Radiant Era

Chapter 505: encounter


The fleet continued to move forward. www、QuanBen-XiaoShuo、coM(《》)

After three groups of pirates attacked in turn, Xiong Wanjin ordered the fleet to shrink inward. With his flagship as the center, the other six ships were distributed in a wild goose feather formation. At the same time, certain large-scale destructive devices that were not officially allowed by the Western Continent were also moved out of the cabin and secretly placed on the deck and in certain cabins.

Ocean-going merchant ships are inevitably equipped with some weapons with great lethality, especially the merchant ships of the Xiong Wanjin family, which have a royal background, and there are some ordnances on board that flowed out of the Eastern Imperial Army. It's just that when merchant ships enter the port, it is inconvenient to take out these things. Otherwise, the country where the port is located can detain all merchant ships and people on the charge of "attempting to invade."

So in Vias Port City, Xiong Wanjin ordered all the ordnance to be sealed in the cabin. This time, when rushing to Abisterdam in the Haran Empire, the fleet also sailed along the coastline, less than twenty miles away from the coastline. With such a small distance, the territorial waters along the way belong to the Vyas Commercial Federation and the Harlan Empire, and they may encounter the navy fleet patrols of the other side at any time, so Xiong Wanjin did not take out these things.

What particularly reassures Xiong Wanjin is that this is the territorial waters of two countries, and no matter how brave the pirates are, they will never attack a merchant ship of his size here. But that's what happened. Xiong Wanjin was afraid of being encountered by a naval patrol fleet. When he was boarded for a routine inspection, the prohibited weapons were found, so he did not take out the ordnance. But those islands appeared so openly, and even fought with him fiercely three times.

Cuofei Xiong Wanjin's fleet also has dozens of talented sailors. The nearly 10,000 sailors in Cuofei's fleet are extremely brave and loyal family servants. In addition, Alda and Bilibili suddenly took action. Despite the help, the three groups of pirates were not able to attack at the same time, and Xiong Wanjin really had to suffer a lot. ..

Lin Qi stood on the bow of the largest seagoing ship, looking coldly at the white cliff thousands of feet high in front of him.

On that cliff is the Pearl of the Blue Sea, the territory of the Acacia family of the Harlan Empire, a deformed and prosperous city built up by pirates and smuggling businesses. Lin Qi looked at the rooftops of some towering towers looming on the cliff, with a weird smile on his lips.

Three groups of pirates launched an attack on a large fleet not far from Pearl City. If this had nothing to do with Pearl City, it would be a disaster. It is obvious that the three groups of pirates are all here for Xiong Wanjin, but it should be that the other party made a mistake in scheduling and cooperation, or some 'pirates' are greedy for power and want to monopolize the benefits, so they failed to gather together to attack the fleet. attack.

But now the fleet is about to pass through the doorstep of the Acacia family. If the other party has any back-ups, now is the time to use them.

Just when Lin Qi was calculating the various causal relationships, seven red fireballs suddenly roared into the sky on the sea in the distance. With a low muffled sound, the fireballs exploded violently, covering half of the sky. They were all dyed red.

The low sound of the horn came from the distance, and pieces of light red sails appeared on the sea level. Look at the gryphon shield-shaped blue pattern and white wave emblem on the sails, which is the symbol of the Royal Navy of the Haran Empire. Seven fireballs, this is a common warning signal in the Western continent - the other party orders Xiong Wanjin's fleet to stop for inspection, otherwise it will be attacked.

Xiong Wanjin swayed his fat body and walked quickly to Lin Qi. He stared at the hundreds of huge sails in front of him, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You are really coming for me, you are really. They came for me! Bastard, I don’t want to compete with them for family property. I just want to live a comfortable life. Why don’t they let me go?”…,

Xiong Wanjin's fleet is hung with obvious maritime merchant signs. Generally speaking, when the navies of various countries encounter maritime merchants from afar, their attitudes will be extremely kind. ""... Especially the businessmen who sailed from the east to the western continent through ocean voyages, their attitude is no different from that of meeting the God of Wealth and their parents. It is obviously unreasonable to send such a strong signal requiring Xiong Wanjin's fleet to stop for inspection.

Lin Qi glanced at Xiong Wanjin with pity. At the banquet just now, Xiong Wanjin, who was feeling depressed, told Lin Qi about the mess in his family. It's nothing more than brothers fighting for the family property, but he, the youngest son, is the most favored by his father, and the eldest sister who married the prince is his half-sister, so Xiong Wanjin is hated by all his brothers.

Lin Qi could only shake his head speechlessly when he heard this. Xiong Wanjin was really unlucky, but the children and grandchildren of the Xiong family were really capable. How could they exert influence on the Western Continent tens of thousands of miles away? Bribing a country's regular navy to deal with Xiong Wanjin is not a problem that can be solved with a few gold coins.

"How strange that your father just let you lead the team out to sea alone?" Lin Qi looked at Xiong Wanjin in surprise.

