worth thousands of gold coins.

"It's such a luxury!" Lin Qi swallowed a sip of the fragrant wine and sighed: "Fortunately this is not my money! Even for a hereditary earl, this is too luxurious! For a hereditary earl in the Gallic Empire, he can spend one year How many gold coins is your total income? Can it be half a million?"

After thinking about this nonsensical question, Lin Qi nodded helplessly: "Okay, I must admit that the nobles of the Gallic Empire are all poor rubes! The Vias Commercial Federation is indeed the wealth remittance of the entire Western Continent. Capital, I like this place, if I could sack this city, that would be really wonderful!”…,

Putting down his wine glass, Lin Qi stood on the road, overlooking the port not far away.

Vias Port City is more than ten times more prosperous than Dunerque. Standing on the ten-story terrace, separated by a large grassland and cedar trees that serve as isolation zones, and across a road, you will find the harbor of Vias Port City. A corner. A giant cargo ship with an obvious oriental style was docking. Hundreds of neatly dressed porters were standing neatly on the trestle, bowing respectfully to the few orientals standing on the bow.

Those oriental people were dressed in gorgeous and expensive silks, and their various jewelry shone charmingly in the sun. Behind these few bloated Easterners stood dozens of capable and cold-blooded men in green clothes. Lin Qi carefully used his mental power to test that direction, and then he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

They are just the guards of an ordinary cargo ship. Among those men in green, there are more than a dozen heavenly warriors, and among them there are three peak heavenly beings!

It is indeed the great empire in the East that Longcheng said. Their people are indeed the most proud and tyrannical people in the world. It's just an ordinary cargo ship. Although this cargo ship is nearly two hundred meters long and is a rare giant ship, it is equipped with more than a dozen heavenly warriors and hundreds of high-level warriors to guard a cargo ship. The strength of these Eastern merchants It's also terrible.

In particular, there was even a vague spiritual power fluctuation coming from the cabin. Lin Qi had only experienced similar spiritual power fluctuations in the young man. Of course, that person is far less powerful than the young man, but at least he is at the upper level of the heavenly realm. This is a powerful formation magician. The lethality that such a person can exert in battle can be more powerful than a dozen heavenly warriors.

"Blood Qin Empire!" Lin Qi took a deep breath: "I don't know what happened to that bastard? He hasn't been seen for almost six or seven years, right? He will definitely be shocked when he sees me now? Hahaha , I have also become a dual cultivator of magic and martial arts!"

The door suddenly opened, and Yun, whose hair was still wet, wearing a loose blue robe, walked in quietly.

"Sir, he went to contact the family. A ship will pick us up tomorrow."

Yun quickly walked to Lin Qi's side and stood on tiptoe to look at the Easterners on the cargo ship. Then he fell silent like Lin Qi. The Eastern businessmen were chatting and laughing in a relaxed manner. They greeted the harbor officials who walked up the gangway onto the ship enthusiastically. They are confident and calm, neither humble nor arrogant, with a hint of pride brought about by their profound background.

Even many of the great nobles in the Western Continent do not have such demeanor as them, and these people are just ordinary maritime merchants in the East!

"Tsk!" Lin Qi suddenly laughed: "One day I will go to the East for a tour!"

Yun looked at Lin Qi curiously: "What are you doing? Do you still have relatives in your family staying in the East?"

Lin Qi shook his head, rubbed Yun's wet short hair vigorously, and laughed loudly: "Of course not, I want to go to the Eastern Empire to see it, and then find an acquaintance of mine and let him take me to see it. See the stunning beauties in the pink pictures. I have to get a few beauties to come back and continue the family line. My father said that in order to continue the family bloodline, I have to have at least dozens of children!"

Patting Yun's shriveled shoulders like bean sprouts, Lin Qi smiled strangely: "It's just that, Yun, if you don't regulate your little body, you won't be able to make women happy in the future! Of course, I am a woman. I don’t even have enough experience, but after all, women like tall and powerful men like me, right?”

Lifting his left arm vigorously, making his well-developed arm muscles and chest muscles swell up, Lin Qi poked Yun's chest with his right hand: "Look at you, you are as good as a stick, you should eat more Meat!”…,

Yun was poked by Lin Qi and took a step back. He stared at Lin Qi with anger and annoyance, and roared with bared teeth and claws: "I am sick, I am sick! You bastard whose brain is all muscle, you... .”

After shouting for a few times, Yun suddenly sighed heavily and spread his hands helplessly: "I have nothing to say to you!"

Shaking his head, Yun skillfully took out a medicine bottle from the ring, poured out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth. Lin Qi watched speechlessly as Yun slowly swallowed the pills. Lin Qi had seen this action many times in the past few years. Yun's body was born with great depletion, especially since he was so smart that his body couldn't bear the consumption of his brain.

In these years, he relied on pills and decoctions to support himself. If it weren't for the three ships of rare medicines purchased by young people from the Black Tiger family, Yun Zao would have died of physical exhaustion several years ago.

Lin Qi sighed heavily, then pressed his hands heavily on Yun's shoulders, and said righteously: "Okay, I shouldn't laugh at you. When I go to the East, I will bring you some bodies and The girl you are with is back. By the way, when I go to the East, I will look for you some medicine that can help your body and bones get better. After all, the East is so big and has many more resources than we have here!"

Yun Gan laughed a few times, rolled his eyes and glared at Lin Qi, then took a deep breath.

"Sir, he's gone out. It's boring to be bored here. Let's go shopping on the street! Vyas, I haven't been back for many years!"

Lin Qi slapped Yun on the head, threw the robe on the ground, and then walked to his bedroom with his butt naked: "Okay, wait for me to change clothes! I'm curious, are you really Do you remember things when you were more than one year old? Do you still remember what Vyas looks like?"

Yun tilted his mouth and looked at the muscles on Lin Qi's strong body that were as strong as steel. He looked down at his withered and thin body, lowered his head and sighed silently, then stretched out his fingers and touched After a few hard pokes on his chest, his face became even more ugly.

"Asshole!" Yun cursed in a low voice.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Qi, who was as tall and heroic as the God of War, pulled Yun, who was as thin as dry firewood, and Hua Lihuali, who was hunched over his waist and sneaky as if he was ready to take out someone's wallet at any time, and the three of them walked out slowly. The door of the Coral Flower Hotel.

Following the clear impression in Yun's memory, the group walked along the street towards the core business district of Port Vias City.

If you want to go shopping, only there is the most suitable place. It can be said that all the rare treasures in the world are gathered there, and it is the most worthwhile place to spend time. .