Radiant Era

Chapter 484: Von Krall's persistence


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Amid the uproar, a young man with long blond hair and a tight-fitting knight's uniform slowly walked into the school grounds. wWW!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!CoM

The young man was very similar to Von Krall. Except for being one punch shorter than Von Krall in height, he was basically the same person. He slowly walked towards Xuan Lan step by step. Although everyone could see that he was very nervous, and even the joints in his whole body were tense due to nervousness, he still walked towards Xuan Lan step by step.

Lin Qi glanced at the young man named Afan. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, but he had already reached the level of heaven. Moreover, he was not just an ordinary person who had just stepped into heaven, but an advanced one. Strength. Having such a fighting spirit at such an age made Lin Qi, who had many adventures, feel ashamed.

What made Lin Qi even more curious was that Afan's left and right eyes were one gold and one silver respectively. As he walked into Xuanlan step by step, his eyes gradually turned into gold and silver. These gold and silver eyes are called magic pupils in the Western continent. Apparently, Afan, who is still young, has practiced some kind of strange eye skills and has extremely high cultivation level.

At such a young age, not only has fighting spirit reached a level that many adults cannot achieve in their lifetime, but he has also achieved such great achievements in the secret technique of eye skills. It can be seen that this is a young man with excellent qualifications, perseverance and hard work. .

Lin Qi looked at Afan coldly, and suddenly sighed quietly: "Why do you have to come up and die? Before the duel begins, I allow you the chance to admit defeat and leave."

Xuan Lan tilted his mouth, Hua Ke didn't want Afan to admit defeat, this little guy looked tender and delicious, if he gave up, Xuan Lan wouldn't have to eat it. But he just obeyed Lin Qi, so Xuan Lan stood aside obediently without saying a word, just praying constantly in his heart, hoping that Afan could fight with him unswervingly, so that he could eat him naturally.

A vein jumped up between Afan's eyebrows, and he walked step by step to a place that was still more than twenty meters away from Xuan Lan. Bright light shone from all around, but Xuanlan's huge body was stuck here, and a large shadow covered the school field, and Afan was shrouded in Xuanlan's shadow.

Clenching his fists with both hands, Afan stared at Lin Qi who was standing in front of Xuanlan's toes, and said word by word: "I have a reason why I have to fight in the duel. I will not give up my pride! Even if it means death , and I will never give up my pride!"

Lin Qi looked at Afan in surprise. He didn't know what this little guy was proud of, and he didn't know where this pride came from. He just felt that it was a pity that such a handsome little guy could have such a handsome little guy. With such qualifications and perseverance, maybe when he reaches a sufficient age, he will become a more powerful being than Von Krall

"I'm so stupid!" Lin Qi suddenly laughed: "Well, you are my enemy, why should I worry about your life and death? It is safer for me if you are dead. Let someone with enough qualifications and perseverance , and if a proud enemy survives, isn’t this causing trouble for himself?”

Lin Qi nodded seriously, and said to Afan very seriously: "Then, I will announce the rules of the wrestling, and then you can die."

Afan took a deep breath, and his fair face turned red. He stared at Lin Qi, and when he clenched his fists with his hands, the joints all over his body rang violently, and he made a series of snaps like fried beans. Snap, sound. The strange light of gold and silver in his eyes slowly swirled, and he said in a deep voice: "Declare the rules. I am honored and proud to die in a fair duel with a giant."…,

Lin Qi glanced at him, twitching the corners of his mouth, revealing a sarcastic smile.

He looked at von Krall who was standing aside: "Is this your son? I heard their discussion. Not only your son, but also your youngest son, the one with the best qualifications and the highest achievements. Son, are you really willing to let him die?"

Von Krall was silent. He stood there with his hands behind his back. After a long time, he nodded slowly.

"Of course, in the face of a duel to the death, I will not let other tribesmen die. If someone really has to sacrifice, then let my son do it. He is a proud man, and he will not tolerate me using other people to die. The tribesmen came to die in vain.”

"You are very selfish." Lin Qi looked at von Krall: "In fact, everything happened because of you. If you hadn't greedily occupied Yun's family property, if you hadn't plotted to frame and assassinate Yun, if you hadn't insisted on relying on My power in the clan has been reversed and I bullied Yun, so none of what happened today will happen."

Lin Qi said seriously: "I always thought that if I escorted Yun back to the family, there wouldn't be too much trouble. She would return to her father, take over her property, and then smoothly take over her business. With the power, everyone can live a peaceful life. But I really didn’t expect that what we encountered after entering Port Vias City was conspiracy and murder.”

"Fon Krall, ask yourself, this is all your fault. You shouldn't be so greedy, and you shouldn't be so indifferent to black and white. If you hadn't been pressing me step by step, I wouldn't have used such violent means to deal with you. Your son will not stand here either."

