Radiant Era

Chapter 454: Swallowing poisonous monsters


Just on the edge of the most beautiful promontory in Port Vias City, in a white cliff hundreds of meters high, a row of floor-to-ceiling windows directly overlooking the promontory were dug with great strength and inlaid with thick large glass. It is the most famous 'White Cave Restaurant' in Puerto Vias City. WWw,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,com

All seats here overlook the sea, and the scenery goes without saying. Especially when there are strong winds and waves, lightning and thunder, the dignitaries of Port Vias like to sit by the window in the White Cave, sipping wine and admiring the majesty of seabirds flying past in the wind and clouds like galloping horses. scene.

Lin Qi, Old Man Qing and Yun Zheng were sitting at the best dining table in Bai Cave, looking at the quiet cape under the sun with smiles on their faces. A group of merchant ships were slowly passing between the two islands under the protection of the frigate. Dots of fishing boats were dotted on the blue sea. Several huge albatross were hovering high in the sky and swooped down when they saw the opportunity. Grab a huge sea fish from the side of the fishing boat and fly back to the sky to feast.

Surrounded by white and fine marble, the furnishings of this hotel carved into the cliff are warm and comfortable. The tables are separated by scattered flowers and bonsai, so that guests can be completely unaffected by the neighboring tables. A faint scent wafts through the air, the scent of a candle made of ambergris and whale oil in a sterling silver candelabra.

Cozy and warm, Lin Qi leaned comfortably on the soft and loose chair. How long had it been since he felt so comfortable

The Black Abyss Divine Prison was like a nightmare, and it became blurry in my mind in just a few days. But as long as Lin Qi is willing, he can recall every detail in the Black Abyss Divine Prison, including the blood dripping from the monsters he hunted, the traces of blood splashing on the grassland, and the compassionate expressions of those monsters when they were dying. The eyes, the desperate and numb eyes of the creatures he killed with his own hands.

Shivering violently, Lin Qi smiled and picked up the wine glass: "This is life, I fell in love with this restaurant!"

Old Man Qing and Yun smiled at Lin Qi. Old Man Qing picked up the wine glass, while Yun picked up a glass of juice. They clinked glasses with each other and enjoyed the mellow wine and fresh and sweet juice.

Merome, who was sitting aside, had eyes twinkling and he chuckled softly: "The daily life of a secret trader...isn't easy?"

Lin Qi glanced at Merome and warned him rudely: "Merome, remember your current identity. A slave, at most a slave with some strength! I will do my best to support you and let you become a mage. The group has reached a high position. But even if you become the chief elder of the mage group, you must remember that you are a slave whose soul is in my hands!"

Pointing at Merome and scolding her unceremoniously, Lin Qi said coldly: "Don't use your little brains to inquire about our origins and identities. I won't tell you where we got these magic materials, and neither do you." I think those elders of the mage group can save your soul that is controlled by me! Unless you can find the legendary Pope of the Soul God Religion, you can’t escape my control!”

Merome swallowed her saliva and immediately swore an oath of loyalty to Lin Qi. The heart of the ancient flame demon is still in his space ring, and he will not forget how much benefit Lin Qi can give him. Of course, what he just said was just out of curiosity, pure curiosity.

The old man Qing and Yun looked at each other silently, full of pity for poor Merome.

Unlucky child, you must not go to the Pope of the Soul God Religion. Don’t think that he can help you unlock the imprisonment of your soul. Pope Artut of the Soul God Religion is a slave whose soul is controlled by Lin Qi. If you go to Artut for help, you will die miserably.

The terrifying Lin Qi, with one simple word, dug a big enough fatal hole for Merome. …,

If he is loyal to Lin Qi, he will naturally be able to successfully ascend to a high position and gain power and strength. But if he has any disloyalty to Lin Qi, as long as he dares to look for it and is lucky enough to find Artut, he will be dead! None of the gods could save him.

Lin Qi smiled and poured himself a glass of wine, then shook the glass gently.

"That's weird, they should be serving it. Well, my first dish is the smoked flying fish steak. I like the golden fin flying fish steak. It tastes great. With a little bit of smoked unique flavor, it goes well with it. The rich taste of black matsutake is great!”

Lin Qi swallowed his saliva and began to dream about the delicacies he could taste later, golden fin flying fish, hell, this was a delicacy that Lin Qi rarely ate in Dunerkedu, because this kind of flying fish was too fast. It is impossible for ordinary fishermen to catch it. But at the White Cave Restaurant, the smoked golden fin flying fish steak is actually a common appetizer. Lin Qi can only lament that Vyas is Vyas. As long as you have gold coins, this place can really meet all your needs.

Yun also smiled. He squinted his eyes, and his eyes formed two thin crescents: "What I want is the ink-striped halibut roe. I have loved eating it since I was a child. It tastes great, just like grapes, light and light." The aroma fills your mouth with just one bite, I really like it!”

