Radiant Era

Chapter 572: The unkillable donkey


(12 o'clock)

A butcher strode towards Lin Qi. With his breasts exposed, he swung his three-foot butcher knife and stabbed Lin Qi straight in the heart. Www,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,cOM

There are no fancy moves, just a ruthless move that can kill someone. This is the killer, this is the killer. When killing, they will not consider anything else. They only know one thing - swinging the weapon and sending it into the target's body in the simplest movements and the shortest and most direct trajectory. Kill the target and take your due reward.

The dark red butcher knife exuded a strong cold air. Lin Qi glanced hastily at the beaten donkey, then pulled out a heavy axe, and struck the butcher's head with the ax with all his strength. The last move came first. Lin Qi's movements were more than twice as fast as the butcher's. The small ax of the chariot split the brave butcher into two pieces. The violent white tiger's fighting spirit burst out, shaking his body into pieces. Crush.

But before Lin Qi could retract the axe, two slender bodies had already rushed to his side.

These are two children who are not yet adults, one boy and one girl. They are very pink and beautiful. They look like they should be a pair of dragon-feng twins. With their innocent eyes widened, they quickly rushed to Lin Qi's side and hugged Lin Qi's thighs tightly with both hands.

Lin Qi was stunned. The ax he raised high could not be swung down.

In this stunned moment, this pair of cute and beautiful children opened their mouths, revealing two rows of black sharp teeth. Their teeth were processed into shark-like triangular sharp teeth. The dark teeth gave off a faint cold light, and it was obvious that they were quenched with poison. Lin Qi was horrified. A crazy and evil murderous intention suddenly flashed through the innocent eyes of the man and woman.

With two clicks, the two children bit Lin Qi's thigh hard.

Lin Qi tensed his muscles instinctively, and the sharp teeth of the two children tore white scratches on Lin Qi's skin, but failed to penetrate Lin Qi's skin, which was tougher than earth dragon skin. Lin Qi glanced with disgust at the pair of children who had been poisoned by acquired venom and grew abnormally. The white tiger's fighting spirit roared into the meridians of his legs.

A large swath of white cold light erupted from Lin Qi's thighs. The twins howled miserably, and their bodies were cut into dozens of pieces and shot out.

Lin Qi's face darkened, these damn killers, they actually turned such a cute child into a tool to kill people. He no longer had any intention of holding back on these guys. He held the ax in his right hand and chopped randomly, while his left hand formed a seal and recited a spell in a low voice - a pseudo-forbidden spell? Meteorite falling from the sky

A dozen dim red dots appeared in the sky. When he used this pseudo-forbidden spell on the island of the Jinduo family, Lin Qi's magic power was only at the level of heaven, but now, Lin Qi has entered the holy realm. His mental power and magic power were hundreds of times stronger than before. He communicated with fifteen meteorites in the sky at once, and used his mental power to turn them into invisible orbits, pulling these meteorites down to the ground.

Lord Yunxiao staggered up from the ground. Lin Qi had just let go of killing people, but Lord Yunxiao was frightened by the power of the lava blasting hell just now, and his hands and feet were a little weak. After Lin Qi had dealt with several waves of killers that came up, Yun Xiaojun finally gathered some strength.

Two black goblins holding daggers screamed and rushed towards Lin Qi. Yun Xiaojun snorted coldly. His body swayed, and a green aura slowly spread around him. He shook his fists, accompanied by a low dragon roar. , a faint cyan dragon-shaped energy flew out from his fist, smashing the two black goblins into pieces in the air.

"Jun Yunli, I know you bastard is here. Do you want to kill me too? You damn bitch"

Alda let out a sharp whistle, and his two pairs of huge flesh wings flapped violently. Countless starlights were swept by his flesh wings, turning into circles of star power vortexes that swallowed up the killers who dared to approach him. The star power as sharp as a knife crushed these killers into pieces like a juicer, and countless blood and minced meat spurted out from the colorful whirlpool. …,

A rapid whistling sound came from high in the sky, and fifteen meteorites with a diameter of three meters fell straight to the ground following the trajectory set by Lin Qi's mental power. Judging from the direction of the meteorite's fall, it happened to be the area with the highest concentration of killers more than a hundred meters away. The killers had already discovered the meteorite whizzing towards them with a long flame tail above their heads, and they were yelling and trying to dodge in all directions.

But Alda took action, his flesh wings suddenly condensed, his eyes widened, and he let out a heart-rending banshee howl. The cry of the Siren of the Soul Secret Technique, and circles of soul shock visible to the naked eye spread in all directions. Except for Lin Qi and others who were locked by Alda, all other killers were attacked by the soul shock indiscriminately.

The bodies of the killers present suddenly froze for a while, and this short moment of stagnation took away their lives.

