Radiant Era

Chapter 440: Plunder at sea


[Shen Shen] Hot new recruits

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On the calm sea, the golden sails of three huge cargo ships suddenly deflected, and were about to deviate from the team due to a cross wind. WwW,QunabEN,coM

But the trimaran immediately caught up with him, and Lin Qi unceremoniously dropped six ghost-destroying bombs on the three cargo ships.

Compared with warships, cargo ships are larger in size, but their structures are more fragile. In just a few breaths, under the domineering ghost flames and phosphorus fire, the three cargo ships quickly disintegrated, and all the cargo on board sank to the bottom of the sea. .

Hundreds of sailors and businessmen jumped into the sea in time, some sat on lifeboats, some held broken wooden boards floating on the sea, and some skilled sailors were working hard to swim to the cargo ship not far away. go.

Lin Qi shouted loudly: "Whoever dares to let people in the water get on the boat, I will destroy it immediately!"

The rest of the sailors on the cargo ship who were busy throwing down the cables to rescue their companions were all dumbfounded. They looked at Lin Qi blankly and subconsciously pulled up the dropped cables again. Facing this freak Lin Qi, they couldn't run or win, nor could they fight. What else could they do besides being robbed by him

Like a sheepdog penning sheep, Lin Qi herded more than twenty cargo ships into a group. He took Arda and Huali Huali on board the ship, and as soon as he jumped onto the deck, he unabashedly unleashed his fighting spirit from a high-ranking heavenly person and his magic power from those who were also a high-ranking heavenly person.

The same is true for Alda. As a hybrid from the Moon Cave, he has mastered both fighting spirit and magic power, and is now at the peak of the heavenly realm.

Hua Li Hua Lai is a little weaker, but holding a machete, he stands on the side of the ship and yells in a mighty manner. His magic power has also reached the level of the upper level of the heaven, but his fighting spirit is much weaker, just barely. This guy who has reached the level of heaven rarely fights head-on with people. Lin Qi also spent a lot of medicine on him, but without bloody training, how can his fighting spirit be improved

The three heavenly beings boarded the ship to rob, and there were half a dozen holy realms sitting on the trimaran below. This scene was too big. Such a pirate lineup is rare in the entire Western continent. At least, there has never been a robbery of a cargo ship in the Holy Land.

Powerful fighting spirit and magical aura enveloped all the cargo ships, and the sailors lowered their heads in fear. Although these sailors were all brave, they were just ordinary people after all. At most, they had practiced some swordsmanship and swordsmanship, but they knew nothing about fighting spirit. If they had practiced fighting spirit, they would not have become sailors, but would have gone to escort the warships as escort warriors.

Although they have many people, they are absolutely impossible to rival the three great heavens. In addition, the opponent also has a trimaran that is ridiculously fast and incredibly lethal, so this is even less likely to be provoked by them.

A round, chubby, white middle-aged man walked out of the crowd on the deck, dripping with sweat. He walked up to Lin Qi tremblingly, and finally mustered up the courage to scream: " This is the Jin Fengfan family..."

Lin Qi grabbed him, quickly plundered the space ring in his hand and several small gold tickets in his pocket, and also took off several jeweled jewelry on his body, and then backhanded him Thrown into the sea. Throwing all the belongings into the big bag held by Huali Huali, Lin Qi pulled out a big ax and threw it out heavily.

With a whoosh, the cargo ship's one-meter-thick main mast was cut into two pieces by Lin Qi's axe. The main mast, which was dozens of meters high, fell heavily, crushing a large area of the cabin behind it. Lin Qi shouted loudly: "This is robbery, are you trying to be a family? Hand over all the valuable things on your body, otherwise you will have to feed me the fish... By the way, who can tell me what is in your cabin?" ?”…,

The fat, white man struggled in the sea water crying and screaming. He kept shouting, "I'm going to die, I'm going to drown." But his size was too big, his density was too small, and his body of fat made him float well. It was impossible to sink on the water. But his cry instantly destroyed the psychological defenses of everyone on the boat. The gorgeously dressed stewards of the Jin Fengfan family stepped forward and obediently handed over all their belongings. To HuaLiHuaLi.

Lin Qi then forced the stewards of the Jin Fengfan family to take him to the cabin and inspect all the goods in the more than 20 cargo ships.

The harvest was rich and great. Lin Qi smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a straight line.

The weapons of the entire five ships were all made of high-quality alloys, including swords, guns, halberds, bows, arrows, and crossbows. Among them, there were 200,000 swords, 20,000 heavy weapons such as heavy axes and maces, 50,000 bows and crossbows, and 50,000 crossbows. One hundred thousand. There are also five ships loaded with fine armor. Each ship has one thousand sets of heavy armor and ten thousand sets of light leather armor. The value of this batch of armor is extremely astonishing.

The remaining dozen or so ships contained food, finished medicines, various antidote medicines, trauma medicines, etc., which were clearly configured according to the needs of marching and fighting.

