Radiant Era

Chapter 522: First meeting


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================================================== =When the aroma of beef and fine wine began to float over Malen Town, Lin Qi had already led more than a hundred guards including Lu En, escorting ten large vehicles, and walked slowly towards the city of Malen. WWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.CoMMalun Town is a small town with more than 10,000 residents, while Mali City, less than 60 miles away, is a large city with more than 300,000 permanent residents and a floating population of hundreds of thousands.

Unlike the town of Malen, which does not lay eggs, the city of Mari is the official commercial port of the Caesar Empire facing the Gallic Empire across Lake St. Loon. All legal commodities in the Gallic Empire would be transferred to various parts of Caesar's Empire through the city of Mali.

Therefore, there are many chambers of commerce here, and commerce is extremely developed. Although it is far inferior to Vias Port City and Dunker Port, it can still be regarded as a small commercial hub. It is precisely because of this that a small fleet of thirty medium-sized warships was stationed in Mali City, and five thousand elite soldiers were also stationed.

In the past few days, Lin Qi has obtained corresponding information about Mali City. The commander of this small fleet was a naval lieutenant colonel from the Caesar Empire: and the person commanding the five thousand elite soldiers was an army colonel from the Caesar Empire. The two have been serving here for ten years. Their forces are intertwined and they can be regarded as the real emperors near Mali City.

Sitting slanted on the shaft of a cart, Lin Qi grabbed the tail of a strong horse pulling the cart, pulled off the tails one by one, and deftly braided them into a small whip. While busy with purely boring things, Lin Qi turned to look behind the motorcade.

There were a few very faint shadows following the convoy in the distance. Although the sun was shining brightly in broad daylight, it was impossible to detect their movements unless Lin Qi had such abnormal eyesight. Lin Qi couldn't help but sneered a few times. They were all elite assassins who were about to step into the sky. These guys' stealth skills were so powerful. No wonder Lu En didn't notice that there were outsiders on the construction site.

The journey was less than sixty miles away. The horses pulling the cart were fat and strong and their legs were very strong. Lu En and others were also quick on their feet. It took less than three hours to reach the distance of only sixty miles away. Lin Qi grabbed a random person on the roadside and asked a few questions, then led the people to the garrison headquarters in Mali City.

It is interesting to say that in any city in any country, the garrison headquarters of different military services will be as far apart as possible, showing a posture of never interacting with each other. But Mali City is completely in a category. The local navy headquarters and army headquarters share a building. The left side of the small three-story building is used by the navy, and the right side is the territory of the army. The two commanders The official's office is simply combined.

When Lin Qi came here with ten large vehicles, the two top commanders of the Mali City garrison were convening several staff to have a bet in the shared office. Of course, their gambling fights would not be as bloody and vicious as Lin Qi's in the Yun family. They were conducting military chess deductions on a huge sand table covering the territory of four provinces in the northwest of the Caesar Empire. The two sides alternately attack and defend to determine the outcome. The stakes for each gambling game are just one gold coin from Xiao Bei Qing.

Navy Lieutenant Colonel Noweman, who was nearly fifty years old, frowned and moved a flag representing a thousand heavy infantry to a different position. Then he carefully calculated the situation on the sand table with his fingers and waved it angrily. A fist pump. There is no doubt that he urgently mobilized a thousand heavy infantry to reinforce the breached defense line, which could delay the opponent's attack for up to a quarter of an hour. …,

Facing the assault of eight hundred heavily armored beast cavalry, one thousand heavy infantrymen was just a piece of cake.

The person betting against Noveman was the thirty-seven-year-old Army Colonel Kerulman.

The tall and majestic Keruman and the short and shrewd Noveman formed a sharp contrast. However, in front of Noveman, even though his military rank was one higher, Kerruman could only respectfully respond to his request. What about Noveman's son-in-law who became Noveman ten years ago

With a reserved smile, he threw the last two flags representing the group of strong archers into the battlefield, and began to completely clear out the remaining defeated soldiers on both wings of Neumann. Keruman smiled deeply and said: "Father-in-law, you'd better go and have fun with yourself. Ship, Army, you really are not this material!"

Nowiman was so angry that his gray beard stood up one by one. He scratched his bald forehead and roared angrily: "Then, let's have a naval battle in this game! You command the royal family of Caesar's Empire." The Seventh Cruise Fleet, I command the Gallic Empire’s Royal First Reorganization Fleet. Haha, where is the battle location, um, how about Lake St. Loon?”

Caruman rolled his eyes. The first reorganized fleet of the Gallic Empire's royal fleet is really bloody. It is one of the best heavy fleets in the entire Western continent. There are only 200 heavy warships over 200 meters long. This is the Gallic Empire's way of guarding against the Five Orcs. The core fleet of the fleet. As for the Caesar Empire's Royal Seventh Cruise Fleet, although it bears the name of the Royal Fleet, it is basically a local garrison fleet. There are only seventy ships, all of which are small boats of medium size or smaller.

