Radiant Era

Chapter 451: Huge shock


[Shen Shen] Hot new recruits

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All the facilities of the mages enshrined by the Vyas Commercial Federation are naturally extremely luxurious and gorgeous. Www,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,com

This mage tower alone is more than 300 meters high. It is among the top five tall buildings in the entire Western continent. The mage tower, which is entirely covered with black metal, is shaped like a dragon's claw protruding from the ground. The tower suddenly split into five branches more than 250 meters above the ground. The five rugged and curved branches continued to extend high into the sky for several seconds. Ten meters wide, five halls were built at the tip.

A ball of colorful magic flames was suspended in the sky above the five halls. A strong tide of magic spurted out from the flames, holding up a magic crystal several meters in diameter in the sky. This magic crystal is also the core component of Wrath of the Gods, the ultimate defense force of Port Vyas City.

Although Port Vias City is known as an undefended city, it just does not have city walls. The capital of a country, even the capital of a loose federal state, cannot be without any defense. The Wrath of the Gods, this set of defensive restrictions is a set of ancient magic weapons excavated from an ancient ruins at an astronomical price by the wealthy families of the Vyas Commercial Federation. After a hundred years of repair and maintenance, they finally restored it. It was renovated and put into place at great expense.

Five hundred years ago, believers of the evil god used a large summoning array to attract hundreds of powerful demons to the islands off the coast of Vyas. Each of these powerful demons with unknown origins had extremely tyrannical power and almost destroyed the entire island. Vyas. In the end, the Supreme Council of the Vyas Commercial Federation authorized the activation of the Wrath of the Gods, which completely destroyed hundreds of demons. In the aftermath, the sea water outside Vyas instantly dropped by three meters. In the following days, it rained heavily in the southern part of the continent. Floods nearly engulfed several unlucky little mountain principalities.

Now Lin Qi, Old Man Qing and Yun were sitting in the middle of the five halls, in the hall called the Light of Magic, chatting and laughing with Doros and other leaders of the mage group. This is a hall built with clean and transparent magic crystals. A strong aura of magic fills the air. The dome of the hall is majestic and solemn, vaguely resembling ancient ruins.

There are no walls around the hall, and there are only one hundred and twenty-eight huge columns in a circle supporting the dome. The main hall, which is tens of meters long and wide, is held firmly in mid-air by one of the five branches of the mage tower. The strong wind blows the clouds and mist and rushes around the main hall. People sit on high chairs in a circle, just like the legendary ancient times. The aloof ancient gods before the Destruction Calendar were discussing major matters in their temples on the top of the mountain.

On the ground among the people, a gold ingot of Abyss Magic Gold and a silver ingot of Abyss Mithril were quietly placed there.

Both metal ingots exuded a charming halo. Many elders and veterans of the mage group stared at these two extremely precious magic metals. Some mages who were proficient in making magic tools, as well as those large rune-engraved The eyes of the Grandmaster and the others radiated the miserable green light that only hungry wolves in the snowfields on winter nights would have after half a month of hunger.

Lin Qi squinted his eyes and looked at Yun who was talking calmly.

These mages in the Mage Field are so enthusiastic, they are full of fiery passion for these magic metals. Lin Qi and the others had just washed and changed clothes in the nearby garden. The mages had already spent their magic power to refine all thirty meters of mithril ore with magic flames. Several more masters from the Holy Realm joined forces and carefully refined the extracted Mithril rough dozens of times to finally refine this sixty-three kilogram Mithril ingot. …,

Sixty-three kilograms of mithril ingots, which is almost the total amount of abyssal mithril obtained from the abyss world by the entire Vyas Commercial Federation in one year.

Abyss mithril, even the demons and evil spirits in the abyss world know how powerful these things will be if they fall into the hands of human mages. Therefore, the demons and evil spirits accurately control the outflow of Abyss Mithril. There are eighteen abyss worlds. The amount of Abyss Mithril flowing out of each abyss world every year ranges from three to four kilograms to one or two kilograms. The Yas Commercial Federation has too much hope.

But Lin Qi took out sixty-three kilograms of Abyss Mithril and more than fifty kilograms of more valuable Abyss Magic Gold.

Doros stared at the piece of abyss magic gold that shone with a faint golden glow, and said to Yun in a low and powerful voice: "You don't need to say too much. In short, we will do our best for all the magic materials you brought this time. Eat it. No matter how much you bring, don’t you just want food? Do you want weapons? Do you want armor? Do you want ready-made magic props? We will definitely meet your requirements!”

Taking a deep breath, Doros spread his hands frankly: "Even our Vyas Mage Group is willing to establish a long-term and good cooperative relationship with your family. I know that secret merchant families like yours, We can understand that you act low-key and obscure. But I also ask you to think about it. Wouldn't it be a good thing if your family could have one more friend like us?"

