Radiant Era

Chapter 534: The introduction to the explosion


Alda emerged from the terrace of the Golden Rose Hotel. When he saw the stars outside, he counted the time with his fingers and plunged into the room again. wWW. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. Com Lillian brought eight sisters, plus the eighteen little maids Alda had hired who had a close relationship with him. The group of people were messing around in the room, turning everything upside down in the dark, and spent a whole day and two. night.

So the first of every month has arrived.

The first of every month is the day when the naval and land armies of the Gallic Empire stationed at Dunker are paid. Because the Gallic Empire faced direct threats from the Wudalian Islands all year round, in order to maintain high morale, the military's treatment was extremely high. Ordinary soldiers received a basic military pay of at least three gold coins every month.

With money, the brave soldiers will naturally have a lot of fun, wine, food, and beauties. These temptations can make the entire Dunerke navy and land garrison soldiers come out in droves on the first few days of each month. Spending money in various entertainment venues.

This is the happiest time for Dunerq's inns, pubs, bars, restaurants and other entertainment venues, and it is also the most feared time for Dunerq's municipal officials and good people. During these few days of every month, all the food and wine in Dunerke will be quickly consumed, bringing huge profits to Dunerke.

At the same time, during these days of the month, violence in Dunerqe will increase hundreds of times.

The bloody soldiers drank too much and got into fights over trivial matters. And when a soldier is beaten, his colleagues will immediately come to his aid. This is just like a snowballing group. Groups of soldiers continue to join the battle group, often leading to spectacular scenes of thousands of people fighting.

During these few days of every month, all the forces of the Dunerqi Security Department, as well as the militia team composed of local people in Dunerqi, will be mobilized, always ready to suppress the chaos caused by the soldiers.

You must know that the Gallic Empire stationed a 100,000-strong "Cedar" heavy armored regiment in the port of New Dunker. The headquarters of the Empire's North Sea Fleet has also moved here. Apart from the ships on duty offshore, there are more than 40,000 sailors stationed at Dunker Port all year round.

During these few days of each month, hundreds of thousands of energetic soldiers poured into Dunerki like a flood. You can imagine what a spectacular sight it is, and what a terrifying sight it is! Once hundreds of thousands of soldiers with strong combat effectiveness get into trouble, the destructive power will be extraordinary.

But the first of this month is destined to be recorded in the historical archives of the Gallic Empire.

The Dunerki riot was a notorious incident that directly caused all the middle and high-level generals of the Cedar Heavy Army to be dismissed from their posts. The commander of the Cedar Heavy Army was even beaten into a vegetative state during the riot.

When groups of soldiers dressed in military uniforms happily left the military camp and rushed towards the city of Dunerque under the envious eyes of their colleagues on duty, Vic and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood were arrested for yelling at the superior officer in the logistics department. The military judge of the Military Justice Department was sent to the rock prison. It was just high tide, and the officers of the Military Justice Department were not interested in staying in the black cell on the rock for too long. They closed the cell door and left the cell triumphantly.

These military judges have just received this month's salary. They are thinking about their little lovers in the city and can't wait to have a tryst with them. Where can they have time to hang out with Vic and these unlucky guys

Not long after they left, when it got slightly dark, Vic easily opened the cell door and walked out with Enzo and the six brothers who were the most dexterous and the same size as ordinary people among the Seven Swordsmen in Blood. The prison. Long Gen, who was slow-moving and tall, could only curse and stay in the dark cell, waiting alone for his brothers to come back.

Every qualified thief is a master of disguise. Vic is considered a good thief, so with his skillful disguise, Enzo and others quickly changed their appearance. Unless they are extremely close people, they will not be able to disguise themselves. People will recognize them. In addition to the various military uniforms that Vic stole along the way, the group also changed their attires, pretending to be officers and soldiers going to Duner to enjoy the night, and rushed into the city laughing all the way. …,

In every bar or tavern, wherever soldiers gathered, Enzo and others would cover Vic's sneaky presence inside and outside the bar for a while. Vic would quietly sneak into the wine cellars of these pubs and bars, and secretly add three to five drops of the blood goblin bloodthirsty potion provided by Alda into every barrel and jar of wine.

Vic didn't know how effective the blood goblin bloodthirsty potion was, but the light blood-colored potion provided by Alda weighed at least a thousand kilograms, so he used up all the thousands of kilograms of potion without regret. Vic never dreamed that the blood goblin bloodthirsty potions brought by Alda were purified by the magic power of the holy apothecary in the Black Abyss Prison. Every drop of the potion blended into the water can drive hundreds of people into a state of madness. .

One thousand kilograms of bloodthirsty potion is enough to turn all the soldiers in the city of Dunerqi into violent savages today.

