Radiant Era

Chapter 468: Internal compromise


In a very remote part of the Yun family's territory, a small spring emitted a dense cold air. wWW. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. coM

From this small spring, which is only a few meters in diameter, if you can withstand the bone-chilling cold air emanating from the spring and the increasing water pressure as you dive, and dive thousands of meters deep to the spring, this place is already boundless. ocean of blue and purple. This is an underground water area with a radius of nearly a thousand miles. The rich water element energy is filled here. Invisible whirlpools and undercurrents are churning and rotating here silently. It seems that it has been like this since ancient times and will never stop.

Some strange creatures that look like dragons but not dragons, pythons but not pythons, and strange fishes are swimming freely in this unknown depth of water that is thousands of miles around. They thrive here freely and hunt happily. Watch the faintly fluorescent plankton and other small aquatic animals floating in the water.

But all creatures carefully avoided a small area at the core of this water area, and no creature dared to get close to it.

This is a stone pillar of unknown height that rises straight from the deepest part of the water. The stone pillar of unknown height is blue in color, emitting a dazzling blue light, and huge water energy is constantly flowing from the stone pillar. Spouting out, this stone pillar is the origin of all undercurrents and whirlpools in this water area.

The top of the stone pillar is a circular open space that is as flat as a stone and about ten miles in diameter. A huge magic circle covers the top of the stone pillar. With the help of the endless water energy erupted from the stone pillar, this magic circle separates a hemispherical space on the top of the stone pillar.

Thousands of stone tablets stand in this circular open space, and each stone tablet is written with densely packed square, simple, difficult and indescribable words. These writings are from the East, extremely ancient writings, and are very different from the writings circulating in the East today. They should be the writings used by ancient Eastern humans before the Destruction Era, or even in an even longer historical period.

Dozens of men and women, old and young, sit cross-legged on the ground in the middle of these stone monuments. No matter whether they look old or young, their bodies are filled with a strong atmosphere of time, and their eyes are shining with famous names. It is the luster of vicissitudes of life. They sat there quietly, like statues of gods in a temple, full of some mysterious spirituality.

The people sitting cross-legged here are almost all Orientals with black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin. There are only four men with light golden hair and either green or blue eyes sitting quietly in the corner. The four of them formed a small group of their own, and seemed out of place with the others.

The auras of dozens of other men and women blended into one, perfect and flawless. The auras of these four people are also a small world of their own. They sit there quietly, like a mountain that has weathered the wind and rain. Facing the huge auras of dozens of men and women, although their auras are much weaker , but it remains motionless and still exists firmly.

When Feng Krall and Yun Xiaolan collided head-on, a man with light blue eyes suddenly laughed.

"What's going on? Why are our descendants killed at will? The two hundred and seventy-seven people, even though they are collateral blood descendants, are not the pure blood descendants of the Yun family that you value, but they are Possessing the blood of the Yun family. Why were two hundred and seventy-seven people, including seven holders of the Yun family's bloodline in the Holy Realm, murdered in such a majestic manner?"

Sitting in the middle of the crowd, he obviously had the highest status, but from the outside, the child who looked only seven or eight years old opened his eyes. His voice was very soft, but it was clearly audible: "Murder? Why did you say this, Yun?" How can there be murder in a clan’s territory?”

The blue-eyed man sneered: "It wasn't murder, how did they die? Why didn't the Long Guard enter the palace to stop them?"…,

A pretty girl who looked only eleven or twelve years old sitting next to the seven or eight-year-old child smiled softly: "Even if the Dragon Guard comes into the palace to stop it, can it be stopped? The soul spell of the young man surnamed Lin can even reach the main hall." There are so many tribesmen inside who can’t stand it, let alone those Dragon Guards?”

The man with blue eyes said reluctantly: "It must be stopped. Whether it can be stopped or not is a matter of two opinions, but it must be stopped. Failure to stop it is murder!"

The child sighed softly. He glanced at the blue-eyed man, shook his head gently and said, "Then why didn't anyone stop what happened fifteen years ago? It's really such a coincidence that the church has a few saints. The elder passed by the small noble manor where Yun Qing and the others stayed?"

The girl smiled coldly: "You can use the power of the church to frame the only blood member of our family, but you can't use the power of outsiders to kill a few people who have different intentions? In recent years, relying on the power of the four of you, some people have become more and more... It’s outrageous. Why don’t you clean it up? Do you really want to completely ruin this lineage of the Yunlong family?”

