Radiant Era

Chapter 477: Huge stakes


There was deathly silence in the school grounds. Everyone was looking at the men whose demeanor was very different from the others. wWW!QUanbEn-xIAoShUo!CoM

Yun Xiaoming, Yun Xiaokong, Yun Xiaoshuo, Yun Xiaotong, and Yun Xiaoyi, these five are all leaders of the core direct lineage of the Yun family, and they are all Yun Xiaolan's direct cousins. Among them, Yun Xiaoming, Yun Xiaokong, and Yun Xiaoshuo are the family governors and elders alongside Feng Krall. They have the responsibility to supervise family affairs and supervise clan disciples. Next, they can temporarily act as the head of the family's power.

As for Yun Xiaotong and Yun Xiaoyi, one of them has the power of access to the public treasury of the Yun family, similar to the minister of finance in the empire; the other has the power of punishment for the family, similar to the minister of justice in the mainland empire. These two are also the powerful ones in the Yun clan, and their influence is not much weaker than that of the family governor elders.

Especially Yun Xiaotong, the Yun family controls four major cover families and dozens of vassal families. These families contribute huge amounts of income to the Yun family every year. In addition to distributing part of these funds to clan members and members of the family, In addition to operating funds, most of the other funds are in the hands of Yun Xiaotong.

That is an astronomical amount of wealth. Yun Xiaotong has controlled the family's financial power for nearly a hundred years. Fatty will naturally leave large oil stains when it is passed. It is conceivable that Yun Xiaotong's financial situation, and even Yun Xiaolan In terms of financial resources, he cannot compare with Yun Xiaotong, who controls the family's public treasury.

But just like Yun Xiaolan's nickname, "Stable Yun Xiaolan", since he became the head of the family, the leaders of these five direct clansmen have been gradually suppressed by him, and their power has been greatly weakened. Especially the three family governors and elders, they have the power to temporarily act as the family head. However, when Yun Xiaolan is in retreat to break through the bottleneck of the holy realm, she will release her clones to wander outside, giving them no chance to take power. It can be imagined that Yun Xiaolan usually To what extent it suppressed them.

Therefore, although this gambling fight was caused by Yun's return and represented the fight between Yun Canglong and the collateral clan members, five family bosses who were unwilling to be left alone also came forward to participate in the gambling fight. They just wanted to take the opportunity to weaken Yun Xiaolan and Yun Xiaolan. The strength of Yun Canglong and his son. ..

Regardless of whether they are the direct lineage or the collateral lineage, the Yun family has huge resources in their hands. Just like Yun Canglong, as the head of the family, he controls three large city-states and dozens of affiliated towns and cities in the Vias Commercial Federation. These three city-states are equivalent to Yun Canglong's private territory, from which he draws money every year. Collecting huge taxes, except for paying 20% of the tax income to the family treasury, all other income belongs to him personally.

It is by relying on these resources that Yun Canglong can cultivate dead soldiers, a private army, and his own intelligence network. Through these purely personal forces of Yun Canglong, he can better consolidate his power.

If he can win one or two large city-states from Yun Canglong through this gambling battle, and then win a large amount of cash, Yun Canglong will inevitably fall into an economic crisis. Without money, how can he raise soldiers, soldiers, and eagles and dogs? Without these lackeys and minions, how could Yun Canglong secure his position as chief just by relying on the power assigned to him by his family

This is true for Yun Canglong, and even more so for Yun Xiaolan. As the contemporary head of the family, Yun Xiaolan has the right to mobilize a certain share of the resources of the family's public treasury, but the public treasury is owned by the family after all, and he cannot be allowed to squander it as he pleases. Yun Xiaolan also wants to support his personal power, so he also makes money through the resources in his own name.

If you can peel off a layer of skin from Yun Xiaolan, you might have the opportunity to peel off a layer of his flesh in the future, and finally suck out all his bone marrow. For the sake of family power and the throne of the head of the family, he had to gamble even if he had no choice but to do so. …,

As the leader of the direct clan, Yun Xiaoming and the others cannot openly oppose the family leader, as this would be detrimental to the family. But by taking the opportunity of a life-and-death duel, playing a few small bets, and winning some lottery prizes for fun, no one can say that they disrespect the family master, right

Yun Xiaokong smiled and nodded to Lin Qi: "It's not that we look down on you, little guy, but you are just one person, plus two powerful servants, you are destined to lose, and you are destined to die. , so we can only bet that you lose!"

He casually took out a thick stack of contract documents, and gently placed the parchments representing huge wealth on the long case in front of Yun Xiaolan. He smiled and said to Yun Canglong: "We will take this little guy's bet. In addition, our bet may be too much. Hahaha, we have already taken out the coffin, so what's the difference... .”

Yun had quietly walked to Lin Qi. When she heard Yun Xiaokong's words, she said crisply: "I pledged all the properties of the Lang family left by my mother. Five uncles, since I have returned to the family, my mother left Those properties should still be inherited by me, right?"