If it is in a vast ocean with complex sea conditions, Kairuman can also use guerrilla tactics to conduct harassment warfare. But Noveman, this shameless old guy, actually wanted to have a decisive battle at Lake St. Loon? In such a small water area, he could crush Kairuman's small, wooden ship into pieces with just one charge from his heavy warship.

Kairuman was not willing to hand over the gold coin he had just scooped into his pocket. He immediately started talking haha and quickly moved on to another topic: "There is some very interesting news recently. Father-in-law, do you know about Malen Town?"

Noveman blinked: "That small town so poor that he doesn't even have a pair of underwear? I'm not interested. The tax officials in Mali City can squeeze oil out of the sand, but they haven't had any for several years. The full amount of taxes has been collected from Mullen Town. Is there anything in such a poor town that deserves your attention?"

Grabbing a small wine bottle and ignoring the military order that strictly prohibits drinking while on duty, Kairuman opened his mouth and took a hearty sip of bad wine, and then burped comfortably: "Yeah, originally I was right There’s not much interest there, but two days ago, a team of scouts I sent out for field reconnaissance training discovered that a foreign chamber of commerce was building construction in Malen Town.”

Noveman's eyes widened: "Is that person stupid or stupid? Maren Town? Are there any valuable specialties there? Are there mines? Is there any strategic significance? I can't even find a woman that I like. How many are going to build a chamber of commerce there? Doesn’t he have so much money that he can’t spend it all?”

Slapping his forehead hard, Nowiman looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh, such an idiot, why don't you come and donate 30,000 to 50,000 gold coins to us? The military budget is always not enough, you know, those old stingy people in the military department The gold coins issued are more than enough to feed the soldiers, but I want to buy a few more big ones, damn, they always say there is no money!"

The angry Nowiman punched the sand table hard: "Look at the Gallic Empire across the way. In the past three years, several of their garrison fleets have added three to more than ten large warships. But what about us here? ?I have been stationed in Mali City for fifteen years, but not a single new ship has been added, and even the annual routine maintenance funds have not been fully released!"…,

Just as Nowiman was complaining to his son-in-law about the mothers who took out greetings to the military ministers, a navy major and an army major broke into the office side by side, and replied in unison: "Pink Lily Family Second Business "Official, Achi, President of the Bluefin Salmon Chamber of Commerce," Your Excellency Mr. Tegus requests to meet with you! "

Nowiman and Keruman looked at each other, they laughed, they hugged each other passionately, and punched each other hard in the chest. Then, with the help of their staff, the two began to take care of their personal military appearance as quickly as possible. After all, during the sand table deduction just now, the two people who were having a heated argument took off their military uniforms, and Kailuman even took off his clothes until he was left with only a small undershirt, which was completely invisible to others.

So, when Lin Qi took Lu En into the huge office in the middle of the top floor of this three-story building, Noveman and Kairuman, who were well-dressed, with military appearance, and exuding a strong aura, were standing there. Beside the huge sand table, people were pointing and whispering.

On the sand table, several small ship models were swimming on the water near Malen Town, and a military flag representing a thousand-man infantry brigade was firmly planted in the core of Malen Town. Neither of them glanced at Lin Qi, but through their deduction on the sand table, a strong murderous intention rushed towards them, like a big shark trying to swallow up the bluefin salmon represented by Lin Qi. in stomach.

Lin Qi smiled. This kind of psychological tactic was something that Old Man Qing had analyzed to him countless times when he was in the Black Abyss Prison.

What the young man taught Lin Qi was the imperial art of using various situations to coerce opponents. Noveman and Kairuman were just soldiers. They were still far from the realm of emperors. They were so naked. The threat, for Lin Qi, the effect was really lackluster.

With a slight cough, Lin Qi took two steps forward and saluted the two pretentious commanders without any scruples.

Nowiman slowly turned around. The few stubborn hairs on his smooth forehead were so eye-catching. He put his hands behind his back and looked at Lin Qi majestically: "Bluefin Salmon Chamber of Commerce? It's hard for me to understand. , why don’t you open a chamber of commerce in Mali City instead of going to Malen Town?”

Faced with Noveman's doubts, Lin Qi was already prepared. He smiled and nodded to Noveman, and walked slowly to the sand table.

He placed the military flags representing various military services placed next to the sand table one by one on the city of Mali. When Mali City could no longer accommodate a single flag, Lin Qi stopped and looked at Noveman and Kairou with a smile: "Malali City is too small and crowded, and can no longer accommodate new arrivals. Chamber of Commerce. If the two adults can allow my chamber of commerce to have a large-scale armed conflict with them to seize the territory, then I can give up the construction work in Malen Town."

Noveman's eyes froze, he had met his opponent! Lin Qi's words contained a hidden needle, which was difficult to deal with. .