Forget about food, the Western Continent has had good weather these years, so food is always worthless, but those potions are of great value, so Lin Qi naturally swept them away without ceremony. Anyway, he has three world rings with astonishing capacity, plus several space rings with huge capacity that he looted in the Fifth Abyss. The cargo of a mere twenty ships cannot take up much space.

The stewards who accompanied Lin Qi down to the cargo hold turned blue with fear when they saw Lin Qi sweeping away their cargo with ease. These cargo ships of the Jin Fengfan family are all specially designed ocean-going giant cargo ships. They are typical special ships with small surface structures and large underwater structures. The cargo hold of each ship is 100 meters long and 15 meters wide. There are three floors in the upper and lower cargo holds. .

Such a huge cargo ship has a total of more than 20 cargoes. What kind of space ring can sweep away so much cargo

Satisfied, Lin Qi patted the shoulder of an ashen-faced middle-aged man and asked with a smile: "Where are you escorting so many ordnance, food and medicines to?"

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Qi blankly: "Black Spirit Continent, Dark Spirit Empire and the natives are at war. These supplies are urgently ordered by the Dark Spirit Empire from our family. You, you can't do this, you do this If so, we are all dead."

Lin Qi shrugged. Who said you were from the Jin Fengfan family? Lin Qi sneered and looked at the other person: "Dark Spirit Empire?"

The man was crying like a mourner, and while sobbing, he told the story of the Dark Spirit Empire. This is a new empire, an empire established three years ago by the people of the Western Continent who have developed in the Black Spirit Continent in the past hundred years. Outsiders established their own kingdoms on their own territory, and the Dark Spirit Empire had been jointly attacked by countless indigenous tribes in the Black Spirit Continent since its establishment.

It's just that the Dark Spirit Empire has secret support from almost all the forces in the Western Continent. For example, these twenty ships were ordered from the Jin Fengfan family at the expense of some big forces and sent urgently to aid the Dark Spirit Empire. In the past two days, The Moon Dark Spirit Empire and the indigenous Black Spirit people fought fiercely. Several large-scale battles involving more than 100,000 people broke out in succession. The Dark Spirit Empire suffered heavy losses. This batch of materials played a vital role in turning the tide of the war.

Luo Li narrated the ins and outs of the Dark Spirit Empire. Several stewards of the Jin Fengfan family looked at Lin Qi pitifully, hoping that Lin Qi would find his conscience and return their goods to them. These goods are worth tens of millions, and even if the Jin Fengfan family wants to compensate them, it will be heartbreaking. …,

What's more terrible is not only the value of these goods, but also what's more terrible is how much pressure will the Jin Fengfan family have to bear if these goods cannot be delivered to the Dark Spirit Empire in time? The anger of certain powerful forces, as well as the questioning and revenge of the Dark Spirit Empire, are really life-threatening!

Lin Qi sneered. Without even looking at the stewards, he left the empty cabin and came to the deck.

Touching his face covered with black cloth, Lin Qi shouted sternly: "Everyone, gather on a cargo ship and get back to Vias Port! I'm going to set the ship on fire!"

After a few strange laughs, Lin Qi released dozens of fireballs, setting the nearest cargo ship on fire. Hualihuali and Alda also roared and scolded loudly, driving all the sailors from more than twenty ships onto a cargo ship, and then forced them to sail towards the port city of Vias.

When the ship was far away, Lin Qi waved his hand and all twenty large cargo ships were stuffed into the World Ring. He finally began to think about the benefits of this old bastard Altut. At least the three space rings inherited by their Soul God Religion really made him happy.

After successfully robbing the Jin Fengfan family's fleet, Lin Qi personally took the helm and slowly drew a huge arc towards a small harbor near Vias Port City. Now the Jinduo family and the Jinfengfan family must be burning their butts together to track down their whereabouts, and they can't just return to Vias Port so stupidly.

After carefully considering the information he got from the stewards of the Jin Fengfan family, Lin Qi took the events of the Dark Spirit Empire in the Black Spirit Continent to heart. Inexplicably, a new empire suddenly appeared on the Black Spirit Continent, thousands of miles away from the Western Continent. Is this because some big forces on the continent were unwilling to be left alone and went to the Black Spirit Continent to grab territory and gain benefits

Is there anything we can use here

Lin Qi shared this piece of information with Yun, and both of them frowned and fell into deep thought. They both seemed to find different opportunities from it.

Lin Qi deliberately slowed down the boat. When it was still more than ten miles away from the small harbor, the sky had already darkened.

Lin Qi released an ordinary small sailboat next to a reef. The group of people transferred to the small sailboat, and then took the trimaran back to the World Ring. Lin Qi raised the sail and skillfully controlled the sailboat to sail towards the port.

The young man used his skillful skills to help everyone slightly change details such as facial contours and hair color.

Then under the cover of darkness, the small sailboat docked at the pier, and a group of five people split into two groups and went ashore, staying in two hotels that could see each other on a street. .