Radiant Era

Chapter 504: Xiong Wanjin


With her long hair hanging loose, Lin Qi strode onto the deck. WwW、QunabEN、coM(《》)

Countless sailors were busy on the deck. They used pulley cranes to lift buckets of seawater and vigorously wash away the thick layer of plasma on the deck. Buckets of seawater washed over the deck, and a large amount of blood splashed and flowed down the holes left in the ship's side rails, dyeing the outer wall of the ship with a faint blush.

Looking at the tragic sight of blood flowing all over the ground, Lin Qi couldn't help but be shocked. At least a thousand people were killed on this ship before so much blood was shed. The four accompanying subordinates he had just recruited from the Abyss World only said that there was a pirate attack, but Lin Qi did not expect that the situation would become so serious.

The fat maritime merchant was cursing and lying on a wooden platform not far away. Several sailors were roughly using strong liquor to wash away the various wounds on his body, making him scream in pain. An old man in a green robe was using a flame to roast a fist-sized ball of sticky glue, slowly softening the hard glue and turning it into a translucent golden paste.

After the sailors cleaned the fat businessman's wounds, the old man applied ointment heavily on the fat man's white flesh. Lin Qi heard a "chi-la" sound, like a branding iron burning flesh. The fat man screamed, and jumped up to a height of seven or eight meters in embarrassment. Then he fell back to the ground heavily, crushing the wooden platform made of logs to pieces.

After howling for a while, the fat man got up angrily and pulled off the thin layer of ointment on his body.

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly widened. There were at least seven or eight incisions on the fat man's body, each of which was more than a foot long and three feet deep. The white fat and pink muscles were cut open, almost exposing his internal organs. . "".. But the ointment the old man applied solidified rapidly. After the fat man pulled off the ointment, his wound had turned into a thin red line and was almost healed.

Lin Qi swallowed in shock and stared at the old man in green. Back then, Dragon City always boasted about the richness and magic of the Eastern Empire. Lin Qi's concept was that the people in that place were very rich and had a large population. But Lin Qi never dreamed that there was such a magical potion there.

The Enlightenment of the Gods does have a powerful healing potion, but each bottle of potion is extremely expensive to make, and after taking it, it will overdraw your energy and make people fall into a short period of weakness. But looking at the fat man jumping up with full air and scolding the old man in Tsing Yi, how could he feel weak at all

Moreover, there are more people in Tsing Yi on the deck using this ointment to treat injured sailors. It can be seen that this magical ointment is not something too expensive - at least the potion of the gods is not for those desperate sailors. Started. But here, this ointment is used by almost everyone, and the effect is extremely miraculous. Lin Qi can only sigh, and he yearns for the Eastern Empire even more.

The fat, shirtless merchant was still complaining: "What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Although I am the boss, I also have the right to chop people with a knife, right? If someone chops my people, of course I will I have to take the lead and kill people, otherwise how can I lead people and how can I convince the people?"

"Stop talking, I have to do this next time I meet pirates! Damn it, it's already bad enough that those bastards forced me to go out on the sea channel, but if I still have to hold back and feel aggrieved, I won't be allowed to kill anyone. , what am I still alive for?”

The fat man, who was almost as tall as Lin Qi, was trembling with white flesh all over his body: "Drinking is not allowed at sea, because it will cause trouble; women are not allowed at sea, because it will cause the ship to sink; you are not allowed to do this, you are not allowed to do that, damn it. Isn’t it okay to kill people for fun?”…,

The old man in Tsing Yi smiled bitterly. He pulled the fat man in a low voice and muttered: "But the young master, you. ("")..."

The fat man waved his hand and said carelessly: "It's OK, it's OK, don't you know my skills? I can't die, hahaha! Brother, why haven't I seen you these days? Oh, I haven't seen you in these nine days. I have three gangs of pirates, so I have to thank your servant for your help!"

Amidst the loud noise, the fat man flew in front of Lin Qi, stretched out his two arms as thick as Lin Qi's thighs, and hugged Lin Qi hard. Lin Qi's crooked mouth was squeezed inside by a pile of meat. With Lin Qi's size and strength, he had the illusion that he was about to be suffocated.

Lin Qi awkwardly escaped from the fat man's arms and shouted: "Alda, Bilibili!"

Alda, who was only wearing a pair of briefs, walked over with unsteady steps. He bowed to Lin Qi diligently and said, "Dear master, you are finally out! Aha, this sea is indeed magnificent. But there is such a magical profession as pirates. What a pity, why are there no beauties among pirates?"

She bent her arms to show off her pectoralis major muscles, and Arda said proudly: "I killed thirty-nine pirates, including two of them! It's a pity that I conquered these male pirates. , but there is no beauty for me to conquer, it’s really..."

