Radiant Era

Chapter 439: Destroy the enemy with violence


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A typhoon passed through Shanghai, causing strong winds and heavy rain. wWW. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. Com

Zhutou's mother, father, and sister took Zhutou's nephew to Shanghai during the summer vacation.

Well, Zhutou can only brave the typhoon, scorching sun, scorching heat, and heavy rain to work as an escort.

For updates in the next three, four, five or six days, Zhutou can only try its best to ensure that there are updates, but the specific number depends on the degree of training of Zhutou. There will definitely be updates, but God knows how many.

When Zhutou and the others go home, Zhutou will work hard to boil lard and code words this month.

Everyone understands that Pig Tou’s father and mother are almost seventy years old, and Pig Tou has to accompany them for shopping anyway!

The rudder of the ship shook violently, and the ship's hull continued to tilt in the direction of the whirlpool. The turbine strangulation not only stirred up the sea water to form a whirlpool, but also appeared a white cyclone hundreds of meters high above the sea water. The direction of the cyclone and the vortex are opposite, and the two violent vortexes traveling in opposite directions tear and rub against each other, turning into thousands of pale white wind blades near the sea surface.

The tens of meters long wind blade and water blade continued to cut the air and sea water, making a harsh scream. The terrible suction force continued to come, and the trimaran's hull was too light, and it slowly slid into the whirlpool uncontrollably.

Lin Qi looked coldly at the water mages on the six warships. The trimaran was immobilized by the whirlpool and whirlwind, while the six warships were rapidly approaching here. Although the speed of these battleships is only less than 30% of the trimaran, they can travel here in three minutes at most.

According to the deployment scale of these large battleships with a length of 100 meters, there are at least 500 people on each battleship, of which there are about 100 main combat soldiers and about 400 auxiliary sailors. But these sailors are not necessarily good citizens. On the boundless sea, sailors are sailors when they put on clothes, and they are pirates when they pick up weapons. Their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

If more than 3,000 people really surrounded them, Lin Qi and the others would not be able to escape unless the young man did not hesitate to expend his energy to kill. This is the sea, not the land. If it were the land, Lin Qi would still be able to get out of trouble by relying on his powerful body and brutal strength, but at sea, ten Lin Qi would not be able to escape the pursuit of the warships.

"They are looking for death!" Lin Qi's eyes suddenly turned red.

The old man Qing coughed lightly and patted Lin Qi's back with his left hand.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry. If you are in a hurry, it will cause chaos. This little thing is nothing."

The young man spoke easily, but his brows were also furrowed tightly. On the day he left the Black Abyss, he swallowed a life-saving pill given by the clan leader. At that time, his fire of life had already been extinguished, and he relied entirely on the Heavenly King's life-preserving pill to forcibly maintain his vitality. Before the power of this elixir expires, the young man and the old man can exert their strongest power for a limited and short period of time.

But he can't fight without reservation like a normal person. His body is now extremely exhausted. Even adding the Heavenly King Life-Saving Pill will only guarantee that he will not die. If he wants to recover, he must return to the family and use Only by restoring longevity to certain secret realms of the family.

At this moment, facing the powerful offensive of the Jin Fengfan family's warships, the young man was a little crazy for a while. He really couldn't find any good way to deal with the enemy.

Looking at the six warships getting closer and closer, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and turned the bow of the trimaran away from the whirlpool. The magic energy furnace roared and output huge power, allowing the trimaran to escape the pull of the vortex and whirlwind inch by inch. However, the speed of the trimaran has also become extremely slow. Before they can completely escape the pull of the vortex, Lin Qi and the others will definitely be approached by six battleships. …,

With a cold snort, Lin Qi waved to Yun: "Yun, hold on to the rudder, just hold on like this. Hey, these bastards from the Jin Fengfan family, they were hooking up with the church back then, and they are here again today. By causing trouble for me, are they looking for death?"

Thinking that Elham and others used the name of the Jin Fengfan family to sneak into the Gallic Empire, Lin Qi felt angry. It is very clear that the Jin Fengfan family can allow the church's divine descendants to travel outside in the name of the family. It is strange that they are not the lackeys of the church. Maybe the Jin Fengfan family is the church's money-making tool, which can deplete some of their strength. What a threat to the church It’s also a blow to a certain extent!

Letting Yun hold the helm, Lin Qi strode to the side deck facing the Jin Fengfan family's battleship. He called out to Alda and Hualihuali, and said with a gloomy face: "Come on, there are three of us, two each. Battleships, knock them all over, and then we’ll loot those cargo ships!”

Anyone with a normal mind would never agree to Lin Qi's crazy move.

The problem is that Alda and Huali Huali are not human beings, and their thinking has never seemed normal. Hearing Lin Qi's domineering words, the two half-blood monsters who didn't know whether they were dead or alive raised their hands in joy, shouted and jumped around on the deck."

Lin Qi hehe, smiled strangely, took out several small trebuchets from the ring, and took out several large magic sniper crossbows and placed them on the deck. He has terrifying brute strength. He can wind up the small trebuchet and the magic sniper crossbow all by himself, and then separate the special arrows and magic bullets that Huali Huali collected from the evil ghost families in the Fifth Abyss. Installed.

