Radiant Era

Chapter 537: Pure donkey


It is a simple and even a bit crude prison. The exterior wall of a small building is not decorated in any way, and it looks a bit shabby. www,QuanBeN-XiaoShuo,com

In the livestock shed in the backyard, two skinny black horses were huddled in the corner, gnawing pitifully on their hooves. A donkey, not much bigger than a dog, was lying lazily in the middle of the large stable. The hay that the black horse originally used to feed himself was spread into a thick straw mat. The donkey lay on it and could not feel the coldness of the ground at all.

After burping hard, the donkey opened his eyelids slightly and glanced at the two black horses. The black horses shivered and took a few steps back, almost shrinking themselves into a meat ball. Donkey nodded with satisfaction and murmured in a low voice: "Sure enough, violence is the best way to solve problems! Are you stupid enough to compete with me for territory?,,

After snorting a few times, the donkey purred and spat out a mouthful of spit.

With a 'snap', the saliva hit the two black horses' foreheads like stones from a trebuchet. The two black horses, who were almost fainting from hunger, rolled their eyes and fell to the ground in a daze. The donkey curled his lips, flicked his tail slowly, and climbed up from the haystack in a sneaky manner.

Looking east and west, the donkey jumped out of the barn, twisted its butt and walked to the kitchen in the backyard.

The sound of rushing water came from the water room next to the kitchen, and a trace of saliva hung on the corner of the donkey's mouth. It's time to feast your eyes every day!

Sneaking to the window of the water house, the donkey twisted its buttocks and raised its two front hooves on the window sill. Its small body just hung on the window, and it stared at the water house from the crack of the window with wide eyes. Looked in. Water vapor lingered in the water room, and several white-flowered girls were washing their bodies with hot water. They are the maids of this family, and each of them fits Donkey’s aesthetics perfectly!

The climate in the north of the Gallic Empire is cold, so the girls are much taller and stronger than those in the south, so they all have huge breasts and plump buttocks, and their two big white legs are even more attractive. The donkey was lying on the window sill drooling and looking at the maid in the bath. His body was moving forward in a strange way.

If you look carefully, you can find a fist-sized and half-foot-deep hole more than two feet below the window sill. This hole almost penetrates the wall, but no one pays attention to this place on weekdays, so the existence of this hole is not discovered.

"Beautiful, white, big, oh, great gods, let them fall in love with me!" The donkey moaned softly: "I don't want to use violence to deal with beauties. Oh, such big breasts, With such white breasts and such long legs, why do humans have to be racially discriminatory? Don’t they think I’m more attractive than most men?”

While the donkey was doing some not-so-noble deeds here, earth-shattering shouts of death suddenly came from outside, and fire suddenly lit up from all directions. The donkey jumped off the window sill with a backflip, and huddled in the corner furtively: "What's going on? What's going on? The church's magician discovered me? Damn it, it's not a magician? Then it's who?"

After wandering around for a while, the donkey discovered that the commotion was coming from the street outside. The donkey breathed out heavily and patted his chest gently with his front hooves: "Okay, it's okay. It’s okay, safe, safe! Damn it, who disturbed my pleasure? You must pay the price! You can only peek for a short time every day, how dare you disturb me at such a sacred moment!"

Jumping up angrily, the donkey turned into a black shadow and ran out of the house, flying to the street outside.

Then Donkey's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes stared blankly at the two groups of soldiers who were fighting on the spacious street. A group of soldiers were wearing dark black army uniforms, and a group of soldiers were wearing blue and navy uniforms. They were holding various weapons and were fighting crazily on the street, risking their lives. They collided indiscriminately without any rules, waving their weapons with no regard for their own life or death, just to leave a tragic wound on the opponent's body. …,

The moment the donkey rushed out of the alley, at least seven or eight soldiers were stabbed in the body at the same time. The heavy weapon dragged a large amount of blood and sprayed out with a "puff" sound, all over the donkey's body. The injured soldiers let out weird and crazy laughter, regardless of their own injuries, and waved their weapons in the same pattern. , and gave Huazhou a severe blow to the person who had hurt him.

In just a few breaths, three to four hundred people fell to the ground on this stretch of street. Blood was sprinkled all over the ground, and colorful internal organs were piled on the ground. The sounds of crying and howling were mixed with the sounds of cracking bones and flesh, and it was like the legendary purgatory.

Donkey gasped. Even though he was not a kind person, he suddenly saw the miserable Yimu in front of him and couldn't help but widen his eyes: "What's going on? What's going on? The dog bit the dog in the kennel. Oh? Ouch, what the hell is going on? What a waste, what a waste you bastards!"

