Radiant Era

Chapter 540: Crazy Alda


Zhutou is running around outside, crying for monthly votes and recommendation votes!


The naked Alda stretched out his arms, absorbing the various energies in the air that were very beneficial to him. WWw,QuanBeN-XiaoShuo,comRiots, riots, killings, bloodshed, and all kinds of cruel and evil acts were performed unscrupulously tonight. Alda looked at Dunerki under the firelight with admiration, and he suddenly understood that this was the life he pursued!

This is the life a real demon, a demon with the noble bloodline of the Moon Demon royal family should live!

"Cry, struggle, suffer, be sad, no one will come to save you!" Arda looked down at the chaotic municipal square - at least five thousand soldiers were wreaking havoc in the municipal square! Army soldiers and navy soldiers joined forces and were fighting against the militiamen who maintained law and order.

In other parts of the Gallic Empire, the militiamen would have been defeated by the regular army and fled. But this is Dunerke, and the militia here is the legacy of the Black Tiger family! More than two thousand heavily armed militiamen, wearing armor and holding weapons, formed a formation to confront more than three thousand chaotic soldiers. The militiamen advanced and retreated in a well-organized and coordinated manner. From time to time, some rioters with red eyes were knocked unconscious and dragged behind the array and tied up like rice dumplings.

This is Dunerke, a city with strong folk customs. Although the Black Tiger Family has quietly withdrawn, the influence they left behind is still so profound. The militiamen fought bravely and silently, knocking all the rebels to the ground. They pressed forward step by step. The rebels were forced into chaos and had to retreat continuously.

Arda whistled in surprise. He was not willing to let these militiamen continue to do this. They only knocked people unconscious, but didn't kill them. Wouldn't this mean that Alda lost a lot of income? If all the more than 5,000 people here died, Alda even felt that he could store enough power to break through to the intermediate level of saints.

As Arda pondered how to make the commotion bigger, on the floor below him. Dozens of windows exploded simultaneously, and black-red flames sprayed out wrapped in thick smoke. Dozens of rebels jumped out of the window, roaring, and rushed towards the militia formation without fear of death.

The fire was raging, and the Golden Rose Hotel immediately turned into a brick kiln spewing thick smoke and flames.

Alda laughed loudly, and he smiled extremely proudly: "Oh. Stupid humans, kill, kill! Kill and set fire, hahaha, kill and set fire. Since you have killed, of course you must set fire! The flames of hell Ah. What a powerful degenerate power this contains!"

Smiling, Alda's laughter suddenly stopped. He stared blankly at the fire-breathing windows not far from him below, and suddenly roared angrily: "Which bastard who can kill a thousand people set fire to the hotel I'm staying in? Bastard, I'm going to suck out your soul." Come out, I will make your soul struggle and wail in the flames of hell, and I will make you suffer in endless pain forever!"

The naked Alda was jumping around on the terrace. He was naked, that was all. Running around on the street with his butt naked was something that no human being with a normal sense of shame could do. But Arda was a demon. . . As for demons, basically clothes and other things are just decorations for them.

So Alda was concerned about the fire that later burned down the entire hotel. He didn't care at all that he might have to run naked down the street.

What he cared about was the girls in his room, the girls who were naked and sleeping! Eighteen pretty little maids, as well as those hot and passionate wine girls brought by Lillian! Damn the gods, Arda was in disarray in an instant, what should I do? what to do? The fire is already burning! …,

I have to say that Alda still has a very caring spirit! He jumped around on the terrace like crazy for a while. His brain was short-circuited and he suddenly howled at the top of his lungs: "Help. Help! I have many girls here. Help! Save one of my girls, and I will give you 10,000 gold coins!" No, one hundred thousand gold coins will do! Oh, God. Help!"

Just as Alda was crying and wailing for help, a glass window suddenly exploded. Getlin, who was stripped naked like a dead pig, flew out of the glass window and fell heavily to the ground dozens of meters away. On the ground outside. Getlin's body was twisted strangely, and it was obvious that all the joints in his body had been shattered using heavy techniques.

Alda squinted his eyes and glanced at Getlin, who was also naked. He saw that Getlin's body had been extremely seriously injured. The shattered joints were nothing, and what was even more vicious were his meridians and acupuncture points. All his acupoints were blasted to pieces with fighting energy, and he had become a complete useless person. But the shattered meridians and acupuncture points were nothing compared to his brain. Getlin's brain was shaken by an extremely clever person with extremely feminine power. His soul remained intact, but his brain had been lost. all functions.