What is loaded into the trebuchet is a powerful one. The ghost-destroying flame bombs used by evil spirits when they conflict with other demons in the abyss world. Every shot

Magic bullets are extracted from the phosphorescent will-o'-the-wisps that grow in the sulfur sea of the fifth abyss world, and are finally refined after several years of magic refining. What is loaded on the magic sniper crossbow is the magic tracking crossbow used by evil spirits to attack mages."

Most of the evil ghosts are extremely powerful warriors. When they face the demons who are both skilled in magic and martial arts, as well as the humans who have a large number of mages, they suffer a bit in terms of spells. That's why these evil ghosts spent a lot of effort to forge these magic tracking crossbows, specifically used to kill powerful enemy mages.

Once the magic tracking crossbow is launched, it will be fired at the target with the strongest magic power fluctuation of the enemy. The magic breaking spell and lava bursting spell above are enough to guarantee the killing of any mage below the holy realm. The cost of each magic tracking crossbow is over one million in the surface world. After all, it is made using some powerful magic metals that are special to the abyss world.

Lin Qi laughed loudly. He, Arda, and Huo Lihuali each picked up a sniper crossbow, and then casually aimed at the other side's warship.

At the command, the arrows on the three sniper crossbows shot out with an evil black flame. The three arrows did not go in a straight line, but created a strange arc and plunged towards the front. Water mages on two battleships.

Amid the horrified shouts, the three arrows crossed a distance of several hundred meters in an instant and penetrated deeply into the chests of the three water mages. Amidst the loud noise, a fireball several meters in diameter enveloped the side of the warship. Four mages and a dozen sailors watching nearby were blown to pieces.

Lin Qi, Alda and Huali Huali quickly cocked the string and mounted the magic tracking crossbow again. They don't need to aim, they just need to shoot the arrow roughly, and the arrow will follow the magic wave and shoot towards the source of the magic wave. Again, the water mages on the two boats failed to dodge and were killed by arrows. …,

In vain laughter, Lin Qi confidently cocked the bow again. He had just raised the sniper crossbow, and the water mages on the last two warships had already retreated into the cabin in fear. The whirlpools and cyclones on the sea immediately collapsed, and the trimaran suddenly jumped forward and rushed forward extremely quickly. Lin Qi and the others were unsteady on their feet and flew toward the stern of the ship with strange screams. Fortunately, the three of them reacted quickly. They awkwardly grabbed the metal chain on the ship's side railing, and then managed to stabilize themselves.

Lin Qi shouted at Yun in the cab: "Yun, take us back and circle around their warship. Hahaha, I want to kill these lackeys of the church! I haven't gone to trouble them yet. Did they deliver it to your door themselves?”

In the far distance between the sky and the sea, several large warships were heading here quickly. On the sails of those warships, there were golden rudder emblems shining brightly. Lin Qi glanced at the warships, half-closed the distance between them and himself, and then spat into the sea without a care.

It would be at least half an hour before those warships could approach, and by then Lin Qi would have already gone far.

Amidst repeated sneers, the trimaran made a huge arc on the sea, swaying this way and that, and sailed towards the six warships of the Jin Fengfan family. A small speedboat like the posture is difficult to say, easy to say, but easy. Yun's IQ is extremely high. Although he is not very skilled in controlling this thing, it is not difficult at all.

The trimaran barely scraped against the side of a large warship. The moment the two ships passed each other, Lin Qi, Alda and Hualihuali simultaneously controlled a trebuchet to hit the other side. Three ghost-destroying flame bombs passed.

Amidst the low explosion, three green flames with a diameter of more than 30 meters spread out and quickly covered most of the warship. The fireproof magic circle carved on the wooden warship quickly disintegrated and exploded, and most of the warship was quickly reduced to ashes under the blow of the sea wind.

"Next one, Yun, be sure to hit it this time!" Lin Qi shouted again.

Yun, who was holding the rudder of the ship, laughed loudly. He also let out a long scream and controlled the trimaran to swing towards the other battleship. Arrows rained down from the five warships on the opposite side, and stones and magic bullets thrown by trebuchets continued to fall. However, the speed of the trimaran was too fast. The trimaran controlled by Yun was fluttering on the sea surface. There was no way they could hit the little clipper.

The same thing happened, another warship of the Jin Fengfan family was sent into the sea by the green ghost flames after a dozen breaths.

Then another one, and another one! Lin Qi ransacked the entire fifth abyss warehouse. There were hundreds of thousands of these ghost-destroying flame bombs in his world ring. It was enough to fight a large-scale war, let alone deal with a few warships

A quarter of an hour later, six warships of the Golden Sail family sank into the deep sea accompanied by countless miserable howls.

Under Lin Qi's command, the trimaran quickly rushed towards several battleships of the Jinduo family. Relying on the advantage of speed and sharp weapons, Lin Qi and his party went on a killing spree, and several other warships were also beaten to the bottom by them.

After sinking all the battleships, the trimaran went back and circled rapidly around the two dozen slow-moving cargo ships of the Golden Sail family.

Lin Qi, who covered most of his face with a piece of black cloth, stood on the bow of the boat and shouted loudly and enthusiastically.

"Listen, your escort warships have been completely destroyed!"

"Now I am honored to tell you that you have been robbed!". )