Radiant Era

Chapter 50: Lin Qi made a shocking appearance


Lin Qi straightened her tie, and opened her lips slightly, revealing eight white teeth in an unusually standard smile!

But under the dim street light, Lin Qi's unusually white teeth gave off a cold light. Jin inside the door and the waiter standing behind him suddenly turned pale. Jin grabbed the door almost instinctively, trying to open the door. Close up. WWw!QuAnBen-XIaoShuo!com

But Lin Qi's right elbow was against the door, and one of his legs had already entered the door. No matter how hard Jin tried, he still couldn't make the door waver at all. Compared with Lin Qi, who has been brutally trained under the supervision of hammers, butcher knives and others since he was a child, and has polished his strength like a monster, Jin is like a little bean sprout in the greenhouse, while Lin Qi is the most powerful person in the depths of the North Sea. The powerful man-eating shark.

"Dear Jin, I miss you so much!" Lin Qi smiled gently at Jin. He slowly exerted force on his right arm, and the heavy pure gold door was slowly pushed open by him. Jin firmly resisted the door. The veins in his hands were exposed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Oh my god, will Jin Qiangwei reject a customer who comes to spend money sincerely?" Lin Qi looked at Jin's futile hands with exposed veins in surprise. He smiled and pushed the door open inch by inch, and then reached in with his left hand. From the secret pocket on his chest, he took out the golden ticket that Blackbeard gave him, and slowly waved it in front of Jin's face.

"Here, look, look, I came to Golden Rose to have fun this time sincerely. One hundred thousand gold coins, dear Jin, one hundred thousand gold coins, not one hundred, not one thousand, but one hundred thousand! Ten Thousands of golden and cute screams!" Lin Qi squinted his eyes and smiled happily. He knew the Achilles' heel of Jin and his people, and the biggest weakness of this family.

Coming from a family of bankers, Jin could actually see clearly the numbers and all the secrets on the gold ticket, even though he only had a glimpse under the dim light. One hundred thousand gold coins, a gold ticket issued by the most famous Silver Shanxiang Bank in the imperial capital, can be used as cash anywhere in the mainland!

Jin, whose face was as white as paper just now, let go of his hands, and a wave of hot blood rushed from his heart to his face, and a large blush magically appeared on Jin's face. He grabbed Lin Qi's hand with unusual affection and couldn't wait to pull Lin Qi deeper into the lounge. He danced happily and said with a smile: "Oh, dear Lin Qi, you haven't been to Golden Rose for three years! In the past three years without you, Dunerke has been eclipsed. I miss you so much, I miss you so much. Got it!"

Lin Qi laughed loudly. He also hugged Jin's shoulders affectionately, as if he were hugging a statue made of pure gold. He smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth and walked into the lounge.

Enzo followed Lin Qi in a funny way. In terms of enthusiasm for gold coins, it seemed that someone could finally match Lin Qi? This unfortunate guy named Jin was afraid of Lin Qi just now, but now, he actually took the initiative to drag Lin Qi into Golden Rose!

"Gold coins, lovely gold coins, in many cases they really have powerful magic power that eclipses the gods!" Enzo couldn't help but sigh as he touched the shriveled money bag. The only strange thing is, where did Lin Qi get this 100,000 gold coin ticket? One hundred thousand gold coins. Enzo secretly counted on his fingers for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out how much these one hundred thousand gold coins were worth.

Jin, who was blushing and had completely fallen into a state of fanaticism, pulled Lin Qi and strode into the lounge. He turned a blind eye to the frightened and strange looks of the young ladies, applauded vigorously and laughed: "Dear ladies, sir Guys, please allow me to introduce to you a distinguished guest, Lin Qi, our Mr. Lin Qi is back!"

Tilting his head, the corners of Jin's mouth raised high, he clapped his hands triumphantly and said with a smile: "Lin Qi, lovely Lin Qi, lovable Lin Qi, he carries a glittering gold card with one hundred thousand gold coins. Ticket! He’s coming for a big show, isn’t he? Dear Lin Qi, what do you want to do tonight? "

The people in the lounge suddenly realized, and then were extremely surprised.

It dawned on them that they suddenly understood why Jin's attitude had changed so strangely. For Jin and his family, as long as a pile of golden gold coins were placed in front of them, even if the devil of hell appeared in front of them, they would still be disappointed. Dare to draw his sword and launch a suicidal attack on the devil. Compared with the devil of hell, what is the villain Lin Qi

The 'Golden Lettuce' family from which Jin was born is not well known in Dunerq. The purpose of their family is well known to everyone - as long as there is enough profit, even one's biological parents and biological flesh and blood can be betrayed; As long as there are enough benefits, even one's own soul can be sold! …,

Lin Qi brought 100,000 gold coins, so it's not surprising that Jin became like this.

What surprised everyone was that Lin Qi, a villain, actually brought his own money to Golden Rose

Is this still Lin Qi? Is this still the same villain who made everyone fearful three years ago? In the past, didn't Lin Qi always come to Jinqiangwei to make a small amount of pocket money when he had no money to spend? Although he had a full purse when he left Golden Rose, when had he ever stepped through the door of Golden Rose with a copper

This time he actually came to Golden Rose with one hundred thousand gold coins to have fun. Is this the manifestation of the gods

The lounge fell into an eerie silence. No one said a word. Everyone stared blankly at Lin Qi with a simple smile on his face.

After a brief silence, Lin Qi bowed to everyone present very elegantly and gracefully: "Dear ladies and distinguished gentlemen, don't you know me? I am Lin Qi, your dearest. Lin Qi! Well, shouldn't it be time for us to have fun now? Why are everyone sitting here in a daze? Isn't it time for us to have fun now? "

Everyone present looked at each other with strange expressions. Could such a polite, graceful and gentle person really be the Lin Qi they remembered

Could it be that the imperial capital has such magical power? Has Lin Qi been changed by that magical place? He actually changed from a villain to a noble! Although he is not a real nobleman, there is no flaw in Lin Qi's every move. He really looks like a nobleman!

Jin clapped hard and laughed: "Yes, why do you all stay here? Let us be happy!"

Gathering up his energy, Jin laughed loudly and said: "Then, the first event tonight is the bloody and exciting beast battle final! The two monsters that will appear tonight are a green monster from the black jungle of the Black Spirit Continent. Anaconda with golden eyes, and an ice-armored white bear from the Odin Icefield in the far north!"

He patted Lin Qi's shoulder happily, and Jin opened his mouth and laughed: "The minimum bet is five hundred gold coins, dear ladies and distinguished gentlemen, the minimum bet is five hundred gold coins!"

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Can I take a look at those two monsters first? Well, who wants to bet with me?"

Jin smiled wider.


Just watch another dish and then go to sleep. I have to continue coding when it gets dark.

Well, coding is a happy life!