Radiant Era

Chapter 492: Blood-coated Bishop


[Shen Shen] Hot new recruits

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================================================== == In the early morning at Dunerke, the port and wharf were abuzz, but the city was peaceful and peaceful. wWw.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.CoM

The shop has just opened its door, and the guys are setting up ladders to wipe the shop sign. The convoy delivering firewood and vegetables to the wealthy families in the city slowly drove into the city, and dispersed in small groups to various streets and alleys. Groups of soldiers holding long guns and wearing long swords were marching neatly towards the military camp in a corner of the city. They had just finished their night patrol and were preparing to return to rest.

People of all kinds and professions got up, and some luxurious carriages and horses also appeared on the road. Nobles and wealthy businessmen are always busy with things. In these carriages, they are either going out to do errands, or they have just left a private salon or other gatherings. The yawning young men and women are carrying them after a night of madness. Returning home tired.

Amidst the melodious tinkling of bells, an old priest wearing a black robe, carrying a censer wrapped in wire in his left hand and a small copper bell in his right hand, was swaying with a group of choir children. Walking through the streets of Dunerker, whenever he meets a pedestrian on the road, the kind-hearted old priest will stop and extend his most sincere blessings to the person.

The incense burner the old priest was carrying was only as big as a fist, but inside it was burning high-grade non-salivary incense. The slowly fragrant aroma spread in the morning air, and the fragrant fragrance filled the entire street. A dozen fair and lovely choir orphans prayed together with his blessings, praising all the beautiful gods with crisp and mellow voices.

Pedestrians who have been blessed will stop respectfully, piously take out a dozen copper coins or a few gold and silver coins, and buy beautifully printed atonement charms with clear numbers and anti-counterfeiting watermarks from the old priest.

Since the trial of Boreli five years ago, the church has finally begun to pay attention to the problem of the widespread sale of counterfeit atonements. Thanks to the efforts of some financial experts at the top of the church, the new atonement charm was finally put into use three years ago. All atonement charms are printed on special paper for printing gold tickets. The engraving, ink, watermark and security number are all handled by a bank designated by the church.

As a result, although the cost of each atonement talisman has increased a lot, the fake and inferior atonement talismans have completely disappeared. Even if the church headquarters receives a portion of the atonement talisman every year, it is still divided into five parts. Earnings from the previous year have approximately doubled.

Especially in New Dunerker, because of the existence of Father Du Wen, the profits of the Atonement Talisman are the largest in the mainland. Every year, the church can get tens of millions of gold coins in the city of Dunerker alone.

Father Du Wen is the old priest who leaves the Dunker Church early every morning, walks the streets of Dunker with the children in the choir, and enthusiastically prays for all the passers-by he meets. He is a kind and peaceful old man with a spirit of cultivation. He came here during the early stages of the construction of the new Dunerker Port. With his love and compassion, he gained the trust and respect of all Dunerker. Over the past few years, Father Duwen has used his powerful divine power and superb medical skills to heal countless injured and sick citizens and sailors of Dunker. His reputation has even surpassed all other big figures in the cathedral, even the one who has lived in seclusion all year round. None of the cardinals, archbishops and cardinals were as welcomed as Father Duwen by everyone in the entire Port of Dunker.

In the past few years, Father Du Wen has turned a stingy miser into a generous and charitable man: he has made the gangsters who blocked the road, robbed money and killed people know their way back, and turned into the bravest militia in the Port of Dunker Warriors; those dandies who lived a dissolute life, also turned into hard-working young heroes under his diligent persuasion. He not only cured the citizens of Dunerki physically, but also spiritually became a mentor to nearly a million citizens of Dunerki and countless merchants, sailors, and workers on voyages. …,

"Is little Anne's health okay? God will bless her!" Father Du Wen smiled and vibrated the small bell on his hand, which made a clear ringing sound. He smiled kindly and consoled an old man with gray hair and beard. The old man bowed respectfully to Father Du Wen, then took out five gold coins and handed them to Father Du Wen.

He took out dozens of atonement charms from his sleeves and handed them to the old man. Father Du Wen smiled gently and said: "God will protect you, and you and your family will be protected by God.

Don’t worry, Sarah is studying very hard in church school. I often explain various scriptures to her, and she will become a competent clergyman. Next year, I will recommend her to study at the Holy Mountain, and everything will be fine. "

Nodding slightly, Father Du Wen continued to move forward with a smile.

The children in the choir looked at the back of Father Du Wen with great respect. They followed him neatly, singing softly songs praising the gods. Father Du Wen smiled kindly, and the same pious and sacred chants continued to float from his mouth.

Although he looks extremely old, Father Du Wen has a good voice. With a loud and magnetic voice, let alone being a priest, he will be a first-class celebrity even if he sings opera at the Royal Theater of Bureilly. It is precisely because of his good voice that his efficiency in spreading the teachings in Dunerqi is so high. After all, people in the world tend to judge people by their appearance.