Old man Yun Heqing smiled lightly. Just like a pervert likes beautiful women and an alcoholic can't let go of the wine jar, these mages, the last thing in the world that they can't let go of are all kinds of magic classics and all kinds of precious magic materials. . These old mages, who have lived for at least hundreds of years, have desires that are a hundred times stronger than ordinary people, so as long as their desires are stimulated, many things will be easy to solve.

As long as they can continue to provide them with various magic materials, these mages will become extremely generous.

Doros has already put on an attitude that he is rich and welcomes the sword. He even packed up the entire mage group and placed it in front of the three of them. As long as they can provide enough chips, the Vyas mage group can become Lin Qi's best friends, best allies, and best community of interests. .

As long as you can satisfy the needs of these mages, satisfy their thirst, satisfy their desires, and then lift their more and stronger desires from time to time, without making too harsh or excessive demands on them, these mages will It will be Lin Qi's strongest shield and sharpest sword, which can withstand all open and hidden arrows for them, and crush all enemies for them.

It was as if they easily evaporated dozens of Jinduo family guards in an instant.

With a slight cough, Lin Qi stood up and smiled reservedly: "As you distinguished Masters can see, this is the first time for our little master to leave the protection of the family and go out for a walk. This is His experience is the family's test for him, and our family recently needs a lot of food and weapons, as well as a lot of magic props with practical uses."

Lin Qi took a deep breath and puffed up his chest: "So our little master has brought enough magic materials.

Vyas Commercial Federation, this is a place that is very suitable for us. We like the business atmosphere here and we like the contractual spirit here, so we are here. . . We hope to get enough satisfaction in return! "

Doros and all the elders and senators clapped their hands together, and they said in unison: "This is natural!"

Lin Qi nodded. He took a dozen steps forward and walked to two pieces of magic metal. He said calmly: "These are all the magic metals that our family has obtained from... certain places through top-secret channels in recent years. inventory. We need to get enough food, enough weapons, enough armor, and enough magic props, and the faster the better, we don’t want to be obstructed by malicious intentions!”…,

Doros smiled and said in a deep voice: "In Vyas, no one dares to stop you from getting those things! No one can!"

Lin Qi nodded, and he carefully took off a thin tungsten steel gold chain from his neck, and took off a small space pendant tied to it. He showed this inconspicuous space decoration to the elders and senators, and then he waved his hand lightly, and ten pieces of abyss magic gold, which were the same size as the sample on the ground, appeared on the ground.

Many elders and senators gasped at the same time. They stood up one after another and looked at these abyss magic gold with distorted faces.

Lin Qi waved his hand again, and twenty square pieces of abyss mithril ingots, each weighing fifty kilograms, flashed and appeared in front of many mages in an extremely gorgeous manner. Several of the Saint Realm masters covered their hearts at the same time. With their cultivation, their strength, their experience, and their state of mind, they still felt that their hearts were cramping, and they almost died. Fainted.

Clapping his hands gently, Lin Qi said calmly: "Maybe you can all have a staff that is completely carved with runes made of mithril and magic gold solution? Gods above, the strength of all distinguished mage masters must be Can it be at least doubled?"

Doros's eyes turned green. Considering his identity and status, the wand he was most proud of only had one-third of the magic patterns carved and cast with abyssal mithril solution. If he could be given a staff that was completely cast with magic patterns using abyss magic gold solution, his magic power would not be doubled, but tripled!

And what about the other elders and senators? When they saw so many magical precious metals, they also thought of stronger magic wands, stronger magic rings, stronger protective magic tools, stronger magic arrays, etc., etc., these magics that Lin Qi brought out Metal is enough to increase the high-end strength of the Vyas Commercial Federation Mage Group by three to five times!

And all they need to pay is some trivial food, ordinary weapons and armors that have no lethal effect on high-level mages, and some magic props that just take a little time to make in large quantities!

A hugely profitable deal!

The mages all looked at Lin Qi affectionately, hoping that he could come up with more good things!

Lin Qi lived up to expectations and took out two pieces of void magic crystal the size of a human head! The mages' breathing became louder again.

Then there are ten barrels of abyssal soul-condensing grass liquid that can condense the mage's spiritual power! There are ten large barrels, each of which weighs thirty kilograms. However, at the Vias Commercial Federation's auction, the abyssal soul-condensing grass liquid that once appeared was auctioned at a high price in a small bottle of tens of grams.

Lin Qi took out one magic material after another, and finally all kinds of magic materials piled up in front of him into a hill with a radius of more than 20 meters.

As for the elders and veterans of the mage group, they went from surprise to surprise, from expectation to shock, and finally they were completely numb.

How much food and other things should be exchanged for these treasures? . )