Radiant Era

Chapter 500: Destination - Dunerker


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Porto Vias City, Coral Flower Hotel. www,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,com

The four drunken centaurs of the abyss were lying crookedly on the ground and sleeping soundly. In the spacious stable, only the four of them were twitching and making low grunts. There were some empty wine jars and large tanks. Bone sticks were being thrown randomly in the stable.

Several waiters poked their heads in this direction and looked around. These four abyssal centaurs had given them a lot of trouble these days. The centaurs in the ground world are still classified as intelligent creatures, but the centaurs of the abyss are different. They are regarded by more people as Warcraft. Rude, brutal, and prone to killing, these waiters were filled with fear for these four big guys.

But, who asked Lin Qi to give him enough gold coins before leaving

Although Lin Qi and the others have been missing for several days, there were people from the Jinduo family who came to the Coral Flower Hotel to make noise and harass them. But that was all a few days ago, and then the Jinduo family suddenly disappeared without a trace. The gold coins on the counter of the Coral Flower Hotel were enough for four centaurs to live here comfortably.

Fortunately, they had all been warned sternly by Lin Qi and Huali Huali. These days, they ate and slept and ate without causing any trouble. Otherwise, with their power, the entire Coral Flower Hotel would be demolished by them.

When the waiters were looking towards the stable, Huali Huali, who was dressed in fine clothes, had already walked over in a high-spirited manner, jumped up and kicked a waiter on the buttocks: "What are you doing here? Huali Huali Uncle Huali’s centaurs, you didn’t abuse them, did you? If they lose even a little bit of weight, I will sell you to mine in the Black Spirit Continent!”

The waiters were startled. They trembled a few times, bowed respectfully to Hua Li Hua Li, and then quickly left the backyard. The waiters and waiters were deeply impressed by Hua Li Hua Li, a guy with a strange appearance. After all, the impression of such a small man punching and kicking four tall centaurs naturally penetrated their souls.

Humming a proud tune, tossing a gold coin in his hand, he walked to the stable and gave the four abyssal centaurs a hard kick between their hind legs. As a qualified demon, Huali Huali doesn't know what it means to be soft-hearted. The four centaurs are his private property, so of course he has to vent his power as a master on them.

The four centaurs howled and jumped up. Their red eyes widened and they clenched their fists to tear anyone who dared to attack them into pieces. But when they saw Huali Huali, the four big guys sighed at the same time and lowered their heads in dejection, letting Huali Huali beat and curse at them.

The stable became a mess, jumping up and down and driving the four centaurs around.

In the most luxurious suite on the highest floor of the hotel, Lin Qi had just taken a bath. With his long hair disheveled, he was randomly wrapped in a silk bathrobe. He was standing on the balcony holding a huge wine glass, overlooking not far away. of seaport.

Just like the first day I stayed at the Coral Flower Hotel, several giant ships from the East were docking. It's just that this time the ships docking became larger and larger. During this huge caravan, the three-hundred-meter-long hull was like a hill. It slowly approached the dock and was so far away that Lin Qi felt a huge wave. The pressure came down instantly.

With a hull of three hundred meters long, Lin Qi couldn't help but secretly wonder. What are the keels of these ships made of? Is it a keel made of a huge tree? Is there such a long and strong piece of wood in the world? A giant ship that is three hundred meters long and dozens of meters wide, this is basically a small maritime town. …,

Lin Qi couldn't help but think of the power of the Eastern Empire that Longcheng had boasted to him.

Maybe it is really so powerful. Just looking at the size of this merchant ship, it has far exceeded the size of the most powerful warship in the Western Continent. How big a magic furnace would be needed to propel such a huge merchant ship? I heard from Longcheng that the ancient empire in the east also had an even bigger sea ship that could only be controlled by the Royal Navy. That kind of ship could transport tens of thousands of soldiers at a time!

What an incredible thing!

After taking a sip of strong wine, Lin Qi suddenly became interested. A blazing strong wind blew around him. He swayed into the air and flew slowly towards the huge Eastern merchant ship. Lin Qi, who is good at fighting spirit and magic, is influenced by the essence of divinity and dragon power. The natural elements he can control now are naturally the fire element and the dark element.

But with the magic power of heaven, you can cast a little bit of other types of small magic. For example, Lin Qi's current dance technique is the most common trick used by wind mages. A high-level wind mage can control the breeze to make himself fly. Although Lin Qi is not proficient in wind magic, It is still possible to fly a short distance.

Lin Qi flew hundreds of meters unsteadily, wearing a silk bathrobe and exposing her chest, and landed on a lamppost at the pier. The sea breeze lifted up his bathrobe, revealing his two iron pillar-like thighs. on several oriental merchant ships

The businessmen looked at each other in silence. Lin Qi's attire was so out of character. He stood almost naked in front of everyone.