Yun Xiaoming and the other five looked at each other, and they all looked at von Krall at the same time.

As one of the few important people in the Yun family who holds real power in the family, how could they not know how the murder in the meeting hall occurred? Isn't it because Elder Sen and the others refused to return the Lang family property left by Yun's mother? As a result, Lin Qi, a stupid young man, went on a rampage and killed two hundred and seventy-seven elites from the collateral clan, including seven saints. The great power in the realm was actually killed by him alone!

This family property has been stained with the blood of so many collateral clan members. If Yun wants to bet on this property, he must look at von Krall's attitude.

Surprisingly, von Krall agreed to Yun's request very generously. He took out a few contracts and threw them on the long table. He said calmly: "This is the contract for 40% of the Lang family's property, including the Lang family." The ancestral home and the title deeds of all manors left behind by the family. As for the other 60% of the property..."

Yun Xiaotong took out a stack of contracts with a smile and slowly placed them on the long table: "This is the property that the family has managed for Yundian, ah, the property in charge. Sixty percent of the Lang family's property contracts are Here, 100% is all here. Yundian, do you really pledge all of it? But it seems that it is still not enough. The Lang family is only worth a few shipyards, other than that..."

Yun Canglong laughed loudly at the side. He laughed so happily that he almost lost his breath. He roughly knew how many things were hidden in Lin Qi's ring. This guy who cheated people to death had plundered the entire abyss world. Did he want Yun Xiaoming and the others to go completely bankrupt

Poor Yun Xiaoming and the other five thought that what Lin Qi took out was just an ordinary space ring, and they thought that Lin Qi's bet was insignificant. When the winner is clear, I really want to see their faces!

After laughing for a while, Yun Canglong raised his right hand and swore a poisonous oath with the highest oath of the Yun clan: "If Lin Qi and Yun's bets are insufficient, I, Yun Canglong, will use my private property to make up for the bets. My net worth, Elders, don’t worry, right? If I lose, even if I lose everything, I will compensate all the elders for their bets. Even if I am short of a copper coin and my Yun Canglong soul flies away and dies, how dare you swear?"

The highest oath of the Yun clan directly affects one's own blood and soul. Once the oath is taken, the oath runes will imprison one's blood and soul. If you dare to violate your oath, your blood will be burned and your soul will be scattered and you will die. As long as the members of the Yun clan swear this oath, absolutely no one will dare to break it.

Yun Xiaoyun patted the long case gently, squinted his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Since the chief has said this, what else can we say? But even if all the chief's private property is added, I'm afraid it will be too much. It’s not as good as the bet the five of us made, right?”…,

The clone of Yun Xiaolan, who was sitting on the throne, finally opened his eyes. He said lightly: "Then, plus me and..."

Several other men in rich clothes stood up slowly, walked to the long case with a smile, and placed a thick stack of official contract documents on the long case. The expressions of Yun Xiaoming and others suddenly darkened. These men were of the same status as them, and they were all direct clan members close to Yun Xiaolan and his son. It was obvious that they were here to support Yun Canglong.

Yun Xiaolan smiled and said in a low voice: "Cang Long has sworn that he will fulfill the bet, so let's ask the five brothers to also swear it. This bet must be fair and reasonable, although I believe that the five brothers are not He’s the kind of villain who gets fat by breaking his promises, but how hard is it to make an oath?”

Yun Xiaoming and others took a deep look at Yun Xiaolan, smiled, and swore an oath disapprovingly.

More and more clan members from the collateral and direct clans came forward and placed some contracts or space rings on the long table. They didn't get involved in the gambling fights between the family's top brass. They just stared at the clansmen with whom they had grievances and swore to make bets one after another.

Lin Qi was shocked to see on the sidelines. The Vyas Commercial Federation has more than 400 city-states, large and small, and the Yun family has taken out more than 200 city-states as bets this time, including 20 city-states. A large city-state with a population of more than 500,000. This means that after more than a thousand years of development, the Yun family has controlled half or more of the territory of the Vyas Commercial Federation.

What does it mean to be as wealthy as a country? This is a country that is as wealthy as its rivals.

This duel was really a gamble that nearly caused Lin Qi to have a psychological breakdown. It is obvious that the person who wins this gamble will greatly consolidate his position within the Yun family, and the power in his hands will be greatly expanded.

As for those who lose the bet, although they will not be beaten to death with a stick, their power in the family will undoubtedly plummet.

Lin Qi felt horrified. The big bosses of the Yun clan had all had their heads hit by meteorites. How could they do such a desperate thing? This is simply a deliberate attempt to centralize family power, complete family centralization!

After Yun Xiaolan and his son win this bet, no one in the Yun family will have any objections to them.

Lin Qi vaguely felt that there seemed to be a big hand pushing all this.

Perhaps the ancestors of the Yun family intend to promote the centralization of power in the family? Lin Qi just gave them the best opportunity and excuse.

What exactly do they want to do