The old man Qing looked at Yun and Lin Qi with a smile. Of these two children, one of them has been imprisoned in the Black Abyss Prison for six years, but where is the other? fifteen years! Church, haha, church! The young man exhaled forcefully, slowly picked up the wine glass, and poured a glass of spicy liquor into his mouth.

When the chief returns to his family, and according to his temper, when he knows that his only direct blood descendant has been sent to the Black Abyss Divine Prison and imprisoned for fifteen years, something interesting will happen, right? It has been fifteen years, and I don’t know if the commander-in-chief is more mature than he was back then. Maybe he will choose a more stable but more destructive method

Four pretty girls in white walked over slowly, holding huge sterling silver trays in their hands, and presented the first dishes they ordered to Lin Qi and the other four. The movements of the four girls were slow and easy. The large azure porcelain plates from the East filled with delicacies were silently placed in front of the four of them. Then the four girls bowed slightly and retreated silently.

Lin Qi's smoked golden fin flying fish steak was so demure, lying on the big porcelain plate like a docile boudoir girl. The crystal clear and almost transparent fish fillet has a hint of childish pink, which is the color of the fish meat dyed by just the right amount of smoke and salt. A few salted olives are dotted on the porcelain plate, and the dark green olives make the fish even cleaner and flawless.

Rubbing his hands with satisfaction, Lin Qi glanced at Merome: "We agreed, you will pay for this meal!"

Merome grinned and rolled her eyes. This terrifying secret merchant guard leader, this stingy master who controls his own soul, can easily spend enough magic materials to buy half of the city of Port Vias, but he cares so little about a meal. Of course, the cost of the White Cave is very high, but three to five grams of Abyss Mithril is enough to eat and drink here!

With a helpless smile, Merome nodded and said, "This is my honor!"

Lin Qi smiled slightly. He made no secret of his desire for the fish steak in front of him. He leaned over to the porcelain plate and took a deep breath.

Then Lin Qi was slightly stunned. He squinted and smiled strangely at Old Man Qing and Yun.

After spending more than five years together in the Black Abyss Divine Prison, Lin Qi, Yun and Old Man Qing had a sufficient tacit understanding. The old man Qing and Yun were stunned. Yun, who was holding a celestial porcelain spoon, was about to dig a translucent cuttlefish roe about the size of his thumb into his mouth. Suddenly he saw Lin Qi's strange expression. He smiled softly and took the fish. The seeds were put back on the porcelain plate.

Picking up the delicate glass jug and pouring himself a glass of juice, Yun coughed lightly: "Lin, I suddenly remembered that I have been coughing a bit these past few days. The cuttlefish roe is too cold, so I'd better not eat it." …,

The old man Qing glanced helplessly at the plate of salad made of various marine algae and wild fruits in front of him, and sighed softly: "The smell of this seaweed is too strong, Lin, help me eat it." Throw them away! What a shame for such a great salad!"

Before Merome came to his senses, Lin Qi had already snatched the cheese-baked snails in front of him.

"Merome, I suddenly want to eat snails, so please order another one!"

Lin Qi raised her sharp fork and ate Merome's portion of snails cleanly in just a few clicks.

Then he swallowed all four people's heads in just ten seconds in three strokes. He touched his belly with satisfaction, and then waved to the four pretty girls standing quietly in the corner of the restaurant.

A girl walked over quietly, put her hands in front of her and bowed slightly to Lin Qi: "Does this adult need anything?"

The girl glanced at the four large azure porcelain plates on the dining table in surprise. Lin Qi swept away the four appetizers by himself and ate all the food of his companions. This behavior was so rude. . . And it’s also disappointing to some people.

Lin Qi looked at the girl with a smile, and then nodded gently: "It's a good magic prop... Well, actually I want to say that I like the White Cave Restaurant very much, and I am willing to use a copper to buy it." Buy it and tell your owner, whether he agrees or not, I agree anyway. Ask him to draw up a resale contract, and then I can pay the bill and buy this restaurant now!"

The girl looked at Lin Qi in shock. She quietly took a step back and asked in surprise: "You...what did you say?"

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly widened, and then he punched the girl in the face. With a "boom" sound, the pretty girl's head exploded, and plasma and brains were scattered all over the sky.

Lin Qi was furious, and he said with a cold smile: "You are wearing a magic item that masks your aura, do you think I can't see that you are all celestial swordsmen?"

"When did the White Cave chef like to add extra ingredients to the guests' food?"

"Ghost-faced Soul-Destroying Mushroom, Extreme Yin Marrow Grass, Lava Burning God Pollen, Thousand Gold Condensed Crystal Liquid, I use these things for food! Do you think these unsavory things can poison me to death?"

There was a deathly silence in the restaurant, and then more than thirty guests at a dozen nearby tables slowly stood up. Both men and women took off their obtrusive gowns at the same time, revealing their tight-fitting black tights. An intoxicatingly beautiful girl sighed softly and shook her head helplessly.

"We seem to have picked up the wrong business this time. You can take four kinds of poisons from the abyss to survive. What kind of monster are you?"
