Radiant Era

Chapter 444: A prairie fire


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The manor built by the Jinduo family a hundred miles outside Vias City is very large. The square retaining wall is several miles long. There is even a three-meter-wide trench dug outside the retaining wall. The river is flowing with clear water. www!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!CoM

Port City of Vias is known as the only undefended capital city on the mainland, but the defense force of this manor is arranged according to the scale of a small city. Let's just say that this protective wall is just like the protective wall of the Black Tiger family's ancestral home. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary wall, but in fact, it has hidden wall stacks inside. It is basically a two-meter-wide wall. Small city wall.

Moreover, there is a secret passage between the city wall and the manor's house. There are hiding holes, traps, and a large number of machine crossbows everywhere in the manor. It is a battle fortress with astonishing defense. It is a pity that when he was in the Black Abyss Divine Prison, in order to teach Lin Qi subjects such as small war fortress defense plans, the teaching material used by Old Man Qing was this Golden Helm family manor.

In other words, the details of all the defense facilities in this manor are in Lin Qi's mind.

"I really don't know. What would the gentleman think if he knew that I destroyed this manor with what he taught me?"

Lin Qi clicked his lips, looked at the dark manor standing on the plain a few miles away, and said in a low voice: "Alda, you can take action!"

Alda nodded and took a deep breath. A strange blue light flashed in his eyes, and the shadow of the manor gradually appeared in his pupils. A four-meter-square manor sand table gradually emerged on the dirt in front of Arda. Granaries, houses, trees, flowers and other objects in the manor gradually grew out of the dirt. In a quarter of an hour, everything in the Jinduo family manor All are clearly visible on this sand table.

Alda's face turned innocent and his figure gradually became blurry and hazy, as if he had turned into a ball of light and merged into the air. He mumbled in a low voice, casually grabbed a thug who was dumbfounded by this magical sandbox, covered his mouth, and then cut his wrist open with a single stroke of his finger.

A large amount of blood spilled out, and the blood slowly condensed into blood beads the size of sesame seeds, which were gradually embedded on the sand table.

Hua Li Hua Li jumped over and applied trauma plaster on the injured man's wrist, then kicked him aside. The big man turned pale with fright, but he was fascinated by this magical scene. Although he bled a large bowl of blood, he didn't even hum. He just stared blankly at the moving objects on the sand table. Blood beads.

"The defensive strength is not that good. There are more people on our hunting team's night watch than them!" Alda chuckled in a low voice and pointed at the blood beads on the sand table.

It can be seen that more than two hundred blood beads are gathering in several houses in the middle of the manor. They are motionless, obviously sleeping. Near the granary of the manor, there are more than a dozen blood beads moving slowly. They are the night guards. There are more than thirty blood beads scattered in all directions within the protective wall. These people must be serious night guards.

Lin Qi sneered. Such a large manor stores a huge amount of food that is enough for the entire Vyas City to consume for several months. There are only so many people guarding such an important stronghold? The Jinduo family, or Yun's entire family, has been at peace for too long, right

Isn't the tragic scene on Jinduo Island enough to warn them? Then let Lin Qi teach them a lesson. …,

This is a magic sand table that Alda condensed using the secret method of the Moon Demon clan. With the power of night, the detailed information of the manor is revealed on the sand table.

This kind of power is extremely magical, but it also consumes a lot of money. After Alda completed all this, he was so tired that he sat aside and kept pouring magic recovery potions, and was no longer able to continue the next steps.

But Lin Qi still had plenty of strength. He pressed his hands on the magic sand table, and a burst of magic power slowly poured into the magic sand table. Following the magic guide Alda created for him in the night sky, Lin Qi's magic gradually spread to the creatures in the manor.

The soul-based magic dream technique is a hypnotic trick that can make people fall asleep and have a sweet dream. But tonight, the guards in these manor will not get a sweet dream, they will face a nightmare.

The blood beads on the sand table dimmed. It was obvious that everyone had been under a spell and fell into a dream. Lin Qi waved his hand gently: "Be careful, let's enter the manor. Go and get rid of all the guards and take away all the valuable things in the manor. Remember, you have a quarter of an hour. Don’t leave even a penny behind.”

The thugs excitedly waved their long knives and followed Lin Qi towards the manor in a hurry.

Several agile thieves jumped over the ditch, climbed up the protective wall with flying claws, carefully opened the gate of the manor, and lowered the several-meter-long suspension bridge. Lin Qi and others immediately swarmed in. Lin Qi quickly ran towards the huge granaries behind the manor, while Alda and Huali Huali led the thugs towards the protective walls and those buildings with great familiarity.

