Radiant Era

Chapter 438: The warship intercepted and killed


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A strong wind blew across the sea, causing waves to be as high as a foot. wWW、QUanbEn-xIAoShUo、com

Lin Qi stood in the cab and took off his upper body clothes, revealing his strong and powerful body. He held the rudder firmly and shouted loudly like a ghost crying like a wolf: "Oh hoo~~~ I am the king of the North Sea, hahaha, come on, come on, attack me!"

There are two hills facing each other on the left and right of Jinduo Island's only harbor entrance, and a heavily defended battle fortress stands on each hill. When Clausen's order reached the battle fort, the walls were already filled with private soldiers of the Golden Helm family. They were condescending and had just seen what happened at the main house and the port. The culprit who caused such great damage was trying to escape on a clipper!

How could they be allowed to escape!

Lin Qi's loud and strange screams floated out with the sea breeze. His voice was so loud that even the soldiers on the two battle forts could hear him clearly. The soldiers angrily locked onto the trimaran small ship that was approaching the entrance, and slowly calibrated the angles of the powerful ordnance on the city wall.

Following an order, dozens of magic catapults made loud bangs and bangs at the same time, and hundreds of sharp metal blocks the size of fists roared down, completely covering the waterway dozens of meters wide in the inner forest. Qi steered the small ship forward without fear. The magic array on the ship burst out with intense light, and a thin magic barrier appeared out of thin air above the ship.

The clear and water-like magic barrier gently blocked the heavy special sharp-edged metal blocks. These metal blocks were adsorbed on the magic barrier. Then with the roar of the magic furnace, the magic barrier suddenly shook, and everyone The metal block was shot back high into the sky at a speed several times faster than when it came.

The soldiers on the city wall were looking down at the waterway below, wanting to see the outcome of the battle. The metal blocks roared and flew back fiercely. On the spot, a dozen unlucky people were punched through the chest and their heads were broken. Their bodies were blown dozens of meters by the heavy metal blocks, and they fell heavily from the city wall. .

The commanders of the two battle forts roared loudly with fear and anger. Hundreds of magic-driven crossbows slowly locked onto the trimaran small ship. With a command, more than three hundred pure steel crossbow arrows as thick as an arm were fired. It roared and shot downwards. The tips of these crossbow arrows are shining with magical light. These are magic-breaking crossbows made of heavy gold. They are weapons specially used to attack various magic barriers and magic barriers.

Lin Qi laughed and slapped a magic crystal ball next to him with his palm.

All the magic power in the body was quickly sucked out, turning into a rolling torrent and injected into the magic energy furnace deep in the cabin. The magic crystal that was ejecting powerful magic energy in the power furnace suddenly exploded with ten times the power. The small three-body ship almost flew up from the water, bringing up three sharp white water marks, grazing like arrows. The water surged forward.

More than three hundred bed crossbows almost hit the tail of the small ship and shot into the sea water. The huge bed crossbows brought up a roaring wind, which shook the hair of Alda and Hua Lihuali. The two bad guys screamed and lay on the deck holding their heads. They were covered in cold sweat and did not dare to stay on the deck anymore. They clung to the deck like two worms and climbed into the driver's seat as quickly as possible. room.

"Haha! Hua Li Hua Li, I'm going to let you use magic to give them a little power! You cowardly guy!" Lin Qi gave Hua Li Hua Li and Alda a hard kick, and then pointed to the side. The crystal ball laughed and said: "Slowly transfer your magic power into it. Hehe, your magic power increase can speed up the efficiency of the magic energy furnace, allowing it to output the maximum power faster!"...,

Hualihuali and Alda stood up and obediently pressed their hands on the crystal ball. They were running for their lives now, and the two of them didn't dare to say anything nonsense.

They did not reserve any strength, but poured their magic into the crystal ball with all their strength.

It takes a long time for the magic furnace to be ignited to reach its maximum power. This small ship was carefully forged by the master craftsmen of the Dwarf Empire with Xiexiao paying a lot of money. The power of the magic furnace is extremely powerful and extremely fast. As long as Maximum magic energy output can be reached in just a few minutes.

But now Lin Qi couldn't even wait for these few minutes. He had to use external force to stimulate the magic furnace to reach the maximum output power as soon as possible.

There was a terrible explosion above the head, and dozens of dazzling lightnings hit the magic barrier above the trimaran. The ship suddenly shook, and a magic array core diagram floated next to Lin Qi. The inlaid magic crystal suddenly broke into several pieces.

Lin Qi hurriedly looked at the young man: "Hurry up and replace the magic crystal. Their attack intensity is too strong, and the ship's own defense barrier cannot withstand it. Sir, you'd better put your own magic power into it. Your Holy Realm magic power will support it." They can't break through our defenses!"

The old man Qing took out dozens of huge magic crystals and replaced all the magic crystals on the magic array. Then he pressed his hands on the array, and sure enough, his own magic power was also transferred into it. The trimaran's hull suddenly erupted with a rainbow-like magic halo. Colorful light rained out in all directions. Countless magic array patterns emerged layer by layer. The magic energy furnace made a low roar. Only a small part of the stern of the ship was still alive. In the water, the other hulls were completely out of the water.