After pouring the potion into the wine, Vic, Enzo and others pinned a few inconspicuous dark red flowers about the size of thumbs on their clothes and cuffs. The petals of these small flowers are extremely tough and look as if they are made of steel. The dark red petals reveal a faint smell of blood. Although the fishy smell is very light, it can spread very far.

People who take the blood goblin bloodthirsty potion will basically lose all their sanity. Only the fragrance of the "blood flower" in the abyss world can affect their actions to a limited extent. Wearing the blood flower and giving proper guidance, hundreds of thousands of crazy soldiers will become the most powerful soldiers in Enzo's hands. thug.

"Will we destroy Dunerki?" Vic asked quietly after distributing all the potions.

"It's been destroyed once anyway!" Enzo's answer was unusually cold. Alda's soul secret technique caused the negative emotions in Enzo's heart to quickly grow and spread. At this time, Enzo was like a demon in human form. Only when he vented all the negative emotions in his heart could he return to normal.

The reason why demons are so feared is because their destructive power is so powerful.

In the streets and alleys of Dunerqe, soldiers in civilian uniforms were laughing and having fun. In taverns and bars, soldiers were frantically chasing those pretty and sexy dancers and wine girls. In high-end restaurants and hotels, officers are flirting affectionately with their lovers or the rich ladies they have just met.

Almost all the garrison troops near Dun Erqi came here. In addition to the 10,000 combat-ready navy sailors and the 20,000 fully armed and combat-ready soldiers of the Cedar Legion, the entire Dun Erqi garrison officers and soldiers poured into the city.

Ten thousand navy sailors patrolled the outer seas on ships to guard against a surprise attack by the Wudalian Island Navy.

In addition to the 5,000 heavy armored infantry stationed in the main camp of the 20,000 Cedar Legion soldiers, the other 15,000 were scattered in various battle forts and checkpoints around Dunerker. However, the commander of the Cedar Legion, who was supposed to be in charge of military affairs in the camp, as well as several of his adjutants, as well as all the senior officials at the division level, also slipped into Dunerki. At this moment, they were comforting their little lovers. Enjoy yourself to the fullest.

As time passed, it was almost midnight, and the soldiers were so drunk that they did not know whether it was day or night.

The dragoons and bronze hats of the Garrison Department led the militiamen and began to roam the streets and alleys to prevent drunken soldiers from harassing the people. The military judges of the garrison's military law office also smelled of alcohol and appeared on the streets with their military police to deter soldiers whose brains were burned by alcohol.

Colonel Burt, the Chief of Military Justice of the Cedar Regiment, held a high position. He said goodbye to his young lover who had just grown up, and took to the streets with a team of military police. He looked angrily at the soldiers wandering around the bar and tavern. It was these unorganized and undisciplined guys who prevented him from enjoying his fresh little cutie.

But this is his duty, even if it's a pretense, he must lead the military police around the street, at least to show it to some interested people - I, Colonel Burt, still do my duty, I am leading people on patrol ! …,

Hurrying to end this round of patrol, he couldn't wait to go back to the cozy cabin he had placed for his cute little lover and spend a wonderful night with her. Because last time he ordered to use military law to severely punish a group of Enzo's people, causing them to suffer more injuries, he received a generous reward this month - the Logistics Department awarded him an additional bonus of five thousand gold coins this month!

Everyone knew exactly what happened to the five thousand gold coins. The flesh and blood of Enzo and the others were condensed into these five thousand gold coins.

Of course, Bert didn't bother to care about Enzo's life or death, five thousand gold coins was the most important thing! He exchanged the five thousand gold coins for a gorgeous sapphire ring during the day. He was going to use this ring to convince his cute little lover, maybe she would agree to some special requests from him

With a weird smile, Bert, who was tall and tall, led the military policeman through a bustling tavern.

Suddenly there was an exclamation, and a dancer who was almost stripped naked by the soldiers staggered into Burt's arms. Before Burt could figure out what happened, a major officer wearing a navy blue and white uniform had already led him. He rushed to Bert, smelling of alcohol.

A snake-tooth dagger stabbed deeply into Burt's weakness, and the major roared sharply: "Asshole, can the army steal women from us if we have more people?"

Bert looked blankly at the naval lieutenant commander whose face seemed a bit familiar. Stealing a woman? Didn't he snatch the woman from him? He is a colonel of the Military Law Department, a big shot below the rank of lieutenant general. His little lover is still waiting for him. Why is he here to snatch a humble dancer

But the snake-tooth-shaped dagger, which was fully twenty centimeters long, was firmly inserted into his soft ribs, and a tickling feeling continued to surge throughout his body. Bert, whose mind was completely occupied by his little lover's sweet smile, suddenly realized that he was injured, and the dagger was poisonous!

It should be the venom of the green-spotted one-horned sea snake that navy officers and soldiers like to use most in their weapons, right? A poison that can make people die peacefully

Bert opened his mouth, then fell to the ground bleeding.