Radiant Era

Chapter 473: I haven’t seen a real person for five years


[Shen Shen] Hot new recruits

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In the pavilion, Yun Canglong was holding a cup of tea, lowering his head to smell the elegant tea fragrance. wWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoM

Lin Qi held a volume of jade in his hands and flipped through the information on the young heroes among all the collateral clan members of the Yun clan. Height, weight, temperament, experience, level of cultivation, blood relationship, etc. The information recorded in the jade book is so detailed that it even details the age at which they had a relationship with the opposite sex, the family background of those opposite sex, etc. data of.

There are even additional tag notes behind some people's information, indicating whether the family forces of the opposite sex with whom they have relationships are being monitored, suppressed, or even purged. The notes indicate that all further information is recorded on the other side. Supplement, Part 1.

Lin Qi couldn't help but raise his head and glance at Yun Canglong. The Yun family must have an extremely broad and sensitive intelligence network. You can monitor your own clan members so closely, let alone outsiders? At the same time, he also had a better understanding of the strife within the Yun family. He had to be so vigilant about his descendants, not to mention those direct relatives who were qualified to inherit the position of head of the family

Looking at the stool under Yun Canglong's buttocks maliciously, Lin Qi couldn't help but wonder, does Yuncanlong feel thorns under his buttocks when he sits or lies every day, and does he find it uncomfortable to sit in this position

As if aware of Lin Qi's gaze, Yun Canglong said calmly: "It's very comfortable to sit in this position. You are still young, you don't understand what it feels like to hold power, and you haven't tried that kind of thing that can determine tens of millions of people with just one word." The pleasure of life and death. When you come into contact with power, you will become obsessed with it, and then you can't live without it. In the end, either you control it and use it to make trouble; or it controls you and uses your body Trouble the world!"

Lin Qi was horrified and stared at Yun Canglong, then focused on the jade book.

This jade volume records all the clan members that Feng Kraul might have chosen to fight with Lin Qi. All the elders and elders of the Yun family were ordered to stay in seclusion. Feng Kraul and others were delicate and expensive, so they would not be able to escape. Maybe they could easily decide life and death with Lin Qi, and they could only choose the best among their juniors to wager with Lin Qi.

Although they are juniors, Fon Krall and the others are not young. Among their juniors, there are also geniuses who are nearly two hundred years old. They are all in the holy realm, and many of them are proficient in various side subjects. Such as formations, alchemy, potions, etc., if Lin Qi really started a bet with them, he might not be able to escape unscathed. Unless Lin Qi revealed his true identity and told Yun Canglong about the power in his hands, how could Yun Canglong dare to cooperate with Lin Qi in gambling? As the chief of the Yun clan, Yun Canglong deeply understands that the hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the side clan members cannot be underestimated easily.

But if Lin Qi can really win, then this is Yun Canglong's best chance to weaken those collateral clan members, and even some direct clan members. Bet and fight, since it is a duel of life and death, how can you not make a good bet? With Yun Canglong's net worth, if he deliberately creates some favorable atmosphere for him, he is enough to bankrupt some people in the Yun family.

Seeing that Lin Qi's entire attention was focused on the jade album, Yun Canglong turned to look at the maid beside him: "Go and urge Yun, what's going on? Why haven't you come out earlier? You just said that I have important things to discuss with you." ..

Yun Canglong's words came to an abrupt end. He tilted his head and stared at a corner of the garden. His breath was held in his throat for a while, and he couldn't move up or down for a while. He was like a hen with a fishhook caught in his throat, struggling. made a gurgling sound. …,

Under two tall purple-striped red maple trees, a path winds out. A girl wearing a white dress, with naturally hanging hair dancing playfully in the breeze, is holding her hands behind her back, slowly Came over here. Even though she was dressed as a girl, the way she walked still gave off a very pure masculine look.

She was wearing a long skirt, but she was walking forward steadily step by step with her hands behind her back. She didn't have the charm that a beautiful girl should have, like a gentle step on the waves and a graceful fairy. No matter how weird this scene looks, it's How weird.

Moreover, it is very clear that this girl wearing a long skirt with shoulder-length hair hanging naturally is very unfamiliar to her and is not used to it. Women's long skirts and men's robes are very different in structure. At the very least, women's long skirts are much more cumbersome than men's robes. The cumbersomeness is almost as cumbersome as the Apothecary of the Gods. Comparable to the robes.

So when she was walking, she would step on the hem of her skirt that covered her instep. Her steady steps would suddenly stumble. She almost tripped over her skirt several times and almost hit her head on the rockery on the roadside. on a stone.

