Radiant Era

Chapter 520: Rodeo, Mullen Township


Lake St. Loon is a large lake on the border between the northeastern part of the Gallic Empire and the northwest part of the Caesar Empire. The two countries are just across the lake from each other. Www!QUanbEn-xIAoShUo!cOM

This large lake with a radius of hundreds of miles connects the two major water systems of the Saine River in the Gallic Empire and the Lessing River in the Caesar Empire. After flowing through the entire Caesar Empire, the Lessing River flows into Lake St. Loon. Lake St. Loon has a wide waterway leading to the Seine River, which is also the main water vein flowing through the entire Gallic Empire.

Therefore, Lake St. Loon is extremely important to both empires.

Commercially speaking, this is a natural transportation artery between the two countries. Goods from the north of the two countries basically use Lake St. Loon for turnover.

From a military point of view, as long as any empire controls Lake St. Loon, its naval ships can follow the two major water systems directly into the heart of the other empire. Therefore, both empires stationed heavy troops by the lake, and even set up a royal dock respectively, and stationed a heavy fleet to prepare for war at all times.

Along the east coast of Lake St. Loon, the Caesar Empire owned more than a dozen large and small towns on the lake. Malen Town was the most inconspicuous town in the far south. With a permanent population of just over 10,000, Malen Town, which relies on fishing and logging as its main source of income, is so poor that the Caesar Empire did not even bother to set up a serious administrative agency in this remote place. The mayor and the township elders' group elected by the village elders manage the place on their own.

The official officials of the Caesar Empire only come to Malen Town during the spring and autumn tax collections every year. At other times, Malen Town follows the same lifestyle that has been passed down from generation to generation for countless years, living a rigid but regular life. .

Lin Qi marched into Malen Town with a huge group of people, which immediately disturbed the peace of the entire Malen Town.

The entire town only had a population of more than 10,000, but Lin Qi brought a thousand guards. This was a force powerful enough to destroy the entire town of Malen. The mayor and village elders of Malen Town put down their work one after another. , greeted him cautiously.

Hansen, the elder of Malen Town who was over seventy years old, walked tremblingly to Lin Qi's carriage and bowed deeply to Lin Qi with great awe: "Dear Sir, I would like to ask you, who have come from afar, to come to Malen." What’s the point of the town?”

Lin Qi strode out of the carriage and helped Old Hansen up hard: "Mayor Mayor, I am a businessman. My family is planning to establish a chamber of commerce in your town. In other words, we will bring new opportunities to Malen Town. By providing the opportunity for development, we are delivering large sums of money and life-changing opportunities to all the residents of your town.”

Old Hansen looked at Lin Qi blankly, establishing a chamber of commerce in Malen Town? Of course, he understands what the Chamber of Commerce means, which means money rolling in. But Malen Town, a small and remote place in the countryside, has more than 10,000 permanent residents, but all the residents rely on the most traditional farming to make a living. There are fishermen and lumberjacks in the town, but there are no rare fishery products in Lake St. Loon, and there is no precious wood in the cut wood. Is Lin Qi crazy or stupid to open a chamber of commerce here

Smiling softly, Lin Qi patted Old Hansen on the shoulder: "Yes, I will build the Chamber of Commerce. I firmly believe that Malen Town has good development prospects. With only a little capital investment, Malen Town can The future is extremely bright!”

When Lin Qi said these words, he felt that he was too hypocritical.

In fact, Malen Town really does not have good natural conditions for the development of business. The products are poor and the residents are simple, but the folk customs are conservative and closed. Anyone who spends gold coins here to develop business is either a madman or a fool.

But Lin Qi never thought about getting rich by doing business here. All he needed was a stronghold, a stronghold that he could firmly control. Next to the town of Malen is Lake St. Loon. By building a port here, it will be easy to communicate with the Gallic Empire. …,

If Lin Qi can cultivate an elite force that is absolutely loyal to him in Malen Town, then as long as Lin Qi is willing, this force can sneak into the Gallic Empire in the shortest possible time.

The poverty of Malen Town, the remoteness of Malen Town, the closedness and conservatism of Malen Town, all these made Lin Qi very satisfied.

Old Hansen and many village elders were still looking at Lin Qi blankly. They racked their brains and still couldn't figure out what Lin Qi was interested in in Malen Town. However, since he is going to open a chamber of commerce, let him open a chamber of commerce.

To build a chamber of commerce, you need land, right? You want to build a house, right? Are you going to excavate the earth? Do you want to make bricks? You need to cut down the beams, right? Even those members of your chamber of commerce, you need to take care of your own basic necessities, right? All of this is an opportunity for Mullen Town to make money. Only a fool would push such a good thing out.

As for what Lin Qi wants to do after establishing the Chamber of Commerce, or whether he can maintain capital, what does this have to do with Mullen Town

Old Hansen smiled, and he held Lin Qi's hand enthusiastically: "Then, you are very welcome. Your chamber of commerce should be quite large, right?" When Old Hansen said this, His eyes subconsciously looked towards the guard group led by Lu En. A thousand guards, how big this chamber of commerce must be!