The magic shield on the surface of the ship's hull grew to more than a foot long. Dozens of magicians on the battle fort helplessly looked at the trimaran that turned into a turtle shell, and wisely stopped the stupid actions of wasting magic power. They looked helplessly at the commander of the battle fort. It was not their fault, it was because the ship was too powerful, so powerful that it was a bit ridiculous.

The six giant crushing trebuchets finally launched, and six huge magic bullets with a diameter of two meters roared towards the trimaran under Lin Qi's control.

Lin Qi laughed strangely, and he steadily controlled the rudder, causing the trimaran to circle a huge arc on the sea, neatly avoiding the attacks of six giant magic bullets. "Boom, boom, boom!" Six consecutive loud noises were heard on the sea surface, and six giant water columns nearly two hundred meters high rose into the sky, almost grazing the trimaran and rushing up from the sea.

The trimaran trembled violently for a few times, then quickly rushed through the port waterway and rushed into the southern waters of Vias Port City.

The sun was bright, and a large group of skuas flew screaming from high altitude. Lin Qi accurately controlled the trimaran and sped towards Vias Port at high speed. Lin Qi has been hanging out on various ships in Dunerke since he was a child. He is an extremely skilled navigator. With a mere two hundred miles of water, he can find the way back without any navigation instruments or charts.

The old man stood behind Lin Qi with his hands behind his back, frowned and sighed softly: "This is a bit troublesome. Clausen will not give up! Yun, Lin Qi, tell me, what should we do now?"

Yun narrowed his eyes: "Let the family know about this!"

Lin Qi also said: "Go to Vias Port and scatter gold coins to spread rumors, saying that the Jinduo family has rebelled. The rebels have killed a large number of family leaders and destroyed most of Jinduo Island. All enemies of Jinduo Island are welcome to take advantage of the situation and rob them. Loot their chamber of commerce, loot their merchant ships, assassinate their family members, and even directly attack the main island of Jinduo Island!"

Lin Qihao let go of the rudder with both hands and shouted angrily: "Is there an Assassin's Guild in Port City of Vias? I'm going to offer a reward of 100 million gold coins to buy the heads of all the top brass of the Golden Helm family below Yun Fenghua, hahaha, 100 million If the gold coins are not enough, I will give you one billion or two billion. Isn’t that just money?”…,

Lin Qi is really not short of money. He has looted 360 holy realms and the Fifth Abyss. If he is still short of money, there will not be many rich people in the world.

Yun put forward the general outline of their response, and Lin Qi quickly completed the most suitable response method in this situation. It was sharp, ruthless, but extremely effective. The two of them cooperated perfectly, and they had a perfect tacit understanding.

The bigger the fuss, the better. Yun's father is the head of the family. Even though he is in the Caesar Empire and busy with other family affairs, if he doesn't even respond to the great changes in the Jinduo family, he, the head of the family, might as well commit suicide by jumping into the sea!

Yun narrowed his eyes, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes: "Add Clausen and a few others to the bounty list, and raise the bounty as high as possible. The rules of the Assassin's Guild require you to pay four fees first. As a deposit for the reward amount offered by President Cheng, Lin Qi, you should keep this money first, and I will pay it back to you afterwards."

Lin Qi glanced at Yun: "How to calculate interest?"

Yun's eyes widened in anger and he kicked Lin Qi hard.

Lin Qi yelled and wanted to seek justice from Yun Nong, but suddenly a group of merchant ships appeared in front of him.

Judging from the direction, draft, and fleet size of these merchant ships, they should be a long-voyaging caravan departing from Vias Port to the Black Spirit Continent. Twenty-five giant cargo ships were sailing in the middle of the caravan, with six warships guarding them on both sides. The sails of these merchant ships were dazzlingly pure gold, and the golden sails were so conspicuous in the sun.

"The caravan of the Jin Fengfan family!" Old Man Qing frowned: "This is an ally of the Jin Duo family!"

Before he finished speaking, six warships with a length of more than 100 meters deviated from the course at the same time, and circled a large arc to outflank Lin Qi's ship.

More than a thousand meters away from the trimaran driven by Lin Qi, a flagman appeared on the female watchtower on the mast of the warship at the same time, sending a signal to Lin Qi to stop the ship immediately and accept their inspection.

The opponent's words are extremely fierce - stop the ship and extinguish the magic furnace. If you refuse, sink it immediately!

Lin Qi sneered. He was about to use the speed advantage of the trimaran to avoid the six warships when a huge vortex with a diameter of more than thirty meters suddenly appeared beside their ship. The trimaran shuddered and swayed uncontrollably in the direction of the whirlpool.

On the bridge of the opponent's warship, two mages wearing blue robes stood out.

They held staffs, their whole bodies shone with azure light, and twelve water magicians simultaneously launched water magic turbine strangulation! .