Seeing the girl like this, Yun Canglong's face turned green. He pointed at the girl tremblingly, his eyes slowly rolled up, and he had the urge to roll his eyes and faint. After a long time, when the girl was almost in front of the pavilion, Yun Canglong howled at the top of his lungs: "You, you, this dress... this dress!" It was the first time he put on women's clothing, the first time he was in the pavilion. A thin layer of rouge was applied to his face, and a thin layer of blush was applied to his mouth. Yun raised his head and looked at the stunned Yun Canglong. She coughed hard and said in an extremely clear voice: "I found it from my mother's closet. It's a little long and a little loose, but I cut it short and it fits well."

Yun's voice is very clear, pleasant, and pleasant to the ear.

How to put it, it was like the legendary sparrows in the heaven where the gods lived, who specially brought good news to the world. Tens of thousands of sparrows chirped at the same time, which was similar to her voice. Like a clear stream flowing quietly in a valley full of lilies on a summer night, the sound of the clouds is delicate, fresh, and full of vitality. Listening to it feels like your heart and lungs have been cleansed.

Lin Qi raised his head in surprise and looked at Yun with wide eyes. He looked at Yun, then at Yun Canglong, and suddenly laughed: "Commander, who is this girl to you? Hey, you said you have no daughter, only Yun is a son, but why do you have such a risk now?" The little girl's video is out? Could it be the mistress you hooked up with and your illegitimate daughter?"

Alda and Hualihuali, who were already drunk outside the pavilion, looked at Yun at the same time.

Arda commented as a senior sex demon: "A top-notch face, top-notch skin, and a top-notch voice. It's a pity, but this figure is too top-notch. Hey, no processing is needed, and it can be used for cooking." It’s settled.”

Hua Li Hua Li squinted his eyes, staggered to Yun's side, circled Yun twice, and suddenly laughed: "Hey, great and terrifying master, this girl's body is almost exactly the same as Master Yun. Ah, look, it’s the same length, width, flatness, and thinness as Master Yun, but this face is much prettier than Master Yun’s dark face!”

He laughed a few times and burped loudly: "The butt is not big enough. I like high-level female demons with big butts and royal bloodline!"

Yun's face darkened, and the purple-red light swirled rapidly in the depths of her eyes. Her fingers moved gently, and she was almost about to stretch out her hand and pinch the necks of Huali Huali and Alda. Throw them a hundred miles away from here. …,

Yun Canglong hadn't recovered from the shock yet. He rolled his eyes and stared at Yun. After a long while, he didn't know what to say.

Lin Qi also stared at Yun with wide eyes. He always felt that this girl seemed familiar, but he could not remember where he had seen this girl. To be exact, Lin Qi could count on one hand the number of women he had dealt with since childhood, and they included top-notch beings like Aunt Lili, Ya and Ling.

To be precise, Lin Qi has never interacted with any woman in the normal sense, so his experience with women is extremely limited. After being with Yun for more than five years, and getting along day and night for five years, he has no experience at all. Thinking of that shriveled up monkey Yun who could lose his breath at any time and could only use pills to die, the little brother he had been carefully protecting would be such a beautiful little girl like Yun.

Hearing the buzzing words, Lin Qi suddenly laughed: "What nonsense are you talking about? Even if you chop ten thousand knives on Yun Na's face, he won't turn into such a beautiful girl! But to be honest, hey, This girl's breasts are really flat, just like that boy Yun. Poor, Mr. Yun, how did you abuse this girl? Didn't you feed her? Why is such a big girl still so skinny? "

Yun's face suddenly became extremely ugly. She pushed out her chest vigorously, and her eyes turned a terrifying purple-red. There was a harsh whistling sound in the garden, and the flowers, plants and trees gradually bent down. The cold air made Hualihuali and Alda shiver at the same time.

Yun Canglong picked up the teacup, swallowed the hot tea and the tea leaves into his mouth and swallowed it into his belly. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then exhaled a stream of white steam forcefully. come out.

"Lin Qi, you and Yun Chaoxi have been together for nearly six years!"

Lin Qi looked at Yun Canglong in surprise: "Is there any problem? I have always regarded him as my little brother, and I have always protected him, but I have never let him suffer! You just promised me a set of seven Lun Dan, don’t make excuses to default on your debt!”

Yun Canglong continued to roll his eyes.

Yun took a deep breath, straightened her chest, and said coldly: "I am Yun Rou, also known as Yun Xiaoyun.

I am Yundian, that is. . . What you call little brother cloud! "

The two-color purple and red light in his eyes suddenly became powerful, and two masses of air condensed into two cyan fists, which hit the stunned Lin Qi's eyes hard, knocking him away more than ten steps away.

Yun gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "I'm really flat, huh?"

Alda and Huali Huali turned around and ran away with howls, and then they both flew out at the same time. .