Radiant Era

Chapter 458: Pure killing


The golden sunlight shone on Lin Qi and others through the huge glass window. There was no sound in the restaurant. All the killers looked at Bilibili covered in blood in horror. wWw, QuanBen-XiaoShuo, Com This blood is definitely not from Bilibili, but from the three elders of the Killer Guild, three holy realm assassins whose hands are stained with blood.

As mentioned before, although the three Holy Realm Assassins are all saint-level beings, the Saints can still face the joint siege of several top-level warriors. Assassins in the realm of saints are terrifying figures who can assassinate saints and even saint masters.

But in the head-on duel, both sides used the unique skills of assassins. Bilibili defeated three saint-level assassins by himself! Judging from his small body, he is not very powerful, and his fighting spirit is not very strong among the heavens, but he can actually make all the shadows in the restaurant move strangely, and ultimately help him kill three people with hundreds of years of experience. The elder assassin with killing experience!

This kid must not be human!

Only demons can have such power!

Only assassins can leapfrog and kill other professionals, but only assassins from the demon clan can leapfrog and kill strong men in the holy realm who are also assassins. Bilibili, this short and wizened guy must be a demon who is proficient in controlling dark energy. He is not human at all! He can't be human! There was no way a human being could do what he just did.

Merome took a step back subconsciously. He looked at Bilibili in horror. He became more and more sure of the identity of Lin Qi and others as the 'Secret Merchant'. As a secret trader who has been dealing with the abyssal world for many years, it is normal for him to have several demons as his guards. Raising demon guards is an unforgivable crime in other empires, especially the church which will severely punish any force that dares to raise demons.

But in the Vias Commercial Federation, as long as you have money, you can do whatever you want—even the church clergy stationed here are much more open-minded and enlightened than the clergy elsewhere. As long as you pay enough gold coins, you and Any hybrid child born to a demon can be personally blessed by the Cardinal of the Church in the Vias Commercial Federation!

So the emergence of Bilibili is so reasonable!

The only thing that was unreasonable was that he shouldn't have appeared in the White Cave Restaurant, and he shouldn't have killed three elders of the Killer Guild!

Lin Qi clapped gently, and the crisp applause made the killers in the restaurant tremble violently. Lin Qi said softly: "Okay, okay, I think this restaurant should be one of the strongholds of your killer union? Call the boss of this place and give me a compensation of one billion and eighty million gold coins for the soup and medicine. Give us the restaurant contract and I won’t hold you accountable.”

The killers were so angry that their noses were crooked. Did you do anything like this? They are killers. Do you want a group of killers to pay you 1.8 billion gold coins in compensation? They were the only ones who robbed other people's lives and money bags. How had you ever seen them being robbed

A girl with an enchanting appearance clenched her battle ax in both hands and slowly took two steps towards Lin Qi: "The matter is now over, there is nothing to say! Kill them and don't lose the reputation of our killer union. Even so. Even if we die, the elders will avenge us."

Before he finished speaking, a cyan figure walked in from the door of the restaurant lightly. Alda and several assassins who were guarding the door of the restaurant didn't notice how he came in. Anyway, he just walked in casually, without even making a slight noise.

Lin Qi frowned and looked at this person subconsciously. At this glance, Lin Qi could no longer move his eyes away.

He looks like a very ordinary young man. He doesn't have any domineering air, nor does he have the kind of handsome appearance that makes nymphomaniac girls scream in surprise. He is not very tall or tall, nor is he very tall. He is ordinary, but he is full of youthfulness. There is an indescribable sense of 'harmony'. …,

Every part on his body is natural, and every curve is just right, as if he was destined to look like this when the world first appeared. After Lin Qi glanced at him a few more times, he was horrified to discover that this frightening sense of 'harmony' was caused by him!

This person became like this, and then the heaven and earth space around him was forcibly reversed by him, making the laws of heaven and earth forcefully admit that his life was the most correct. Even people who see him are uncontrollably thinking that he should be born like this. Anyone who is different from him will be rejected by heaven and earth and are aliens that should not exist!

It is not that heaven and earth have assimilated him, but that he has assimilated heaven and earth.

The carefree aura about him is actually a temperament that is extremely domineering, so domineering that the world around him must obey his orders and obey his will, and all objectively existing things wherever he passes must follow his orders. Follow his will and act according to the 'laws' possessed by his body. With every word and action, everything in the surrounding world will move accordingly. What a terrifying practice this is!

Lin Qi tightened his wrists and held the straight knife and battle ax tightly. He moved two steps back, protecting the old man Qing and Yun behind him. At the same time, he shouted in a low voice: "Bilibili, Arda, come to me, this guy... this guy..."