There was a "clang" sound, and a harsh sword whistle came from the girl's body. She glanced at the four blond men coldly: "Thousands of years ago, the family suffered great changes. They spent more than a thousand years thinking carefully about consolidating their roots and cultivating their strength. The Yi family has just regained some of its strength. If you really insist on going your own way and do something stupid that will put our family in jeopardy, don't blame us for not caring about our feelings."

Another man with green eyes suddenly laughed: "What did Grandma Taishang mean by this? If we were the kind of people who could be easily wiped out, we wouldn't be alive today, and our descendants wouldn't have the chance to develop and grow. No. Grandma Taishang doesn’t want to eradicate the four of us, but she is really powerless, right? We are indeed not the enemy of all the Supremes, but at our level, it is impossible to kill us, right?"

The blue-eyed man smiled slightly, and said softly: "Please give us an explanation from the two Supreme Patriarchs. After all, the palms and backs of the hands are all flesh. You might not care about the death of two hundred and seventy-seven collateral descendants. , but the four of us are heartbroken!"

There was a long silence on the platform. After a long time, the seemingly youngest child sighed softly.

Gently clapped his hands, the child said calmly: "It was a fair duel just now, so let's continue a fair duel! Let the tribesmen in your branch select a few whose strength is similar to that of the children of the Lin family. A life-and-death duel is enough. , it’s just a condition for them to discuss.”

After a slight pause, the child said coldly: "From today on, we old guys don't have to interfere in the affairs of the clan. Whenever something happens, let Xiaolan and Canglong make their own decisions. Elders who are senior to them, all Come here and go into retreat. We have all seen what Canglong has done over the years. If the family can regain its former glory, it will be thanks to him."

He raised the corner of his eyes and glanced at the four blond men with a cold and sharp gaze. The child laughed sarcastically: "After all, you are just a member of the collateral clan. Although you are extremely talented, you have been able to do so in a short period of time." You have enough strength to make terms with us, but there are too many secrets in the clan that you don’t know.”

Shaking his head gently, the child said calmly: "In the future, don't do some things; don't say some things; especially those who threaten us, don't do that stupid thing. The elders of our family join forces, it is indeed If we can’t kill you completely, you can negotiate terms with us. It’s true that we can’t kill you, so sometimes we can only give in to your conditions.”

"But you cannot threaten the real family!" With a sarcastic smile, the child continued: "You don't understand anything, so what do you know? If you do those stupid things again, I won't even care about this old face. If you go all out, you won’t even lose the face of your father and grandfather, and return to your family with three kowtows at a step, begging them to kill the four of you.”…,

The four blond men looked at the children suspiciously. They were silent for a long time. The green-eyed man finally smiled hesitantly: "Are you kidding me?"

The child looked at them coldly, and after a long time he said coldly: "I might as well tell you that the Yun clan who has taken refuge here is just a branch of the real Yunlong clan. The dragon appears in the clouds, hey, the dragon has disappeared. Wei, our clan... we just left the sect out of anger and established our own family. We were almost wiped out a thousand years ago, and our strength has been weakened to this point."

Taking a deep breath, the child said in a ferocious voice: "That's not the case. The four of you evildoers have long been shattered into pieces. How can we still allow you to live to this day?"

The four blond men looked at each other. After a long time, they all sneered in unison: "Is this really happening? But they don't believe it!"

The child narrowed his eyes. He was silent for a while, and then took out something from his sleeve. An indescribable huge aura enveloped the entire platform, and the bodies of the four blond men suddenly trembled. They stared at the thumb-sized red blood crystal on the child's hand, then took a deep breath and slumped down. Headed.

The red blood crystal is round and there is a small figure sitting cross-legged inside. This man was born with a kind face and a kind purpose. When the blood crystal was taken out, he opened his eyes slightly and glanced at the four blond men blankly.

It was this simple look that gave the four blond men a sense of fear that their souls would fly out of their bodies.

This is the essence condensed from the blood of someone who is too powerful to fathom. The figure in the blood crystal is just his projection, but even the aura of this projection gave the four blond men a sense of fear that they might be wiped out at any time. If he were really here, what kind of terrifying power would he have

After a long time, a blond man asked bitterly: "Who is he?"

The child looked at the figure in the blood crystal with great reverence, and after a long time he sighed in a low voice: "A certain ancestor of the family fell into 'eternal dormancy'... He once woke up when this tribe fell into annihilation more than a thousand years ago. In an instant, help us escape from the disaster."

'Eternal dormancy' is a special word for gods. Only the legendary immortal gods are qualified to enter 'eternal dormancy'.

The four blond men looked at each other and closed their eyes at the same time.

"Then, as Your Majesty said, from today on, we will never interfere in the affairs of the clan again."

"But then Lin Qi, he must have a fair fight with our ten carefully selected juniors."