Fifteen meteorites fell with a roar, and fifteen terrifying black-red mushroom clouds slowly flew up. Amidst the loud noise, red flames enveloped an area of fifteen hundred meters in diameter. A large group of killers turned into ashes amidst the explosion of the meteorites. In the ashes, only the most powerful killers at the peak of the sky barely survived the explosion, but they were also dizzy and their internal organs were greatly shocked.

Two light cyan lights flickered slightly, and two arrows suddenly appeared in front of Lin Qi, aiming at his eyes.

Just now, the two elf archers were hiding in the darkness and watching Lin Qi's every move. When Lin Qi cast the pseudo-forbidden spell, he could not move. He had to use his mental power to pull the falling meteorite. The two elves immediately discovered this golden opportunity and launched an attack on Lin Qi's most vulnerable organs. Penetrating the eyeballs and penetrating the skull is the best attack method they can think of.

Two elves emerged from the darkness. They were waiting for Lin Qi's death with weird grins. A cold light passed across their necks, and Bilibili's twisted figure passed over their fallen body. Body. They shouldn't expose themselves in front of a demon, especially since this demon has heavenly strength, is so wretched and nasty, and likes to sneak attack from behind.

With the sound of "Pfft", Xiong Wanjin stopped in front of Lin Qi. Two arrows penetrated deeply into his cheeks, bringing up two bloody arrows. Xiong Wanjin pulled out the long arrow nonchalantly and dropped the arrow on the ground. He shook his head, and there were waves of flesh all over his body. Xiong Wanjin gritted his teeth and said: "Master, I finally understand that being fat also has its benefits. Master, I am so fat, what can you do to me, Master?" manage?"

Lin Qi, who had taken a breath, looked at Xiong Wanjin in horror. He had just discovered that the arrows fired by those heavy crossbows had penetrated seven or eight holes in his body. Now taking a closer look at Xiong Wanjin's body, Lin Qi finally discovered that the fat on Xiong Wanjin's body is really useful.

Those crossbow arrows with astonishing lethality passed through Xiong Wanjin's body, which was more than a foot thick. Although the injuries seemed extremely tragic, in fact they did not hurt his vital parts at all. Such thick fat was like a natural armor. Apart from a little bleeding, Xiong Wanjin was not seriously injured at all. But to Xiong Wanjin, what does it mean to shed some blood

Jun Yunxiao jumped to Lin Qi's side and cursed: "Jun Yunli, I know these are all your people and you fucking want to kill me too? Bastard, I'm right here, I'm right here, you have the guts Come and fight me alone.”

The smoke and dust caused by the meteorite summoned by Lin Qi slowly dissipated, and fifteen huge holes appeared on the ground. The killers who were so densely packed just now seemed to be endless, but now there are less than 600 people left. But those who can survive Lin Qi's meteorite fall from the sky are undoubtedly the most powerful killers. …,

Muffled applause came from the darkness. Yun Lijun slowly walked out of the darkness with a spear and dozens of killers with dull faces.

As soon as Lord Yunxiao saw Lord Yunli, his eyes turned red on the spot.

A few miles away, at the foot of the hill, Lu pressed his palm on the burning donkey's head, pressing his body firmly against the cliff. He slowly pulled out the sword from the donkey's neck, and then stabbed the sword into the donkey's chest. He pierced the donkey's body with his long sword again and again, creating hundreds of transparent holes in the donkey's body in an instant.

The golden divine flames penetrated into the donkey's body along these wounds and burned within his body.

Lu smiled and let go of his hand, letting the donkey's body fall heavily to the ground.

"O evil heretic, let God's fire purify your soul. Your death will bring me merit and honor."

In the low voice of Lu's prayer, the donkey, whose body was stabbed like a sieve, slowly stood up. There was an evil light in the donkey's big eyes. He stared at Lu and muttered in a low voice: "My uncle, grandson, are you interested in stabbing me? I'll stab you, uncle." "

Lu's eyes widened in horror, what kind of monster is this? Surrounded by the divine flames of punishment from the Temple of Punishment, pierced by his own holy sword, he was still alive? What the hell is a donkey? Even those evil beings in ancient times would not have such strong vitality.

The donkey grinned and jumped up. He jumped seven or eight meters high, and his four hooves fell towards Ludang like a whirlwind.

Lu waved his sword in a daze to resist the donkey's attack. He was carefully thinking about some of the church's classics, trying to see if he could find any records about donkeys. He just stabbed the donkey with more than a hundred swords. A normal life form should have died long ago.

But Lu's distraction caused an extremely heavy blow to him. The donkey's hoof broke through the sword net and landed heavily on Lu's face.

There was a loud clang, and Lu was kicked until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he fell to the ground.

With the blazing divine flames of punishment on his body, Donkey stood up and grabbed a two-meter-wide piece of rock, and smashed it at Lu like a pile driver. Loud "rumbling" sounds were heard continuously, and in the blink of an eye the donkey drove Lu into the ground several meters deep. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and reward on the mobile website (.). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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