With a pitiful howl, an army soldier who was over two meters tall was pierced by a white fork, and then a sailor knife slashed across his neck, causing his head to fly high. It flew up with a stream of blood.

, "What a waste!" The donkey pounced on it, his lips moved slightly, and the headless corpse that was still twitching violently suddenly disappeared without a trace. The donkey scurried into the alley across the road, its two rows of big white teeth squirming violently, and the sound of 'click, click, click' kept coming from its mouth.

"Satisfied, so sweet! That stingy old guy only feeds me hay every day! This will cause malnutrition! Blood, meat, and fragrant internal organs can sustain my daily consumption! Oh, again One is dead!"

The donkey's eyes were gleaming and he ran forward in a hurry. No one could see him wherever he passed. The killed soldiers suddenly disappeared out of thin air one by one, but these soldiers were all confused by the medicine, and they didn't notice anything weird about it at all.

One after another, the dead soldiers were devoured, and a faint light of blood spurted out from the donkey's eyes. His body suddenly stopped, and the donkey jumped up angrily: "Asshole, it's the Blood Goblin bloodthirsty potion, and it's also purified by magic! Asshole, I took too much, I...

A ball of strange fire mixed with purple, gold, black, and red burned from the donkey's brow. It started, and gradually burned throughout his body. The donkey's body was trembling slightly, and balls of blood kept spurting out from his nostrils. After about three or five breaths, the donkey breathed out a puff of hot air: "You bastards, are these unlucky guys drugged? That's why they became so crazy? Who is causing trouble behind the scenes? They almost almost did it. Let the pure me turn into a murderous maniac!."

Lifting his front hooves and gently wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, the donkey chirped: "Fortunately, I have strong self-control. Fortunately, I can resist this and the vicious medicine. Otherwise, if I also go crazy, the whole Dunerker is gone! Those magic sticks will definitely come to hunt me down. I’m not afraid of chasing them, but they have delayed what Blackbeard told me..."

The black hairs all over his body stood up one by one. Donkey looked up to the sky and sighed: "It doesn't matter if I delay his affairs. If I kill that boy Lin Qi, well, I will be put in the soup pot. It's not a big deal to help some old guys." A reasonable person. Of course, this little guy Lin Qi is still very cute, and I don’t want anything to happen to him!”

There were rioting soldiers running around, with fire and sword shadows everywhere, and the donkey shook his head vigorously in confusion.

"Have any cute little Abyss come to the surface? The materials for the Blood Goblin's bloodthirsty potion are extinct on the ground. Only the abyss world can find enough materials to prepare this disgusting potion. It's so courageous, in Dunlin To do such a thing right under the nose of the Church of Erce, does he really have full confidence, or is he just too stupid?”…,

Several warriors carrying long swords rushed over angrily, ran past the donkey without saying a word, and struck a knight with a sword fiercely as he ran past, waving his sword. The riding whip tried its best to suppress the rioting dragoons.

The half-armored dragoon howled miserably, and several long swords fell heavily, cutting him into pieces on the spot.

The donkey tilted his mouth and looked toward the sky calmly.

"What does this smell like? The twelfth-level song of hell, the song of the soul's corruption! The holy secret technique of the Soul God Sect! Damn it, wasn't the Soul God Sect overthrown? Could it be that the soul has been faked and brought back to life again? Really? Fun, so fun!”

A thrown corpse flew towards the donkey. He opened his mouth slightly and swallowed the corpse into his mouth.

"Use waste, reuse waste. I didn't take the initiative to kill or eat anyone. This proves that I have made great progress in cultivating my mind and character over the past ten thousand years! Oh yo yo, who did I see? Those little kids What is this guy trying to do in such a sneaky way?"

Donkey suddenly grinned, and he saw the figures of Enzo, Vic and others.

Although Enzo and the others had changed their clothes and appearance, in the eyes of an old monster like Donkey who had existed for who knows how many years, the body shape, smell and appearance of Enzo and the others could not be concealed at all.

The donkey laughed strangely: "Blood flower? Oh, praise all busty goddesses, are you the one who caused this trouble? I haven't seen you for several years. Boys, you are becoming more and more evil! Only I am Still so pure and kind, I am just a cute little donkey!"

The donkey twisted its butt and chased Enzo and the others. A red-eyed soldier slashed the donkey down with a knife, and then. . .

All the soldiers within a 100-meter radius exploded into a mess at the same time. The donkey hummed a brisk nursery rhyme and followed Enzo triumphantly. (To be continued