When passing by a street that was perpendicular to the main avenue of Dun Erqi, Father Du Wen happened to see a middle-aged man pulling an ownerless little donkey and quickly slipped into the gate of a house. Father Du Wen was stunned, and then a kind and gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "The original sin of greed, Mr. Chauvins still can't change his old habits. He is already so rich."

"It's just that Miss Shavins is really a sweet little cutie, especially her charming breasts, well, it's so memorable. Well, for the sake of Miss Shavins' virginity, it's enough to make her father Let’s forget about the original sin of greed that led to the burning at the stake.”

A ferocious smile flashed across the corner of Father Du Wen's mouth like an illusion. He was still the holy, solemn, kind, and beloved old priest. He gently clamped his legs together, allowing the part of his body that suddenly became extremely hard due to the thought of Miss Chauvins's beautiful breasts to slowly relax, and then he continued to move forward with some difficulty.

Du Wen, the kind and radiant Father Du Wen, the presiding priest of the Divine Grace Church of Dunerque Cathedral, has another code name in the church's top-secret files. Du Wen, the chief church archbishop of the religious inquisition, has Unlimited power of judgment given by the Pope.

Limited to the power of the Religious Inquisition, Archbishop Duwen in Blood has no right to judge clergy, but he has the power to mobilize all the power of the church to try and execute punishments on all secular people. Even if he is the emperor of an empire, when Archbishop Duwen feels that he should be punished, he will be attacked by religious rulings that are almost crazy.

After the Dunker Meteor Disaster and the annihilation of an elite group of Church Punishment Knights who secretly invaded the northern part of the Gallic Empire, Archbishop Du Wen was transferred here under the joint order of three popes. He single-handedly presided over the construction of Dunerqi Cathedral, and also established the personnel structure of Dunerqi Cathedral. In addition to the 10,000 guardian knights of the Guardian Knights, there are more than 20,000 high-ranking members of Dunerqi Cathedral in the entire Dunerqi Cathedral. , middle-level, and low-level clergy, all of whom are warriors and mages with considerable combat effectiveness.

This was a nail for the Church to embed itself into the northern part of the Gallic Empire. It was not only aimed at the foreigners in Wudalian Island, but also aimed at the Gallic Empire and even other countries on the mainland itself. With the Dunerqi Cathedral, the church's huge force will appear in the north of the continent at any time, forming a strategic advantage for all countries on the continent to attack from the north and the south. …,

In particular, the northern coastline of the mainland is an important economic lifeline for several major powers in the mainland. The appearance of Dunerq Cathedral here undoubtedly means that the church has hung a sharp sword over this lifeline and can cut it off at any time. .

With a faint smile, Father Du Wen completed his daily routine of patrolling the city selling atonement charms every morning, and led the children in the choir onto the spacious road leading to Dunker Cathedral.

Tall and majestic, covering an area of nearly a thousand acres, the Dunerker Cathedral was built entirely according to the specifications of an armed battle fortress. It stands on a high hill outside the city of Dunerker. In front of this high hill is the vast Dunerker Bay. Behind is the dense black pine forest that stretches along the northern borders of several countries. The terrain is steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Seine River channel connecting the imperial capital of Bureilly and several major transportation lines to the interior all happen to start from Dunker. Passing near the church.

It is an absolute strategic point that completely blocks the strategic points of communication channels inside and outside Dunerker.

Dunker Cathedral is like a dragon entrenched on the hill, looking down fiercely at the port city of Dunker, overlooking the Gallic Imperial Capital, which is two days away by water, and overlooking the entire northern part of the continent.

Returning to Dunker Cathedral, Du Wen walked into a secret room, took off the uniform of a low-ranking priest, and put on a set of loose bishop's robes made of pure white cotton. He returned to his dormitory along the special secret passage. A pretty female priest wearing a tight dress was already waiting in his dormitory and respectfully handed him a bloody official document.

Slowly unfolding the official document and glancing at it, Du Wen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Praise the gods, heretical...traces? Oh, so cute, so funny."

Du Wen suddenly became inexplicably excited, and his limbs that were as hard as steel swelled uncontrollably.

He gently stretched out his hand to hold the female priest's head, and asked her to slowly kneel down in front of him, letting her crawl into his loose robe. His body was covered by the wet, hot little mouth, and incomparably sacred golden light gushed out from his body.

"O God, your will guides me, and all heresy will be reduced to ashes in your light."

"You dominate everything. You decide the fate of all living beings, whether heretics or your servants, cute little priests, and even me. They all struggle to survive in this world according to your will."

"Dear child, all this is God's will!"

Du Wen groaned lowly. He pushed the red-faced female priest to the ground, and then pressed on her impatiently.

"The blood of heretics is so beautiful!". )