Such a domineering and evil guy gives people a feeling of being carefree and carefree. He is so pure and pure, you can see through his mind at a glance - just like now, every hair on his face is filled with iceberg-like killing intent, and his body is like a destructive tornado. Full of desperate murderous intent. He comes to kill, and he makes no secret of his state of mind or his actions.

Seeing Lin Qi's actions and hearing Lin Qi's words, the man in green glanced in Lin Qi's direction. His eyes, like thousands of years of glacier, suddenly thawed, and a bright smile bloomed on his face. This smile was like thousands of flowers blooming on the earth in spring. The murderous intention in his body disappeared in an instant, and a pure joy rippled from his body, so everyone in the restaurant pursed their lips and smiled. .

Even the murderous killers smiled, and three hazy figures appeared from the air. The last three elders of the Killer Guild in Port Vias City did not bother to hide their figures, and took the initiative to show themselves with smiles. They looked at the man with a smile, as if an orphan who had been separated from his parents for decades had finally found his parents, smiling extremely brightly and happily.

Lin Qi was also laughing, but his face was crumpled with laughter and his heart was filled with fear.

Who is this terrifying person whose every move can affect the mood of others

Both Bilibili and Alda are demons, and they have the keenest intuition for danger. They felt the danger and fear that made them desperate from the man in green. When Lin Qi greeted them, they immediately rushed to Lin Qi's side, tremblingly pulling out their weapons and guarding him. Lin Qi is around.

The man in green coughed lightly, and his smile suddenly disappeared, and the desperate killing intent filled his body again - just like a jar of ink was poured into a small pond, and the bright and clear water of the entire pond was dyed. It must be dark, so dark that no one can see any hope.

"I am Yun Canglong!" Yun Canglong, a man in green, said softly: "You are from the Killers' Guild, right? Then you can go and die. I will uproot the Killers' Guild and the Assassin's Guild. Your family members, I will Kill them one by one with your own hands."

Several killers in tight clothes stood beside Yun Canglong. When they heard Yun Canglong's death declaration, they roared and waved their weapons, trying to attack Yun Canglong. But they roared, brandished their weapons, and then. . . …,

They no longer exist!

Yun Canglong's hands ignited with purple-green flames. He lightly patted the bodies of these killers, and their bodies and weapons burst into flames. The overbearing flames burned their bodies to ashes, melted their weapons into molten iron, and even the ground they stood on was burned into a pit a mile deep.

"You are all going to die!" Yun Canglong sighed softly: "All the working capital of the Jinduo family, plus a stream of cash that doesn't know where it came from, and gold coins obtained from the mortgage of all the Jinduo family's properties. You don't want to Think about it, the enemy who needs the Jinduo family to break up is someone you ants can afford to offend?"

"So you are all going to die!" Yun Canglong walked towards the remaining killers in the restaurant step by step: "You are very weak, it doesn't matter, no one is born in the holy realm; your origins are humble, it is not your fault , our ancestors of the Yun family are just humble people; if you have a lowly career, I will not discriminate against you, whether it is a killer or a prostitute, everyone is seeking a life, no one is nobler than the other!"

"But you deserve to die!" Yun Canglong said ferociously, "Because you shouldn't touch my people! Do you understand? So you deserve to die!"

Just like that, he slowly walked up to the three pale-faced assassin elders. Yun Canglong sighed softly: "What a pity. It's not easy to cultivate to this level, isn't it? But who told you to touch my people?"

Slowly stretching out a finger, Yun Canglong gently poked the eyebrows of the three assassin elders. The three holy realm assassins were killed by him like chickens without any resistance. Then came the killers, the real servants, and the employees of the restaurant hiding in the back. From top to bottom, everyone was killed by Yun Canglong.

There were even two flies that flew in from outside the door, as well as the fresh fish, shrimp, chicken, duck and other items prepared at the back of the restaurant. They were all killed by Yun Canglong. Except for Lin Qi and a few people, there was no living thing in the entire restaurant.

Clapping his hands gently, the murderous Yun Canglong disappeared, and a Yun Canglong bursting out with joy from his pores appeared in front of everyone. He stood in front of the ashen-faced Lin Qi and chuckled: "Yun... Elder Qing, are you back?"

The old man Qing bowed deeply to Yun Canglong.

Yun Ze put his hands behind his back, raised his head very proudly, twisted his neck and let out a soft 'hum'.

Yun Canglong scratched his head and sighed heavily: "Okay, I will kill Yun Fenghua and Clausen. I will help you get the things your mother left for you within three days. How about that?" ?”

Yun's eyes wandered around, then he lowered his net worth and called out affectionately: "Father!"

Yun Canglong smiled bitterly, and then took a deep look at Lin Qi.

"Three Seas and Seven Wheels Sutra? Tsk, is there really such a thing as idiot training?"