Lin Qi kicked Alda away. This damn guy, didn't he know that there were women in pirates' lairs? The superstition of pirates is the same as that of merchants - unless it is sailing offshore, there will be no women on any long-distance ship, because women will sink the ship into the sea. This is a taboo passed down from the Dark Ages, as long as it is sailing in the sea. Anyone who makes a living at sea will abide by this taboo.

Bilibili, whose face was covered in blood, burped and appeared out of nowhere. When he opened his mouth, he smelled of blood. Lin Qi glanced at Bilibili and then kicked him away. It was obvious that this guy was eating some parts taken from people just now - such as the heart of a heavenly warrior. This is indeed a great tonic for demons to promote their evolution. But Lin Qi was not willing to let Bilibili brag about his cannibalism in front of so many people, so Lin Qi simply kicked him away.

The fat man burst out laughing. He punched Lin Qi hard on the shoulder: "Brother, your two servants are both masters. Thanks to their help, we killed three gangs of pirates in a row. Hehe , Dare I ask my brother’s surname?”

Lin Qi stated his name calmly. These Eastern maritime merchants had strange habits. They despised all humans with Western ancestry, but they were extremely friendly to the descendants of the East. Lin Qi was not worried at all that they would betray them. Own.

The fat man also reported his name. His surname was Xiong and his given name was Xiong Wanjin! In his words, his father was a man who had an eye for money. His eldest brother was called Xiong Yijin, his second brother was called Xiong Shijin, his third brother was called Xiong Baijin, and his fourth brother was called Xiong Qianjin. As his father's fifth son, He also had this glittering, wealthy and impressive name.

Perhaps because Fatty's father gave his sons good names, the Xiong family has developed smoothly over the years. Especially when Xiong Wanjin's eldest sister married a prince and became a princess, the Xiong family also climbed into the royal family. This Gaozhi'er, and even these seven ships, were customized for them by Xiong Wanjin's prince brother-in-law through certain special channels.

On the highest terrace of the ship, Xiong Wanjin held a banquet to formally welcome Lin Qi aboard. He also thanked Lin Qi's two servants for their contribution to defeating the pirates.

Lin Qi and Xiong Wanjin chatted happily. Both of them have a forthright temperament. Xiong Wanjin is not only forthright, but also a bit naive and honest. The two of them raised the wine jars and drank heavily, and soon they were both drunk. …,

While talking and laughing, Xiong Wanjin threw the empty wine jar far away and directly into the sea water: "Brother Lin, I didn't expect that although the Western Continent is a barbaric land, these pirates are really powerful. Three groups of pirates There are actually heavenly masters on duty, hehe, I almost suffered a loss accidentally, but fortunately your two subordinates drew their swords to help, otherwise I would have suffered more than seven or eight knives."

Lin Qi squinted his eyes, glanced at Xiong Wanjin, who was swaying with fat, and suddenly laughed.

"Did the three groups of pirates come to take action one after another?" Lin Qi asked Xiong Wanjin.

After hesitating for a while, Xiong Wanjin frowned and nodded: "Brother Lin wants to say... three groups of pirates appeared one after another more than ten hours apart. I also find it strange that none of the pirates in the Western Continent have their own Do they often go to other people’s territories to grab business? And how did they find my fleet by chance?"

Lin Qi looked at Xiong Wanjin and said slowly: "Brother Xiong, thank you for letting me take a ride. However, my family also makes a living at sea, and we have some understanding of the conditions in the North Sea, West Sea, and South China Sea of the Western Continent. Western China It would be great for the most powerful pirates on the mainland to have a heavenly position to rule over them. The pirates in the North Sea are the strongest, but the biggest pirates among them only have two or three heavenly realms."

Xiong Wanjin's body trembled, and his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Lin Qi stood up and patted Xiong Wanjin on the shoulder hard: "Brother Xiong and I hit it off at first sight, and I don't want to just watch you suffer misfortune. Brother Xiong had better think about the next route."

Xiong Wanjin pondered for a long time, and then sighed quietly: "No wonder you have to force me to take people out to sea this time, or come to the Western Continent. Hehe, the three groups of pirates combined have nearly a hundred positions, and it is not Brother Lin who is called Bili. Bili’s servants assassinated seven of the strongest high-ranking heavenly people, and my fleet is probably true... I see.”

Lin Qi was shocked by Xiong Wanjin's words. Three groups of pirates had nearly a hundred titles? Are you sure these are pirates and not a regular navy of some country

Looking at Xiong Wanjin helplessly, Lin Qi suddenly had the urge to leave the fleet and rush on land.

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