In other words, Alda became a vegetative state. His body could not move, but his soul could clearly perceive everything that happened to his body! But he was unable to make any reaction! He could only lie on the bed, spending his lower body lying on the bed like a dead person, but no matter what happened to him, he knew it clearly!

"Poor child! God will bless you!" Alda shrugged his shoulders, and then took a deep breath. Getlin's soul was emitting extremely strong negative fluctuations. These negative soul fluctuations were so delicious. Alda sucked in all these soul fluctuations, and then he felt that his soul was floating for a while, and his soul seemed to be in the air. Sublimated under these negative impacts!

Just as Alda was admiring Getlin's miserable situation, several black shadows suddenly appeared behind him.

The donkey walked upright and tapped its two front hooves gently, its two long ears drooped behind its head, and it twisted its mouth and laughed excitedly: "A little hybrid devil? Fuck your uncle. , or a hybrid between the Moon Demon Royal Family and humans? Can I ask, how did a rare breed like yours come about? The Moon Demon Royal Family never intermarry with creatures of other races. In other words, you are a byproduct of rape. ?”

The corner of Alda's mouth twitched and he turned around, roaring hysterically: "Which bastard is talking nonsense? What do you mean that I am a subsidiary product of rape? Damn lowly creature, powerful, handsome, wise, and perfect. Uncle Alda, he has the most perfect bloodline in the world, he has the most perfect body and soul in the world, he also has the most perfect moral character in the world, he is the perfect synthesis of everything! You actually said , I am... a subsidiary product of rape?”

The donkey tilted his mouth and looked up and down at the frantic Alda, and then he laughed contemptuously.

"So, is your father a human? Then your father raped a daughter of the Moon Demon Royal Family!"

"If your father is a moon demon, then your father raped a human woman!"

"Fuck your uncle, no matter how you look at it, you are an accessory of rape, so when you were just born, the fact that you were an accessory of rape has been deeply imprinted on your skin and your muscles. , your bone marrow, your soul is exuding a charming wave - you were born of a raped woman... a mixed race!"

Arda's eyes turned red, and he didn't even notice who was next to the donkey! …,

This hateful, foul-mouthed donkey has successfully aroused all the anger in Arda's life. He roared angrily, took out a scimitar from somewhere, and struck the donkey's head with a sharp blow.

The donkey opened its mouth, and an indescribably huge mouth suddenly flashed in front of Arda. With a 'click', the scimitar in Alda's hand, carefully forged by the master black dwarf of Hell, was broken by the handle. The donkey slowly chewed the broken scimitar in its mouth, making a crisp sound of 'click, click, click'.

"Anger can't solve the problem, little devil!" Donkey smiled evilly, his tail spinning rapidly like a windmill: "You are a complete tragedy born of rape, so face up to your identity and your Life, face this tragedy that is destined to accompany you for the rest of your life! Of course, if you cannot give me a satisfactory answer, your life will be even more tragic, and you may even never see the sun tomorrow again!"

Before Alda could recover, the donkey had already stamped his face with a hoof, beating him so hard that he fell to the ground with a howl.

The donkey roared and laughed wildly, and trampled down like a storm with its two front hooves.

'Da da da da da da', it was like hundreds of wild horses galloping wildly, and the donkey's hooves were in close and passionate contact with Alda's body. The donkey beat Alda to his heart's content and let out an extremely evil and evil laugh.

"Cry, struggle, suffer, be sad, no one will come to save you!" The donkey's eyes flashed with excitement and madness: "You despicable and shameless bug, you bastard born of rape, You are a bastard who has been fucked by me ten thousand times! You actually hid so many busty girls in your room!"

"Oh, God, all busty goddesses, let me represent your will to punish this shameless guy!"

"So many girls with big breasts, long legs, and big butts were fucked by him alone!"

"Damn, this is something I've always wanted to do but couldn't do! Why can this bastard with a 'rape' breath in his soul enjoy such wonderful things? So many big white breasts, so many big breasts ah!"

Alda was going crazy. The beating almost didn't kill him, but every time he was about to be beaten to death, he was woken up from the near-death state by being beaten to death. He was wailing crazily, what the hell is going on

Enzo, Vic and others are also going crazy. This damn donkey, the reason why he caused trouble for Alda as soon as they met is because of those big breasts

After slapping his forehead hard, Enzo suddenly had the urge to kill the donkey with a knife!