Lin Qi laughed. He pulled Old Hansen onto the carriage, stood on the shaft, stretched out his hand and drew a circle towards the hilly area south of Malen Town: "Look, just outside Malen Town, I think I want to get a piece of land that is more than five miles long and wide. I am going to spend money to buy this hill. If there is an owner of the mountain forest behind the hill, I am also willing to spend money to buy it."

"What I want to build is not just the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. I also want to build some processing plants. I also want to build a port. I will spend money to buy all this land. You see, how much do you think these lands are worth? Where’s the money?”

Old Hansen was stunned. Is such a large land? He quickly exchanged glances with the old people in the village old group. All the village elders looked at Old Hansen eagerly. They quickly agreed to such a good thing! There is nothing valuable in those hills and forests. It is just a piece of wasteland. Someone is willing to spend money to buy it. No matter how much he spends, just sell it to him.

Even if it only sells for a thousand gold coins, a thousand gold coins, when has Malen Town ever been so wealthy

Old Hansen raised two trembling fingers. He felt that two thousand gold coins for such a wasteland was a bit sinister. The people of Caesar's Empire were still very simple. Old Hansen felt that offering Lin Qi two thousand gold coins was a shameful thing for his ancestors.

But considering that Malen Town has not paid enough taxes for seven consecutive years, the value of two thousand gold coins to Malen Town is too great.

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Oh? Are you willing to sell me this piece of land for two hundred thousand gold coins? That's really great!"

After licking her fingers at Alda, Alda took out two gold tickets worth one hundred thousand gold coins and stuffed them into old Hansen's hands nonchalantly.

Two thousand gold coins!

Two hundred thousand gold coins!

Old Hansen tremblingly unfolded the golden ticket and looked at it carefully for a while, then his body trembled, rolled his eyes and fainted. But just as he fainted, he came back to life like a miracle. He gritted his teeth and howled at the top of his lungs: "Children, take out the best things at home, welcome... welcome... uh ,What is your name?"

Lin Qi narrowed his eyes and smiled, and he puffed out his chest: "Pink Lily family, I am Yalin, the second commercial officer of Pink Lily family? Tags, you can call me Yalin. The family has a sufficient budget recently. , so we are ready to open up the commercial market in the northern part of the mainland.”…,

After taking a look at the golden ticket held tightly by Old Hansen, Lin Qi said calmly: "Our family is an emerging family with great ambitions, so we don't care about the cost. Only the poor country bumpkins do. Things. We only seek the best results, no matter how much it costs."

Old Hansen took a deep breath, held on to the golden ticket tightly, and resisted the strong dizziness, and finally managed not to faint.

He shouted loudly: "Folks and children, welcome Yalin of the Pink Lily family? Mr. Tigers. This is the biggest festival in the history of our town of Malen. Everyone, prepare well. Let us welcome them. Welcome Their arrival. God, gods above, can this golden ticket be cashed immediately?"

Old Hansen looked at Lin Qi pitifully. Lin Qi was stunned, and then grabbed the two golden tickets back.

Seeing Lin Qi catch the golden ticket, Old Hansen's eyes turned red, and the village elders also hurriedly took a few steps forward, explaining to Lin Qi that Old Hansen did not mean to offend. Lin Qi’s dignity.

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Alda.

Arda waved her hand, and large swaths of golden light scattered down. Two hundred thousand gold coins clinked to the ground, forming a dizzying hill on the clean dirt.

"The golden tickets are indeed too inconvenient!" Lin Qi handed the two golden tickets to Lu En casually: "Lu En, take them to help the brothers settle down, so that everyone can relax these days. ... Mr. Mayor, I think heavy gold coins can better represent our sincerity and the strength of our Pink Lily family, what do you think?"

This time, Old Hansen and the village elders finally couldn't bear the powerful impact of two hundred thousand gold coins piled in front of them, and they passed out happily with nosebleeds flowing. The surrounding townspeople of Malen had erupted in cheers like landslides and tsunamis. At this moment, Lin Qi's status in their hearts was equal to that of a god!

He has brought hope of prosperity and wealth to Malen Town, so he is a god-like existence!

The miserable howls of livestock being slaughtered could be heard everywhere in the small town of Malen, and the rich aroma of meat and wine wafted over the entire town. Lin Qi ordered good wine, good fish, good food, and good wine from the townspeople at large prices, and the whole town fell into a festive and joyful atmosphere.

On the hilly land designated by Lin Qi outside the town, the whole town was singing and dancing, and gathered together with people from the Bluefin Salmon Chamber of Commerce.

The old Mayor Hansen, who drank too much, excitedly increased the five-mile-long and wide land Lin Qi asked for to twenty-miles long and wide. It was all useless wasteland anyway, and there was no need for Lin Qi to shell out an extra copper, so he simply took it. The land was assigned to Lin Qi's name free of charge.