"Now, you still don't admit defeat? You want to bring your youngest son to death! You are too selfish, and the people behind you are too ruthless. You selfish and ruthless bastards, you really shouldn't be living in this world. Don't Let your son come and compete with Xuan Lan, Feng Krall, it’s you, if you are still a man, you will come and share life and death with Xuan Lan.”

Von Krall squinted his eyes, stared at Lin Qi, and suddenly laughed.

“We are selfish, we are heartless, we are greedy, we don’t distinguish between black and white?”

Shaking his head slightly, von Krall said calmly: "You are making us heinous, as if we are all a group of damned people? But who made us become selfish, ruthless, greedy, and black and white? What’s the score? Who is it?”

"Are we willing to become mixed-race descendants who are discriminated against by others? Are we willing to exist in this family with such blood? Are we willing? Since they can't control their lower bodies and allow mixed-race people like us to appear, why do we always Are you branded with a lowly status at birth?"

"Those direct tribesmen with pure blood, they are aloof, have no worries about food and clothing since childhood, and enjoy the offerings of all the side tribesmen. Everything about them is the best, their clothes, food, carriages and horses for travel, elixirs for cultivation and Everything else needed, everything is the best. And what about us? We are slaves, we are slaves, we are beasts in human form.”

"We, the descendants of mixed blood, have been rigorously trained since childhood and sent to those families that cover up and vassal families. We work hard to earn huge amounts of wealth. More than 99% of the wealth is enjoyed by these direct clan members. , we have ten times more people, but we can only get a little bit of leftovers to feed ourselves.”

"We have no power. We can only struggle hard to gain some power for ourselves. Our men are punished arbitrarily. If they make any mistakes, they will be tortured, sent to the mines to do hard work, castrated into eunuchs, or They were sent to places where they almost escaped death to find all kinds of rare treasures for their family, or to explore those extremely dangerous secret places and ruins.”…,

"Our girls, they are treated like playthings...

Either used for marriage, or used as gifts, or simply used as a tool to vent. Men still have the opportunity to change their destiny through martial arts. They have been divided into levels based on their appearance since birth. The high-level ones serve as high-level spies, the middle-level ones serve as high-level prostitutes, and the lower-level ones serve as maids. "

"We, the collateral tribesmen, are not lucky enough to have the power to fight against the elders. We are just a group of pigs and dogs in captivity. Fortunately, the four ancestors, they, they have the power to let the elders We all have to face up to the power, and we gradually have a certain power in the family and a certain right to speak."

"In your opinion, our appropriation of Yundian's family property is treason; our murder of Yundian is heinous; we who confuse right and wrong deserve to be killed by you... But if we don't do this, if we don't do our best and use any means to fight for it, The power and status in the family, we..."

Yun Xiaolan suddenly coughed lightly, and he said lightly: "That's enough, Feng Krall, do you want the entire ethnic group to be killed?"

Including those direct line elders who were at odds with Yun Xiaolan and his son, including the five big bosses including Yun Xiaoming and Yun Xiaokong, all the direct lineage members cast angry glances at Feng Kraul. The dirty things within the family are all resolved through private communication. If they are exposed to outsiders so openly, do you, von Krall, want to rebel

This kind of rebellious behavior made it clear that it was natural for our ancestors to kill the entire Von Krall clan.

Afan took a deep breath, took a step forward, and said in a low voice: "I have my pride... They all said that I am the best among the young people under the age of thirty in my family, except Yundian. Genius. In the fifteen years since Yundian disappeared, I was the most qualified genius in my family."

"So, even if I die, I can't avoid the battle! Because we have no way to retreat!"

In the school grounds, the Lao clan members, regardless of whether they were from the same faction or not, all took a deep breath at the same time and stood up one after another.

I don’t know who took the lead. They pressed their right palms to their hearts, and then bowed to Von Krall and Affan’s father and son in the school grounds. Tens of thousands of people saluted the two of them in unison, and the expressions on the faces of Yun Xiaolan and other direct clan members suddenly became extremely ugly. Yun Canglong sneered softly, and a pure and undisguised murderous intention suddenly spread to the surroundings.

Lin Qi stared at von Krall. After a long time, Lin Qi suddenly smiled: "You are really pitiful... But what does your life and death have to do with me? I am not the legendary god who protects all things, I am just a human being. I want to protect my little brother... Well, he is just the little girl’s big brother now. I don’t care who of you is right or wrong, whoever attacks my people, I will kill him, it’s that simple!”

"Even if Yun's elders are demons and you are all gods...I will kill you to protect them. Because Yun is my person, so I will kill you. The matter is actually very simple."

Lin Qi waved his hand, and Xuan Lan slowly moved forward.

Von Krall glanced at Lin Qi firmly, and then shouted in a low voice: "Afan!". )