He drank all the liquor in the glass, took out a bottle of liquor from his ring and poured it into the glass. Then he drank all the liquor in the bottle at the mouth of the bottle and threw the bottle nearby. After entering the sea, Lin Qi smiled, picked up the wine glass, and shouted to several oriental businessmen standing on the largest merchant ship: "Have a safe trip! Make a lot of money!"

Lin Qi's Oriental Common Tongue has been very familiar with it under the training of Blackbeard since childhood. With the further processing by the young and old people, Lin Qi's Oriental Common Tongue even has a bit of the accent of the current Blood Qin Empire. Hearing Lin Qi speak the most common greetings of Eastern businessmen in Oriental language, the fat businessman with the highest status standing on the bow of the ship smiled and bowed his hand to Lin Qi: "It's easy to say, it's easy to say. I dare you to ask. ?”

After taking a sip of wine, Lin Qi wiped the corner of his mouth with the sleeve of his bathrobe and asked with a smile: "Are you coming to Vias this time? Do you have any plans to go to other ports? If so, I am willing to pay a fee A small sum of money will help you get on a smooth sailing."

The fat businessman's keen eyes glanced at Lin Qi's valuable silk bathrobe. It had a light golden bathrobe face and a purple bathrobe lining. This set of bathrobes was made of the best quality and was exported from the East to the West. Made of the highest quality silk from the continent. Just such a bathrobe is worth about ten gold coins in the East, but in the Western continent, this robe is worth ten thousand gold coins.

Look at the wine glass Lin Qi is holding in his hand. It is a wine glass carved from a whole piece of natural amethyst. The wine he drank just now is as viscous as paste and amber in color. It is clearly a good wine that is more than a hundred years old. Looking at Lin Qi's majestic and burly body and his upright but not evil eyes, it is obvious that Lin Qi has no relationship with pirates and thieves.

Haha, the fat businessman smiled and said: "Half of our goods will be traded at Vias Port, and the other half of the goods are going to take a detour to the West Sea and go to Dunerker Port for trading. Along the way, we will trade at Purchase some specialties at Abisterdam Port in the Harran Empire, and then go straight to Dunker Port. If you want to go to Dunker or any port on the west coast, we can let you take it for free!"…,

Lin Qi laughed: "Is it free?"

The fat businessman laughed loudly: "If you are traveling with many friends and multiple routes, what does the mere boat fare count?"

Lin Qi drank all the wine in the wine glass, held up the empty wine glass and smiled at the fat businessman: "Then I, two followers, and four slaves are going to Dunerqi. When will your ship be ready to set off? Woolen cloth?"

"Three days!" The fat businessman said simply: "In three days we will hand over the goods and then set off for Abisterdam. We will set off at sunrise three days later. If you want to take a boat, hurry up Morning!"

Lin Qi didn't even ask for the fat businessman's name. He smiled and nodded to him, then turned around and flew into the air like a strong bear, slowly flying back to the Coral Flower Hotel.

The fat businessman raised his eyebrows, glanced at Lin Qi's back with a smile, and then clapped his hands vigorously: "Let's greet the guys to work. There are so many good things brought this time, we can't all be here. Vias Port City takes action, hey, Dunerker is no worse than here now, if we make Dunerker more prosperous and let the two major port cities, one in the south and one in the north, compete with each other, we will make more money!"

Large groups of strong men poured out of the cabin. Dozens of magic energy transporters were also transported to the dock. With a low whistling sound, barrels of tea, bags of silk, and boxes of various oriental porcelain Special and precious items were carried down from the seven ships like flowing water. The large chamber of commerce in Vias Port City has already heard the news, and hundreds of trading experts have rushed to the dock.

Lin Qi stood on the balcony and looked coldly at the busy dock. He suddenly laughed.

Thinking of Yun Canglong's warning to him, Lin Qi couldn't help but grin.

Is there anyone in the Yun clan who wants to attack me? Want to make money and kill people at the same time? Then you also need to have good teeth.

It's just that Lin Qi is too lazy to tangle with these people. He has already cleared away so many unstable tribesmen for Yun Canglong, so Lin Qi can't help him kill all the tribesmen who are plotting evil, right? It was more convenient for him to go back to Dunerke to find Blackbeard honestly. Now Lin Qi was eager to return home and really didn't have the heart to get entangled with the group of people gathered by the Yun family.

Three days later, in the middle of the night, he feinted a shot and left Vyas with great fanfare. . .

Lin Qi looked at the seven huge ships with evil intentions. In that Eastern Empire, the power that can build such huge ships is definitely not someone to be trifled with, right? If you take a ride on their boat, they have to ensure their own safety, right

I really don’t know who will win and who will lose if there is a conflict between the big families and forces in the East and the Yun clan

But who loses and wins is none of his business! . ,