Spreading his hands helplessly, Xiong Wanjin sighed heavily: "What can I do? As a nouveau riche, it is not easy to hit people with gold and silver and knock out a group of high-ranking masters. Joining the family is not easy. Only a holy realm gift given by my brother-in-law still protects my father. When I lead a team to go to sea, it is already very good to be protected by thirty heavenly beings."

Shaking his head, Lin Qi patted Xiong Wanjin's shoulder heavily.

He clapped his hands gently, and four men in black cloaks walked slowly to Lin Qi's side. Lin Qi glanced at the navy of the Harlan Empire in the distance, which was composed of a hundred small and medium-sized warships. He narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "The fleet speeds up and directly crushes it with its size. If anyone dares to board the ship by force, , Gaya, you and your disciples can take action."

With a sinister laugh, Gaya took off his cloak. He firmly grasped a top-quality magic wand that he had plundered from a hazy warehouse, and laughed with great ease: "Master, don't worry, a hundred small battleships can be solved with just one magic!"

The other three men also dropped their cloaks and looked at the approaching Harlan Empire warships with ferocious smiles.

Jiawu and his three disciples, a holy mage and three mages at the pinnacle of heaven, these were the entourage that Lin Qi brought with him on the merchant ship. The four centaurs have been thrown back to the abyss by Lin Qi, and Gaya, an old and cunning mage, is following them. A mid-level saint mage in the holy realm is still very intimidating in the Western Continent.

Moreover, Jiawu is a direct blood descendant of the ancestor of the war ghosts. He is not only powerful in magic, but also very strong in fighting spirit. His body is also very strong. His overall strength is one of the best among the saint-level existences under Lin Qi's command. of.

Xiong Wanjin looked at Gawu with a gloomy expression in horror. He felt a mysterious aura unique to the family's only holy place from Gawu's body. A bright smile suddenly bloomed on a big fat face. Xiong Wanjin gestured to Lin Qi with a finger and said with a happy smile: "Brother Lin is indeed mighty. I didn't expect that there is such a person beside you. Hehe, it seems that this time I It’s safe to go back.”

Lin Qi smiled and pressed Xiong Wanjin's shoulder hard: "Send me to Dunerke, and then you can go directly north, bypassing the Odin Icefield and return to the east. I have two secret weapons in my hand that can I can give you a safe route through the route map from Odin Ice Cape. Don’t worry, those brothers in your family will never go there to arrange people."

Xiong Wanjin's eyes suddenly lit up. Is there a secret route map that can safely pass through the Odin Icefield? This is a treasure that many maritime merchant families in the Eastern Continent want to get by spending a lot of money. If the route map Lin Qi mentioned is true, then even if Xiong Wanjin loses all the ships and cargo, just this sea map is worth it. …,

With a generous wave of his hand, Xiong Wanjin said with a smile: "Brother Lin is so righteous, I am too lazy to take the goods on this ship back, so I might as well give them all to Brother Lin. There is nothing, just a little bit of tea, spices and silk, and Brother Lin just needs to take some rare metals from the Necromantic Continent, and that chart has already helped me a lot."

Lin Qi was not polite. Tea, spices and silks. With the capacity of Xiong Wanjin's seven giant ships, you can imagine how much he transported. This goods was very helpful for Lin Qi's next plans, so he happily accepted them, and even asked Xiong Wanjin for a token of the Xiong family - in the future, Lin Qi will need more goods from the east. Having a stable channel like Xiong Wanjin for goods was a great convenience for Lin Qi.

While talking and laughing, seven giant ships rushed into the fleet of the Hailan Empire Navy with great ferocity. Seven or eight sailboats blocking the front of the giant ships were smashed to pieces. The soldiers on the battleships howled miserably and flew up. Fell into the water.

The navy of the Harlan Empire is considered powerful in the entire Western Continent, but even so, among the more than 100 warships in the entire fleet, only three medium-sized warships with a length of nearly 100 meters are equipped with mana furnaces. The other warships are all the most powerful. Ordinary sailing ship.

When Xiong Wanjin ignored their warning and arrogantly chose to pass through them, these naval warships, which were no more than eighty meters long and only over thirty meters short, were in trouble. The warships like seven hills rolled over their ships, and more than thirty warships were smashed to pieces on the spot.

Angry roars continued to be heard, and ten heavenly warriors wearing officer uniforms rose into the air and rushed towards Xiong Wanjin's flagship. Behind these ten naval officers were dozens of men wearing golden robes with golden acacias embroidered on their chests.

"Acacia family!" Xiong Wanjin roared angrily: "I didn't dig up your ancestral grave, why did you provoke me?"

Xiong Wanjin's roar was still echoing on the sea, and Lin Qi had already raised his right hand.

A black fireball with a diameter of about 1 meter quickly condensed in Lin Qi's palm. With a low roar, dozens of black fireballs erupted from Lin Qi's palm like a storm, and smashed down at the heavenly warriors who had risen into the air. .

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