The faint blood spread in the night, and the guard who was immersed in a sweet dream could never wake up again. More than a dozen ferocious hounds keeping watch at night were also chopped into pieces by these thugs. These thugs were gasping with excitement. They knew where this place was. This was a key stronghold of the Jinduo family. How could they, the lowest level thugs, be able to break through? Entering the Jinduo family's manor and looting it was like a beggar suddenly raping a beautiful princess. They were so excited that they almost fainted.

They even had a strong sense of happiness. They had trampled on the dignity of the Jinduo family, they had killed the guards of the Jinduo family, and they were looting the Jinduo family's money! What an amazing and great achievement this is, the taste of it is simply indescribable. They carefully searched every room, trying their best to kill everyone and take away all valuable things in the room.

When these thugs grow old, they will tell their children and grandchildren who are equally cruel and fierce, how great I was back then. I once looted the Jinduo family's manor! As you know, the Jinduo family is one of the top five wealthy families in the Vyas Commercial Federation. I personally killed several of their guards! What an amazing thing!

Not to mention these thugs wreaking havoc in the manor, Lin Qi rushed to the granary behind the manor as quickly as possible.

These granaries are extremely huge. The ground building of the granary is a huge mushroom-shaped warehouse, and underneath is a large circular pit that is dozens of meters in diameter and tens of meters deep dug into the ground. The walls of the pit are inlaid with huge rocks, smooth and There is no gap at all. Grain is stored in such huge granaries, with millions of kilograms of grain stored in each granary.

There are fifty such huge granaries in total! Obviously this is different from the information Lin Qi knew. It should be that the Jinduo family has expanded this manor in the past few years. According to Old Man Qing, this manor only has fifteen granaries, but now there are thirty-five more. There are granaries, and all the granaries are filled with grain. There is even a completely closed underground warehouse filled with various dried meats, and an underground warehouse filled with fine wine. …,

"Thank you Artut and everyone for your generous donation. Your rings are really useful!"

Lin Qi was so moved that he couldn't describe it in words. There were three world rings with huge capacities. He had collected so many huge space rings from those holy realms and from the evil ghost families in the fifth abyss. , he simply cannot take away the food in these fifty granaries.

The food here is enough to feed more than a million people in Port Vias City for three years. Such a huge amount of food is a huge amount of wealth!

Lin Qi sighed deeply and once again prayed that Artut and others would be rewarded for their good deeds. Then he rushed into these granaries crazily and completely looted all the granaries. That is to say, Lin Qi has such a huge mental power. If it were an ordinary heavenly mage, before they could load all the food in the granary, they would have died of exhaustion of mental power.

After spending half an hour sweeping away all the grain stored in the granary, Lin Qi blew a whistle and rushed out of the manor with five hundred thugs, heading towards another large manor of the Jinduo family dozens of miles away.

In one night, Lin Qi led his men to run for hundreds of miles, exhausting the five hundred thugs to the point of vomiting blood. Finally, they ransacked the estates of ten Jinduo families and wiped out their food reserves. Not only that, two of these manors raised a large number of meat-eating livestock. Lin Qi and others killed a large number of livestock as quickly as possible, and then stuffed them into the space ring as much as possible.

The time was too short and there were too many livestock. In the end, it was impossible to kill all the livestock and take them away. Lin Qi could only choose to use large-scale destructive magic to burn all the livestock to ashes.

While running around, Lin Qi threw a large number of ghost-destroying flame bombs into the farmland. Not only the farmland belonging to the Jinduo family, but also the farmland under the name of other families, was also thrown by Lin Qi. .

When it got dark, Lin Qi and his party, who were panting from exhaustion, finally returned to the forest.

Overlooking the Port Vias city that had just recovered from the night, Lin Qi took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. Thousands of spiritual hairsprings were flickering and beating in his spiritual sea. Lin Qi snapped his fingers and touched all the spiritual hairsprings at the same time.

A low explosion sounded, and thousands of green ghost flames with a radius of tens of meters suddenly erupted on the Vyas Plain. Large groups of flames burned quickly. These green ghost flames would not survive even if they touched water. After being extinguished, and then blown by the sea breeze, the fire quickly spread in all directions.

Once thousands of fire heads were ignited, the fire started like a prairie fire. In the blink of an eye, half of the Vyas Plain was engulfed in a sea of flames.

Lin Qi looked at the green fire coldly and muttered in a low voice: "Clauson, this is for you!".