Radiant Era

Chapter 59: Crazy sniping


Expressionless Ya Heling walked out of the Golden Rose solid gold door. wWW. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. The middle-aged man driving the car held Enzo's collar and followed them closely. The door closed heavily behind them, and then there were several sounds of the door latch being lowered. Then the rose petals on the door glowed with faint light patterns, and a protective magic circle was opened.

Ya and Ling snorted coldly, feeling angry in their hearts. This was the first time that they had been kicked out unceremoniously. Jin Qiangwei's boss Jin unexpectedly declared that they were unwelcome guests and forcibly kicked them out.

What made them even more irritated was that the agent they hired, Lafontaine, actually stayed at Golden Rose. He was explaining and begging for mercy to Jin with a mean look on his face, but he actually ignored them, their employers. Ya Heling yelled at La Fontaine a few words, but La Fontaine seemed to not even want his bride price, and was determined to stay in Jin Qiangwei to explain to Jin.

What made them even more furious was that Lin Qi's vicious curses before leaving left Ya and Ling stunned.

Yahe Ling, who was born into an extremely noble family and had a strong support in the church, could almost decide the political changes of some small countries on the road with just one word, yet someone actually insulted them with such obscene and filthy words! It was like two pure white epiphyllums, and someone poured a basin of sewage from the sewer on them.

A few things put together, Ya and Ling were so angry that they were confused. They even crushed the tracking circle in the corner of their sleeves to prevent Elham from the Green Rose Hotel from seeing their embarrassing state. It was the first time in their lives that they had been treated like this. Elham was their companion and classmate who had grown up together, and now they were also their partners in completing tasks at the same time. How could they dare to let Elham pass in their shame and anger? The water balloon mirror technique saw the humiliation they suffered

The tracking circle on his sleeves was destroyed, and Elham was unable to use magic to determine their location, and the water ball mirroring spell naturally also failed. The two women were isolated from Elham's gaze, and they breathed a sigh of relief. How could such ugly behavior be seen by others

"Lin Qi, this damn despicable sinner, he must receive the harshest trial." The two women's eyes were blazing, and their bodies were shaking slightly with anger as they walked. The flame between their brows gradually lit up, a faint heat wave spread in all directions, the cold wind became scalding wherever it passed, and all the snow flakes within ten meters evaporated instantly.

The middle-aged man carrying Enzo asked in a low voice: "Two adults, how should we deal with this boy?"

The middle-aged man has already pinched Enzo's neck. With just a move of his fingers, he can crush Enzo's neck bones.

Ya Heling was silent for a while, then waved his hand casually: "He is inferior to an ant, leave him here and let him fend for himself."

In Ya Heling's mind, a small person like Enzo, who comes from a civilian family and is no more than a human knight, with no background, no backing, no background, and no prospects for development, is not worthy of their excessive attention. focus on. Just like the garbage on the roadside, after using it, do you still have to step on it? Ya Heling, who relies on his extremely high self-esteem, would never do such a thing.

The middle-aged man nodded and threw Enzo on the side of the road. Large snowflakes kept falling on Enzo, and a thin layer accumulated in the blink of an eye.

In the middle of the alley, there is an entrance and exit on the wall. Inside is a small carriage yard. Dozens of carriages are parked here. There are dedicated people taking care of the horses pulling the carriages and taking care of these valuable carriages. This is the private parking lot of the Golden Rose Lounge, and only guests of the lounge can park their vehicles here.

The middle-aged man greeted the servants as the carriage was ready, and he respectfully waited on Ya Heling to board the carriage. With a soft drink, the four black horses screamed, and their silver-coated hooves trampled the ground heavily, splashing large sparks. The carriage left the yard with the crisp sound of hooves and soon walked out of the alley.

As soon as he walked out of the alley, the middle-aged man's expression changed slightly. There were no lights on this coastal avenue, and all the street lights on the avenue, which was more than ten miles long, were extinguished. There was a faint smell of lamp oil in the air. It was obvious that these street lamps had been vandalized maliciously, and the lamps in the lampshades were broken, so the smell of lamp oil came out.

Throwing down the riding whip, the middle-aged man loosened the reins and whispered, "Two adults, something seems wrong."

Lin Qi was standing on the observation deck of a fishing boat, looking here from a distance. A low tiger roar came from the distance. As the tone changed, Lin Qi understood the meaning of the roar - Enzo had been found and he was safe. …,

"Then, let's start!" Lin Qi said with a sullen face: "Let these outsiders know that this is Dunerke, this is the territory of the Black Tiger family. If they provoke me on the family's territory, they must pay with their blood. cost!"

With a casual wave of his hand, Lin Qi made a chopping motion with a knife. Lin Qi sneered: "Uncle Baer, that man can chop him into fish feed. It's up to you to decide what the two women in the car are, but the... The gold tickets and ornaments are both valuable, I want half of them.”

Wearing a black robe, the sea breeze rolled up the robe and danced wildly in the wind. Baal, the right hand of the god of death, who carried a nine-foot-long scythe on his back, laughed sinisterly a few times. He pouted and blew a sharp whistle. , and then said coldly: "Are they two little beauties? Or twins? The animals on Wudalian Island will like them. Among their royal families, human beauties are very popular!"

'Bang, bang, bang', three loud noises came, and three dark cold lights disappeared into the pitch-black night.

The narwhal's body is more than thirty meters long, its skin is harder than steel, and its vitality is longer than that of snakes. The whale hunting harpoon specially made for hunting narwhals is astonishingly powerful. The whale hunting harpoon driven by the fire-based explosive array is forged from a special alloy and painted with various destructive runes. It can penetrate a foot thick wall within 300 steps. Homogeneous steel plate, the subsequent explosive force can blow up a small house.

The three two-meter-long whale hunting harpoons were less than a hundred steps away from the carriage when they were fired, which was the most powerful shooting range of the whale hunting harpoons.

The three whale hunting harpoons hit the carriage almost simultaneously with a cracking sound. Although the middle-aged man was prepared in advance, he did not expect the attack to come so quickly and so violently. He waved his hands, and his fists were enveloped in a punch of blue-black light. A layer of rich blue halo covered the periphery of the blue-black light, and that layer of green was even a little bluish.

A knight at the peak of his status is still one step away from crossing the threshold of heaven.

But what was used to deal with him were three whale hunting harpoons used to hunt high-level monsters.

The middle-aged man's hands accurately struck the two hunting whale harpoons shot from the slant. With a loud noise, two whale hunting harpoons exploded, and his two arms were blown into pieces. Another hunting whale harpoon shot from behind pierced his chest and almost knocked his upper body away.

The four black horses in front of the carriage were also blown to pieces. The carriage was pushed out more than ten meters by the force of the explosion, and then fell heavily to the ground.