Radiant Era

Chapter 58: Late night murder


Striding out of Golden Rose, the cold wind whipped up snowflakes and slapped Lin Qi on the face. The biting cold made his hot-blooded mind clear up a little. WWw!QUanbEn-xIAoShUo!Com Ya and Ling came for him. There was no doubt that these two women came for him.

But Lin Qi asked himself that he had never had any grudges with anyone from the Vias Commercial Federation, and he had never had any grudges with women. Thinking back on all the things he had caused in the past few years, unless Ya and Ling were the fiancées of Black Horse House, he could not think of any reason why these two twins, who were born into noble families and were stunningly beautiful, would come to trouble him. .

"The Bavel family, a newly emerging military noble family in the empire, with their power in the empire, it is only natural that they marry a wealthy family from the Vyas Commercial Federation." Lin Qi walked slowly along the alley, walking along On the other hand, he deduced according to the greatest possibility.

"The group of upstarts in Vyas have money, but they lack strong backers. As for the Pavel family, they have thousands of soldiers who can go through life and death, but they have no money. Such two wealthy families If they get married, their development will be really incredible!"

With a cold snort, Lin Qi punched the wall of the alley. The dull pain in his fist brought him back to his senses. He recalled what Blackbeard had taught him when he was young. He quickly threw this greatest possibility aside and began to consider other possibilities.

There is also a possibility that these two arrogant and rude women were brought in by the young men and rich ladies from Dunerke to make things difficult for Lin Qi. But based on Lin Qi's understanding of these dudes in Dunerke, they really didn't seem like people who could do such a thing.

The dandies of Dunerker are extravagant, glitzy, vain, and hypocritical. Compared with their ancestors, these dudes who were born with fine clothes and fine food have long lost any fighting spirit. This is the biggest reason why Lin Qi was able to use them as pocket money when he was a boy. They were bullied by Lin Qi when they were young, but no one publicized this matter to the outside world for fear of losing face. This was the main reason why Lin Qi was able to squeeze them year after year, month after month.

Would these dudes, who were accustomed to being bullied by Lin Qi, deliberately find these two women to deal with them

This possibility is unlikely and can be discarded.

So, who else has this possibility

After carefully sifting through countless figures in his mind, when Lin Qi walked out of the alley, he saw a man with magnificent purple eyes, hair as bright as flames, and an extremely handsome appearance. However, he was a one-eyed man who was attracted by Lin Qi's keen thinking. Locked.

"Arthur! You're such a pretty boy who feeds off women, you can really surprise me!"

There is no doubt that the two women who are in trouble with Lin Qi are outsiders, and they are very rich outsiders, and they are definitely of noble birth. In such a cold winter, two foreign women have no idea how to return to the Vias Commercial Federation quickly. Instead, they are interested in finding an agent in the dock area to take them to have fun!

Two rich, beautiful, and noble women unexpectedly found an agent from the dock area, and took them to an equally unfamiliar place. Lounge fun where you know the ins and outs! And as soon as he entered the door, he set his sights on Lin Qi, wanting to have a bet with Lin Qi face to face, and even involved Enzo's life arbitrarily!

Is this what a pair of wealthy young ladies should do

Those rich ladies should all be like Angel. When they see a mouse running past, they scream in surprise, and then fall into a coma on the ground with a glow, waiting for a certain noble man to rush over and kiss her red lips and use artificial respiration. Wake her up!

How can those wealthy ladies have the courage to spend millions and gamble with human lives

"Lovely Arthur, you damn one-eyed bastard, you are really tired of living!"

There is no doubt that these sisters came specifically to seek Lin Qi's bad luck because someone begged them. Otherwise, how could all this be such a coincidence? Lin Qi had just returned to Dunerke and came to Golden Rose for the first time to look for pocket money. Such a pair of inexplicable women came to the door

With a sneer, Lin Qi squatted down and grabbed a large ball of snow from the ground. Lin Qi squeezed the snow into fist-sized hard snowballs, and threw the snowballs unethically. He heard constant popping noises, and dozens of street lamps near the exit of the alley were smashed to pieces by him. The oil lamps in the lampshades were smashed, and the lights were extinguished. This long section of the coastal avenue was immediately plunged into darkness. …,

After walking some distance and standing on the breakwater, Lin Qi blew a whistle made of a conch the size of his thumb.

A low sound like a tiger's roar came out continuously. This sound was very deep, but it had strange penetrating power. Carried by the howling cold wind, the tiger's roar spread quickly, and in the blink of an eye, half of the dock area heard the strange roar.

Then a series of tiger roars came back from the distance. The tiger roars spread outward in waves. In the blink of an eye, they spread throughout Dunerqi and continued to the black pine forest on the outskirts. Arrived deep in the forest.

Sneaky figures appeared on dozens of large and small ships in the harbor, and they all looked towards Lin Qi at the same time.

Lin Qi played the whistle attentively, and through the changing frequency and ups and downs of the tone, Lin Qi spread his request.

At the edge of the harbor, a very large whale-hunting boat with a length of more than 100 meters violated port management regulations and left its berth in the dark night. With the guidance of the experienced pilot, the whale hunting boat accurately moved through thousands of large and small ships in the harbor, and slowly approached the breakwater where Lin Qi was located.

This kind of whale hunting ship with a body length of more than 100 meters is a special ship, and it is equipped with a very powerful whale hunting harpoon. This kind of whale-hunting harpoon activated by magical power is used to hunt the high-level magical beast "Narwhal", which is a specialty of the North Sea.

Of course, under certain special circumstances, this powerful and overbearing whale-hunting harpoon can also be used to hunt other targets—for example, people!

A dozen strong sailors jumped onto the breakwater, and Lin Qi said a few words to them in a low voice. The sailors hurriedly returned to the whale hunting ship, carried down the three sets of whale hunting harpoons, and arranged them on the dock.

In the alley in the distance, a large group of people walked out quietly. Lin Qi's eyes were sharp, and he saw the tall, thin man walking in front of these people, with a strange-shaped scythe on his back - one of Blackbeard's henchmen, the big boss responsible for all the evil-doing heroes in the dock area. , 'Death's Right Hand' Baal, whose strength is not much better than that of a hammer or a butcher's knife.

Among those behind Barr, some were openly carrying military crossbows strictly controlled by the empire.


I’m getting ready to leave the hotel for some activities. I don’t know exactly when I’ll come back yet, so I’ll update a chapter in advance.

The third update is completed today and it flashed